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How to instantly charge 2x-5x more without changing one piece of your offer
Many Coaches think that in order to charge more, they need to enhance their offer in some way.
For example…
They think they need to create more bonuses.
Add more coaching sessions.
Give the prospect more access to them.
Or even make the program longer.
And sure, that can work.
But it’s usually wasted effort.
Instead, there’s a much easier way to significantly raise your fees.
And the best part is, you don’t have to change your offer one bit.
Case in point:
The other day, The Aussie Hermit was chatting to a new client.
And, she came to me because she wants to turn her bookkeeping into a high-priced service.
Unfortunately, though, she didn’t see how this was possible.
"Business owners just don’t value bookkeeping," she told me.
But is that the case?
Here’s a paraphrased version of what I said to her:
"It’s true. There will be many business owners that don’t value your bookkeeping.
For example, if you worked with a new Coach making 1-2 sales per month, they’re not going to see the value in spending $500/mo or more on a bookkeeper.
It just wouldn’t make sense as their bookkeeping is probably about 10 minutes work.
However, let’s pretend you’re not working with a new Coach.
Instead, let’s pretend you’re working with a retail store owner.
And that retail store owner sells and orders hundreds of products each month.
In other words - they’re dealing with a lot of transactions.
Further, let’s also say this retail store owner is up until 1am every morning balancing their books.
This job is literally costing them hours of their life every week.
Now let me ask you…
Would that type of business owner value bookkeeping services?
In fact, they’d happily pay high fees to get all that work off their back.
You’d be a saviour to them.
So it’s not true when you say business owners don’t value bookkeeping.
Sure, some won’t.
But many will.
More importantly…
There will be many that pay a high amount for those services."
So what has The Aussie Hermit just magnificently demonstrated here?
I’ve demonstrated that the key to selling a high-priced service is less about your offer and more about *market selection.*
Choose the right market, and you can charge 2x, 5x and even 10x more than what you currently are.
But choose the wrong market, and you’ll barely be able to make a sale.
Let alone a sale at a high price.
With that being said…
The very first step in my 15 Minute Client program is all about helping you choose the right market.
AKA: your niche.
We get clear on the exact demographic that’s perfect for your offer.
We identify the "urgent problem" that’s going to motivate them to invest now and not later.
And then I show you how to package and position your offer so that your market happily invests in your high fees.
Then, from there, I show you how to attract that market onto your list with paid ads and a simple lead magnet.
And after that, I show you how to convert that list into clients sending just one email per day.
If that sounds like a program you want to be a part of, make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
Should you put your programs and pricing on your website?
Following is a question The Aussie Hermit received a couple of weeks back on my live workshop:
“Luke, do you have a page that speaks to what programs and services you offer? Pricing and time commitment, etc?”
’Tis a good question.
And one I get asked pretty regularly.
My thoughts?
I never have and never will.
My longer thoughts?
I don’t have any information about my programs and services (including price point etc) because there’s no context as to how these programs can help transform the business of the person who’s reading it.
And if they don’t understand how it can help them, they’re not going to see the value in spending whatever I’m charging.
Let The Aussie Hermit explain this in more detail…
In a typical sales process to sell a high-ticket offer, you invite someone on the phone.
Then, from there, you ask them questions.
You find out where they’re stuck.
You find out what they’ve tried.
You find out what they want to achieve etc.
And then after you’ve asked them all these questions that help you get a full *context* of their situation, you present your offer.
You present your offer in a way that shows how it can help overcome the problems they’ve just articulated to you.
In other words…
You’ve presented your offer in the context of their situation.
By putting your programs directly on your website you’ve skipped the sales process entirely.
You haven’t asked questions.
You haven’t found out what their challenges are.
You’ve simply written down an outline of your offer with the number of coaching sessions and lessons etc, and you’ve made the assumption they know exactly how those coaching sessions and lessons can help them.
Unfortunately, they won’t know.
Instead, they’ll read your offer. They’ll look at the price. And they’ll go “wow, that’s expensive!” And you’ll never hear from them again.
One of the keys to selling high-ticket is making sure you present your offer at the right time.
