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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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The case against autoresponders

A while back I had a bad case of the flu.

The Man Flu.

And, as you can imagine, I was sick as a dog.

With more trips to the bathroom than Hillary to the confessional.

And, unfortunately, I only had the energy to send one email that week.

Far less than my average of one per day.

Now, here’s the thing…

I could have had an autoresponder sequence that sent out emails for me automatically.

Then my list would have got emails even when I was lying in bed, fast asleep.

Or driving the porcelain bus, as us Aussie’s say.

And that would have been a good solution.

Because when you think about it, the great thing about autoresponders is that you can program 100, 200 and even 10,000+ emails in a sequence. Tell the system you want to send out 1 email every day, and you literally have a daily email sequence that can last years.

So no matter what you’re doing…

Whether you’re on vacation…

Whether you’re spending time with family…

Or whether you’re sick with the WuFlu, the clients and cash flow keeps rolling in.

Seems like a pretty good deal.

So why didn’t I have one setup?

Well, it’s the same reason this email is called "the case against autoresponders."

Here’s the truth:

If you automate an email sequence that doesn’t convert, you’ll have spent all that time writing emails for no cheddar.

And this is exactly what happens with the vast majority of Coaches who try to set up an email autoresponder.

They spend all this time setting it up…

They spend all this time writing emails…

They spend all this time getting people to opt into their email list…

And they get no sales.

It’s sad.

And, quite scary.

But the solution is simple:

After working with hundreds and hundreds of Coaches on their emails, the reason they don’t convert is because…

They don’t know their market.


They aren’t sending emails that hit the correct paint points and desires of their market. Along with that, they’re often sending out emails with an offer that doesn’t resonate.
Or worse - no offer at all.

So the reason this email is called "the case against autoresponders" is not because autoresponders are bad. Not at all. In fact, I plan on doing a long one down the road some day.

The reason it’s called that is because most Coaches simply don’t know their market.

And if you don’t know your market, your emails ain’t going to convert.

This is exactly why I love to send out emails manually each day.

By sending out an email each day you can see what is and what isn’t working very quickly.

Send out an email and no appointments get booked?
Maybe that’s not a message your prospects want to hear about.

But send out a message that gets a flood of appointments?

Well, you obviously said something that resonated.
So again…

When you take this approach, you learn very quickly what your market wants, and what they don’t want.

Then from there, you simply keep speaking to the same pain points and desires to bring in consistent clients.

And this is exactly why I don’t teach my clients how to set up an autoresponder in my 15 Minute Client program.  

I make them send out emails manually each day.

And I do this because I know it’s the fastest path to learning what your market wants, and therefore…

It’s the fastest path to clients.

With that being said…

If you’d like to build a thriving coaching business sending just one email per day, then maybe my program is what you’re after?

To find out when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

The 3 domino coaching business

I always loved playing dominos as a kid.

Not the actual game.

The game where you line them up and knock them over.

My sister and I would have competitions to see who could make the longest, most complex domino line.

We’d go through the lounge room, into the kitchen, and down the hallway until they ran out.

Of course, The Aussie Hermit would win.

Somehow, my sister's line always got *accidentally* knocked over before she could finish.


Funny thing is, I thought we were pretty good.

Then years later I saw some YouTube videos of domino competitions with literally millions of pieces.

And so complex were these lines that they took months to create.


Also like my sister and I, the domino team with the longest, most complex system won.

So why do I bring this up?

Well, as I was thinking about this today I realised this is basically how gurus run their business.

They believe the person with the longest, most complex funnel wins.

Sure, it’s impressive if you have a tripwire that leads into an up sell, that leads into another up sell that leads into a webinar that leads into a 567 day automation sequence that triggers and tags depending on what link they clicked or what they ate for breakfast that day.

But who really wins here?

Not the regular Coach trying to put this stuff together, that’s for sure.

What gurus and their egos don’t realise is that the goal is not to create a complex marketing system.

It's not to show off to your buddies how many automations you have.

The goal is to get you, the Coach, some frikken clients.

And if clients are all you want, then you don’t need any of that crud.

Instead, there are just 3 dominos you need to knock over:

Domino 1) Generate email subscribers with 1 paid ad.

This allows you to attract qualified leads onto your list on autopilot.

No more trawling through Facebook groups.

My more awkward DM’s.

No more begging for referrals.

Just one ad that promotes one lead magnet to build your list.

Then once people are opting (and only once they’re opting in) I give you permission to move onto…

Domino 2) Send those subscribers 1 email per day with an offer to work with you.

One email per day demonstrates your expertise…

It builds that all important “know, like and trust” for a high ticket sale…

And it allows you to put your offer in front of your prospect so you can get consistent appointments.

And, by the way, you also focus on this domino until you get those appointments.

Do not pass go.

Do not collect $200.

You tweak until people are booking in your calendar.

Then, finally, once you hit that goal we get to…

Domino 3) Close applicants with 1 high ticket offer

Not 5 offers.

