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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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My client’s $58,711 Hollywood Offer mistake

People always complain about Hollywood doing remakes and sequels.

But when you think about it, it’s a smart move.

With a remake or a sequel (especially one with a cult following) - even if it ain’t that great - it’s still going to make a profit.

Just look at the most recent Star Wars Trilogy.

It was an absolutely dogs breakfast and yet it made billions.

However, with a brand new untested story, well… that’s a much bigger risk.

So from a business standpoint - remakes and sequels are a smart way to go.

It’s the same with your coaching business…

Relaunching a proven offer you’ve used in the past is a much smarter route than launching a brand new offer.

With the brand new offer, you have no idea how it’s going to perform.

But with the proven offer, you can be certain it’s going to bring in some cash.

This is not to say you should never do a new offer.

Not in the slightest.

What The Aussie Hermit is saying is that proven offers are much safer whereas new offers are much riskier.

This is exactly what I tried to tell my client when she wanted to test a new offer recently.

We’d just done a string of 5-day challenges and they’d converted really well.

Then she wanted to test selling a new version of the offer in an upcoming 5-day challenge.

Problem was, she wanted to spend $70,000 testing this offer (almost twice as much as the previous 5-day challenge that converted really well).

So I told her…

“If you’re going to test a new offer, I wouldn’t recommend spending that amount. That is incredibly risky.

Instead, I’d use the same offer as last time. That way we know it’ll convert.

And if you still want to test this new offer, let’s run another 5-day challenge but with a smaller budget. How about $3,000-$5,000? Then if it converts, we’ll try it with a bigger budget the next time.”

Her response?

“Sally (their marketing assistant), says she’s seen this new offer type work before for other 5-day challenges so we want to give it a go.”

“Fair enough,” I said. “But I strongly recommend you don’t go down this path because I don’t think this new offer is going to convert and you’re risking a lot of money.”

Anyway, they still didn’t listen and we launched the 5-day challenge spending roughly $72,500.

The result?

$13,789 in sales.

A $58,711 loss.

Now let The Aussie Hermit take you over to another client that did listen to my advice.

Funny thing was, this other client started with me at the exact same time this other 5-day challenge was launching. So it was a great side-by-side comparison.

Here’s what happened:

She came to me with a bunch of different funnels that had converted OK in the past but had died as ad costs rose.

So the first thing I did was identify which of her past funnels had converted best.

The reason?

Because if it converted in the past it’s going to be the safest bet going forward.

That funnel was a webinar.

So I reviewed her webinar. I gave her a ton of advice on what to do to update the presentation.

She made those changes and we relaunched it to cold traffic (via FB ads).

The result?

Her first webinar did a 3 to 1 return.

She spent $1,000 (keeping the budget low to test the new webinar) and made back $3,000.

A great result.

Then we ran the webinar again the following week, this time doubling the budget, and she made back $7K.

Another great result.

Now we’re continuing to scale this campaign using the same offer that was converting in the past.

So here’s the point of all this…

If you’re going to spend a ton of money on a campaign, you better make sure the offer is proven, otherwise it’s a big risk.

And if you do want to test a new offer - start small.

Keep the budget low until it is proven.

And once it is, milk as much cash out of that offer as you can.

Just like Hollywood 🙂

With that being said…

In The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program, one of the key strategies I teach is to keep your ad budget low until you sign a couple of clients.

I recommend a minimum of $30/day and no more than $100/day.

Then, when you get a couple of clients, now you’ve got a proven offer.

Moreover, now you can be confident the cash you’re investing into your ad campaigns will come back - and more.

This is when you start to “snowball scale.”

You add a bit more daily budget, get a few more clients.

Then you add even more daily budget, get even more clients.

Etc etc.

This is the smart way to scale.

Along with showing you how to efficiently and safely scale ad campaigns, I show you how to convert those ad campaigns into clients sending just 1 email per day.

No complex funnels.

No crazy tech.

Just a simple list building strategy (all on autopilot with ads), and a daily email that promotes your coaching offer.

If that sounds like something you’re after, make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Somewhere Near Byron Bay

How 8-figure Coach, Grace Lever, transformed her funnel with this email

True story:

From 2016 to 2021, The Aussie Hermit had the opportunity of working with Grace Lever.