And plastering on your website for anyone to take a look at is not the right time.
With that being said…
If you’re wanting to sell a high-priced program, then that’s exactly what The Aussie Hermit’s whole 15 Minute Client program is about.
In the first module, I show you how to select the right market that’s going to be able to afford (and see value) in a high ticket offer.
(Super critical if you want to sell at premium prices)
Then, from there, I show you how to craft a high ticket offer your market happily invests in.
In Module 2 I help you set up my unique “waitlist” system that has people literally lining up to work with you.
You learn how to create the waitlist. What emails to send when you’ve got spots open. What to ask in the application process to spot any red flags (AKA: lookie lous). And, of course, what to say to close them once you’ve got them on the phone.
Finally, in Module 3 I help you build your list with quality leads using paid ads.
(Great if you’re tired of the time-sucking organic/free strategies)
And in Module 4 you learn how to convert that list into clients sending one email per day.
In other words…
Once the whole system is set up, all you need to do to attract high-paying clients is send one email per day.
If that’s a system you’d like in your business, put your name on the program waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
How to get 95% show up rate to your sales calls
Last week, The Aussie Hermit had a “no show” for one of my sales calls. (Well, technically it wasn’t a no-show as she emailed me beforehand saying she was sick) And it was during the time I was meant to do that call I had a funny realisation: I couldn’t remember the last time I had a no-show. I mean a legit no-show where they don’t show up and don’t even message me beforehand. Further… I thought how this was a far-cry from the previous results I was getting with my appointments. You see, many years ago I was getting a lot of no shows. In fact, I’d say 1 out of every 3 people wouldn’t show. Sometimes even higher! And that was super frustrating because, well - I was broke. I needed these people to show because I needed the sales. Secondly, it was frustrating because I’d put so much effort into getting the appointments. When people didn’t show I felt so defeated (to the point where I almost gave up on my business altogether). But that was then. These days? Well, I’d say my show up rate is over 95%. No, that’s not a typo. I know that if someone books in my calendar I can virtually guarantee they’ll show. So what’s the difference that made the difference? Simple… The strategy I now use to attract clients has completely changed. Before, when I had a lot of no-shows, the way I used to get most of my appointments was by putting a free “strategy session” offer on the thank you page (the page someone goes to after they opt in to your list). This offer was great because it got me a lot of appointments. But the problem was - the show up rate was abysmal. And the reason why was… These prospects had just opted in to my list from an ad. They didn’t know me. They certainly didn’t trust me. And they didn’t know I was an expert. They were completely cold. So because of all these reasons, it was easy for them to flake. And flake they did. Taking up my precious time, calendar space and mental resources. The good news is - now they rarely flake. Because now, before someone books a call - they already know me, they trust me, and they know I’m an expert. In other words, they have a relationship with me. It’s just like when you schedule a time to chat with a friend. Do you just ghost them? No. More often than not, you make the call. Or if you can’t make it - you let them know. Point is… When your prospects have a relationship with you, they’ll show up to most of your calls. And that’s really the biggest difference between the old way I used to book appointments and my current way… My old way focused on getting the appointment first, then building the relationship second. Yet my current way focuses on building a strong relationship first, then getting appointments second. And because of that, my results are completely different. So I’m sure you’re wondering… “What is the way The Aussie Hermit speaks of?” Simple… You send an email each day. By sending one email each you build the relationship over time. You gain trust. You establish your credibility. You deliver a lot of value… And you get to tell them about your program. Then, when the prospect is ready to work with you, they take advantage of the offer to speak with you at the end of your emails. And let me tell you what happens after that… Almost always that person shows. They show because they already know you, like you and trust you. And more importantly… They show because they know about your program, and they want to see if it can help transform their problem. Of course, that’s just one of the main benefits of sending daily email. Others include: —> Having “pre-sold” prospects show up to your sales calls (which makes closing a ton easier)… —> Not needing complicated tech to attract clients (if you can send an email, you can attract clients)… —> Acquiring much higher quality clients that resonate