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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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Kiyosaki investment quote teaches important sales lesson

Because we’re in the middle of “The Great Economic Collapse” (a collapse that will far exceed the Great Depression), The Aussie Hermit has been watching a lot of economic videos.

And, one of the people I like to listen to is Robert Kiyosaki.

He has a lot of wise advice.

And one of the pearls of wisdom he threw out the other day in an interview was this:

“You make money when you buy, not when you sell.”


If you buy at the top of the market you’re screwed.

But if you buy at the bottom of the market you win.

Very true.

And what’s also true is that it’s the same with clients…

You make money when a client buys, not when you sell.

Here’s what I mean…

The truth about sales is that everyone loves to buy, but no one wants to be ‘sold.’

For example…

Just think back to one of your recent vehicle purchases - the experience is enjoyable.

You look up different cars.

You compare models.

You talk features.

You picture yourself driving around in it.

It’s fun.

However, that experience changes drastically when a sleazy car salesman tries to push you into a close.

The same is true for your clients.

They love to buy but hate to be sold.

And so you have to make your sales process an experience where they feel like they’re buying - not like you’re selling.

This is yet another reason why I love sending daily emails.

With every email, I help them compare a different feature or benefit of my program.

With every email, I get them excited about what it’s going to be like to experience my program.

And with every email, I allow them to reach out to me with a soft call to action.

I let them control the purchase.

I don’t push.

And because of these reasons, I allow them to buy.


One of the other things I don’t do when I speak on the phone with a prospect is any sales tricks or “closes.”

I’ve never liked them.

Mainly because they’re often useless. But also because it turns it into a selling experience for the prospect.

So instead, all I do is ask questions and find out from the prospect where they’re stuck and what they’re looking for.

Then from there, I explain how my system fits in with what they’re after.

In other words, I let them direct the buying experience.

And when you combine that approach with a daily email, my closing rate is above 80%.

Point is…

When you change the focus from selling them to ‘helping them buy,’ you’ll probably find you make a lot more sales - and have a lot more happy clients, too.

With that being said…

If you’d like a few more prospects booking into your calendar you can help buy, then maybe The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program can help?

Inside I show you how to build a list on autopilot with quality leads, plus send that list a valuable email each day that gets regular appointments.

Along with that, I also give you the simple sales framework/script I use to sign up clients without having to push them into a sale or use weird tricks.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

The upcoming crash to rival 1929?

Over the last 12 months, The Aussie Hermit has been doing a lot more research on the economy.

The reason?

Well, I had an inkling for a while that all was not what it seemed - in a bad way.

And so, I wanted to dig in and find out if my suspicions were correct.

Unfortunately, I think they are.

Now, before I go on, I should say…

Don’t take financial advice from me.


I’m just a Hermit in a Man Cave who trawls through conspiracy theory forums.

With that being said…

I do believe we’re about to experience a crash of epic proportions.

Something that will rival 1929. If not beat it.

My reasoning?

When in history have we had this much debt?

When in history has a fiat currency survived such inflation?

When in history have the financial markets been so tied together?

Again, I’m not a financial expert.

So best to ignore everything I say.

But the reason I bring this up is 2-fold:

First, to get you to start thinking about what’s going on.

The situation we’re in is unprecedented.

Better to be prepared than not.

For example…

The money you have today is not going to be the same value it is in 12 months.

Heck, it’s not going to be the same value it is in 3 weeks.

Use that knowledge to your advantage before everyone else figures it out.

*cough* gold *cough* silver.

Also, supply chains are breaking - worldwide.

What happens when people can’t get food?

Did you see what they did when they couldn’t get toilet paper?

Again, use that knowledge to your advantage.

*cough* food *cough* supplies.

Second, be careful who you listen to.

For example, don’t listen to me for financial advice.

I’m just a Hermit in a Man Cave who trawls through conspiracy theory forums.

But I say that because I’ve been watching a lot of economic experts on TV who’ve made many predictions over the last 12 months that haven’t come true.

And what I’ve realised is, they haven’t come true a lot of the time because they’re lying.