Now, if you’re a female Coach, you probably know of Grace.

She’s an 8-figure Coach and one of the leading experts for female Coaches.

However, back when I met her, she was barely online at all.

Her marketing strategy was offline doing workshops around Australia. And so the reason why we started working together is because she wanted to transition online through the use of a webinar/Fb ads.

Problem was - the webinar wasn’t converting that well.

And so The Aussie Hermit stepped in.

I gave her a full critique.

I told her exactly what was wrong.

And I told her exactly what to do to fix it.

To her credit, she took that advice, updated her webinar and the results were staggering.

Within a matter of a few weeks she went from spending a few hundred dollars per day to $10,000/day on ads.

(I know because I was the one running the ads as well)

Further, she was making a 2-to-1 return on that spend.

Meaning - she spent $10k and made back $20k - every day.

Of course, I’m not saying that all this credit should go to me. Grace already had a great webinar, with a solid offer. I simply gave her some ideas on what to do to improve the presentation.

In any case, that’s not the reason I tell this story.

The reason I tell this story is for what came next…

Because Grace was doing so well with the webinar - and because she had so many new clients to service - she didn’t do any other marketing.

After all, she didn’t need to as she was making $10,000/day in profit.

However, being the marketer that I am, I knew that she was leaving a ton of money on the table.


Because she was generating thousands of subscribers each day (through the webinar) and none of them were getting any email follow up.


So I gave her a simple suggestion…


Here’s my daily email system. It’ll show you how to send emails your prospects love to open, read and buy from.

Use it for 30 days and see how it goes.

If it doesn’t work then stop using it.

But I bet it you’ll see a significant increase in sales”

The result?

Well, I can’t give specific revenue results.

But I’ll let Grace tell you in her own words…

"If you want to know how to send out daily emails your prospects love and that make money, get Luke’s system. Not only does he make it super easy and straightforward to produce great emails fast (even if you you're not a writer). He has a great way to come up with all the email content you could ever need! Thanks Luke for the great email course, it's been extremely profitable to my company.”

Funny thing is - Grace got the “2016” version of my email system which was extremely bare bones compared to my current system.

And even still, she was able to achieve extraordinary results by simply adding my daily email to her marketing strategy.

And that brings me to the real message of today’s email…

If you’re currently running ads, or you’ve got some type of lead gen. campaign that’s getting you clients, but you’re not sending at least one email per day - then you’re leaving a huge stack of cash on the table every month.

You’ve already paid for these leads (with your money or time or both), so why wouldn’t you get the most out of them by simply sending some emails?

To The Aussie Hermit it makes sense.

And if you agree, then maybe it’s time we had a chat?

All you have to do is put your name on the program waitlist below.

And when there’s a spot open, I’ll invite you up for a call.

Then from there, I’ll see how (or if) I can help.

And if I can?

I’ll map out a plan that shows you how we’re going to get you extraordinary results sending just one email per day.

Here’s the link to the waitlist now:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Somewhere Near Byron Bay

Farting in front of your client for the first time

Continually seeing headlines like this doesn’t fill The Aussie Hermit with much hope for humanity’s future:

“Woman hospitalised for refusing to fart in front of boyfriend”

Maybe even worse was that this was one of the headline articles. Higher than ones about the Ukraine war.


On the flip side, it does bring up an interesting topic I’ve always found quite funny.

That being…

When is the right time to fart in front of your partner for the first time?

Obviously, you don’t want to let it rip on the first date?

Could you imagine?

You shake hands. Give him (or her) a kiss on the cheek. Sit down at your table and…

“pppfffFFFFFTTTT!” out flies rip-roaring bottom burp.

They’d immediately get up and walk out in complete shock.

(And so would you if they did the same)

On the other hand, you also don’t want to wait years before you float an air biscuit in front of your significant other.

Imagine constantly dodging them when you need to go.

Running out of rooms with no explanation.

Painfully holding it in during movies when you’re cuddling up.

Or worse…

Holding it in to the point you become hospitalised.

That’s no way to live I say!

So when is the right time?

The Aussie Hermit has no idea.

But what I do know is that we Coaches suffer from a similar situation.

No, it has nothing to do with letting out a one cheek squeak in front of your clients.

You’ve got Zoom’s “mute” button for those occasions.