with your personality (because they’ve been reading your emails)... —> Only needing 15 minutes or so per day to write your client attraction email… And I could go on. But I’ll leave them for another email on another day. With that being said… If you currently have a high no-show rate, I can virtually guarantee you don’t have a strong relationship with the prospects booking on your calendar. In other words - I bet they’re cold prospects. Also, I bet the reason they’re cold is because of the funnel you’re using. It might be a “lead magnet to consult” funnel (like the one I used to use). It might be a webinar funnel. It might 5 day challenge funnel or something else. Either way, whatever you’re using is bringing in prospects that don’t know you that well. Now, just because you have a high no-show rate doesn’t necessarily mean you have to stop your funnel. If it’s profitable for you, by all means, keep it going. But what I would say is, if you want to increase your show up rate significantly, then you gotta send daily email. This is exactly what I teach inside my 15 Minute Client program. From writing the emails in less than 15 minutes, to coming up with hundreds of ideas, to crafting subject lines that has prospects eagerly opening them… It’s all in there. And the other great thing about sending daily email is you generate far more appointments. Typically, if you already have a funnel going, you’ll get an extra 30%-50% more appointments. (That’s if you stay consistent and have an offer people actually want) Point is… Email doesn’t only help with show up rates - it helps you dramatically improve the amount of appointments you get, too. Anyway… If you’re interested in joining the program, then make sure to put your name on the waitlist here: -Luke Charlton The Hermit Hole, Canberra |
Ethical bribes that close more sales
I really don’t like to bribe as a parent.
I believe your child should be motivated from within.
Also, I believe you should do everything you can do internally motivate your child.
For example, there are many days we find it a struggle to get Olive and Indi to eat their food.
To overcome this, we try to get them involved in making the food.
We get their help in choosing the ingredients (not always a good option)…
We get them involved in feeding each other to make it fun…
And we sometimes even create different meals when they don’t like what we originally made.
In other words…
We try a lot of different things to motivate them without bribing.
But when all that fails, sometimes there’s no other option.
You just gotta bribe.
(Personally, I like the ice cream bribe. Does the trick most times)
And the reason I bring this up is because this same strategy can be used to good effect when signing up a client over the phone.
You want to do everything you can to motivate the client to join without using a bribe.
But when all else fails - you bring out a bribe.
Here’s how it works:
Toward the end of your sales call (when you’re describing your program to a prospect), you want to focus on selling your core high ticket offer.
(Even if you think that might be out of their price range)
You describe the offer.
You tell them the results they’ll be getting.
You talk about how the coaching works etc.
Then you give them the investment point.
From there, you want to do everything you can to motivate them to join at that price level *without* offering a payment plan or a special bonus.
Also, you don’t want to go straight to a down-sell if an objection comes up.
The reason?
Your payment plans, special bonus, and down-sells are your “bribes.”
You only use them at the end when you feel like the prospect isn’t going to join.
(Exactly how I bring out a bribe to my kids when I’ve exhausted every avenue to get them to eat)
And the way you get them to join without the bribes is by simply addressing/overcoming their objections.
Then, when you’ve hit a dead-end and you *know* they won’t sign up unless you do something, you bring out your ice cream.
AKA: you bring out your payment plans/special bonus in the first instance. And if that doesn’t work, you down-sell to a lower investment level.
The benefit of this strategy is three-fold:
First, you’ll make more sales at the high ticket level.
Second, you’ll get more prospects paying up front in full (great for cash flow).
And third, you’ll increase your conversion rates dramatically (as those who don’t convert at the higher level will typically join with a payment plan, bonus or reduced price).
You’re welcome.
With that being said…
This is just one of many sales techniques I teach inside my “daily email” 15 Minute Client program.
Others include how to craft a high-ticket offer prospects feel excited about investing in, how to build a waitlist, how to overcome objections before you get on the call with someone, what to say if you do experience an objection and more.
Along with that, I give you a script you can use to close high ticket sales.
(Not that you need it because most people that come from your emails are pre-sold. But it’s there so you’re 100% on exactly what to do and say to see your program)
Finally, I show you how to build your list with paid ads and convert that list sending one email per day.