They’re lying because they’re invested in certain stocks continuing to grow.

Or they’re invested in keeping the bubble afloat.

Hello, Jerome.

A good example of that is this well-known billionaire investor who has a lot of stock in China.

He continues to tell people how strong the Chinese economy is, even though their housing market is on the verge of collapse.

See: Evergrande.

Here’s what’s amazing though...

Even though these experts have been wrong over the past 12 months (and most of them a lot longer than that), people still continue to watch them and take their advice.


I believe there are 3 powerful reasons.

  1. They’re on TV

    For whatever reason, when you’re in the media (any media), people automatically assume you’re an authority on the subject.

    You instantly garner more attention. You garner more trust. And you’re able to persuade people a lot easier.
  2. They tell people what they want to hear

    When an expert goes on TV and says, “don’t worry, your stocks are fine, we’re not going to see a crash,” this makes people invested in stock feel good.

    In other words, their beliefs haven’t been challenged.

    And so they go about their day without making any changes.

    This is called confirmation bias.

    And it is a very dangerous human behaviour if you’re not aware of it.
  3. They tell people with conviction

    I’ve written about this before.

    But one of the most powerful ways to persuade people is simply being more certain than they are.

    Even Tony Robbins says “whoever is more certain in an argument wins”.

    And the reason why it’s so powerful is because most want to defer responsibility.

    They want others to lead.

    And they want to be able to blame someone else when something doesn’t work out.

    I.e. “The reason I lost my money was because 'LMNOP Fund Manager' promised this stock would go up,”…


    “The reason why I’m not getting clients is because this guru ripped me off.”

    This makes people feel like it wasn’t their fault (even though it obviously is as it was ultimately decision).

    Point is: speaking with conviction is powerful.


Just a few things to think about when it comes to what’s going on.

How not to make decisions in your life and business you’ll regret.

And how to persuade others.

With that being said…

Probably the most secure way of keeping your business safe during this upcoming period of uncertainty is to have your own email list.

Because if Facebook and others go down with the economy, you still have the ability to get clients.

Of course, you need to make sure you have a good relationship with that list.

Otherwise, no matter how many emails you send it won’t do you any good.

Enter The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program.

Inside I show you how to build your list on autopilot, plus create a great relationship with that list by sending one daily email.

A daily email that also gets you clients, by the way.

Along with that, I teach you how to craft a high ticket offer your market feels silly saying no to.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Why you shouldn’t “fake it til you make it”

Ever hear a guru say, “fake it til you make it?”

This is got to be some of the stupidest advice.

Sure, if you’re trying to bullshyte your way through a job interview in the corporate world, then maybe fake it til you make it.

You’ve got time to slowly learn the skills on the job.

But as a Coach? A consultant? A service professional?

Don’t fake it til you make it. That’s just dumb.

And, it’s incomprehensible that Guru’s would tell us to lie to your prospects about your experience or results. Or that you should raise your fees to obscene heights even though the alarm bells are going off inside saying “this isn’t right!”

Again, don’t fake it til you make it.

You will be found out to be a fraud. And when that time comes, word spreads quick!

This one “ex-spurt” who ripped me off and a bunch of other people is now having to work in China, yes China, because he has such a bad reputation in the US. That’s how serious this is.

The good news is, you don’t have to fake it til you make it to be successful.

OK, so you’ve never had a client?

Or maybe you’ve got a new program with no case studies or results? You know it can help the right person, but you don’t have proof - yet.

So what do you do?

You don’t lie and tell them you’ve had hundreds of students get great results in the program!

You tell them the truth!

Now, does that mean you have to tell them, “I’ve never coached anyone before and I’m a complete newbie that’s really nervous to help you?” Of course not.

Simply tell them the truth about your offer/program while making it enticing.

Here’s an example how:

Hey, I’ve got this new program I think would be perfect for you.

It’s based on the same approach I used to lose 50lbs in 6 months (or whatever). It’s all step-by-step and I know if you follow along, you’ll get great results, too.

