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What to do if prospects don't show to your appointments
Ever had a prospect book into your calendar only to blow you off?
Is that not one of the most frustrating things ever?
You’ve spent all this time working your butt off to get the appointment.
You’ve spent all this time trawling through Facebook groups… or going to networking events… or making one of these complex, convoluted funnels the “gurus” are always spruiking…
And when you FINALLY get the appointment it’s super exciting… but then you rock up to their time slot and the bastards don’t show up!
It’s the worst.
And, this is something the ol’ Aussie Hermit used to struggled with A LOT.
But now?
Well, I have prospects showing up to pretty much all my calls.
In fact, many are waiting patiently on the zoom line early, afraid to miss out.
Imagine that…
You show up to your appointment and the prospect is eager to be on the line with you (and if you follow The Aussie Hermits ways - eager to work with you, too. More on that in a minute).
How does The Aussie Hermit do it?
Well, it’s very simple.
You see, I got so tired of dealing with prospects that weren’t showing up (and prospects that when they did show up had no money or had 101 excuses why now wasn’t the right time), that I decided to find a better approach. And, in doing so, I found a better approach, yes, but more importantly…
I found a better business philosophy.
A philosophy you can adopt if you want to stop these annoying no shows forever.
You see, I discovered the reason I had so many no shows was because I was using marketing strategies that pitched a free "strategy session" call to people that didn’t know me that well. For example, they’d either just come from a Facebook ad (usually via said free “strategy session” offer on my thank you page) or, I’d had a couple of conversations with them in a Facebook group and then got them on the phone from there when I found they want help. So you can see, when you use these approaches that get prospects on the phone almost the moment you meet - there’s a lack of any relationship there. They don’t know much about you or your expertise and so because of that, they’re going to be far less likely to show, even when they’ve booked in your calendar.
So the problem is the philosophy (pitch people right away), and the strategy that comes from that philosophy (typical Facebook group strategies, thank you page pitch strategies etc).
Think back to your previous appointments that didn’t show (or that did show but were low quality) and ask yourself…
How well did these prospects REALLY know you?
Did you have a strong relationship with them?
Had they known about you for than 5 minutes?
Had they watched or read about your case studies?
Had they even seen (or used) any of your content?
My educated guess on this (because I’ve worked with thousands of Coaches and Consultants since starting back in 2013) is a big fat “no.”
(Which, as you can see - is a big problem when you’re trying to sell someone a high-ticket service.)
And that’s something the gurus fail to let you know when they’re teaching you these strategies…
Sure, you’ll get appointments - but many aren’t going to show. And the ones that do? Well, they’ll probably be low quality, too.
That’s the bad news.
The good news is - there’s a simple fix.
Not an easy fix, but definitely a simple one..
That fix - change your philosophy to that of The Aussie Hermit.
And that is…
Pitch to people that already know you, like you, trust you, know you’re an expert, want what you have, have the the money… and want to buy now!
AKA: Only speak to people on the phone who are ready to buy.
When you speak to people who are ready to buy they show up to your calls, they have no objections, and they have the money. It’s just a question of you figuring out if you can help them (and if you want to).
Sound like a pipe dream?
It is if you follow most guru methods.
But, I can attract prospects like this all day long (and my clients can do it even when they’re completely unknown in their market), using a simpler (far less sexy) method.
Don’t believe me?
You don’t have to.
It’s all laid out via the following link:
Watch. Take notes. Implement.
Then enjoy the benefits of your new “ready to buy” philosophy.
-Luke Charlton
Location: The Man Cave
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