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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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What to do with unhappy sales teams (if leads are good)

The Aussie Hermit has been running a highly successful sales team for a coaching business for almost 12 months now.

And during this time…

We’ve never had a "bad" month.

Some months were lower than others, but they were still pretty good.

We’ve also had amazing months.


Every single month - even during record-breaking periods - I get complaints from our sales team about lead quality.

So what can you do in this instance?

How do you keep your sales team motivated and make sure they stay on your team?

I reveal what to do in episode #321 of The 15 Minute Client podcast.

Simply click your preferred podcast platform link below to listen now.

Here are some other episodes The Aussie Hermit has released over the last month that I think you'll also find super valuable:

#320 - A Top Line Coach vs a Bottom Line Coach

#319 - How to Sell Coaching On An Up Sell Page

#318 - Why Alex Hormozi is Wrong About Improving Show Up Rate

#317 - How to Deal With Bad Attitude Prospects

#316 - An Unintuitve Way to Reduce No Shows (& Improve Lead Quality)

#315 - Marketing In 1 Sentence

Plus much more.

To subscribe and listen now, simply click on your preferred podcast platform link here:




-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Somewhere Near Byron Bay

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

Click the purple button, enter your details, and get the 9 email offers delivered to your inbox instantly>>>