However, as mentioned, it’s completely brand new. So I’ve never had anyone go through it. That’s why I’m looking for case studies now to prove it works, and those who jump in early will get a great deal.

When I release this program to the public it’ll be $4997. But as one of my foundation case studies, you can join for just $397”

See how that works?

You’re open. You’re honest. And you’re actually leveraging the fact it’s brand new to make it an enticing offer.

Again, you do not need to lie to get clients.

However, you do have to work your arse off if you’re starting from the bottom. And you do have to work at a reduced rate to get case studies.

But that’s the price of success.

It’s not the easy approach.

And, it requires you to be more patient.

But that’s why many Coaches don’t succeed and only a few do.

With that being said…

If you’re looking for more case studies or more clients, then maybe my 15 Minute Client program can help?

Inside I show you how to attract clients sending just one email per day.

No organic posts.

No blogging.

No YouTube videos.

In fact, no other content creation at all if you don’t want.

Along with that, there’s no complicated funnel to setup.

Just 2 pages, and an email system.

It’s so simple my grandma could probably put it together.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

The secret "yes" in a sales objection

Sales objections.

The Aussie Hermit used to hate sales objections.

I’d get on a call with a potential client…

Everything would be going great…

They were a perfect fit…

They were excited about the program…

Then as soon as I told them the investment, suddenly the whole call would change.

Suddenly, they were back peddling.

“I can’t afford it”

“I don’t have the time”

“Maybe in a couple months I’ll let you know.”

And, I’d be sitting there thinking…

“You just told me how much you love the program, but now you’re trying to run!?”


But that was then.


I don’t mind objections.

In fact…

I look forward to them.

The reason?

Very simple…

It was a change in perception on what sales objections actually are.

You see, what I learned from doing lots of sales calls is that an objection is rarely a “no.”

An objection is often just an automatic, unconscious reaction from the prospect.

It’s a safety mechanism that slows them down.

That gives them time to think.

That helps them make sure they’re making a good decision.

For example…

Think about the last time you get the “now’s not the right time” excuse.

It’s a pretty lame excuse, right?

Your prospect just got done telling you how much they’re struggling, what their life would be like with a better marriage/business/relationship with their kids etc, and now they’re trying to tell you they just don’t have the time.


They just need time to process the decision.

Here’s what I mean…

Sometimes when someone gives me an objection I’ll literally ignore it.

I won’t even overcome it.


I’ll just let them get it out. I’ll let them say what they want to say about it. Then I’ll just move right along to asking for the sale again, and they sign up.

Weird, ay?

The point is…

See an objection as a sign you’re on the right path!

See objections as your future client’s way of saying, “I want this! I just don’t want to make the wrong decision!”

So help them process it on the call.

Help them get it out.

Then, as always, ask for the sale again.

With that being said…

The truth is, The Aussie Hermit doesn’t get many sales objections anymore.

And that’s because the way I attract clients is by sending a daily email.

By sending an email every day, I’m able to build “know, like and trust,” I’m able to demonstrate my expertise, and I’m able to hit on certain objections I know my prospect has about my program.

For example, “how much time will it take to set up?”

Or, “when will I see results?”

Or, “will this work if I’m not a copywriter?”


So by addressing their main questions and concerns before we speak, they’re basically ready to sign up as soon we jump on the call together.

If that’s the type of prospect you’d also like to speak to on the phone, then maybe my 15 Minute Client program is what you’re after?

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Bad guru advice #4322

Scrolling through Insta today I saw a "guru" ad promoting a certain-fail strategy for Coaches.

That strategy?

To show you how to sell high ticket without ever getting on the phone.

(I.e. through messenger chat).

Now, while there’s nothing wrong closing sales via email or messenger or even SMS.

My problem is that it’s a strategy the vast majority of Coaches won’t be able to make work.

The reason?

Because the easiest way to sign up a client is a phone conversation.

Yet, most Coaches struggle with doing that to begin with.

So if that’s the easiest way and they’re still struggling, how do you think they’ll fare when it comes to closing via a medium that requires more finesse and sales skills?

Answer: They won’t fare very well at all.