If you’re interested in joining the program, make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
When dead broke prospects will spend on your high-ticket program
A couple of days ago, I was having a conversation with a client.
And, like most Coaches, he was looking to attract more prospects who could afford his coaching.
Now, just for some context before I go on…
This Coach helps women who struggle to have “the big O” if you know what I mean.
(I would say the word but my email would probably go into the SPAM folder)
And so, the way he was trying to attract prospects with money was by calling out “successful entrepreneurial women.”
I’m paraphrasing here, but in his ad, he said something like…
“Are you a successful female entrepreneur who struggles to have the big O?”
Now I see Coaches do this all the time…
They think that the way to attract clients with money is to focus on working with lawyers or executives or professionals or doctors or successful entrepreneurs.
But this is not the right approach.
Just because you attract someone who generally earns more doesn’t mean they’ll buy your program.
In other words - a high level of income doesn’t equate to high ticket sales.
Let me prove this to you.
In fact…
Let me show you how even a broke person can afford a high ticket program.
Imagine you work at McDonald’s.
You’re earning minimum wage and basically, you’re broke.
You definitely can’t afford a high ticket program.
Then one day you get some news…
Unfortunately, you’ve just been diagnosed with terminal cancer.
You’ve got 4 weeks left to live.
Obviously, you’re devastated.
But a few days later, you happen to run into a doctor.
And upon speaking to this doctor he delivers you some incredible news.
He says, “Hey, I’ve actually cured 1,000 people with the exact same cancer as you. They were all terminal and they all survived. What I did was give them this special hemp oil. It works great every time. Unfortunately, though, the hemp oil is pretty expensive. It’s $10,000 per dose. And you only need one dose.”
Now let me ask you…
Are you going to find that money to pay for that $10,000 vial?
It doesn’t matter that you’re broke.
You’re going to borrow it off friends, family, you’re going to put it on a credit card.
In other words - you’re going to do anything and everything you can to pay for that $10,000 dose.
So what has The Aussie Hermit just demonstrated here?
I’ve demonstrated that even a broke person can find the money for a high priced product or service.
And how?
Because it’s not the demographic you work with that’s most important.
If you want to sell high ticket, what’s most important is that you focus on a market with an urgent problem.
When you help someone with an urgent problem (and if that urgent problem is important enough to them), they will find the money to solve it.
Do that in the first instance, and you won’t have to worry about calling out “professionals” or “successful entrepreneurs” or other high earning income individuals.
With that being said…
The first thing we do together inside my 15 minute client programme is help you find an urgent problem your market is going to spend a lot of money to solve.
Along with that, I show you how to attract that “urgent problem” market onto your list with paid ads, then convert them into clients sending just one email per day.
To find out when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
If you don’t hold the cash, you don’t own the client
"If you don’t hold it, you don’t own it."
This is a popular catchphrase in the precious metals market.
It means if you don’t physically hold gold or silver in your hand, you don’t really own it.
There are many companies out there that will sell you bullion (whether via ETF, a paper contract, or "pool allocated"), but if you check the fine print, they very often don’t set aside those metals you purchased.
In fact, they often sell many more contracts than the bullion they own.
Sure, they’ll have a little so that if some of their buyers want to come and collect they’ll have it for them.
But if there’s a crash and all their buyers want to come and collect?
No chance.
Instead, they’ll give you a check for yesterday’s price and send you on your way.
Thus the saying…
If you don’t hold it, you don’t own it.
The first reason I bring this up is because, if you have precious metal investments, probably now is a good time to go and collect before everyone else does.
As mentioned before, it’s my belief there’s a crash coming within the next 24 months like nothing we’ve ever seen.
And when that time comes, you’re going to want to be holding your precious metals.
The second reason I bring this up is because the same saying can be applied to signing clients.
Here’s what I mean…
Over the years I would say at least 50 people have told me at the end of my sales call, "Yes! I love the program! I’m definitely going to sign up! Send me the link and I’ll do it right after our call!" only for me to never hear from them again.
What’s worse is when I was struggling for clients I used to get so excited because I believed I signed a client.