Not 3.

Not even 2.

If you want to get sales in the shortest time, you just focus on one offer.

And you keep having conversations until you can close that offer consistently.

And that’s it.

Just these 3 dominos are what I believe (after spending 16M+ on ads and working with pretty much every funnel around) is your shortest, simplest path to high paying clients.

Of course, you can make it more complex if you want.

You can try to impress your friends with a million dominos.

The problem with that is, with many more dominos comes many more things you have to get right just to get some clients.

This is something the gurus don’t tell you.

Because if they did, you probably wouldn’t buy.


I’m obviously biased because I sell a system that helps Coaches implement the above 3 dominos.

So if that bothers you, then probably just ignore everything I said.

But if all you want is some frikken clients and you like the idea of keeping it super simple, then maybe you’d like the Ol’ Aussie Hermit to teach you his system?

To know when spots open next for my 15 Minute Client program, simply put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Is “the money” really in your list?

Tell me if you’ve heard this before…

“Build a list!”

“You’ve got to build a list!”

“The money is in the list!”

The Aussie Hermit definitely has.

And, it’s the one of the first pieces of advice we Coaches get as soon as we start trying to build our business online.

Now, let me ask you…

Have you built a big list yet?

If you’re like most Coaches I speak with, my guess is probably no.

And, taking another educated guess, that’s not because you haven’t tried.

Oh, I know you’ve spent hours and hours building that list, only for you to get little in return.

Here’s the truth:

For the first 3 years of my coaching business I tried to build my list. And after hundreds of hours writing blogs…

Doing my Youtube Show…

Going to networking events…

Publishing my podcast…

And posting on my social profiles…

I barely got it to the 1000 mark.

Then, after all that effort, you know what I found?

I emailed my list and rarely got any clients from it.

The money wasn’t in the list at all!

But fast forward a couple of years and The Ol’ Aussie Hermit discovered a mistake I was making when it came to getting clients from my list.

You see…

The big piece of advice we’re told when we first start building our business is “build your list.”

However, no one teaches us how to email that list.

So the mistake I was making was I was sending my list the wrong type of emails…

Specifically, I was sending emails that added value, that taught great content…

But didn’t convert into clients!

In other words…

I was sending emails that didn’t sell.

And that’s the mistake I see with Coaches, too.

They’re great at adding value.

They’re great at getting people writing in saying, “wow, I’m learning so much from your emails!”

But when it comes to turning those same prospects into clients?


The good news is, you don’t have to stop adding value in your emails in order to sell.

You can actually do both.

However, you’ve got to do it the right way.

As mentioned, you can’t just “teach teach teach” and expect them to buy.

And, there’s a few reasons for this.

But the main one I want to touch on today is…

When you hard-teach your prospect is using a different part of their brain.

A part of their brain that is far less emotional, and far more logical.

This kills sales because selling is built off emotion.

No emotion, no sale.

So what’s the solution?

How do you add massive value and sell at the same time in your emails?

Well, first you want to stop hard-teaching hard.

AKA: sharing “how to” content.  

There’s a time and place for this and that’s inside your program.

Second, you want to stick to the “what” and the “why.”

When you tell them what they need to do and why, this still adds huge value.

In fact…

Just teaching the “why” of something can be life transforming.

For example…

If you’re a weight loss Coach and you really believe “keto” is the answer to their body transformation goals. Well, if you tell them why keto is the best and they believe you, then they will do everything they can to use keto to transform their body.

Meaning, you’ve just given them the motivation to change their life.

And who do you think they’ll look to for the “what” and “how to”?

You, that’s who.

So just explaining the why of whatever trick or strategy you’re talking about is extremely valuable.

Third, when you get to the end of your email you actually want to frikken sell.

Highlight a benefit of your program.

Talk about why it’s amazing.

Go bold (not ‘hypey’) on your promises.

In other words…

Talk up your program.

Sell the darn thing!

If you don’t do it, no one else will.

Anywho, these are just a few ways you can finally start getting high paying clients from that list you’ve spent so much time building.

With that being said…

After sending about 1 billion emails now, I’ve discovered one very special type of email that gets me a consistent flow of clients.

To get a client I literally sit down at my computer each morning…

Pump out this email in 15 minutes or so…

Hit “send” and watch my waitlist grow.

I don’t do anything else to get clients.

Even better…

I’ve taught this same 15 minute email to hundreds (and hundreds) of Coaches who’ve used it to also get clients, with many of them being totally unknown in their market.

The only “catch?”

You’ve got to have a consistent stream of quality leads signing up to your list.

(Something I also show you how to do on autopilot inside my 15 Minute Client program).

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Why gurus get clients oh so easy

Have you looked at a guru and wondered…

“Why is it so easy for them to attract clients?”

I did for many years.

And, what annoyed me the most was that their marketing message and even program wasn’t as good as mine.

How do I know?

Because for years I ran ads for some of these top level Coaches (and still do).