No doubt this ad and her offer will sell well though.

Coaches have a huge fear of selling over the phone so it’s very appealing in that regard.

The Aussie Hermit’s advice?

Only try more automated sales methods (i.e. webinars, VSL’s, sales, messenger chats etc) once you’ve actually made consistent sales via real 1-on-1 sales conversions.

If you can’t close over the phone, don’t try the other methods just yet.

They’re harder to make work, not easier (despite what BS the gurus tells you).

With that being said…

If you want more sales conversations, that’s exactly what my 15 Minute Client program is all about.

Inside I show you how to get high paying clients filling up your calendar sending one email per day.

And the best part is, because you’re using email - these are super "warm" leads.


These prospects are pre-sold on you/your program before you even speak.

Now let me ask you…

Do you think you’d enjoy your sales conversions a lot more if you knew the people you were speaking to already wanted to work with you?


And most importantly…

Do you think you’d be able to make a lot more sales if the people you were speaking to already wanted what you were selling?

Of course.

And that’s how I take Coaches who loath selling, to Coaches who love selling very quick.

To know when spots to the program open next, put yourself on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

6 reasons why I send an email each day (even Saturday & Sunday)

Many Coaches are shocked when I tell them to send an email each day.

Which is understandable because most of the time they’re barely sending 1 per week.

So what I want to do right now is give you a list of 6 reasons why I (and why you should too) email daily:

Reason 1: Most aren’t ready to buy but will be some day

Something like 90% of your market aren’t ready to buy right now, but will be some day.

That could be in 5 days.

It could be in 15 days.

Or it could be in 150 days.

It’s different for each individual on your list.

Either way, the best way to convert those prospects is to simply be there when they are ready to buy.

That way?

You follow up.

By sending an email each day you ensure that if someone is ready to buy today, tomorrow or in 50 days - you'll be there, putting your offer in front of them.

And because you've spent that time building the relationship, they’re most likely going to choose you.

After all, most of your competitors aren’t sending an email each day.

Reason 2: Positioning.

It’s simple…

I know that if I send an email each day that adds value and demonstrates my expertise, I’m going to be “top of mind” when they’re ready to buy.

That’s called positioning.

And positioning is powerful because it effectively eliminates your competition.

You become first choice even among bigger name gurus.

The only price to achieving this?

Sending one email each day.

Reason 3: Each new email is a reason to buy

Unlike a guru funnel where you only get one shot to close them - or one opportunity to convince them of why they should buy - with email you get many chances.

One day you can overcome one objection. The next you can overcome another. Then the day after you can talk about a benefit of your program. Then after that you can show a testimonial etc.

No other funnel system has that.

And that’s why daily email is incredibly powerful in persuading your prospect to work with you.

Reason 4: It’s stupid simple.

Let’s face it…

Sending one email per day is so simple a goat could probably do it.

And they've got hooves!

It’s not like a complex funnel system that has you setting up all these convoluted pages, tons of up sells and down sells, and automations that look like a family tree from The Lord of the Rings.


It’s just one email per day.

And that means all you really have to know how to do is log into an email system. Copy/paste it in and hit “send.”

Reason 5: My list enjoy them

Yes, it’s true!

My list actually enjoys my marketing emails.

So why wouldn’t I send them every day if they love AND buy from them?

I’d be silly not do.

And guess what?

When you send emails the way The Aussie Hermit teaches - where your list loves to read and buy from them - you’d be silly not to send them each day as well.

And that leads me to…

Reason 6: It gets lots of clients

Sending emails each day gets you clients, period.

Of course, your emails have to be valuable and end with an offer they actually want to buy.

But if you get those two parts right, you’ll have a constant flow of high-paying clients for years to come.

And that’s it!

That’s The Aussie Hermit’s 6 Reasons Why I Send Emails Each Day (Even Saturday & Sunday).

With that being said…

If you want to learn the “how’s” of daily email, well that’s what my 15 Minute Client program is for.

Inside I show how anyone - even those who have never studied copywriting - can send winning emails from day one.