A few times I even went ahead and spent money believing their payment was going to come through.
Dumb dumb dumb.
And so that’s why when a Coach says to me…
"Luke, I just signed a client!" And I reply to them… "Is their money in your hand?" (AKA: bank account), if they say "no," well…
They have signed any client at all.
It’s the same for you, too.
If a prospect tells you they’re going to sign up, that doesn’t mean they’ve signed up.
It’s like an "IOU" paper contract.
It’s worth nothing until you have that money in your hand.
Therefore, the best thing you can do is not to take your prospect’s word for it.
That’s a great way to get burned.
Instead, sign them up on the phone right then and there.
If they truly love your program and want to join, you need to take their credit card details and get them signed up.
Don’t send them something to look over.
Don’t let them "think about it."
Don’t schedule another time to speak.
The only thing you should be getting at the end of your call is a credit card number or a hard "no."
If you let them give you a "maybe" and then leave - you can almost guarantee you won’t ever see them again.
With that being said…
What I like about sending daily email is that by the time your prospect speaks to you on the phone, they’re ready to sign up.
You don’t have to overcome many objections (if any) because they already know about your program, they trust you, they know you’re an expert, and they also know it’s a significant investment.
This is the exact opposite of the typical guru funnel where you’re speaking to a cold prospect that has just booked in your calendar soon after seeing you ad.
This is where:
—> The prospect doesn’t know about your program…
—> They don’t trust you…
—> They don’t know you’re an expert,…
—> They don’t know what you’re charging is substantial.
And so to close this type of client requires a lot of salesmanship.
Sure it works for some Coaches.
But for the vast majority?
Not likely.
Why bother, though, when you can simply send a daily email and let that do all the heavy "sales lifting" for you?
If you agree and you want to learn how to attract a consistent flow of "pre sold" clients into your programs, then make sure to put your name on the waitlist for my 15 Minute Client program:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
Advantages of a bleeding neck prospect
Over the past 2 days The Aussie Hermit has spoken about “market selection.”
And how, if you want to sell high-ticket, this is more important than anything.
Even more important than your offer or what funnel you choose.
And so I thought I’d round out this series with one more email that goes into probably the most critical thing when choosing a market if you want to sell high ticket.
And, it’s actually something Anthony (the subscriber who wrote back in the previous email), brought up in his latest reply back to me.
Just before I get to his comment, some context for those that missed the previous two emails:
We were talking about the market of “dog owners looking to train their dogs.” And how owners of dogs who perform/compete in shows would pay more than just a regular owner who wants to get their puppy trained.
However, as you’ll see, there’s another type of dog owner willing to pay more to get their dog trained than a regular dog owner.
I’ll let Anthony explain:
“Right or even things like DOG aggression where you can also charge top notch because those dogs are on the verge of getting rehome or put down and how much is the relationship with losing their dog worth.. priceless the dogs life is at stake Maybe even more than competing in a dog show!!”
Great observation.
And I don’t doubt this is true…
If you have a dog that’s aggressive toward other dogs or worse - humans - and you love that dog, then you’re going to pay an expert more get help taming that dog (more than you would a regular dog training program).
But why?
What’s the underlying reason that makes this the case?
Well, the first reason is - this is a specific/niche problem.
And with specific problems comes more specialist skills required to solve them.
And with more specialist skills comes higher fees.
But that’s not the #1 most critical thing I’m referring to in this email.
(Although it is still very important)
The #1 most critical thing, and why you’d be paid more to help aggressive dogs, is because this is an urgent problem.
(As Anthony smartly pointed out)
It’s simple…
More urgency = more serious = more pay.
And it’s the same with coaching.
When choosing a high ticket market to go into with your coaching, the #1 most important thing you need to do first is pick a prospect with an urgent problem.
(World famous marketing expert, Perry Marshall, calls it a “bleeding neck problem”)
The reason this is important is because with an urgent problem there’s obviously an inherent urgency in getting it solved.
(Hint: This makes it far easier to get them to click your ads, sign up to your list and book appointments. However, choose a problem that's not urgent and you'll be struggling for any appointments).