And what I found not-so-funny was that, when I wrote and ran their ads, they converted like crazy.

But when I wrote and ran mine?

Results weren’t anywhere near as good.

Weird, right?

So why do these top level coaches - with marketing messages and programs that often aren’t as good as yours - still attract clients?

The truth is, there are a few reasons.

One is positioning.

They’ve just been at the top of the totem pole for so long - with people seeing their ads and emails every day - that prospects just gravitate toward them.

They naturally assume the guru Coach is the best because they simply see them all the time.

This is why the big brands spend billions on marketing to get their ads and logo everywhere.

It’s all about positioning, my young Hermite.

The second reason is really why I’m writing this email today.

Because it’s the second reason that took me a lot longer to figure out.

Here’s how it works…

Take a look at a fairly new coach.

And take a look a guru coach in that same industry.

Then watch how they speak.

Watch how they talk about their subject.

Watch how they sell over the phone or on a webinar.

And watch how they present their message on camera, on podcasts and in their emails.

What do you notice?

Here’s what I notice…

One delivers their message with certainty, and the other with uncertainty.

One is certain they can get results, and the other not so certain.

And this certainty is what attracts clients to them.

One of the biggest improvements to my own campaigns is not creating a better marketing message.

As mentioned above, I’ve been able to write great marketing messages for years.

For me, what has been the biggest difference - and why I find it easy to attract and sign clients now - is because I speak with certainty.

When a Coach comes to me with a marketing or sales or funnel problem, I can tell you - within an instant - exactly what you need to do to fix it.

And I tell you with certainty.

The reason why this is attractive is because - as Jay Abraham says - people are silently begging to be lead.

And who do you think they want to be lead by?

A Coach who’s 100% certain or a Coach who’s uncertain?

The answer is obvious.

But here’s the question…

How do you communicate with certainty?

For me, it’s all about clarity.

The reason why I’m so certain in what I say is because I’m clear.

I’m clear on exactly what needs to be done to get certain marketing results.

I can tell you, without hesitation, what needs to change in a funnel and why.

What needs to be tweaked and why.

Or what needs to be said and why.

I’m certain.

However, if you ask The Ol’ Aussie Hermit, “What do women want?”

Well, then I start to second guess myself.

Then, I start to think.

Then, I start to become uncertain.

Even if I’m not literally “uming” or “ahing” or bumbling around, just by the fact I pause or don’t answer quickly enough my uncertainty is obvious from non-verbal queues.

Just ask Alana.

Point is…

When you’re clear on your subject matter and how to get results, you become certain.

And that’s why becoming certain is not an overnight thing.

It’s something you attain after working with clients, in many different scenarios, to get results.

There is, however, one thing you can do each day that helps give you more clarity, which leads to more certainty.

That one thing?


I was just speaking to a client about this yesterday…

What I love most about writing is how clear it helps me get on how I get results for my clients.

Nothing works as well to give you clarity.

Not podcasts.

Not videos.

Or any other form of content creation.

Writing, and writing alone, is numero uno to help you get clarity.

And this is another reason why I love sending daily emails.

Each day I get to sit down and get clear on how I get results.

I get to think through my methodology.

And that gives me certainty.

Think of it this way…

The more emails you write, the more clear you get.

The more clear you get, the more certainty you have.

And the more certainty you have, the more attractive you become.


The other great thing about email is that you get to end with a call to action to work with you.

It’s not just writing for clarity.

You’re also writing to get clients.

And when it comes to getting clients, I find there are no other methods that come close for simplicity and profits.

When you follow my approach, all you have to do is send out one email to your list per day, and you can get a consistent flow of clients lining up to work with you.

So if more certainty and clients is what you’re after, make sure to put your name on the waitlist to know when doors open next to my 15 Minute Client program:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

What to do if you get unsubscribes

A while back, a subscriber sent this in…


Every time I send an email I get one or two ’s. So I’m super nervous to send every day bc then I won’t have a list anymore


The Aussie Hermit hear’s this all the time.

Coaches too afraid to email their list for fear of losing that list.

And, I don’t blame them!

I used to have the exact same fear…

I’d have this tiny list of just 500 (that I worked my butt off for years building), and then every time I emailed that list I’d lose a good 5 to 10 people.

So you know what I did?

I emailed less.

And you know what happened?

I got less unsubscribes, sure.

But do you know what else I get less of?


Here’s the truth:

There’s a direct correlation between the amount you earn and the amount of emails you send.

Send your list more emails and you’ll get more clients.

Send your list less emails and you’ll get less clients.

Send your list no emails and you’ll get none.

It’s that simple.

So what’s the solution?

How do you send your list lots of emails without your list withering away to nothing?

Well, the first part to that question is simple:

Get more people to subscribe to your list than those who are leaving.

You’ve got to be constantly building your list because if you’re not, it will wither away to nothing. And this, I suspect, is the underlying reason why Coaches are afraid to email each day.

They’re simply not adding enough people to their list.