Along with that, I help you craft your high ticket off, build your list with paid ads, and close those leads who apply to work with you.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

The pre-call "beta traps" that cost salesThe pre-call "beta traps" that cost sales

Many years ago, I read a book called selling called "Pitch Anything."

And, while it doesn’t 100% apply to the same 1-on-1 sales conversations Coaches go through (the author - Oren Klaff - typically talks about using the system in corporate pitches), there were a few gems I found very helpful for closing more sales.

One of these gems he talks about is “status.”

And it’s funny because, as a copywriter I know how persuasive your pitch can be when you tie an “increase in status” with buying your product.

But I’d never thought about doing it in a sales conversation.

Here’s what he says…

“If you hold high social status, even on a temporary basis, your power to convince others will be strong, and your pitch will go easily.”

Powerful advice.

But how does this apply to us Coaches?

Well, what I’ve found when getting on a call with a prospect, if they see me as an expert, they’ll be much easier to sign up.

This is why I love email.

Because whenever someone books a spot in your calendar from one of your emails, you know they’ll have consumed your content.

And therefore, you’ll know they’ll see you as an expert.

You’ll have high status.
But on the converse…

If you run a funnel (i.e. a “consult funnel”) that has people booking an appointment only minutes after they’ve seen you/your Facebook ad for the first time, these prospects will be much harder to close.
The reason?

You have no status in their mind.


Oren then gives some advice on how to maintain high status in a sales conversation.

Here is one of his tips…

“Avoid beta traps at all costs.

A beta trap is a subtle but effective social ritual that puts you in the low-status position and works to keep you there, beneath the decision maker you have come to visit, for the entire duration of the social interaction.”

Or another way of saying that is…

As the expert, you always need to maintain that elevated status if you want someone investing high-ticket.

You don’t want to fall into a “beta trap” that gives your prospect a higher status than you.

Which makes sense because - why would someone invest in you if they don’t feel like you’re an authority with higher status?

They won’t.

Let me give you an example of how The Aussie Hermit fell into a beta trap that nearly cost me a $6k sale.

Here’s the story:

A while back I had this very well-known, 7-figure Coach apply to work with me.

I checked out his app, and then told him “everything looks good, let’s book a chat to see if it’s a fit.”

What did he say?

“Great, here’s a link to book a spot on my calendar?”

To which I did.

First mistake.

The reason?

As the expert with the solution he needs, he should be chasing me and booking a spot on my calendar.

Not the other way around.

By fitting myself into his schedule I immediately gave away status.

Here’s what happened next:

When I rocked up to the call, there were 3 people there (him and his 2 business partners).

Then before I could take control of the call they start speaking.

They start asking me questions to find out if I’m the right fit for them.

In other words…

They were qualifying me!

Another big mistake.

As the expert, you are the one that needs to start the call off with intention. You need to tell the prospect why you’re here and what the outcome of the call is going to be. And you need to do that from the moment the call starts.

By letting them take control - by letting them start to interview me and ask me to explain why I’m a good fit for them - I lost status once again.

The good news is, I was able to take back control and re-elevate my status by turning the questions around on them.

Then, by the end they were signing up.

But it was very “touch and go,” and I wouldn’t have been surprised if they said “no thanks” with the mistakes I made.

Never again.

And, hopefully, never again for you too…

Always maintain that status throughout the sale.

Make prospects apply to work with you.

Make them book a spot on your calendar.

And make them sell themselves to you on the call.

Of course, there are many more ways to elevate status throughout your sales process - these are just some of the more obvious.

For the rest?

Well, that’s what my 15 Minute Client program is for.

Inside I show you how to send a very *specific* kind of daily email that elevates your status even above the biggest gurus in your industry.

An email that works great even for totally unknown Coaches.

But the best part?

That’s just one of a myriad of different types I show you how to send to get high-paying clients with email.

To know when spots open next, simply put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

There are 2 types of Coaches

There are 2 types of Coaches in this world…

There are “whiners” and there are “winners.”

Let’s start with the whiners:

Whiners will buy your course, not use it, then call their credit card company to get a chargeback citing “they never received it.”

