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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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I'm alive!

Wondering why The Aussie Hermit hasn’t emailed all week?

Let me tell you a story…

A couple of weeks ago I moved from Canberra to a new hermit hole near Byron Bay.

And, everything was going swimmingly for the first few days.

We unpacked.

We got settled.

And we got into a routine.

Then it started to rain.

And rain.

And rain.

And then on Monday morning we woke to find a literal sea of water at the edge of our back step.

And then as the rain intensified over the day it started to rise more.

And more.

And more.

To the point where the water was waste deep in our back yard.

And it wasn’t stagnant either.

It was a torrential tsunami of water destroying everything in its path.

Apparently, it was a one in 10,000 year event.

The good news is, we were one of the lucky ones.

The water stopped about 2 inches from coming inside because our house is built quite high.

The bad news is, the rest of our town (and surrounding towns) weren’t so lucky.

In a few days I’ll send you some videos and photos of the devastation. I’m still on limited internet right now so can’t upload anything.

But it honestly looks likes a war zone down here.

Everyone has basically thrown half their stuff onto the street because it’s all waterlogged/full of mud.

Apparently, in Lismore, it’s even worse as the whole town was under water.

I’m talkin’ two stories deep.



Hopefully I’ll be back to sending regular emails from today.

I just had to spend the last week cleaning up all the mud.

I’ve never seen so much mud.

3 inches thick all over the driveway, in our pool and 4 sheds.

It took us about 50 man hours of labour to move it all.

With that being said…

I’ve got something new I’m thinking of launching.

Basically, it’s like a private forum (off social media) that enables us to talk about whatever we want.

Meaning, it’ll be uncensored and allow us to talk about any type of political view or conspiracy theory without the fear of being booted off by some tech overlords.

Also, it’ll be a forum where I provide trainings to help you get more clients.

And the best part is, it’ll be all free.

Let me know if you’d like a place like that with quick "yes" reply to email.

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Somewhere Near Byron Bay

I like your big cajones

Tell The Aussie Hermit if this is true…

When you first started as a Coach, you were excited for your new journey.

So you told friends.

You told family.

You told colleagues.

But, shockingly, most of the comments you got from them… were negative!

“Why are you starting now, the economy is in terrible shape!”

“Why would you do that? 80% business fail in the first year! You should stick to your secure job!”

And my favourite…

“Why would anyone pay you to tell them how to live their life!?”

And the list goes on.

It sucks to be doubted by people so close to you.

But here’s the bottom line:

You’re going to have doubters. Every step of the way.

But you have to understand their doubts are based on their limiting beliefs. Not yours. They doubt you because they doubt themselves.

Second, a lot of them try to cut you down because they’re jealous you have the cajones to chase your dreams. In Australia we call this act “tall poppy syndrome.”

People just don’t like to see others achieve more than them. It makes them feel bad about themselves. This is why celebrity “gossip” magazines sell so well. People feel good about themselves when they know the latest celebrity is actually overweight and ugly without makeup (or whatever).

Anyway, I said all that to say this:

Screw the haters.

Screw the doubters.

You don’t need them. You’re chasing your dreams and that’s AWESOME.

Simply keep working hard, in silence, and let your success be the noise that shuts them up 🙂

With that being said…

If you’d like to shut the haters up sooner rather than later, my 15 Minute Client system can help you do just that.

To see how it can bring you high paying clients who are “ready to buy” your programs before you every speak to them, bounce on over to this link:

-Luke Charlton
Location: The Man Cave

Stephen King’s advice on becoming a successful Coach

Real talk:

I think Stephen King is a complete whack job.

(You wouldn’t believe the disgusting stuff The Aussie Hermit reads about him on his favourite conspiracy blogs)

However, he is successful and has some good advice every now and then. So instead of throwing out the baby with the bath water, let’s take his advice and use it to profit from in our own businesses.

For example:

Way back I read somewhere that he gets the following question asked a lot:

“What type of pen do you use when writing?”

