Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free
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(AKA: The Aussie Hermit)
Master of Marketing. Student of Persuasion. Drinker of Whiskey. Hermit.
Luke By The Numbers…
Age: 38
Years in Business: 11
Hours Studying Marketing/Persuasion: 12,000+
Total Spent on Advertising: $22,000,000+
Leads Generated: 500,000+
Emails Sent: 1 Billion+
Coaches Helped: 1,000+
Revenue Generated for Clients: $50,000,000+
iTunes U.S. Top 100 Marketing Podcast
What Industries Leaders are Saying About Luke…
"We're averaging 3 new apps per day from email & a good majority of them are solid. Based on our price point & conversions, email should add an extra 6 figures or so next month. Which we're very happy with”
-Landon & Stapes
8-Figure Coaches, Clients & Community
"Luke just consulted me on my messaging. I have been in the online marketing industry for years (Very successful) and worked with some of the biggest names. Luke DEFINITELY knows what he's talking about. He's very strategic, creative and insightful. If you're looking for the absolute best talent, you should be talking to Luke. Thanks Luke!”
-Jim Fortin
World's Foremost Authority on Subconscious Transformation
“Luke's copy has been responsible for millions in coaching sales for my clients. If you get a chance to learn from him, take it! I've even asked him to coach my high-level clients!"
-Jason Hornung
World Leader in Online Advertising, Hornung Agency
"The reason I asked Luke to be featured in The 6-Figure Coach Magazine is because he’s always at the forefront of what’s working online to get coaching clients. If you’re coach or consultant looking for more clients, Luke’s the man you’ve got see”
-Karl Bryan
Publisher & Owner 6-Figure Coach Magazine
“He's one of only a handful of people I trust to write copy for my clients and I've been in this game for over a decade! His ads just convert. If you want to grow your business online, see Luke. Now!”
-Rory Stern
7-Figure Ad Agency Owner, RFS Digital
“Through Luke’s help I’ve been able to take my mortgage coaching business from 0 to 7-figures in 18 months. Luke, I can’t thank you enough"
-Mark Blundell
Australia's #1 Mortgage Coach, Mortgage Sales Mastery
“I’ve hired Luke to write copy for my agency many times, and every time he knocks it out of the park. Whether it’s an ad for a private boarding school, weight loss program, retail coaching, or Christian jewellery - his ads have converted in every niche he’s written for. Quite simply, he’s a master at making your marketing convert in any niche”
-Matt Pshock
Leading Online Ad Agency Owner, Good Tree Agency
"We were hesitant to hire Luke because his fees are quite expensive. However, all that fear melted away when we saw hundreds of sales gushing into our business every day! Now, we think he’s the bargain of the century!”
-Victoria Black and Gen Davidson
Owners of Australia’s #1 Diet,
Many Coaches are shocked when I tell them to send an email each day. Which is understandable because most of the time they’re barely sending 1 per week. So what I want to do right now is give you a list of 6 reasons why I (and why you should too) email daily: Reason 1: Most aren’t ready to buy but will be some day Something like 90% of your market aren’t ready to buy right now, but will be some day. That could be in 5 days. It could be in 15 days. Or it could be in 150 days. It’s different for each individual on your list. Either way, the best way to convert those prospects is to simply be there when they are ready to buy. That way? You follow up. By sending an email each day you ensure that if someone is ready to buy today, tomorrow or in 50 days - you'll be there, putting your offer in front of them. And because you've spent that time building the relationship, they’re most likely going to choose you. After all, most of your competitors aren’t sending an email each day. Reason 2: Positioning. It’s simple… I know that if I send an email each day that adds value and demonstrates my expertise, I’m going to be “top of mind” when they’re ready to buy. That’s called positioning. And positioning is powerful because it effectively eliminates your competition. You become first choice even among bigger name gurus. The only price to achieving this? Sending one email each day. Reason 3: Each new email is a reason to buy Unlike a guru funnel where you only get one shot to close them - or one opportunity to convince them of why they should buy - with email you get many chances. One day you can overcome one objection. The next you can overcome another. Then the day after you can talk about a benefit of your program. Then after that you can show a testimonial etc. No other funnel system has that. And that’s why daily email is incredibly powerful in persuading your prospect to work with you. Reason 4: It’s stupid simple. Let’s face it… Sending one email per day is so simple a goat could probably do it. And they've got hooves! It’s not like a complex funnel system that has you setting up all these convoluted pages, tons of up sells and down sells, and automations that look like a family tree from The Lord of the Rings. No. It’s just one email per day. And that means all you really have to know how to do is log into an email system. Copy/paste it in and hit “send.” Reason 5: My list enjoy them Yes, it’s true! My list actually enjoys my marketing emails. So why wouldn’t I send them every day if they love AND buy from them? I’d be silly not do. And guess what? When you send emails the way The Aussie Hermit teaches - where your list loves to read and buy from them - you’d be silly not to send them each day as well. And that leads me to… Reason 6: It gets lots of clients Sending emails each day gets you clients, period. Of course, your emails have to be valuable and end with an offer they actually want to buy. But if you get those two parts right, you’ll have a constant flow of high-paying clients for years to come. And that’s it! That’s The Aussie Hermit’s 6 Reasons Why I Send Emails Each Day (Even Saturday & Sunday). With that being said… If you want to learn the “how’s” of daily email, well that’s what my 15 Minute Client program is for. Inside I show how anyone - even those who have never studied copywriting - can send winning emails from day one. Along with that, I help you craft your high ticket off, build your list with paid ads, and close those leads who apply to work with you. To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here: -Luke Charlton The Man Cave, Canberra |
Many years ago, I read a book called selling called "Pitch Anything."