What I mean is - we Coaches have a similar problem when it comes to “up selling” or “cross selling” our current clients.

When is the best time to present your next offer to them?

For example, when someone becomes a client, you typically don’t want to try and immediately sell them into another high-end program.

That’s akin to farting on the first date.

On the other hand, you don’t want to completely avoid it either.

Your “back end” (the puns never end!) is where you make most of your profits.

Therefore, not offering your clients more premium programs that can help is a good way to put your business in hospital.


When is the right time to offer your existing clients the opportunity to buy one of your other programs?

Personally, The Aussie Hermit likes to live by one principle…

The offer has got to come out naturally… so to speak.


That next offer has to be presented in a way that’s natural to each individual in your current program.

Some people want more help sooner than others - and they’ll let you know about it earlier in the program.

Therefore, when they do, that would be a good time to jump on the phone and talk to them about what you’ve got.

However, others won’t be ready until right at the very end of the program. They’ll finish up and typically say, “how can I get more support from you?”

That’s a great time to - again - get on the phone with them.

Then there are the majority that won’t mention they’re looking for more help at all.

So how do you up sell them?

Well, there are many ways (of which I discuss in my 15 Minute Client program).

However, probably the best - most straightforward - thing to do is simply this:


When you get to the end of the program, simply ask (in email or your final coaching session)…

“Hey NAME,

Now that we’re at the end of the program, let me ask…

Would you like to continue getting coaching support? More than happy to have a quick chat to discuss.

Your Name”

Then, if they say “yes,” you’ve got an easy way to get on the phone with them and tell them about your other programs without feeling all weird or salesy (because they’re literally asking to be sold).

With that being said…

I know this email had a lot of fart puns.

And for that, The Aussie Hermit does not apologise one bit.

It simply had to be done.

The good news is, my 15 Minute Client workshop is devoid of any fart puns at all.

Instead, it’s a pure fire-hose of information that teaches you my complete system on how to attract high paying clients sending just one email every day.

If that sounds like something you’re interested in learning, put your name on the waitlist here to be notified when I go live next:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Somewhere Near Byron Bay

Get more “why’s” and you’ll get more buys

The other day, The Aussie Hermit’s 4-year-old daughter asked me to pass her a pair of scissors.

Here’s how the conversation went:

"Daddy, can you get me those scissors in the drawer?"

"Why do you need those? These ones are very sharp."

"Mummy asked me to get them so she could use them."

"Ok, fair enough. Here you go. Just make sure you walk with them."

"Ok daddy."

Now, here’s what’s interesting about this…

I had no intention of giving her these particular scissors as they are very big, very sharp, and very dangerous if not handled well (these are no kids scissors). However, because she gave me a good reason why (that being - her mother was using them and not her), I handed them over.

Persuading someone to buy your program works the exact same way.

If you don’t give them a strong reason *why* your methodology is the best way for them to get results, they won’t invest.

This is yet another reason why The Aussie Hermit prefers sending regular emails as my main client attraction method vs a guru funnel.

You see, with a typical guru funnel, you really only have one shot at explaining why your method is the best way.

The reason why is - the very nature of a guru funnel is to take someone from "cold to sold" in a short amount of time. Therefore, you don’t have the luxury of giving all the reasons why your way is the best way.

You have to choose one or two or if you’re lucky - 3 reasons.

Because of that, you won’t be able to convince a large amount of people why they should sign up.

(This is why guru funnels convert at a low percentage)

Not so with email.

You see, with email you have the luxury of follow up.

And what that means is, you can send multiple emails and use each email as a different reason to explain why your method is the best method.

For example…

Yesterday, I spoke about how my daily email system is great because it gets you appointments that are "pre-sold" - that are much easier to close and don’t need you to be a sales expert or use sleazy sales tricks."

That’s a reason why.

The day before I spoke about how choosing your market is the most important thing you need to do before even crafting your webinar - and how I help Coaches with that in my program.

That’s a reason why.

The day before that I spoke about the importance of headlines to getting prospects take the action you want them to today - and how I help Coaches with that too.

That’s another reason why.


The point is…

With every new email you’re giving your prospect another reason why.

And each why stacks on top of each other until one day the why is so strong they want to buy.


Your prospect won’t buy unless they have a strong why.