To which he always replies something along the lines of:

“It’s not about the pen. It’s about the writer.

So true.

And so obvious.

So what’s the profitable lesson?

Well, let’s take a step back and look at the actual question being asked.

That being, “what type of pen do you use when writing?"

What I love about this question is that it tells so much about what people think creates success.

Most people think it’s the “shoes” or the “bike” or the “type of paper” or the “bullet proof coffee" (AKA: the hacks and tools gurus use) that's creates success.

But it’s not any of that.

Success is about the stuff they’ve heard a million times before, but don’t want to implement that because it’s “hard” or “boring” or “tedious.”

AKA: the fundamentals.

And it’s that exact mindset - the mindset of someone trying to find a shortcut to success - is why they’ll never be a great basketballer, rider, writer or entrepreneur etc.

And you know what?

It’s exactly the same in the coaching industry.

So many Coaches are struggling because they’re more concerned about implementing the latest “ninja hack” or “conversion secret” or “bot automation” than mastering the fundamentals.

Like, you know…

—> Researching your dream client to the point where you know them better than they know themselves…

—> Learning how to craft irresistible offers they can’t say no to, and…

—> Focusing on one simple strategy to bring in consistent clients (as opposed to “fly-by-the-night” marketing tactics that only work once or twice).

What’s even “funnier” is that you can go into any industry and it’s exactly the same.

The majority of people are looking for shortcuts in weight loss, dating, leadership, parenting etc. - which is exactly why most fail in those industries as well. All these industries are the same because human psychology is the same. And that also means achieving success in each of these industries is the same, too.

You want to focus on the fundamentals first, THEN implement all the “whiz bang” tricks later if you want (but by that stage, you’ll probably have so many clients lining up around your door to work with you you won’t have the time!).

A great example of this “boring” fundamental that everyone’s heard about but doesn’t implement, is “follow up.”

Follow up has got to be the least “sexy” way to get clients, and yet - it’s the most profitable.

The reason?

Most aren’t ready to buy, but will be some day soon.

And when that day comes, who do you want them to think about and buy from?

You of course.

And HOW do you get them to think about and buy from you?

You follow up!

AKA: you build a relationship with them before they’re ready to buy.

So true.

And so obvious.

But rarely implemented.

So if you want clients beating down your door, the secret is not in the tools - it’s in the “I’ve heard it before but haven’t yet implemented” fundamentals.

Kinda boring, kinda not sexy, - but kinda profitable.

To discover how The Aussie Hermit helps you use these fundamentals to achieve outrageous success in his 15 Client program, turn-pike your way over to this link:

-Luke Charlton
Location: The Man Cave

She who holds the gold makes the rules

You may have heard the phrase:

"He who holds the gold makes the rules"

Well, when you have a system pumps out clients for you whenever you please - you hold the gold and you make the rules.

Case in point:

Not long ago, Heather, a client, wrote this my VIP coaching group:


“Hey Guys - sorry to be MIA - I ended up with a 30k
month last month and I’m absolutely drowning.

My calendar is booked and my discovery calls are
pushed out farther than I’d like, so I’m wondering
about charging for my discovery sessions”



From just 1 system, too.

But here’s what she left out of her comment that’s important…

Before leveraging The Aussie Hermit’s daily email system, she spent thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours implementing multiple marketing strategies that got her few leads - and few appointments.

But now that she’s able to generate clients at will almost every time she hits that “send” button…

She holds the gold, and she makes the rules.

For Heather, there's no more chasing prospects.

No more blogging, networking, or time consuming, convoluted funnel strategies.

No more hoping you close this one deal so you can pay the mortgage.

It’s just a 15 minute email she sends each day, then out come pouring the clients.

If that’s what you want, then triple jump on over to this link now:

-Luke Charlton
Location: The Man Cave

Crab mistakes her vagina for an oyster?

