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(AKA: The Aussie Hermit)
Master of Marketing. Student of Persuasion. Drinker of Whiskey. Hermit.
Luke By The Numbers…
Age: 39
Years in Business: 12
Hours Studying Marketing/Persuasion: 12,000+
Total Spent on Advertising: $22,000,000+
Leads Generated: 500,000+
Emails Sent: 1 Billion+
Coaches Helped: 1,000+
Revenue Generated for Clients: $50,000,000+
iTunes U.S. Top 100 Marketing Podcast
What Industries Leaders are Saying About Luke…
"We're averaging 3 new apps per day from email & a good majority of them are solid. Based on our price point & conversions, email should add an extra 6 figures or so next month. Which we're very happy with”
8-Figure Coaches, Clients & Community
"Luke just consulted me on my messaging. I have been in the online marketing industry for years (Very successful) and worked with some of the biggest names. Luke DEFINITELY knows what he's talking about. He's very strategic, creative and insightful. If you're looking for the absolute best talent, you should be talking to Luke. Thanks Luke!”
-Jim Fortin
World's Foremost Authority on Subconscious Transformation
“Luke's copy has been responsible for millions in coaching sales for my clients. If you get a chance to learn from him, take it! I've even asked him to coach my high-level clients!"
World Leader in Online Advertising, Hornung Agency
"The reason I asked Luke to be featured in The 6-Figure Coach Magazine is because he’s always at the forefront of what’s working online to get coaching clients. If you’re coach or consultant looking for more clients, Luke’s the man you’ve got see”
Publisher & Owner 6-Figure Coach Magazine
“He's one of only a handful of people I trust to write copy for my clients and I've been in this game for over a decade! His ads just convert. If you want to grow your business online, see Luke. Now!”
7-Figure Ad Agency Owner, RFS Digital
“Through Luke’s help I’ve been able to take my mortgage coaching business from 0 to 7-figures in 18 months. Luke, I can’t thank you enough"
Australia's #1 Mortgage Coach, Mortgage Sales Mastery
“I’ve hired Luke to write copy for my agency many times, and every time he knocks it out of the park. Whether it’s an ad for a private boarding school, weight loss program, retail coaching, or Christian jewellery - his ads have converted in every niche he’s written for. Quite simply, he’s a master at making your marketing convert in any niche”
Leading Online Ad Agency Owner, Good Tree Agency
"We were hesitant to hire Luke because his fees are quite expensive. However, all that fear melted away when we saw hundreds of sales gushing into our business every day! Now, we think he’s the bargain of the century!”
Owners of Australia’s #1 Diet,
True story:
5 years ago when The Aussie Hermit moved to London to grow my coaching business (back in Australia now), I was given a lot of bad advice on how to get clients by my then mentor. And, one of the worst pieces of advice he gave me was to “do a press release.”
He said if you do a press release you’ll get picked up by the major media companies, you’ll get a ton of free traffic sent to your website, and your phone will be “ringing off the hook” from people wanting to work with you.
And I believed him!
So the moment I got to London I do what he says…
I write a press release believing it was my “magic bullet” to bring in a rush of clients (and much needed income).
So I write up the release…
I choose the most expensive, $500 option because I wanted to make sure it went to ALL the major media outlets…
I hit “buy now” and I waited for the phone to start ringing!
And did it?
Good god no!
My release didn’t even get me so much as ONE new visitor.
What a waste of money.
But the scariest thing for me is that I really did think this approach was my “golden ticket.” And so when it didn’t work, I had a massive realisation…
Getting clients wasn’t going to be as easy as I thought!
A scary proposition when you’ve just moved to London and you don’t know anyone!
(I wish I had this realisation BEFORE quit my 6 figure/yr job)…
So what’s the lesson?
No it’s not that press releases are a dumb way to go about getting clients. They can work IF you have the right things in place, and if you have your strategy down. But they’re usually a slow burn.
The real moral I want to share is that I know how scary it can be to put all your hope into an approach and it not pay off, then have no idea what to do next to bring in an income.