And, personally, I believe email allows you to create the strongest why among any other strategy (and why I believe it still continues to be the most profitable marketing medium around today).

With that being said…

If you’ve got a great program that you’d like to get a lot more clients buying, then maybe The Aussie Hermit can help?

I have client-getting system called "The 15 Minute Client."

And, very simply - it shows you how to get clients sending one email per day.

Along with that, I show you how to build your list on autopilot with paid ads (with a budget starting at just $30/day).

That way, you no longer have to trawl through Facebook groups, or post tons of content that gets barely any views (let alone clients), or beg for referrals.

If you’re interested, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Somewhere Near Byron Bay

High ticket sales without the sleaze (or even a script)

True story:

Back in the day when The Aussie Hermit was fresh out of year 12, I got a job in a sports store.

(“Rebel Sport” for all the Aussies reading)

And, often we’d get customers asking for a discount.

Now, as a general employee, I had the authority to give a 10% discount on the spot for basically any item.

However, my manager told me…

“Luke, whenever someone asks for a discount don’t give it to them right away. Instead, tell them you’re going to ask the manager for them. Then simply walk out the back of the shop, sit around for 10 minutes, then walk back out to the customer and tell them… ‘Look I had to twist my manager's arm for you, and he finally relented and said yes. He said I could you could have a 10% discount.’”

(Yes, he really said this to me lol)

This, of course, was to make the prospect feel like they got a really good deal.

Like I’ve gone in to ‘bat’ for them.

It was salesmanship.

And, it worked.

The problem was, it was fake. And I always felt weird doing it.

Now you might argue, “Luke, it’s OK, it made them feel good. There was nothing unethical about it.”

And you may be right.

However, it’s these types of sales tricks that never sat well with me.

And, it’s these types of sales tricks you see gurus teach all the time.

I remember one of my mentors telling me that whenever I got on a phone call with a prospect, the very first thing I should say is…

“Wow, I’m so glad I could make time for you today” lol.
And this, of course, was designed to position me as a “busy expert” (even though I had literally zero clients at the time).

So douchey.

And again - it was these 1980’s sleazy tricks I never felt comfortable implementing.

(Also because they never really worked. People are too educated these days and know exactly what you’re doing).

All that changed, however, when I started selling via email.

You see, when I started selling via email, all of a sudden the people I was speaking to already knew, liked and trusted me.

Also, they knew I was an expert (because they’d been reading my emails), and they even knew about my program (because I’d been talking about it in my emails, too).

In other words…

They were a very high quality prospect that wanted to invest.

And so, all of a sudden I didn’t need to do any of those weird sales tricks. Or even follow some sleazy sales script.

Instead, I just treated it like a conversation to find out how (or if) I could help.

And if I could?

I mapped out a step-by-step plan and explained how we’d implement it together.

And if we couldn’t’?

I pointed them to other resources I thought could help.

The result?

My conversions went through the roof.

The funny thing is - I notice this with pretty much all of my clients who get bookings from their email list.

They have far higher conversion rates (even when they’re not natural at sales) because:

A) Their prospects are much warmer, and…

B) They follow a much looser sales framework that doesn’t require them to remember a script.

Because of this, it’s a much more enjoyable experience all around.

(Not to mention, much more effective)


I’ll leave you to ponder that lesson.

If you’re looking for a system that gets you high-quality prospects booking in your calendar sending one email per day, that’s exactly what The Aussie Hermit teaches inside The 15 Minute Client program.

To see if it’s a good fit, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Somewhere Near Byron Bay

4 little-known benefits of having a program waitlist

The other day The Aussie Hermit went to buy some shelves for my garage.

And, after doing some research online I found a place that had them for 60% cheaper than everywhere else.

Problem was, the shelves I wanted were out of stock.

So I clicked on the “customer support” chat and asked them when they’d get some in.

Their response?

“We have no idea.”

And that was it.

That was literally the end of the conversation.

They didn’t take my name.

They didn’t take my email.

And they didn’t take my phone number.

Now, The Aussie Hermit doesn’t know about you, but I think this is a pretty dumb way to run your business.

And, you see this with businesses all the time.

They have customers that want to buy an item that’s out of stock, but they don’t grab their details to let them know when it’s back in stock.

Dumb dumb dumb.

And the funny thing is...

It’s *so* simple to do this.