Let me ask you…

If you were were getting 20-30 email subscribers per day, and losing 2-3 through unsubscribes because of your daily email, would you care?

Of course not.

And so that’s the key.

And that’s why I never worry about unsubscribes.

I’ve always got new people being added to my list each day.

Funny thing is, I can’t even remember the last time I checked my unsubscribe rate.

(Although, to be fair, I can’t remember my kids names half the time so take that for it is)

Now the second part to ensure your list doesn’t wither away is to send emails they actually enjoy reading.

Yes, it’s true.

You can send marketing emails your list actually enjoys to open, read and buy from.

Do this, and you drastically reduce the amount of unsubscribes.

Of course, you’ll still get a small percentage.

But that percentage will be a lot smaller than if you were to email like most other gurus who just pitch pitch pitch.

With that being said…

If you’d like help with getting more prospects added to your list, plus also learning how to send that list emails they love to receive, that’s exactly what I go through in my 15 Minute Client program.

As mentioned above, I did the free/organic list building methods for years and to be quite honest…

They suck.

They took up way too much of The Aussie Hermit’s precious time - and that’s when I didn’t have kids.

Now my time is even more precious - and way more limited.

I suspect you’re the same.

So that’s why inside the program you’ll learn the "Autopilot List Launch" system.

It shows you how to get quality prospects opting into your list each day with just one ad and one landing page.

So simple is this approach it’s helped hundreds of self-confessed "technophobe" Coaches launch their very first ad campaign.

And the best part is, you only need about $20/day to start.

Then from there I teach you my "15 Minute Email" formula that gets prospects eagerly reading your emails each day and of course, buying from them as well.

And what you’ll love here is that you can learn my formula in an afternoon and be sending emails the same day.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Forest Gump's guide to email marketing

Recently, The Aussie Hermit watched Forrest Gump with Alana.

And, even though I’d already seen it a dozen times…

I’m still blown away by how good it is.

What I particularly like about it is the great messages it sends around achieving success.

And, as I was reflecting on that at the end of the movie, I turn to Alana and ask her…

“After watching Forrest Gump, and him achieving so much success in so many different areas even though he was slow - what message do you think that sends?”

She says…

“For me, it says that he actually had an advantage because he was slow. Whenever he wanted to achieve something, he achieved it because he didn’t have to deal with all the overthinking, fear, contaminated thoughts etc we “regular” people have to deal with.

He just did each activity as was instructed to him, without second-guessing, and that’s why he was so successful.”

Great response.

And you know what?

As I thought about it, I realised success in email is exactly the same...

I find a lot of Coaches and Experts aren’t successful with email because their minds are riddled with fear about things like…

What people will think about them…

Whether their content is good or not…

Whether they’re emailing too much or too little…

Whether they’re selling too much or too little…

And on it goes.

There is so much fear, second-guessing and contaminated thought with sending emails, that it holds perfectly capable Coaches back from making huge sums of dinero.

It’s a damn shame.

Which is why I thought I’d do something a bit different today and give some tips on how to send profitable emails the “Forrest Gump” way…

Without using your brain!

That way, even if you’ve got an IQ of only 60, you can still get clients with email 😉

Here we go…

Tip 1) Don’t “think up” content for an email

One of the slowest ways to create an email is to sit in front of your computer and try to “think it up.”

What happens most of the time is we just get the blank page sweats!

So don’t use your brain!

Take the Forrest Gump approach…

The fast way to get your email ideas/content is not from your brain, but from the marketplace.

Look at this email.

I didn’t think it up - it’s come directly from a movie I watched, and a conversation I had.

Go back and look at my other emails. They’re the same!

I didn’t think them up. I got the content from a personal story or somewhere online.

How’s that for not using your brain!

Thanks Forrest Gump.


Tip 2) Don’t think when writing


Your best emails are those where you don’t think…

Where it’s just flowing from your subconscious to your fingertips.

If you have to stop to think about what to say in your email it’ll stop the flow and s…l…o…w you down!

So get your email out all in one go.

Don’t stop. Keep writing. Edit later.

Use this motto when writing…

“Write, Forrest, Write!”

Tip 3) Don’t use big words

Use language so simple Forrest Gump could understand it.

No this isn’t because your audience is dumb.

It’s because if you use big “50 cent” words it takes more energy to understand the message (yes, even for more “sophisticated” or “educated” or “high performance" people).

And more energy means you’ll have less people reading all the way 'til the end.

And that’s the part where you make your offer. So, it’s pretty important you get your message consumed!

So keep your words simple.

Think 5th grade level max.


Tip 4) Don’t over-edit

When you’ve finished your email - you want to review it.

But don’t go over it multiple times. Doing so will almost certainly put you in a perfectionist mindset, noggin you down for hours.

Take the Forrest Gump approach…

Read it out loud. Slowly. And read it just once!

This will help you smooth out the flow of the email, fix the structure, and will help you pick up any glaring grammatical errors.

From there, simply move onto the final step…

Tip 5) Don’t think, just hit “send.”