Further, if the problem is an urgent one that’s hard to solve (like saving their marriage, getting clients, or stopping their kids failing school etc), then they’re going to pay you quite a bit to solve it quickly.
(Hint: pretty much every problem we coaches solve is a hard one. So you can rest assured, you already have this covered)
Finally, if this is an urgent problem that’s hard to solve plus it’s for a niche market, then you can charge even higher.
(Just like how a specialist doctor charges more than a GP)
If I had to make up some type of “high ticket formula” it would look like this:
Urgent Problem X Hard Problem X Niche Problem = Prospects Willing to Pay You a Lot.
Make sense?
I hope so because it’s critical for market selection…
It’s critical if you want to charge high ticket…
And oh so critical if you want your campaigns to convert.
With that being said…
Picking your “urgent problem” (plus getting clear on your niche) is the first thing we do inside The 15 Minute Client program.
It takes precedent over everything.
Yes, I help you craft your high ticket offer…
Yes, I help you build your list with quality leads using paid ads…
And yes, I show you how to turn that list into high paying clients sending one email per day.
But none of that works unless we get the market right first.
Spend the time getting your market right using The Aussie Hermit’s proven processes, and you’ll see how it finally leads to high-converting marketing campaigns.
To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
Why selling “high ticket” has hardly anything to do with your offer
Recently, I was having a conversation with a consulting client.
She’s an extremely successful Coach.
She’s built multiple multi-million dollar companies.
And after a few years off she wants to get back into the game of coaching.
She’s a sales Coach for service professionals, and she’s selling a very high ticket offer. $25k+.
So over the last month, I’ve been helping her build her client attraction system.
Here’s the thing though…
Most of our conversation hasn’t been about:
—> Copy…
—> Crafting her ad…
—> Brainstorming headlines…
—> Writing emails…
Or anything typically associated with client attraction.
Most of our conversation has been around choosing/getting clarity on her market.
The reason being, this is the #1 most critical thing you can do if you want a business that gives you high-paying clients.
Let me show you why with an example:
Let’s pretend you’re a dog trainer.
Now, as a dog trainer, there’s a few different markets you could go in to.
You could help new dog owners train their puppies (typical)…
You could help dog owners who’ve just brought home a "rescue dog"…
You could help dog owners of certain breeds…
Plus many others.
But here’s the thing…
Depending on which market you choose will determine whether someone will pay you a little or a lot.
A great example of that is owners who take their dogs to perform at dog shows.
These owners, without a doubt, would pay you the most out of any dog owner.
But why?
I want you to think about it.
There are 3 big reasons why a dog owner who takes their dogs to perform at shows would pay you much more than a regular dog owner who just wants their new puppy a learn a few simple commands.
Point is…
By simply selecting a market that is willing to pay more, it makes it much easier to charge higher prices.
Let me come back to my client and we’ll dive deeper into her market (which should give you more insights to the question above).
As mentioned, she’s a sales Coach selling a high ticket service ($25k+).
This is no small sum.
And so what we figured out quickly is that, this offer was not good for beginner Coaches.
First because it’s too expensive for most Coaches earning under 6 figures.
And second, because she’s only teaching sales.
She doesn’t do any marketing or lead generation.
(Most Coaches earning under 6 figures need help with lead gen/marketing as well as sales)
So that market was out.
Then we looked at 6-figure Coaches.
This market was a little better because Coaches at this level can probably afford the $25k offer, however, a lot of them still need help with lead gen (and a lot at this level want help with paid ads).
The search continued.
Then I said to her, "what about Coaches with sales teams? Your offer helps close high ticket clients without getting on the phone, right? So why not help Coaches who hate having to manage their sales team (and hate having to pay them commissions) to replace them with your system? This is the market your offer is perfect for. And if you focus on this market it means you don’t have to teach them marketing/lead gen/paid ads because you know if they have a sales team they’re already doing that stuff."
A light bulb went off in her head.
"That’s perfect!" she said.
And when you look at her offer, it is a perfect match.
The prospect has the money.
They have a big problem her offer solves.