You’re literally typing someone's details into a notepad or spreadsheet and then sending them an email when the product is ready.

It’s mind-boggling.

They’re literally losing customers because they can’t do a 10 second job.

Even worse - most of this stuff can be automated these days.

Some smart companies are doing it.

For example, I have a website I buy gym stuff from and when something is out of stock a box will pop up asking for my email so they can notify me when it comes back in. Then, when the item hits their warehouse, they send out an email to me and everyone else on the waitlist and BAM - a flood of customers rush in.

So simple. So profitable and so rarely used.

And as I was thinking about this story today it reminded The Ol’ Hermit of some other reasons why I have a waitlist for my 15 Minute Client program, and why I teach it to all my students.

Here they are:

It’s great for launching a program.

Let’s say you have a new program you want to sell.

Well, send everyone to a waitlist for 6-8 weeks.

Then when you’re ready to go live you’ve got a group that’s highly interested.
It’s great for testing your offer before you’ve created content.

Let’s say you promote the waitlist for your program and no one is joining.

Well, that tells you you’ve got an offer problem.

All you have to do then is tweak the offer and try again. Keep tweaking until you get consistent people joining. Now you know you’ve got a program offer the market wants and you didn’t even create any content (or better - get on the phone).
It’s great for time management.

Most Coaches need to have availability in their calendar every week to take sales calls (The Aussie Hermit was the same).

Well, with a waitlist you can choose to invite people to a call when it suits you.

Only want to do sales calls 3 days out of the month?

No problem.

Only invite people to chat about the program on those 3 days.

Then the other 27 days you let people wait. And best of all…
It positions you as an expert.

After all, if you have a waitlist it says you’re in demand.

Sure, you may only have 3 people on that list in the beginning.

But your prospects don’t know that.

But just by the fact you have a waitlist will create far better positioning and make it easier to close them (and at higher prices) when you do speak.
Bottom line:

There are a ton of benefits to having your own program waitlist.

Some obvious, and some not so obvious.

Those 4 above are my favourite.

With that being said…

Inside my 15 Minute Client program I dedicate a whole module to building a profitable waitlist sales process.

You learn…

—> How to set up your landing pages using high converting, pre-made templates…

—> How to invite prospects on your waitlist to a call using word-for-word emails scripts…

—> How to set up an application form so you can weed out low income quality people before you speak (I also reveal the exact questions to ask)…

Plus much more including…

—> How to sign them into your high end program using my “Q&A Close” sales call framework.

And the best part is these leads are *super* warm making it straightforward for those not great at selling to sign them up.

Then, of course, the rest of the program shows you how to build your email list on autopilot with paid ads. And then convert that email list (leveraging the waitlist) into clients with one daily email.

If that sounds like something you’re after, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Somewhere Near Byron Bay

Coaches swimming naked

Warren Buffet once said:

“Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked”

He was speaking in the context of investing, of course.

And how, only when there’s a downturn in the economy do you see who the real investors are and who the pretenders are.

But this happens in many different parts of life as well.

Let’s take us Coaches as an example.

Specifically, how we Coaches (and our potential clients) sometimes experience the sales call process.

Here’s what often occurs:

The Coach invites a prospect to a discovery session.

The prospects books themselves onto said Coach’s calendar because they feel this Coach is a real expert.

The prospects shows up - eager to learn about how the Coach can help them.

But once the Coach starts talking, the tide goes out.

The Coach is naked.

What’s happened is that the Coach has let their nerves get the best of them.

They’re not confident.

They feel like a ‘fraud’.

And they project this right onto the prospect.

Because of that, the prospect (whether consciously or subconsciously) feels this Coach is someone entirely different than who they thought they were.

“This person is not an expert!” they think to themselves.

From there they give the Coach a whole bunch of objections to get off the phone ASAP.

This comes in the form of the typical “now is not the right time” or “I’ll need to speak to my husband” or “I just don’t have the money at the moment” objections.

And this makes total sense.

Because initially, they thought were getting a fully clothed expert, but when the tide went out…

They found themselves speaking to a fully naked pretender.

Any of this sound familiar?

It does for me.

Because that’s what used to happen to The Ol’ Aussie Hermit. A lot.

What’s going on here?

And most importantly, how do you fix it?