Here's a true story you don't read every day…

And it comes straight from Singapore news site "Sunday Register" with the headline…

"Nude sunbather on Singapore beach injured after crab mistakes her vagina for an oyster"

Wowza! That's gotta hurt!

And before you get your panties in a bunch, The Aussie Hermit ain't here to make fun. Getting your privates injured is no laughing matter (yours-hermity has had his fair share of ‘bike bar’ and ‘soccer ball’ incidents. But I digress).

What I am here to do is teach you a powerful marketing lesson…

And that is the lesson of attention.

Let me ask you…

Would you like more people to pay attention to you and your business?


Well, why not just write an article using a similar outrageous headline as the one listed above?

You could even use old National Enquirer headlines like…

"Bigfoot found!"


"Headless body in topless bar"


"Man eats own head“

With headlines like that, you'd attract a lot of attention, right?

"Of course - but it wouldn't be the right attention Grand Master Poobah!”


So my point is this…

If you want more clients, then you need to create messages that are going to get the right attention. That being - the attention of your ideal client.

And the place that this all starts is by very specifically defining who that dream client is you want to attract.

When you have a very clear picture of who that is, your marketing becomes 100x easier, and 100x more powerful.

Take for instance, this email.

In my mind I’m thinking of my dream client while writing. It's a very specific type of Coach who’s been in business at least 12 months, has a small email list, a program that really helps people, but doesn’t have the amount of clients they’d like.

They’re getting by - but they didn’t get in business to get by. They got in business to transform lives, and make good coin doing it.

Further, they feel frustrated and let down from all the programs they've bought that have failed to live up to the hype.

They feel frustrated by the gurus who make it look so easy.

And they feel frustrated when they see so many others on social media “crushing it” when they can’t do the same.

“What am I doing wrong?” they wonder.

Probably the worst part is, their family doesn’t really understand what a coach is. And because of that, there’s pressure to give up what they love so much to go get a “real” job.

Etc etc.

I could go on, but the point is…

Because I know my dream client inside out - I’m able to create marketing materials (i.e. ads, lead magnets, emails etc.) that speak to, and therefore attract that type of client.

For example, that’s how I came up with the headline for my free workshop - “The 15 Minute Daily Email that Turns Tiny Lists into High-Paying Coaching Clients.”

I didn’t just make this up out of thin air. I got this headline idea from being clear about my dream client.

Notice how it’s speaking to Coaches?

Notice how it’s targeting the #1 problem they want solved? (More clients).

And notice how it’s speaking to Coaches who have small email lists?

Again - that’s all by design.

So if you want to get the attention and attract your dream client, it all starts with getting clear on who that dream client is.

That's the first step.

After that, you can more easily create marketing messages that cut through the noise online like an “Elvis spotted” headline from the national enquirer.

With that being said…

If you haven’t defined your dream client, (or you have in past marketing programs but kind of half-assed it), then I recommend you get it done ASAP.

In The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program it’s literally the first we do to help you create a winning marketing campaign.

Then, from there, you'll learn the rest of my daily email system that turns tiny lists into high-paying clients in just 15 minutes per day.

For all the details, crab-walk on over to think link:

-Luke Charlton
Location: The Man Cave

What wakes me in the middle of the night

A while back, The Aussie Hermit posed this question to his list…

"What's the craziest or scariest thing you've seen in a documentary?"

And, I got a bunch of replies.

This was one of my favourites from Lucille…


I once saw a doc about Haitian voodoo and a woman under the influence sat in the dirt eating glass like it was rock candy.

Not one cut or drop of blood.

Haunted my nightmares for months.


Haunting indeed.

Almost as haunting as what lurks in The Aussie Hermit’s nightmares…

It's not his thick, luscious beard falling off…

It’s not his Man Cave burning down…

And, it's not being stuck doing “play dates” with other parents for all eternity.

Each of these are incredibly haunting, sure.

Enough to make any grown hermit retreat to their Man Cave in fear.

But what I talk about it’s something much more shocking.

Something much more scary.