What would Forrest Gump do after he’s written his email and read over it once?

He’d hit send!

He wouldn’t overthink…

He wouldn’t worry about whether it was good or not…

He wouldn’t have one lick of fear because he knows the most important thing to do with your email once it’s done is to send it out…

Because that’s when the dinero’s are made.

So there you have it…

That’s Forrest Gump’s Guide to Email Marketing.

Pretty simple, right?

And that’s exactly how email is when you take away all the fears and self-doubt that gets stuck in our brains.

With that being said…

If you’d like to get clients from a system so simple even Forrest Gump could profit from it, then maybe it’s time to take a look at The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program?

It shows you how to send one simple email each day that gets high-paying clients chasing you down.

To know when spots open next, run, Forrest, run on over to this link:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

11 ways to "make bank" with your email list

Because my favourite number is 11...

And because my favourite business asset is an email list…

Here are 11 ways to “make bank” with your email list:

  1. You can offer different services

    This one is the most obvious.

    And the strategy most think of when it comes to email lists.

    But when you have an email list you can offer different services to bring in revenue each month.

    You can offer done for you services…

    You can offer coaching or consulting…

    Or you can offer courses.

    And the cool thing is…

    As long as you email them consistently, and as long as you’re offering something they want…

    You’ll always have a group of people that want to purchase from you.
  2. You can pitch other peoples products and services

    The funny thing is, you don’t even need an offer of your own to make out like a king with an email list.

    All you really need to do is find a great offer that you can pitch to your list.

    This is what “affiliate marketing” is.

    Of course, it’s better if you can sell your own services (the profit margins are better and you get to build a buyers list).

    But pitching other people's products and services can be a great way to make extra sales if you know there is a need in your list that you can’t serve.
  3. You can ask for interviews

    A great way to position yourself as an expert and generate more email subscribers to your list is to do an interview.

    Simply send out an email to your list and offer to do an interview.

    You never know who on your list has a podcast or an audience that’s a good fit for what you sell.

    Also, if you have an email list you can reach out to podcasters (big and small) and mention you have a list size of “X thousand.” And that if they interview you, you will promote the episode to your list.

    That’s called leverage!
  4. You can ask for testimonials

    Is your email, blog, or other content valuable?

    Have you helped people on your list get results?

    Why not send out an email and ask for a testimonial?

    You can use these in future emails to book more appointments (or make more sales).
  5. You can get employees

    Is your coaching business expanding?

    Well, your email list is a great place to get potential employees.

    Simply send out a job offer and see what comes back.

    Often I find my clients are great potential employees because they know my systems.
  6. You can fill a Facebook group

    I always get asked what the best way to fill a Facebook group or other forum-type community is.

    And I always give the same answer…

    You build your email list first, then you invite them to your community with emails.

    And the reason why is…

    Once you’ve got the email subscriber, you can tell them about your group every day if you want.

    But if you drive traffic straight to your group and they don’t join then and there, well, you’ve lost them for good.

    You don’t have the opportunity to follow up because they’re not on your list.
  7. You can get a podcast audience, YouTube subscribers, or blog readers

    Just like above, if you want to get a big audience of listeners, viewers or readers to your content, then you want to build your list first, then invite them to your show.

    I’ve seen many a Coach try to drive traffic straight to their podcast on iTunes or blog on their website.

    Will it get you listeners or readers?

    Yes, but it’s wayyy too expensive.

    Better to get the opt in first, then send them to your show/blog each week when a new episode/post comes out. 
  8. You can fill an offline or online event

    Want to run a webinar?

    Want to do an offline retreat?

    Want to do a 5 day challenge?

    Your list is a great way to fill those events.
  9. You can sell books

    There are a lot of Coaches out there who have a book (or want to write one), but their only marketing strategy is…

    “Put it on amazon and beg people for reviews.”

    Well, with the amount of books on Amazon that’s not that great of a strategy.

    However, what is a good strategy is to sell your books to your list.

    Simply send out a bunch of emails when your book launches and watch the sales flood your Amazon account!

    Or, if you don’t want to sell it on Amazon you can do it via your own check out

    Either way, you win with email!
  10. You can do JV’s

    One of the easiest forms of traffic to convert is when someone else promotes you.

    And when you have a list, it’s easy to get others to promote you through JV’s because you simply promise to promote them back.

    Just make sure you promote someone you trust and has a legit offer.

    You don’t want to burn your list!
  11. You can make money even if the “Facebook Overlords” (or other platforms) shut you down

    This last one is one of my favourites.

    And the reason why is - when you build your list, you own the data.

    So if Facebook or Google or even your email system shuts you down - no biggie.

    You can simply move to a new platform and continue to send emails and make sales.

    That’s the type of security not even a government job can give you.

And that’s it!

That’s The Aussie Hermit’s “11 Ways to Make Bank with Your Email List”

With that being said…

If you’d love the idea of having a big, responsive list…

But aren’t sure how to achieve that - then maybe I can help?