To get clients, it’s not some quick tactic that’s going to work for you (note: a tactic can work, but it won’t be repeatable). So what you want to focus on is a strategy you can use over and over again to get clients.
Now, there are many strategies to get clients…
You can build convoluted funnels…
You can put together 100+ week automatons sequences…
You can spend hours trawling through social groups trying to find that one “needle in a hay stack” client (while fending off 10 other Coaches doing the same thing)…
You can spend days figuring out “bots” and messenger marketing…
You can focus on the simple, proven, straightforward strategies that have worked since the beginning of the internet.
The best one going?…
1) Build a list.
2) Email that list, each day, with an offer they want.
You can’t get a much more simple strategy than that!
And the best news is - it works for ALL types of Coaches, Consultants and Service Professionals.
Of course, you can choose the bright shiny marketing objects the latest “guru” is peddling.
Whatever floats your boat (or sinks it)!
I’ll still be here, building my list, and taking 15 minutes to email that list each day with an offer they want, and I’ll continue to rake in the big ones!
If that sounds like something you want, then stroll on over to this link now:
-Luke Charlton
Location: The Man Cave
A bizarre question to ask when we don’t really know each other.
And a question that makes you want to turn and run the other way.
Yet, this is exactly what The Aussie Hermit used to do to his prospects every single day.
I’d ask to “marry them” (AKA: sign up to my program) before I knew them - or they knew me and my value as an expert.
For example…
I’d meet a prospect in a Facebook group… and I’d immediately start telling them about how my program would help them.
Or I’d meet a prospect at a networking event… and I’d immediately start telling them about how my program would help them.
Or I’d run Facebook ads to build my list… and I’d immediately start telling them about how my program would help them on the thank you page.
I call it the “marry me” approach.
And, it’s this approach that had me struggling for years, doing sales call after sales call that didn’t end in a sale.
Just a lot of “I’ll think about it” and “I don’t have the money right now” excuses.
Frustrating, right?
So why the heck did I continue to do this even though it would rarely end in a sale?
I was needy.
And that caused me to act in needy ways - like asking a client to marry me on our first date.
So if you’re the same…
If you’re in a place of need…
And if you have a lot of sales calls that don’t eventuate into a sale - then let me ask…
Are you also taking the “marry me” approach?
Are you trying to get prospects on the phone or into a sales conversation before they’re ready to buy from you?
If so, then let me show you what to do instead so you can attract a consistent flow of clients who are waiting at the front of the isle, ready to be wed to you (AKA: ready to sign up to your programs).
Here’s how it works:
Just like with your spouse or past relationships, you want to build a relationship with your prospect before you pop the question (AKA: before you invite them to a sales call).
Because when it comes to coaching, consulting or a service (as opposed to a physical product), you’re selling the knowledge inside your brain. Knowledge they can’t see or touch. Therefore, if you enter the sales conversation and they don’t know you that well, or have never experienced the invisible knowledge inside your brain (through your content), you’ll have a hard time closing them. Hence, why this approach leads to a lot of dud sales calls.
This is why I love email.
Through simple, plain, I’ve-heard-it-before “email follow up," I’m able to build the relationship day by day, then when they’re ready, get prospects on the phone through a call to action in the email. But get this… Because they’ve been reading my emails every day, when I speak to them they already who know me, trust me, know that I can help them, and want to work with me - and I’ve never actually spoken to them.
Imagine that…
Through the power of boring, unsexy, I’ve-heard-it-before email follow up, I have prospects waiting at the end of the isle ready to marry me (AKA: work with me).
From there, and it’s just a matter of me deciding whether I want to marry (work with) them.
And that’s how most of my sales conversations now go.
I don’t have to sell - they’re already sold.
There are many other approaches out there that get prospects on the phone for you - but there’s really only one that gets them on the phone, with this level of trust, with this level of knowledge about your true value, and with this level of enthusiasm to work with you.
If that sounds like the type of sales conversations you want, then maybe my 15 Minute Client system is for you.
To find out, run here now:
-Luke Charlton
Location: The Man Cave
Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free
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