And, while it doesn’t 100% apply to the same 1-on-1 sales conversations Coaches go through (the author - Oren Klaff - typically talks about using the system in corporate pitches), there were a few gems I found very helpful for closing more sales.
One of these gems he talks about is “status.”
And it’s funny because, as a copywriter I know how persuasive your pitch can be when you tie an “increase in status” with buying your product.
But I’d never thought about doing it in a sales conversation.
Here’s what he says…
“If you hold high social status, even on a temporary basis, your power to convince others will be strong, and your pitch will go easily.”
Powerful advice.
But how does this apply to us Coaches?
Well, what I’ve found when getting on a call with a prospect, if they see me as an expert, they’ll be much easier to sign up.
This is why I love email.
Because whenever someone books a spot in your calendar from one of your emails, you know they’ll have consumed your content.
And therefore, you’ll know they’ll see you as an expert.
You’ll have high status.
But on the converse…
If you run a funnel (i.e. a “consult funnel”) that has people booking an appointment only minutes after they’ve seen you/your Facebook ad for the first time, these prospects will be much harder to close.
The reason?
You have no status in their mind.
Oren then gives some advice on how to maintain high status in a sales conversation.
Here is one of his tips…
“Avoid beta traps at all costs.
A beta trap is a subtle but effective social ritual that puts you in the low-status position and works to keep you there, beneath the decision maker you have come to visit, for the entire duration of the social interaction.”
Or another way of saying that is…
As the expert, you always need to maintain that elevated status if you want someone investing high-ticket.
You don’t want to fall into a “beta trap” that gives your prospect a higher status than you.
Which makes sense because - why would someone invest in you if they don’t feel like you’re an authority with higher status?
They won’t.
Let me give you an example of how The Aussie Hermit fell into a beta trap that nearly cost me a $6k sale.
Here’s the story:
A while back I had this very well-known, 7-figure Coach apply to work with me.
I checked out his app, and then told him “everything looks good, let’s book a chat to see if it’s a fit.”
What did he say?
“Great, here’s a link to book a spot on my calendar?”
To which I did.
First mistake.
The reason?
As the expert with the solution he needs, he should be chasing me and booking a spot on my calendar.
Not the other way around.
By fitting myself into his schedule I immediately gave away status.
Here’s what happened next:
When I rocked up to the call, there were 3 people there (him and his 2 business partners).
Then before I could take control of the call they start speaking.
They start asking me questions to find out if I’m the right fit for them.
In other words…
They were qualifying me!
Another big mistake.
As the expert, you are the one that needs to start the call off with intention. You need to tell the prospect why you’re here and what the outcome of the call is going to be. And you need to do that from the moment the call starts.
By letting them take control - by letting them start to interview me and ask me to explain why I’m a good fit for them - I lost status once again.
The good news is, I was able to take back control and re-elevate my status by turning the questions around on them.
Then, by the end they were signing up.
But it was very “touch and go,” and I wouldn’t have been surprised if they said “no thanks” with the mistakes I made.
Never again.
And, hopefully, never again for you too…
Always maintain that status throughout the sale.
Make prospects apply to work with you.
Make them book a spot on your calendar.
And make them sell themselves to you on the call.
Of course, there are many more ways to elevate status throughout your sales process - these are just some of the more obvious.
For the rest?
Well, that’s what my 15 Minute Client program is for.
Inside I show you how to send a very *specific* kind of daily email that elevates your status even above the biggest gurus in your industry.
An email that works great even for totally unknown Coaches.
But the best part?
That’s just one of a myriad of different types I show you how to send to get high-paying clients with email.
To know when spots open next, simply put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra
Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free
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