Since 2015 I’ve spent over $16 million on ads, and generated over 500,000 leads for my clients (with most of those leads coming for Coaches in all types of different markets).

But what’s most important, is that I know how to generate quality leads.

AKA: Those leads with the motivation and money to buy what you sell.

Many Coaches can get opt ins, but getting the right opt ins is often where they struggle.

That’s where I can help.

Inside my 15 Minute Client program I walk you through how to build a list of quality leads on autopilot using paid ads.

Then I show you how to convert that list into clients with one email per day.

To be notified when doors open next, head on over to this link:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

The “unicorn” email that closes any prospect

Do you remember the moment everything “clicked” for you?

It’s that moment where you made a discovery so huge, everything about your approach to getting results in your area of expertise changed.

For The Aussie Hermit, it was when I was floundering in business…

It was 2014.

I’d just got back from the UK.

And I was living with my Nan as she was the only one who would let me live rent free.

In fact…

I even had to get a side job in a cocktail bar just to pay off my debt.

But what I decided to do during that time was take a few steps back and work out a simpler way to build my business.

You see, up until that point, my approach to marketing was basically to “throw spaghetti at the wall.”

Meaning, I would try as many things as I could at once as I believed, “the more I did, the more chance I’d have of attracting clients.”


Here’s what happened…

In my time in London I did blogging, a YouTube show, speaking, podcasting, networking up to 5 nights per week, LinkedIn prospecting, webinars, virtual events, small private events plus many more strategies.

I even did cold calling at one stage because I was so out of ideas.

But that wasn’t even my most desperate act…

My most desperate act came at the end of my time in London when I went knocking on restaurant doors to try and sell them an offer that had nothing to do with my coaching…

A mobile app for their business!


The point is, though…

I tried a lot of things - and none of them worked.

And so when I got back to Australia, I knew I didn’t want to market my business that way anymore.

I knew I had to find something simple, straightforward and most of all…

Something that actually worked.

So during the daytime I would read about marketing. And during the evenings I would work at the bar.

And it went like this for about 6 months.

But everything “clicked” for me when I was reading this old-school marketing book.

And inside it was telling a story about this real marketing guru (not a fake “guru”) Chet Holmes (he’s dead now, but he was a former business partner of Tony Robbins).

And what Chet discovered through his years of working in many different markets was this:

In any one market at any one time, it will always break down into these 5 parts:

—> 3% of your market will be ready to buy today…

—> 7% are open to it…

—> 30% are not yet ready, but will be someday soon…

—> 30% are not thinking about it…

—> 30% aren’t thinking about it and won’t ever buy.

Then what he discovered is that most companies are trying to sell to the 3% and 7% group - the group in your market that are ready to buy now or are open to it.

And that if you try to do the same, you open yourself up to a lot of problems.

For example...

The first problem you open yourself to is - most other businesses are trying to do the same.

Everyone wants to sell to people ready to buy now.

And that means you have way more competition to deal with - making these prospects much harder to convert.

And then the second big problem you have is - these prospects don’t know about your methodology at all.

This means you have to educate them on this in a short amount of time in your sales process.

You have to explain why you do what you do…

What makes you different…

The benefits of your system vs others…

Why it’s the best out of the lot…

And you have to do this in one (or sometimes 2) phone calls.

Not an easy thing to do if you’re not good at selling.

And then the final problem you have is - these people have no idea who you are.

As you may be aware, the sale of coaching requires quite a lot of “know, like, trust and credibility” to be present before they buy.

After all, they’re spending a lot of money with you.

And so to get someone to make a purchase that large who’s only just seen your ad for the first time takes a lot of skill.

Sure, it can work.

But you have to be at the top of your sales game, and your marketing message (and offer) has to be “on point.”

In other words...

You really have to know what you’re doing.

And that’s why selling to the 3% and 7% groups makes it much harder on yourself.

But then he said something that completely changed the way I did business forever…

He said, if you want to be successful in business, the easiest way is to completely ignore that part of the market that are ready to buy now.

Instead, you simply focus on the next 30% - the group that isn’t yet ready to buy right now, but will be someday soon.

Then Chet went on to say…

If you build a relationship with those people before they’re ready to buy, who do you think they’re going to choose when they are ready to buy?


They choose you because they have a relationship with you.

They know you.

They like you.

They trust you.

And they know you’re an expert.

Then he also mentioned, because most of your compeitition rarely focus on this group, you basically get that whole 30% to yourself.

Pretty cool, right?

But how do you build that relationship with them before they’re ready to buy?

Well, that’s the part that’s so stupid simple I cannot believe I hadn’t been doing it up until that point…

You follow up.

By simply following up - by sending regular communications to that group before they’re ready to buy - you put yourself in the #1 position when they are ready.

And that discovery totally changed my world forever.

In that moment I realised I’d found what I was looking for…

A simple, straightforward way to be successful without having to be a marketing guru.

But here’s the thing…

I already knew about follow up. I knew about building a list and emailing it.