And it means she doesn’t have to teach anything other than sales - her zone of genius.
Here’s the point of all this…
Market selection is #1.
By selecting a great market in the first instance, it makes it far easier to sell high ticket.
Select the wrong market, however, and it’s like selling ice to eskimos, or another way to say that is...
It’s like selling $25k offers to Coaches who are earning less than $1,000/mo.
It ain’t going to work.
With that being said…
Selecting the right market for your offer is literally the first thing we do together in The 15 Minute Client program.
I take you through a proven process called, "Finding Your Starving Crowd."
And it’s helped hundreds (and hundreds) of Coaches to select a better market (even 7-figure Coaches like my client above), which makes it far easier to sell high ticket.
Along with that, I show you how to position and package your offer so it fits perfect with that market.
So they understand the value your service brings, and why they’re investing such a large amount.
Finally, I also help you attract "your starving crowd" market onto your list with paid ads, then turn them into clients sending one email per day.
To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
The Tesla hot dog van that made killing
True story:
Way-by-when my step-mum was a teen she worked in this food van over the summers.
(Basically the same thing as a food truck)
And, the guy who ran the van only sold 3 types of food…
- Hot dogs
- Steak sandwiches
- Fries
And that’s it.
And apparently, if a customer came up and asked, “can you make a burger?” or “can you do a salad?” or “can you make something else?” his answer was simply…
And almost always their reply was the same…
“Ok then, I’ll have a hot dog.”
That’s right, they still bought.
In fact, his food van always had a huge line up of customers waiting to buy.
But the reason I share this story is because of why he only sold 3 types of food…
He said by having to make only those 3 things, it was far easier for him to:
- Order the food…
- Prepare the food…
- Cook the food…
- Make sure the food is consistent in tase, and…
- Store the food at the end of the day.
In other words…
Not having to worry about 1001 different options made his business far easier, for more efficient, and far more profitable to run.
It’s pretty brilliant when you think about it.
And this is exactly the same strategy Elon Musk used when launching his first mass produced (Model 3) electric car.
He purposely had very limited:
- Colour options…
- Exterior options…
- Interior options, and…
- Battery options.
That way, he could pump out as many cars as possible in the most efficient/cost effective way as possible.
He knew for every option or variable he added to the car, was going to slow the production process down.
So he purposely removed those options to scale faster and therefore - make more profit.
This strategy is not new, of course.
Other car manufacturers and businesses have done this in the past.
However, most businesses these days use the “have anything you want” model for fear they’ll lose out on a sale if they don’t.
The Aussie Hermit, for one, prefers the “you’ll get what you’re given” model of the hot dog van owner.
I have one coaching offer/program, and that’s it.
And so by having one coaching program I don’t have to service multiple programs. I don’t have to fill multiple programs. I don’t have to come up with different content/emails to sell those programs. And I don’t have to split my focus between programs.
In other words, with one program everything is easier.
There are less headaches. It’s less time-consuming. It’s more efficient. And personally, being this focused around one program makes it a lot more profitable (my prospects aren’t trying to decide between multiple of my programs, they only have one option so it’s an easy decision).
Of course, this doesn’t mean you can’t sell multiple programs or products.
You can do the exact opposite of The Aussie Hermit if you want.
But just know, with more options brings more complexity.
And more complexity usually makes things difficult for scaling up.
With that being said…
Whether you’ve got 1 program or 50 programs, the simplest way I know how to sell those is with email.
You can sell whatever program you want by simply building your list, and sending that list one email per day.
And this is exactly what I teach inside my 15 Minute Client program.
You will learn…
—> How to get clear on your market…
—> How to package a high ticket offer…
—> How to build your list on autopilot with quality leads using paid ads, and…
—> How to send that list an email each day that entertains, adds huge value, and gets them booked in on your calendar to work with you.
Even better…
Everything inside the program has a proven framework, formula or fill-in-the-blank template
That way, you don’t need any copy or marketing expertise to get results.
You just follow the step-by-step processes and tweak until clients come in.
To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
How to enjoy selling (& make a killing doing it)
At the moment The Aussie Hermit currently going through a book by Dan Kennedy called…
"Almost Alchemy."
