Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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Luke 500x500


(AKA: The Aussie Hermit)

Master of Marketing. Student of Persuasion. Drinker of Whiskey. Hermit.

Luke By The Numbers…

Age: 39

Years in Business:  12

Hours Studying Marketing/Persuasion:  12,000+

Total Spent on Advertising: $22,000,000+

Leads Generated: 500,000+

Emails Sent: 1 Billion+

Coaches Helped: 1,000+

Revenue Generated for Clients: $50,000,000+

iTunes U.S. Top 100 Marketing Podcast

What Industries Leaders are Saying About Luke…

"We're averaging 3 new apps per day from email & a good majority of them are solid. Based on our price point & conversions, email should add an extra 6 figures or so next month. Which we're very happy with”

-Landon & Stapes
8-Figure Coaches, Clients & Community

"Luke just consulted me on my messaging. I have been in the online marketing industry for years (Very successful) and worked with some of the biggest names. Luke DEFINITELY knows what he's talking about. He's very strategic, creative and insightful. If you're looking for the absolute best talent, you should be talking to Luke. Thanks Luke!”

-Jim Fortin
World's Foremost Authority on Subconscious Transformation

“Luke's copy has been responsible for millions in coaching sales for my clients. If you get a chance to learn from him, take it! I've even asked him to coach my high-level clients!"

-Jason Hornung
World Leader in Online Advertising, Hornung Agency

"The reason I asked Luke to be featured in The 6-Figure Coach Magazine is because he’s always at the forefront of what’s working online to get coaching clients. If you’re coach or consultant looking for more clients, Luke’s the man you’ve got see”

-Karl Bryan
Publisher & Owner  6-Figure Coach Magazine

“He's one of only a handful of people I trust to write copy for my clients and I've been in this game for over a decade! His ads just convert. If you want to grow your business online, see Luke. Now!”

-Rory Stern
7-Figure Ad Agency Owner, RFS Digital

“Through Luke’s help I’ve been able to take my mortgage coaching business from 0 to 7-figures in 18 months. Luke, I can’t thank you enough"

-Mark Blundell
Australia's #1 Mortgage Coach, Mortgage Sales Mastery

“I’ve hired Luke to write copy for my agency many times, and every time he knocks it out of the park. Whether it’s an ad for a private boarding school, weight loss program, retail coaching, or Christian jewellery - his ads have converted in every niche he’s written for. Quite simply, he’s a master at making your marketing convert in any niche”

-Matt Pshock
Leading Online Ad Agency Owner, Good Tree Agency

"We were hesitant to hire Luke because his fees are quite expensive. However, all that fear melted away when we saw hundreds of sales gushing into our business every day! Now, we think he’s the bargain of the century!

-Victoria Black and Gen Davidson

Owners of Australia’s #1 Diet,

Earl Nightingale's guide to more clients

07 Jun 2020
Posted in

Recently, I invested in this old school Earl Nightingale program called “Lead the Field.”

If you’ve never listened to it - highly recommended!

Only $30 or so, too.

Anyway, there’s this story his tells called “Acres of Diamonds.” And, if you listen close, it’ll lead you to “Acres of Clients.”

Here’s a brief overview of the story so you can see for yourself:


“An African farmer heard tales about other farmers who had made millions by discovering diamond mines. These tales so excited the farmer that he could hardly wait to sell his farm and go prospecting for diamonds himself. He sold the farm and spent the rest of his life wandering the African continent searching unsuccessfully for the gleaming gems that brought such high prices on the markets of the world. Finally, worn out and in a fit of despondency, he threw himself into a river and drowned.

Meanwhile - the man who bought his farm came across a diamond in a stream on the farm. This eventually lead to him discovering one of Africa’s most productive diamond mines.

So without knowing it, the first farmer had owned, free and clear… acres of diamonds.”


So the moral of this story is very clear…

Before you go looking elsewhere for diamonds, first look for those in your own backyard. There are always diamonds there if you only look.

And it’s the same with clients.

There are acres of clients in your backyard, right now, if you’ll only look…

For example, let’s take your email list.

There are hundreds, maybe even thousands of prospects that are sitting there, in your database who have opted into your list to get help on your topic.

And so there are certainly at least a few, right now, who are ready to become clients.

They’re looking for help. They want to invest.

Even on the tiniest of lists.

But, will they invest with you?

Well that depends…

Do you have a relationship with them?

Do they see you as an expert?

Do they even know you exist?

For most Coaches, Consultants and Experts, it’s a big “no” against all those 3 questions.

And because of that, you’re losing your diamonds to the farmer next door (AKA: your competition) who does have these things with them.

Don’t worry though, there’s a simply remedy…

If you want to mine the acres of clients out of your own backyard, your own list, and stop your competition stealing them from right out under your nose - your prospects have got to know you, like you, trust you, and see you as an expert that can help them.

When they have this connection with you, a simple email straight to their inbox promoting your latest program will often be enough to get them on board (provided the price is right, of course).

But how do you do this?

How do you build a relationship so strong they’ll jump at the bit to devour anything you release?

The answer you already know.

It’s not new.

Or sexy.

Or the latest “ninja hack” - but it works. Incredibly well.

The way to pull diamonds out of your mine for the rest of your days is to do the #1 profit strategy you know you should be doing, but aren’t…

And that, of course, is to ‘follow up.’

You see, because I take the time to sit down and send one follow up email every day, I build a relationship with my tribe, I build trust with my tribe, and most importantly…

I get to demonstrate, every day, what makes me an expert.

And because of that, I continue to mine the acres of clients out of my database.

It’s true there are acres of clients in your database right now.

However, if you don’t take time to nurture and take care of this “mine,” the diamonds won’t last forever.

Tend to that mine - send an email to your list, every day - and you’ll have the one of the most productive mines in the coaching industry.

For more details on how you can send emails that mine those diamonds, spin on over to this link:

-Luke Charlton
Location: The Man Cave

Green eggs and email

06 Jun 2020
Posted in

In the famous Dr. Seuss story, Green Eggs and Ham, “Sam-I-Am” pesters an unnamed character to eat green eggs and ham.

And, after pestering and pestering and pestering the unnamed character finally gives in…


Sam! If you will let me be, I will try them. You will see.

(Unnamed character eats the green eggs and ham)


I like green eggs and ham! I do! I like them, Sam-I-am! And I would
eat them in a boat.

And I would eat them with a goat…and I will eat them in the

And in the dark. And on a train. And in a car. And in a tree. They are so good,
so good, you see!

So I will eat them in a box. And I will eat them with a fox. And I will eat them in a
house. And I will eat them with a mouse. And I will eat them here and there. Say! I
will eat them ANYWHERE!

I do so like green eggs and ham! Thank you! Thank you, Sam-I-am!


Great story.

But, why is The Aussie Hermit bringing this up?

Because, for the trained marketing eye, this serves an incredibly profitable lesson…

By offering your list your green eggs and ham…

By being as persistent as Sam-I-am…

By sending an email every day…

You may not sign them by the 6th…

You may not sign them by the 105th!

But eventually you will, statistics say…

If your offer your green eggs and ham every day!

If you email every day your green eggs and ham, 50% of your list will become a fan!

By the 18th month it’s true, it’s true, nearly 50% of of your list will buy from you!

So take Sam-I-Am’s advice, and email today…

In fact, offer your list green eggs and ham every day!

To find out more on how this works…

Just go to this link:

-Luke Charlton
Location: The Man Cave

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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