And domething that'll make your blood curdle every time.

That something?

Here’s how the nightmare starts…

One minute, I'm enjoying myself at a seminar…

I’m learning new things.

I'm meeting new people.

I'm getting “hit” left and right with great ideas for my business…

I'm loving it!

But then he comes on…

Like a smarmy, sleazy car salesman, he slides onto the stage and proceeds to work his charisma on me.

At least you think it's charisma. But it's something far worse…

Far more sinister.

And far more evil…

It’s Gary Guru’s “black persuasion magic."

I begin nodding along…

I start to agree with every word he says…

I feel I can trust him because he 'knows’ my pain…

I get excited for what he's offering and the "opportunity" he's gifting me…

And then, before I know it, I'm running to the back of the room, credit card whipped out - unable to control what I'm doing!

I’m spending hundreds of thousands of dollars.

I’m emptying my bank account and maxing out my credit all because this devil trapped me in his guru magic spell.

And when it's worn off…

When the spell is lifted…

All I'm left with is his dog shyte course, a huge pile of debt, and deafening question repeating in my mind…

"How could this happen again?"

And that's when I usually wake up in cold sweats, screaming…


A blood curdling nightmare for sure.

But here’s the scariest part…

This is actually a real nightmare for many!

Many Coaches are persuaded to buy stuff they can’t afford, or that are absolute crap, because of all the “gurus” out there willing to use unethical persuasion practices on people to make an easy buck.

It’s sick.

And evil.

And, it’s a trap The Aussie Hermit himself has been caught in multiple times in the past.

The good news is, once it happens to you, you rarely have to re-live the nightmare again (unless you’re a bit of a slow learner like yours-hermity).

You can easily spot spot him before he starts to work his “black persuasion magic" on you again.

And when you do spot him again, be sure to remember the advice I gave you today, and the money I saved you that day.

It will surely tally into the thousands.

Then, also remember that there are many great programs out there that can get you a great return on your invest.

Like, for example, my 15 Minute Client system.

And if they don’t?

Well, that’s why I put in the triple your money back guarantee.

You go through the course as intended.

You send out 30 consecutive emails.

And if you don’t make at least 10k in revenue?

I’ll triple your money back.

You don’t see too many unethical Guru’s giving guarantees like that, do you?

To find out how you can make this system work for you today, cannonball on over to this link:

-Luke Charlton
Location: The Man Cave

How her marketing almost killed an entire family

True story:

Not long a friend of mine, who we'll call 'Jane,' was in trouble.

On the outside she was the epitome of success.

She was a 7-figure coach. She had the media chasing her down. And, she had a HUGE tribe of followers.

But, behind closed doors, it was a very different story…

For months on end Jane put in 16+ hour days marketing her business.

She hustled…

She 'grinded'…

All-nighter's weren't uncommon.

And, rarely did she take time off. Even a day.

All while managing a chronic disease, too.

Basically, she was working herself into an early grave. And she might have ended up that way had she not been incredibly lucky…

Here’s what happened:

She was driving home from a speaking engagement late one evening. And having not slept for a couple of days she was barely able to stay awake, and was drifting all over the road.

And so, to try and keep herself lucid she began chugging down double espressos. Had the music blasting in her ear. And also had the windows all the way down - even though it was below freezing outside.

Yet, despite all of that, the unthinkable happens…

She falls asleep at the wheel.

From there she drifts across into the opposite lane, right in front of a sedan with a family inside…


She’s shocked awake by the sound of a loud horn, grabbing the wheel she swerves out of the way at the last second, just missing the family’s car.

Her life was saved that night. And so was that family's.

But, here's the thing…

It could very well have been a different scenario.

Imagine it went the other way…

What if Jane took out that family, including the children, but still survived?

What would her life look like then?

Would she have been all over the news?

Would she have been sentenced to life in prison?

What would it have been like to live with the guilt for the rest of her life?

And, what would it have been like knowing she destroyed her life, and the lives of a whole family, including the relatives of that family, too?

