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Luke 500x500


(AKA: The Aussie Hermit)

Master of Marketing. Student of Persuasion. Drinker of Whiskey. Hermit.

Luke By The Numbers…

Age: 39

Years in Business:  12

Hours Studying Marketing/Persuasion:  12,000+

Total Spent on Advertising: $22,000,000+

Leads Generated: 500,000+

Emails Sent: 1 Billion+

Coaches Helped: 1,000+

Revenue Generated for Clients: $50,000,000+

iTunes U.S. Top 100 Marketing Podcast

What Industries Leaders are Saying About Luke…

"We're averaging 3 new apps per day from email & a good majority of them are solid. Based on our price point & conversions, email should add an extra 6 figures or so next month. Which we're very happy with”

-Landon & Stapes
8-Figure Coaches, Clients & Community

"Luke just consulted me on my messaging. I have been in the online marketing industry for years (Very successful) and worked with some of the biggest names. Luke DEFINITELY knows what he's talking about. He's very strategic, creative and insightful. If you're looking for the absolute best talent, you should be talking to Luke. Thanks Luke!”

-Jim Fortin
World's Foremost Authority on Subconscious Transformation

“Luke's copy has been responsible for millions in coaching sales for my clients. If you get a chance to learn from him, take it! I've even asked him to coach my high-level clients!"

-Jason Hornung
World Leader in Online Advertising, Hornung Agency

"The reason I asked Luke to be featured in The 6-Figure Coach Magazine is because he’s always at the forefront of what’s working online to get coaching clients. If you’re coach or consultant looking for more clients, Luke’s the man you’ve got see”

-Karl Bryan
Publisher & Owner  6-Figure Coach Magazine

“He's one of only a handful of people I trust to write copy for my clients and I've been in this game for over a decade! His ads just convert. If you want to grow your business online, see Luke. Now!”

-Rory Stern
7-Figure Ad Agency Owner, RFS Digital

“Through Luke’s help I’ve been able to take my mortgage coaching business from 0 to 7-figures in 18 months. Luke, I can’t thank you enough"

-Mark Blundell
Australia's #1 Mortgage Coach, Mortgage Sales Mastery

“I’ve hired Luke to write copy for my agency many times, and every time he knocks it out of the park. Whether it’s an ad for a private boarding school, weight loss program, retail coaching, or Christian jewellery - his ads have converted in every niche he’s written for. Quite simply, he’s a master at making your marketing convert in any niche”

-Matt Pshock
Leading Online Ad Agency Owner, Good Tree Agency

"We were hesitant to hire Luke because his fees are quite expensive. However, all that fear melted away when we saw hundreds of sales gushing into our business every day! Now, we think he’s the bargain of the century!

-Victoria Black and Gen Davidson

Owners of Australia’s #1 Diet,

Stephen King’s advice on becoming a successful Coach

17 Jun 2020
Posted in

Real talk:

I think Stephen King is a complete whack job.

(You wouldn’t believe the disgusting stuff The Aussie Hermit reads about him on his favourite conspiracy blogs)

However, he is successful and has some good advice every now and then. So instead of throwing out the baby with the bath water, let’s take his advice and use it to profit from in our own businesses.

For example:

Way back I read somewhere that he gets the following question asked a lot:

“What type of pen do you use when writing?”

To which he always replies something along the lines of:

“It’s not about the pen. It’s about the writer.

So true.

And so obvious.

So what’s the profitable lesson?

Well, let’s take a step back and look at the actual question being asked.

That being, “what type of pen do you use when writing?"

What I love about this question is that it tells so much about what people think creates success.

Most people think it’s the “shoes” or the “bike” or the “type of paper” or the “bullet proof coffee" (AKA: the hacks and tools gurus use) that's creates success.

But it’s not any of that.

Success is about the stuff they’ve heard a million times before, but don’t want to implement that because it’s “hard” or “boring” or “tedious.”

AKA: the fundamentals.

And it’s that exact mindset - the mindset of someone trying to find a shortcut to success - is why they’ll never be a great basketballer, rider, writer or entrepreneur etc.

And you know what?

It’s exactly the same in the coaching industry.

So many Coaches are struggling because they’re more concerned about implementing the latest “ninja hack” or “conversion secret” or “bot automation” than mastering the fundamentals.

Like, you know…

—> Researching your dream client to the point where you know them better than they know themselves…

—> Learning how to craft irresistible offers they can’t say no to, and…

—> Focusing on one simple strategy to bring in consistent clients (as opposed to “fly-by-the-night” marketing tactics that only work once or twice).

What’s even “funnier” is that you can go into any industry and it’s exactly the same.

The majority of people are looking for shortcuts in weight loss, dating, leadership, parenting etc. - which is exactly why most fail in those industries as well. All these industries are the same because human psychology is the same. And that also means achieving success in each of these industries is the same, too.

You want to focus on the fundamentals first, THEN implement all the “whiz bang” tricks later if you want (but by that stage, you’ll probably have so many clients lining up around your door to work with you you won’t have the time!).

A great example of this “boring” fundamental that everyone’s heard about but doesn’t implement, is “follow up.”

Follow up has got to be the least “sexy” way to get clients, and yet - it’s the most profitable.

The reason?

Most aren’t ready to buy, but will be some day soon.

And when that day comes, who do you want them to think about and buy from?

You of course.

And HOW do you get them to think about and buy from you?

You follow up!

AKA: you build a relationship with them before they’re ready to buy.

So true.

And so obvious.

But rarely implemented.

So if you want clients beating down your door, the secret is not in the tools - it’s in the “I’ve heard it before but haven’t yet implemented” fundamentals.

Kinda boring, kinda not sexy, - but kinda profitable.

To discover how The Aussie Hermit helps you use these fundamentals to achieve outrageous success in his 15 Client program, turn-pike your way over to this link:

-Luke Charlton
Location: The Man Cave

She who holds the gold makes the rules

16 Jun 2020
Posted in

You may have heard the phrase:

"He who holds the gold makes the rules"

Well, when you have a system pumps out clients for you whenever you please - you hold the gold and you make the rules.

Case in point:

Not long ago, Heather, a client, wrote this my VIP coaching group:


“Hey Guys - sorry to be MIA - I ended up with a 30k
month last month and I’m absolutely drowning.

My calendar is booked and my discovery calls are
pushed out farther than I’d like, so I’m wondering
about charging for my discovery sessions”



From just 1 system, too.

But here’s what she left out of her comment that’s important…

Before leveraging The Aussie Hermit’s daily email system, she spent thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours implementing multiple marketing strategies that got her few leads - and few appointments.

But now that she’s able to generate clients at will almost every time she hits that “send” button…

She holds the gold, and she makes the rules.

For Heather, there's no more chasing prospects.

No more blogging, networking, or time consuming, convoluted funnel strategies.

No more hoping you close this one deal so you can pay the mortgage.

It’s just a 15 minute email she sends each day, then out come pouring the clients.

If that’s what you want, then triple jump on over to this link now:

-Luke Charlton
Location: The Man Cave

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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