(After all, an email system was the first piece of software I invested in).

So I already knew it was important.

But it wasn’t until it was described to me in that specific way did I actually “get” it…

Where I had an “ah ha” moment that made me realise I was doing everything wrong, and most importantly…

Helped me to see what I needed to do going forward to (finally) get consistent clients.  

And that’s why I’m writing this email to you today…

This message is not about the power of follow up (although, hopefully the above gives you the same epiphany I had because follow up is powerful, it is profitable, and it is very simple to get results with).

This message is to show you that it took just a few paragraphs within an old-school marketing book to completely change my approach to business.

(So much so, I have been doing AND teaching this one concept for the last 6 years with my daily email approach)

And I think that’s pretty amazing.

Because it means it takes just one “ah ha” moment for your prospect to realise what they’ve been doing wrong, and what they need to do instead to get results.

And what that really means is…

If you can give them that “ah ha” moment - they will chase you down to work with you.


There have been people on my list that never bought anything from me. But because of one email where I described something a certain way, they wanted to work with me immediately.

They had an “ah ha” moment that finally helped them realise why they needed to implement what I was selling.

I call these “unicorn” emails.

And they’re powerful because in one email, you can convince a prospect who before reading the email had no intention of working with you, but by the end is booking a spot on your calendar to invest.

That’s the good news.

The bad news is, a unicorn email is different for everyone.

Some will get the “ah ha” moment when you describe your story, and why you do what you do…

Some will get the “ah ha” moment when you talk about a certain benefit of your system…

Some will get the “ah ha” moment when they hear you tell a story about a client…

And some will get it from a different type of email.

You simply don’t know.

And while that might seem like a negative, I actually think it’s a positive.

The reason?

Because each day you send an email, you know that it could be someone’s unicorn email.

And that should excite you.

Because it means with every email you send, you have a chance of turning someone who’s not ready to buy, into someone who is.

And who do you think they’re going to buy from when that happens?

Is it going to be the latest guru in your industry trying to hard sell them on a webinar or tripwire funnel because now they’re in that 3% group?


They’re going to buy from you because you’re the one they have a relationship with, and you’re the one who gave them that “ah ha” moment.

With that being said…

If you want to learn how to make follow up work for you, then my 15 Minute Client program could be right up your alley…

Inside I show you how to build your list with quality leads using paid traffic.

Then from there, I show you how to send that list a unicorn email every single day.

To be notified when doors open next, get on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Where I get great email ideas

When I tell Coaches all it takes it get a consistent flow of clients is one quick email per day, they usually love the idea…

But they also have a lot of fears about it.

And one of the big ones that creeps into their mind is…

"How the heck can I come up with enough content to send an email every day?!"

If that resonates, let me give you an example of some random personal stories I’ve turned into profitable emails…

  1. Buying chicken liver at the markets…
  2. A YouTube video I watched about Warren Buffets investment strategies…
  3. My ear wax…
  4. A guru ad that I saw promoting a copywriting product…
  5. A documentary series I watched about vaccines…
  6. A quote from General Flynn I read on telegram…
  7. A scene from The Shawshank Redemption of the main guy crawling through a sewer pipe…
  8. A conversation I had with Alana’s cousin…
  9. A question I got from a client on Apple’s security updates…
  10. My kids constantly hurting themselves…

Plus thousands more.

So you can see - an email can come from anywhere in your life.

In fact, just a regular day is filled with hundreds of entertaining stories you could write about (even if you think your life is boring - look at the examples again. A lot are things I just saw on the internet).

And that’s why when clients work with me in The 15 Minute Client program, they don’t ever think…

"How can I come up with enough content to send a daily email?"

Instead they think…

"Which one of the hundreds of stories I’ve collated should I write about today?"


Of course, some stories are better than others.

Some are more entertaining than others.

And others you don’t want to write about.

So which do you choose to put in an email?

Well, I have a system inside The 15 Minute Client program that helps you come up with hundreds of great stories every week (if you wanted).

But one tip I can leave you with is this…

Choose a story that *sparks* a strong emotion within you.

For example…

If you find it funny, those prospects who resonate with you will find it funny.

If you find it infuriating, those prospects who resonate with you will find it infuriating.

If you find it awe-inspiring, those prospects who resonate with you will find it awe-inspiring.


By picking a strong emotion you have the foundation for a great story email, and you also have a foundation to attract prospects who resonate with you (and that you love working with).

Cool, ey?


If you want in on my program that attracts dream clients sending one email per day, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

I like big backends and I cannot lie

Recently, I wrote a Facebook ad with the headline…

“I like big back ends and I cannot lie.”

And, Big Pappa C thought it was worth sharing here for 2 reasons…

1) It’s hilarious.

At least I think it is (and that’s what counts).

2) It touches on some very valuable lessons within the ad that you can profit from.

With that being said, here it is in all its juicy glory…


“I like big back-ends and I cannot lie…

You other advertisers can’t deny…

When a Coach walks in with an itty, bitty funnel and a big back-end in your face you get sprung!”