It's scary to think about, isn't it?

And what's even more scary is that all this could have been easily avoided.

Here's how…

What I didn't tell you is that my friend was (and still is) obsessed with all the “free” marketing methods to getting clients. And so the reason why she was working long days is because she did things like… write blog posts, post on social media, spend time in social groups, go to networking events, do FB lives, run workshops etc all day and all night just to keep the clients coming in.

She was doing all the methods that take a ton of TIME to market your business for not much ROI.

And it was never ending.

However, if Jane had instead chosen to focus on a method that attracts her clients (as opposed to methods that have her chasing them down), she’d have cut her marketing down to just an hour or so per day.

Or had she followed The Aussie Hermit's methods, just a few minutes per day…

For example, she could have followed my 15 Minute Client system.

This is is where get clients booking into your calendar by sending your list just one email per day.

That’s it.

And had she done that, there's no way she would have needed to take that speaking gig, which means there’s no way she would have been driving home exhausted that evening.

Now, is my 15 Minute Client system going to save YOUR life and the lives of others?

Well, if you’re constantly exhausted by the free methods, then it just might.

But real message here is this…

Why would you focus on methods that have you chasing clients down, that have you busting your butt for little ROI, that have you exhausted for little ROI, and that steal you away from your family for little ROI?

It just doesn’t make sense to me.

And, if you’re of the same belief, then maybe it’s time to use a strategy that attracts clients to you for years to come, without all the hustle.

If that’s what you want, drive on over to this link now and check out my 15 Minute Client system:

-Luke Charlton
Location: The Man Cave

Marketing your prospects can't get enough of? Here’s how…


Another one of The Aussie Hermit’s fans - Stacy M. - writes in…


Love the Forrest Gump Email.

Definitely a saver - who am I kidding? I save all your emails. Your stuff is the best email content, period.

I open and READ it every time.

Thank you!

-Stacy M.


Well look at that…

Marketing emails that get opened, read AND saved every time?

Say it ain’t so Grand Master Poobah!

It’s so!

And it just goes to show I ain’t makin’ this stuff up…

When you send marketing emails people actually want to read, good things happen…

They get opened…

They get read…

And most importantly - if you’ve got a desirable offer in them - they get bought from!

To learn how you can send emails your list actually wants to read in 15 minutes per day (works great even if you’re not a writer or have studied copywriting), lug your way on over to this link now:

-Luke Charlton
Location: The Man Cave

Forrest Gump’s Guide to Email Marketing

Recently, The Aussie Hermit watched Forrest Gump with Alana (Indiana’s mum).

And, even though I’d already seen it a dozen times…

I’m still blown away by how good it is.

What I particularly like about it is the great messages it sends around achieve success.

And, as I was reflecting on that at the end of the movie, I turn to Alana and ask her…

“After watching Forrest Gump, and him achieving so much success in so many different areas even though he was slow - what message do you think that sends?”

She says…

“For me, it says that he actually had an advantage because he was slow. Whenever he wanted to achieve something, he achieved it because he didn’t have to deal with all the overthinking, fear, contaminated thoughts etc. us “regular” people have to deal with.

He just did each activity as was instructed to him, without second guessing, and that’s why he was so successful.”

Great response.

And you know what?

As I thought about it, I realised success in email is exactly the same…

I find a lot of Coaches and Experts aren’t successful with email because their minds are riddled with fear about things like…

What people will think about them…

Whether their content is good or not…

Whether they’re emailing too much or too little…

Whether they’re selling too much or too little…

And on it goes.

There is so much fear, second-guessing and contaminated thought with sending emails, that it holds perfectly capable Coaches back from making huge sums of dinero.

It’s a damn shame.

Which is why I thought I’d do something a bit different today and give some tips on how to send profitable emails the “Forrest Gump” way…

Without using your brain!