Well, to answer the first question, I hinted at it above…

A lack of confidence (or more specifically - *certainty*) in yourself and your ability to get results is the key reason we self-sabotage these calls.

The more certain you are you can get amazing results for the prospect sitting in front of you, the easier it’ll be to sign them up.

Sure things like sales scripts/frameworks help. But only to a certain (no pun) extent.

Certainty and certainty alone is the biggest factor in drastically increasing your sign up rate.

At least in my hermit opinion.

The reason I believe this is because over the last 2 years I’ve probably helped over 1500 Coaches.

(Much more than the previous 7 years I’ve been in business)

This means I got a lot of experience solving pretty much any marketing/sales problem a Coach (at any level) has experienced.

And I got good. Really, good.

Because of this, when I now get on a call to speak with a Coach about helping them, I’m very certain I can help.

This certainty then projects onto the prospect, and that makes them feel more certain about signing up. And they often do.

(My close rate is many times higher than what it used to be)

Yes, certainty is key in sales.

So the question then becomes, how do you become more certain?

Well, it’s pretty simple…

You’ve got to start working with a lot of clients.

The more clients you work with, the more problems you solve, the more certain you get.
But how do you work with clients if you have no clients?

Then very thing you need to gain certainty is the very thing you don’t have.

And that’s the conundrum.

It’s a “chicken and egg” scenario.

However, The Aussie Hermit will give you 2 solutions.

Both work, but one I enjoy much more.

The first (and most common way), is to continue to grind.

Just keep jumping on sales calls and recognise that your closing rate isn’t going to magically quadruple over night.

Be OK with a low closing rate.

Know that you’re going to have to make a lot of calls to sign a few clients each month.

That’s just part of the process.

Then over the coming months and years, as you work with more clients, your closing rate will increase as your certainty does.

As mentioned, this way is perfectly fine and I did it for many years.

However, there is a second path that can drastically speed up your results.

And that is, you work with someone that already has a lot of clients, and are looking to hire a Coach to help them.

That way, they send you a bunch of clients and your job is to work with them and get them results.

(The other great thing about this option, by the way, is that they’ll pay you as well!)

I did this with 2 different companies.

First, with an ad agency back in 2016.

I sucked at managing ads. So I applied to work with Jason Hornung at his agency.

This was an opportunity to learn from him and get paid to do it.

I applied and got the gig out of 50 people.

Point is, though…

Literally overnight I went from working with not many clients, to working with a bunch of *very high level* Coaches running their ads.

Throughout those 2.5 years I worked with Jason, I spent over 5 million on ads.

I also saw (and solved) so many marketing problems that before I’d never even seen.

My knowledge and skill set increased exponentially.

And as mentioned - I was paid to do it.

(Pretty cool considering he charges something like $70k/yr to join his private coaching program)

The other company I did this with was Grace Lever’s.

I had been running ads for her since 2016 (through Jason’s company, then through mine in 2018), and she hired me to coach her Coaches in her private mastermind.

First, it started off with just 40 Coaches.

Then it ballooned to 100, 200 and at last count before I left there was something like 500 Coaches.

So over 4 years of coaching in Grace’s programs I probably helped about 2500 Coaches. Maybe more.

But again…

This increased my skill set exponentially.

It gave me so much certainty that I can walk into any Coaches business (whether they’re earning $500/mo, $5,000/mo or $500,000/mo) and know how to get them to the next level.

Because I’ve done it over and over again.

Bottom line:

By finding another expert that needed a Coach to help them, I was able to exponentially increase my skill set.

Something to think about if you’re low on confidence (and income).

Finally, one thing I will mention…

If you go down this second path, make sure the Coach is OK with you continuing to work on your own business.

Don’t sign anything that says you’re not allowed to.

Further, make sure the gig is not full time.

Part-time is best, obviously, as this allows you to continue to sign your own clients.

With that being said…

This email was based around a big problem Coaches have with their sales calls.

Another problem they have is that they’re not getting many sales calls to begin with.

If that’s you, that’s what The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program can help you with.

Specifically, I show you how to get pre-sold prospects booking in your calendar sending just one email per day.

And you may already know this, but…

Pre-sold (or warm) prospects are much easier to close than cold ones.

In fact, using your email list to fill your calendar will often dramatically increase your closing rate without doing any of the stuff I mentioned above.