At least, I know I do. 😉

Hi, I’m Luke Charlton.

And, it’s true - I’m a man that likes big back-ends.

Also, it seems I’m a bit of a rare breed.

And that’s because most Coaches I meet are more obsessed with big front-ends.

Now, don’t get me wrong…

I like a big front-end just as much as the next red-blooded Coach.

Nothing wrong with a big, round, juicy ROAS producing front-end, am I right?


But here’s the thing…

If that’s what turns you on about a big front-end…

Then I can guarantee you’re going to be turned on even more when I show you my clients' back-ends…

Here’s why:

What front-end obsessed Coaches don’t realise is that for every $1 of profit they make on their funnel, they can almost always earn 3x to 5x more with their back-end…

AKA: Their email list.

In other words…

If you’re making $10k-$50K/mo or more from your front-end funnel…

Then you should be making at least an extra $30k-$150k/mo in *profit* from your email list.

Now, I know what you’re thinking…

“WOAH! Luke!

An extra $30k-$150k/mo!?

That’s a big back-end!

And, all that profit from my email list is definitely starting to arouse my interest - so to speak…

But surely it must take a lot of work to generate that type of revenue!?”

And that’s when I say…

“If you’ve got absolutely no experience with back-ends - then it probably would!

But luckily for you, I’ve been around a few big back-ends in my time if ya know what I mean.”

Here’s what I mean…

Over the last 6 years I’ve spent over 16 million on ads, sent more than 1 billion emails, and helped many clients generate an extra $30k-$150k/mo (and sometimes more) by simply showing them how to utilise their email list more effectively.

Specifically, I have a methodology enables you to get these results with just one 15 minute daily email.

You simply sit down at your computer…

Pump out an email in 10-15 minutes email using my SLC formula…

Hit “send” and watch the appointments and sales flood in…

Of course, it’s not an overnight success solution.

There is work to be done to get it going and to get your emails down to 15 minutes.

(In the beginning you’ll typically take about 30-40 minutes)

But once you’ve got the hang of the system, sales will continue to pour in month after month with only a few minutes work each day.

That means you get to earn 2x-4x more each month for free - because all you’re doing is sending emails to your list.

And there’s more…

Besides the extra profit, other benefits my clients' experience include:

👉Cash flow on demand (simply pump out a 15 minute email and watch the sales flow in)…

👉 Far higher liftetime customer value…

👉 Ability to scale campaigns over $10,000/day in ad spend without ROAS crashing…

👉 Easier to close sales (as you’re dealing with warm traffic)…

👉 Better quality clients (that also get better results)…

Plus much much more including…

👉 Not having to rely on all your revenue coming from your funnel (which makes your business far more stable in these times of rising ad costs and declining CPA’s).

So now you can see why I’m a back-end guy…

And maybe you’re starting to realise you might be a back-end guy (or gal) too?

If so, would you like me to show how I can help you create a big, juicy ROAS producing back-end too?

If so, I'd like to invite you to book a free discovery call with me.”


And then it goes into the rest of the pitch for a free call.

Pretty cool, ay?

But most importantly…

It shows why having regular email follow up is critical to your business.

Especially with rising ad costs.

Most gurus won’t tell you (because otherwise you wouldn’t buy their wackydoo funnel program), but they make most of their profits from email follow up.

I’ve worked with a few dozen 7-figure Coaches now and it’s the same for all of them.

Email is still king.

So if you’re not regularly sending emails, you’re leaving tons of money on the table each month.

One of the things I didn’t mention in my ad above, is that I also help Coaches build their own profitable list as well.

This is obviously a critical part to being successful with email.

You need…

1) A consistent flow of quality leads coming onto your list each day…

I prefer paid ads as it’s automatic.


2) You need to email those leads regularly.

And the more regular the better.

I recommend daily.

And if you do those 2 simple steps, you can have a very (very) successful coaching business.

Of course, “building and emailing” your list isn’t as exciting or “sexy” as the latest guru funnel that has 45 up sells, 16 automation sequences, and 59 different products for you to create.

But it sure is way less complex.

And it’s something that most Coaches (who aren’t marketing experts) can make work simply because you’re not trying to close them with one email. You get multiple emails over multiple days (or weeks) to build a relationship and show them why they should work with you. 

Now The Aussie Hermit doesn’t know about you…

But I’d take simple over sexy any day.

(Except for when it comes to women)

Of course, you may disagree.

And that’s fine.

But if that’s the case I can’t help you.

I’m sure there’s a guru out there somewhere waiting to sell you his latest tripwire funnel.
For everyone else…

If you like the idea of a business that’s simple…

If you like the idea of a business that doesn’t require you to setup a funnel…

And if you like the idea of a business that build you a big juicy back-end packed full of clients sending one daily email - then maybe I can help…

Make sure to sign up to The 15 Minute Client program waitlist to know when spots open next:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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