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What do to if prospects can’t afford you...

In came this email from a young Hermite (AKA: a subscriber) a while back with a challenge that might be familiar:


My #1 business challenge is that my clients don't always have that discretionary income or have budgeted for coaching and sometimes look for "deals", signing up for the coach who will charge them less.


'Tis a big problem.

And, it’s something the ol’ Aussie Hermit used to experience a lot.

For years I was constantly speaking to prospects who had no money or simply couldn’t afford my coaching. And for years I would then offer a discount in order to try and make the sale because I needed the cash so bad.

Did it work?


Sure I would sign more clients, but I realised these weren’t the right type of clients.

First, because they invested less - they were less invested in getting the result. And because of that, they got worse results.

Do you ever notice how people who invest the least get the worst results?

Frustrating, right?

But what’s more frustrating is that you can’t get any good case studies (even though your product/program is great), and then you get a terrible reputation for bad results.

And who do they blame when they get bad results?


(And rightly so, as it IS your fault for discounting and letting them into the program in the first place)

Moreover, they’ll say it’s your fault in online forums, they’ll write reviews on “rip off report,” they’ll to all their friends your product is crap, and all that bad news will spread faster than the Corona Virus at a bat eating competition.

Second, charging less attracted people into my programs that were high maintenance.

The type that were never satisfied, and wanted a lot more things delivered to them outside the scope of the program. In fact, I just experienced this problem the other day…

A client I consult for started doing some low-ticket done-for-you funnel creation services. The investment? Just 3k for a complete done-for-you funnel! The copy, the landing pages, the tech setup - everything. I told them they should be charging at least 15k so they only serviced those with proven businesses but they didn’t listen.

Did they make sales? Absolutely. A ton.

And that was the problem.

They made a ton of sales that attracted high-maintenance clients with no proven offers and that wanted a 7-figure funnel delivered to them on a plate.

But the worst part was…

When my client finally delivered the funnels after weeks of back and forth - many of the Coaches said the copy was off. This from NEW Coaches that have NO copywriting experience and that hadn’t even made any sales yet.

Talk about ego right?

But here’s the thing…

This is not a unique case.

I see this over and over again with low prices.

Charge low prices and you attract high-maintenance clients.

So what’s the solution then?

Well, I think it’s obvious…

Don’t discount!

Charge what you know your program is worth - and stick to it.

And by the way, that’s probably going to be a lot higher than what you’re charging now. I’ve had thousands of conversations with Coaches, Consultants and Service Professionals over the years, and I would hazard a guess that about 95% of them needed to charge more.

And The Aussie Hermit knows what you’re thinking…

“Oh Great One, The Venerable Aussie Hermit, I bow down to you and humbly ask…

How do I charge more if my prospects keep telling me they don’t have the money?”

Astute question my young Hermite.

Now get off your knees, stand up, and listen as I impart on you these words of hard-won wisdom…

First, I would challenge you that you’re not actually speaking to dead broke prospects at all.


Here’s why:

Most people you speak to have at least a couple of cars, a few big screen TV’s, $1k+ iPhones for the whole family, they eat out once or twice a week, and they also have a couple of credit cards etc. Meaning, most families in the west could easily buy a product in the $500 to $2,000 range. And if they couldn’t afford it? Well, they could easily pay for it on credit, or if they REALLY wanted the product could sell one of their TV’s or some of the other useless crap covered in dust in their garage.

The point?

Most have the money to afford your program.

Yup, it’s true.

Sucks to hear, because then you realise they’re telling you they can’t. Why?

For The Aussie Hermit, it always come down to one thing…

Whenever my prospect said “I can’t afford it” was because they didn’t truly understand the value my program would have on their life.

They weren’t 100% on all the benefits and how they were going to achieve those benefits with my program.

So the problem was almost always “clarity.”

You see, what you have to understand is that "money equals security” to your prospects. And so, when you try to sell them your program, they want to know the money (AKA: the security) they’re giving up is going to be in exchange for something they really want - something that’s going to fulfil a deep need. So if you aren’t clear about how your program is going to fulfil that deep need, do you think they’ll buy?

Of course they won’t.

So clarity of value, and how they’re going to attain that value in with your program is huge when making the high-ticket sale.

And this is why The Aussie Hermit is able to sell high ticket program after high ticket program in this industry, where others struggle to even sell $500 programs.

When I speak to people on the phone they’re 100% clear how my program is going to fulfil their needs, and all the benefits associated.

And how do I give them such clarity?


I don’t do it by using the latest wacky-do funnel, that’s for sure. Those strategies were the ones that got me appointments with people who no showed, who didn’t know me, and who had no idea what my program was about (and all those “I can’t afford it excuses.").

I give them such clarity because…

—> I educate them on all my program benefits…
—> I educate them on how my program is going to fulfil on those benefits…
—> And I educated them on the fact that my programs aren’t cheap but are worth it because the great results it gets for my clients…

And I do all this BEFORE the sale.

In fact, before I ever speak to them on the phone.

That way, when I eventually do speak to prospects they’re 100% clear on everything I have to offer, they’re 100% clear on the value of my program, they’re 100% clear on why it’s the (high) price it is, and they 100% don’t care because they know the money (AKA: security) they’re investing, is more than worth it.

That's the right way to sell high ticket.

It’s not by having sales conversations with prospects that need more convincing. That need more educating. That need more clarity.

That’s a good way to get a lot of “I can’t afford it” excuses.

Which, I’m guessing, you’re pretty tired of by now, yes?

If so, then maybe it’s time to follow The Aussie Hermit’s approach.

It’s not as sexy as the latest “guru funnel” - but I’ll tell you what, for most Coaches and Consultants that don’t spend 23 hours per day studying marketing, it’s often far more profitable.

That approach?

Sending one email, to your list, every day.

One quick email to your list each day enables you to help your prospect…

—> Get clear on your program benefits…
—> Get clear on how your program can fulfil on those benefits…
—> And show how your program has helped others fulfil on those benefits.

Just imagine…

With each new email you are able to highlight a different benefit and show how your program works to fulfil that benefit.


With each new email you’re giving your prospect more and more clarity until one day, when they’re ready, they’ll book into your calendar.

But this won’t be the typical “I can’t afford it” prospect you’re used to.

No no no.

This is a prospect that already knows who you are, that already trusts you, that already knows about your program, how it works, and how it’s going to help them get the results they’re after.

AKA: This is a completely different type of prospect that’s ready to buy your high priced program before you ever speak to them.

Now let me ask…

Is that the type of prospect you want to attract?

If so, then maybe it’s time to follow The Aussie Hermit's “ready to buy” marketing approach.

For all the details, fly on over to this link:

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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