Basically, it’s like a "best of" type book from him.
Highly recommended.
But there’s one part in the book that really stuck out for me.
At the end of chapter 4, he tells a story about how he hired a company to clean his carpets.
And the two guys guy who came did a great job.
However, other than offering a "carpet protectant" at the end of the job, there was no other offering of services, cross-sells, or up-sells.
Here’s what he said they could have offered, but didn’t:
- Book in the next cleaning in 6/8/12 months…
- Enroll in monthly auto-pay for bundles services throughout the year…
- Sell an air purifier, humidifier or water purifier or, better, arrange a sales appointment for a rep highly skilled in selling those to come out and do a demo…
- Leave a couple of pass-along envelopes with literature and coupons, for him to give to neighbours and friends…
- Collect referrals…
- Place a "we were here at your neighbour’s" door-hangers on neighbouring homes’ doors, to create forced referrals…
- Leave a thank you note, card or gift…
- Leave a bounceback or tell-a-friend coupon…
A big opportunity gone begging.
Now imagine (as Dan says in the book) doing the above for every client was worth only 5% extra revenue.
If your company is doing 20 homes per day at 83.50 each (which is what they charged Dan) x 250 days per year, that’s $417,000 in extra revenue.
No chump change.
In fact, that can be company saving revenue if you’re struggling.
And this story reminded me of when I used to help struggling dentists grow their businesses.
One of the things I taught them was how to improve their sales process, just like Dan recommends above.
I would teach them how to convert more callers into appointments.
I would teach them how to get their staff to offer more services.
And I would teach the dentists how to up-sell and cross-sell patients to other products and services.
All of these strategies would have been at least an extra 10-20% revenue to their businesses.
But do you know what happened?
They didn’t want to implement them.
They said…
"I don’t want to sell, I just want to focus on my dentistry."
And no matter how much I tried to explain or convince them why this was a good idea, I kept coming up against a brick wall.
It wasn’t all dentists, I might add. But it was the vast majority. And this is why I got out of that market and stuck with Coaches.
But the reason I tell this story is not to highlight the importance of having up-sells or cross-sells.
I tell it to show you that selling is not "sleazy."
And it’s not something where you’re "taking" from the client.
Instead, selling is about adding value.
It’s about helping.
And when you see selling as a way to help, then you’ll have no problem offering more services.
We Coaches often feel a bit weird selling our stuff.
And a part of that is because of the terrible guru tactics being taught to us, but another part of it is our upbringing.
Whatever the case, we need to reframe selling if we want to be successful in business.
Because if you see selling as something that’s a negative - and as something that takes from your client - you’ll never get to where you want to be.
You’ll never make the revenue you want to make.
And you’ll never make the impact you want to make.
The other great thing about selling is the prospect isn’t being forced into buying your stuff against your will.
They always have the option of saying yes or no.
And so, another way you can think of selling is just making them aware of a product or service they might like.
Like, "Hey, you mentioned that you’re struggling with this, I have a program that might be able to help with that. Would you like to hear about it?"
From there they can say "Sure!" Or "No thanks!"
It’s not a big deal.
You’re just offering help and if they don’t want it - no problem.
And so once again…
Selling doesn’t have to be a process that takes, or a process full of sleaze.
Instead, look at it as a process where you’re casually offering help.
Because when you look at it that way, you’ll see opportunities to offer more help (and therefore make more sales) just like Dan mentions above.
With that being said…
One of the things I teach in my 15 Minute Client daily email program, is how to sell at the end of every one of your emails without being douchey.
Where the call to action is just like an offer for help.
Along with that, I teach you my "Q&A Close" sales script to sign those prospects up who do end up booking an appointment.
And the good news about this script is, you don’t need to be an "expert closer" to sign up premium clients.
And that’s because most of the clients already come wanting to work with you before you speak (such is the power of daily email).
On the phone you simply go through a "Q&A" type conversation where you find out what the prospect is stuck with, where they want to go and how your offer fits into that equation.
It really is that simple.
To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra
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