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Eat, Fast and Live Longer

Recently, my Pa got diagnosed with dementia.

Initially, it wasn’t that bad.

Mixing up names and getting confused.

But now?

He has the memory of a gold fish… if that gold fish had dementia.

He tells the same stories over and over.

He leaves the butter under couches…

He hides money in random places…

He turns off the TV off with the air con remote…

He calls his son (my dad), by his brother’s name…

He even takes beer with him and sleeps in bed with it (although, The Aussie Hermit does that with Whiskey. So that’s maybe not a dementia thing?).

So yeh, he’s on the decline.

In fact, the other day he was getting a brain test and the doctor asked…

“How old are you Bill?”

“48!” He exclaimed.

“Ahh…. Bill… you’re 90.”


And then my Pa proceeds to laugh hysterically for the next 10 minutes.

Now I dunno about you, but if I thought I was 48 and just found out I was 90 I wouldn’t be laughing!

So why do I bring this up?

I’m not sure, really.

Only to say that, thinking of these stories made me realise how important our memories are to us. They’re everything.

Without our memories life is meaningless. Truly.

Imagine creating an amazing life…

Imagine spending years busting your butt to take yourself from ground zero, knowing nothing about business… To becoming a hugely successful coach… to impacting thousands or even hundreds of thousands… to earning millions…

And not remember any of it.


And so one of the things I’ve been trying to do is figure out a way to never get dementia or alzheimers. Or if I am to get it, try and delay it as much as possible.

I’m a big believer in using your diet to heal yourself.

And I’m also a big believer that if you get certain diseases it’s usually related to your diet.

So I’ve been doing some research on what diets stop dementia and other brain related diseases and came across this book called “The Fast Diet.” They’ve found in lab tests with mice that if you take up a diet where you fast once or twice per week (where on the fast days your caloric intake is less than 600 calories), it can greatly delay the onset of mental health diseases.

Now, I encourage you to do your own research, but I think it’s worth checking out.

(Or, at the very least, watch the documentary by the same guy who wrote the book. It’s called Eat, Fast & Live Longer.)

With that being said, this email is a bit different than usual.

Just wanted to pass on something to think about.

No one wants to be stuck at the end of their life with no memories, looking into their son or daughters face and only seeing a stranger.

Be well.

-Luke Charlton
Location: The Man Cave

P.S. I may not be able to stop mental disease, but I can definitely help you get more high-paying clients if that’s what you’re after.

For all the details, glide on over to this link:

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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