That way, even if you’ve got an IQ of only 60, you can still get clients with email 😉

Here we go…

Tip 1) Don’t “think up” content for an email

One of the slowest ways to create an email is to sit in front of your computer and try to “think it up.”

What happens most of the time is we just get the blank page sweats!

So don’t use your brain!

Take the Forrest Gump approach…

The fast way to get your email ideas/content is not from your brain, but from the marketplace.

Look at this email.

I didn’t think it up - it’s come directly from a movie I watched, and a conversation I had.

Go back and look at my other emails. They’re the same!

I didn’t think them up. I got the content from a personal story or somewhere online.

How’s that for not using your brain!

Thanks Forrest Gump.


Tip 2) Don’t think when writing


Your best emails are those where you don’t think…

Where it’s just flowing from your subconscious to your fingertips.

If you have to stop to think about what to say in your email it’ll stop the flow and s…l…o…w you down!

So get your email out all in one go.

Don’t stop. Keep writing. Edit later.

Use this motto when writing…

“Write, Forrest, Write!”

Tip 3) Don’t use big words

Use language so simple Forrest Gump could understand it.

No this isn’t because your audience is dumb.

It’s because if you use big “50 cent” words it takes more energy to understand the message (yes, even for more “sophisticated” or “educated” or “high performance" people). And more energy means you’ll have less people reading all the way 'til the end.

And that’s the part where you make your offer. So, it’s pretty important you get your message consumed!

So keep your words simple.

Think 5th grade level max.


Tip 4) Don’t over edit

When you’ve finished your email - you want to review it.

But don’t go over it multiple times. Doing so will almost certainly put you in a perfectionist mindset, noggin you down for hours.

Take the Forrest Gump approach…

Read it out loud. Slowly. And read it just once!

This will help you smooth out the flow of the email, fix the structure, and will help you pick up any glaring grammatical errors.

From there, simply move onto the final step…

Tip 5) Don’t think, just hit “send.”

What would Forrest Gump do after he’s written his email and read over it once?

He’d hit send!

He wouldn’t overthink…

He wouldn’t worry about whether it was good or not…

He wouldn’t have one lick of fear because he knows the most important thing to do with your email once it’s done is to send it out…

Because that’s when the dinero’s are made.

So there you have it…

That’s Forrest Gump’s Guide to Email Marketing.

Pretty simple, right?

And that’s exactly how email is when you take away all the fears and self doubts that gets stuck in our brains.

With that being said…

If you’d like to get clients from a system so simple even Forrest Gump could profit from it, then maybe it’s time to take a look at The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program.

For all the details, run, Forrest, run on over to this link:

-Luke Charlton
Location: The Man Cave

Eat my frog

Ever read the productivity book "Eat that Frog"?

If not, here's gist of it…

Brian Tracy (the author) says that if you want to be productive, you've got to start your day by completing the biggest, ugliest task on your to-do list.

AKA: the biggest “frog."

As opposed to what others do like…

Check their email…

Respond to FB messages…

Trawl through LinkedIn and FB groups…

All the "busy" work that makes you feel like you've got stuff done, but when you look back on your day, you really haven't.

So by doing your most important, energy consuming task at the beginning of your day, you'll be far more productive - even if that's the ONLY thing you got done!

It's a simple system - but it works.

And that's exactly why the #1 to-do on The Aussie Hermit's list each day is to send you his 15-minute email.

It may not be the most time-consuming task, but it’s the biggest “frog” because it has the biggest impact on my business.

I know if I can get that one, solitary email out, that’ll be enough for me to continue the sales coming in, the bills paid, and my family safe.

Also, I know if I just eat that single frog, I can then go on and spend the rest of the day doing far more fun things like sipping whiskey, smoking a stogie, and of course - perusing conspiracy theory forums.

But I digress…

If you want that same type of freedom, that same type of security, and that same type of frog, then leap on over to this link now:

-Luke Charlton
Location: The Man Cave

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

Click the purple button, enter your details, and get the 9 email offers delivered to your inbox instantly>>>