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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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My formula for sales every day

Recently, The Aussie Hermit crawled out of The Man Cave…

Hopped on a plane…

And did a presentation at a client’s event to over 500 Coaches.

The topic?

How to get more quality clients, of course.

So when it was my time to speak, I jump on stage and start off by asking the audience this question:

“Raise your hand if you email your list at least once per month.”

90% of the room puts their hand up.

“Raise your hand if you email your list at least once per week.”

70% of the room keeps their hand up.

“Twice per week.”

30% of the room keeps their hand up.

“Three times per week”

10% of the room keeps their hand up.

“Every day.”

3 people out of 500 keep their hand up.

“This is a big problem,” I say to them (to which they nervously laugh).

Here’s why…

When you’re selling a high-priced service such as Coaching or Consulting there are many factors that need be met before the prospect buys. For example, the prospect needs to know, like and trust you before they buy. They need to know you’re an expert. They need to know what you have will work for them. They need to know you are their best choice amongst all the other options they know about etc etc.

And so, there’s a lot of education that goes into the sale.

Now, let me ask you….

If the prospect needs to have these factors met before they buy (and they do), which approach do you think will work faster to build them up…

Emailing once per month or once per week?

Once per week, of course.


Because if I’m emailing once per week I have 4x as many emails to build know, like and trust. 4x as many emails to build my expert credibility. 4x as many emails to education them about my program etc.

Following on from this, which option will be more effective in building up these factors to make the high-ticket sale:

Emailing once per week, or twice per week?

Again, the answer is obvious - twice per week.

More emails equals more opportunity to build each factor.

OK then, what about this…

Twice per week vs once per day?

Yup, it’s once per day.

If I email my list once per day, and you email your list twice per week, I’ll kick your butt for clients every time.

How can I not?

More emails means a stronger relationship….

More emails means I’ve demonstrated my expertise more…

More emails means I’ve shown more ways my program will help them…

More emails means I’ve overcome more objections…

More emails means I’ve built the value more (and therefore, build the justification for the high investment)…

Etc etc.

Bottom line: more emails equals more dineros.

And this is why The Aussie Hermit's simple (but extremely profitable) “daily dinero making formula is” (discovered from sending over 1 billion emails):

The more you email, the more money you make.

Give it a try and tell me it’s not true.

If you do that one thing, just that one thing from all the advice you get on this list, your time will be more than worth it.

And don’t worry, my young Hermite, I know what you’re thinking…

“But Grand Master Luke, oh great one! Won’t that just make my list unsubscribe in droves?!”

And that answer to that is…

Yes… and also no.

Here’s why:

Yes, if you send boring, dry and/or pitchy marketing emails.

(These are the types of emails 98% of gurus send)

No, if you send emails following The Aussie Hermit’s methods.

Send marketing emails like your humble Grand Master and your list will love to receive them.

Yup, they’ll actually enjoy reading (and buying from) your daily emails.

Now let me ask…

Do you think if you were able to send marketing emails your list loves to read and also buy from, you’d be a bit more comfortable sending an email every day?


And do you think if you were able to send marketing emails your list loves to read and buy from every day, you’d be signing a lot more clients each week?

Roger that, as well.

With that being said…

Let me know show you the mechanics of how this all works, so you can do it yourself.

To learn how to send daily emails your list loves to read and buy from (even if you’re not a writer), trek your way over to the following link now:

-Luke Charlton
Location: The Man Cave

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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