Whiners expect you to deliver more coaching and support than what was agreed, and when you don’t deliver they demand a refund after already having taken up hours of your time.

Whiners expect overnight success with little work, and when they don’t get it, they talk trash about you on social media.

Whiners get angry when they see other successful people on Facebook, and will write “scammer” or “liar” on your ad without ever having experienced any of your content.

Whiners will even opt in for your lead magnet, not consume it, then complain it provides “zero value.”

Yes, there are whiners everywhere.

And even The Aussie Hermit gets them from time to time.

For example…

Here’s a doozy of an email I received yesterday from a whiner after she opted in for my free “1-Sentence Offer” training:

“Terrible! Can you get to the point??? Worthless, long, dull video with ZERO value.
Where is the fucking one sentence??? SCammer!”


And, unfortunately, with an attitude like that - these whiners won’t ever experience the success they’re after.

The good news is, there are many more winners than whiners.

And they make having to deal with the whiners totally worth it.

Let’s talk about them next:

Winners will buy your course, implement it and (gasp!) get results!

Winners won’t suck up your time, but instead will only ask you questions after they’ve already tried to figure out the problem themselves.

Winners know results don’t come overnight or in a magic bullet solution, but instead take time and consistent effort.

Winners won’t get angry when they see other successful people on Facebook, instead they’ll be curious and want to know what made them successful.

Winners will even opt in for your free trainings and (oh my god!) consume it, then if it’s good, will leave a positive comments.

Yes, winners are great.

And they make dealing with whiners totally worth.

Case in point:

Here’s a few messages I’ve received from some winners about the exact same 1-Sentence Offer training the above whiner was complaining about:


Super impressive and I usually roll my eyes when I read ads.

I watched your video and you nailed the concept of value and why people will work with you instead of your competitors


Great training video Luke Charlton. Authentic, clear, valuable and very compelling. Many thanks for sharing.


Dude! This is epic training. Thank you. And I NEVER leave comments on ads

The fact there was no pitch at the end earned huge respect from a fellow Aussie.

Great work man. Truly solid training. Made a heap of notes and took some screenshots.


Plus many more.

My advice?

Ignore the whiners.

They will only bring you down.

Instead, focus on the winners.

After all, isn’t that why you’re a Coach - to create more winners?

With that being said, let me ask you one more important question…

Are you a winner or a whiner?

If you’re a whiner, God help you because I can’t.

But if you’re a winner…
If you want success…

If you’re willing to take action to get that success…

And if you know it takes staying consistent to gain that success, then maybe - just maybe - The Ol’ Aussie Hermit has something for you.

Here’s the deal:

I have a program called “The 15 Minute Client.”

And to cut a long story short, it will help you get clients sending one email each day.

When you jump into the program we will…

1) Get clear on your dream client…

2) Craft an irresistible offer for that client…

3) Launch your autopilot list building campaign, and…

4) Convert that list with one 15 minute email each day.

A big promise?

If you’re a whiner, absolutely.

But if you’re a winner?

If you actually take action and do the work?

Well, then results are a foregone conclusion.

To be notified when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Your program is valuable, so why aren’t people buying?

A frustration I hear from Coaches all the time is this:

"My program is so valuable!

And when I get people to invest, they absolutely love it and get AMAZING results.

But the problem is - I find it a struggle to get anyone to buy!

If they only knew the value of the program they’d jump in in an instant!"

Does that resonate?

If so, I want to tell you the reason why this typically happens.

And, the answer can be summed up in one word:


The reason why you find it hard to sell your valuable program is because the prospect is not clear on what they’re going to get.

And no, I don’t mean "they’re not clear on all the coaching and course material and lessons they’re going to get."

I mean…

They’re not clear on the result your program provides.

This, after all, is why they’re buying your program.

They’re buying because they want to improve their marriage or get more clients or reduce turnover or get rid of chronic burnout etc.

So if your offer isn’t clear about the result your program provides, you will get lot of pushback.

But what if you’re confident you are selling a result?

Well, that could mean that the result you’re pitching is something they don’t want.

