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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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How to stop the anxiety roller coaster

For the first 3 years of running my coaching business I lived the "anxiety roller coaster."

When clients came in, the anxiety would go down.

But when no clients came in (which was often), the anxiety went up!

And it was like this month after month after month after month.

Up and down up and down.

At one stage, I was riddled with so much anxiety (because I’d only landed 1 client in 12 months, was 30k in debt and owed my family a lot of money) that I’d put on 25lbs from downing bags of M&M’s and croissants.

It was the hardest, and worst time of my life

So if that’s you at the moment… if you’re on your own up and down anxiety roller coaster….

If one month cash flow is great, but the next month you’re struggling to rub two pennies together, please know - I know exactly what that’s like.


And I also know why you’re continuing to push. You continue to push because you have a passion for what you do. Moreover, you have an incredible product or program or skillset to share with the world. A program you know if you could simply get in the right hands, would literally change their life.

With that being said…

I also know the only time I got relief from this anxiety roller coaster was when I did 2 things.

First, I took action.

Notice that, whenever you’re anxious or overwhelmed, if you take action even in the most dire circumstances the negative feelings would diminish significantly.

To almost nothing in most instances.

So if you’re on the down slope of your anxiety roller coaster - take some action.

Specifically, sit down and brainstorm a plan on paper.

A plan on paper will you help you get clarity on the steps to solving your problem (i.e. the steps to getting more clients), plus, it’ll help you distance yourself from the problem. Seeing it on paper shows you that it’s not a big problem after all - and that it can be overcome quite quickly.

Whenever I feel anxious or overwhelmed about anything in life, a plan on paper is the first thing I do.

It helps immediately.

The second thing that helped to stop the anxiety roller coaster is the most obvious…

I got clients.

Whenever I signed a new client, my anxiety and overwhelm would disappear altogether.

The problem was, because my approach was haphazard, unpredictable and downright “all over the shop" to getting clients (because I was often chasing the latest “gurus” bright shiny marketing object), it wouldn’t be long after when I was back on the roller coaster, anxiety high, and needing clients again.

So what I learned after 3 years (because The Aussie Hermit isn’t the quickest guy), is that I need a way to bring in consistent clients.

A strategy that brings you consistent clients you can rely on is the key to getting off the anxiety roller coaster for good.

If you can’t rely on what you’ve currently got, you’ll always be riding that roller coster, hoping, and praying that one day it’ll beak down…

But it never will.

Not as long as you’re getting clients in an unpredictable way.

So remember this sage advice The Aussie Hermit told you this day…

1) Take action when you’re anxious, and…

2) Have a system you can rely on.

Now, I can’t help you with the former, that’s up to you.

But I can certainly help you with the latter…

For more details on how you can use a simple, 15 minute daily email system to bring in a consistent flow of clients you can rely on, run here now:

-Luke Charlton
Location: The Man Cave

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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