Or, what’s more common - the result you’re pitching is not communicated as clearly as it could be - speaking to a specific/urgent problem, plus a timeframe on when that problem is going to be solved. 

So again - it’s a "clarity" problem.

Here’s the thing…

The secret to fixing these issues is not to become a better copywriter or sales person.

All you have to do is get clear on your target market (AKA: your #1 dream client).

When you get clear on your dream client, you will get clarity on the exact result that dream client is looking for.

Or another way of saying that is…

You don’t have to come up with the result - they’ll literally tell you what they’re looking for (through having conversations with them, reading forums, in Facebook groups etc).

Then you simply reflect that back to them in your offer.

Bottom line:

Clarity of your market gives you clarity with your offer.

Make sense?

With that being said…

If you need help crafting a high ticket offer that does your valuable program justice, then maybe it’s time to get The Aussie Hermit’s help?

Inside my 15 Minute Client program, I show you how to (finally) communicate the true transformational value of that program so that clients happily invest high fees.

Then along with that, I show you how get a consistent flow of dream clients signing up to that program sending one email per day.

To know when spots are open next, put yourself on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

250 reasons why I don’t eat at The Cheesecake Factory

The first time I opened a Cheesecake Factory menu in the U.S. my head almost exploded.

I’d never seen so much choice.

There’s something like 250+ meals you can pick from.

From Mexican, to Italian, to Chinese, to burgers, steaks and salads.

It’s incredible.

And, while that might seem like a positive, I actually think it’s a huge negative.

The reason?

Because it takes me 35 minutes just to make a decision on the appetiser!

My brain hurts just thinking about it now.

And there are many companies out there that don’t get this.

Lots of choice is not a good thing.

It just puts your prospect in “analysis paralysis,” and if you do that online, it’s all too easy for them to close your webpage and move on to a competitor who makes it easy for them to buy.

Case in point:

There’s a great book I read a long time ago called “Don’t Make Me Think.”

It’s written by a guy who designs web pages.

And, what he basically says throughout the book is - when someone comes to your page or website, you don’t want to make them think.


It should be very easy for them to navigate around.

Things should be in their logical place.

And most of all…

Don’t give them multiple choices when one is all they need.

Giving lots of choice just confuses your prospects and ends up them not making a choice at all.

And that’s exactly what I experienced at the Cheesecake Factory.


That’s exactly what I’ve experienced helping thousands of Coaches.

Often I’ll speak to a Coach and they can’t figure out why their offer isn’t selling.

They tell me…

“I give them so many options to buy, but they don’t take any!”

And to that I say…

“Yes! Because they’re totally confused!”

Here’s the deal:

Your prospect doesn’t want 5 different programs to choose from.

They don’t want 3 different programs to choose from.

And they don’t even want 2.

Making them pick between 2 or 3 (or more) programs is just a recipe for confusion.

And when they’re confused, they won’t buy.
Instead, take away the choice.

Don’t make them think.

Tell them which program is best for them and their situation, then give them ONE option to buy at ONE price point.

This is a much easier way to make the sale.

Then, if they don’t buy, you have The Aussie Hermit’s permission to reduce the price to your “down-sell.”

But here’s the thing…

The “down-sell” should be the exact same offer - getting the exact same result - only with less access to you (ie. you sell them group coaching instead of 1-on-1, or a Facebook group instead of group coaching etc).

Make sense?

The funny thing is…

I rarely go to the Cheesecake Factory anymore when I’m in the U.S..

It’s just too painful watching others take 60 minutes to pick a dish.

And if for some reason I get dragged along by friends, I get the same thing everything time:

Almond-Crusted Salmon Salad.

I get it because I know it’s good.

I get it because it means I don’t have to look at the menu.

And I get it because I don’t have to think.

With that being said…

If you need help closing high ticket clients, that’s exactly what I show you how to do in my 15 Minute Client program.

Inside I teach you my “Q&A Close” method for getting “pre-sold” prospects on the phone ready to buy.

And then I take you through my script for closing them without feeling like a used car salesman.

To be notified when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

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