Along with sending emails that get pre-sold appointments, I also show you how to fill your list with quality leads using paid ads.

And as mentioned, I’ve spent a lot on ads (now in excess of 16 million), so I know what it takes for you to make them profitable.

If that sounds like a program you’re after, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Somewhere Near Byron Bay

Hidden benefit to making prospects wait to join your program

The Aussie Hermit is moving.

That’s right.

I’ve just sold up in Canberra and am moving up north to Byron Bay.

Much warmer weather.

Much more relaxed lifestyle.

And, much more conspiracy-minded folk like myself.

(Can’t wait to finally speak to people who can see that Joe Biden is not really Joe Biden - if you know what I mean?)

The downside about moving is, well, moving.

You don’t realise how much crap you have until you move house.

It’s ridiculous.

I found an old mouthguard container the other day that I kept from when I was 12.

No idea.

Point is…

We’ve got crap like that all over the place.

But, anyway. Here we are. 100+ boxes later and almost finished packing.

And the reason I bring this up is because it would have been very hard for me to do this move (ie to help Alana with packing/minding the kids etc) if I didn’t have a waitlist.

It has helped immensely.

Here’s what I mean…

If you’ve been reading my emails you would know that I almost always promote a "waitlist" at the end of each one.

This is done for various reasons.

But one of the main ones is "time management."  

You see, before coming up with my waitlist system, I just used to promote a call that went straight to my calendar.

But the problem with that approach is - you’ve got to have availability every week.

Otherwise, if they book too far out the show up rate declines.

So if I still used that system, I’d have to keep spots open while I’m trying to move/pack/travel.

It would have been a nightmare doing calls while all of that was going on.

So the solution is to have a waitlist.

The beauty of a waitlist is that you get to invite people to book in your calendar whenever *you* are ready to take calls.

Moving house?

Going on holiday?

Need to put a course together?

It’s all good. You’ve got a waitlist.

Simply don’t invite them to book in your calendar until you’re ready.

This is one of the hidden benefits of having your own waitlist.

You get to manage your sales calls in a much more efficient way.

You can do all your calls one week out of the month if you want.

This is what a lot of my clients do.

And that enables you to put together other programs, courses, workshops, books etc the 3 weeks of the month.

In other words…

You can get more stuff done because you’re "batching" your calls together.

Of course, there are many other benefits to the waitlist that are super powerful.

For example…

  1. It positions as an expert…
  2. Has clients literally lining up to work with you…
  3. Allows you to launch a new program or course with guaranteed clients…
  4. Gives you the ability to use urgency/scarcity without burning out your list…

To name a few.

But the time management one is definitely near the top of The Aussie Hermit’s list.

It gives me the power to organise my time the way I want it organised.

Not the way my prospect wants it organised.

With that being said…

Inside The 15 Minute Client program, I have dedicated a whole module to help you set up my unique waitlist sales system.

You’ll learn…

—> How to set up your waitlist pages using my done-for-you templates…

—> Proven email scripts that gets your waitlist to eagerly apply to work with you…

—> What questions to ask in your application process to spot a "red flag" prospect before you waste time with me…

Plus much more including…

—> My sales call framework for closing them into your high ticket program without being salesy.

Plus, of course, I show you how to get prospects onto your waitlist by sending a simple email every day.

(That’s module 4)

If that sounds like a system you want in your business, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

10x your fees today (with less coaching)

Just after The Aussie Hermit became a certified Life Coach in 2012, I was charging $70/hr.

And, I remember doing some calculations on how many clients I needed to work with to get to 6-figures.

"27 clients per week" was the answer.

And yes, I actually planned on working with 27 clients per week!

Of course, I could have just started at $100/hr or higher. But being so green I just didn’t have the confidence.

Anyway, while doing these calculations I hopped on to my computer and looked up a bunch of more experienced Coaches. Particularly the ones who charged a lot more. I wanted to know what skills they had, that I didn’t. I wanted to know what I had to learn to eventually be able to charge the same as them.

My assumption was, the more skills I had the more I could charge (another silly way my brain worked back then).

So I looked up "ICF" Coaches.

And I found a few that were charging a whopping $500/hr.

I was blown away.

And after seeing that number I started writing down new calculations on what my business would look like if I was earning $500/hr per client.

Needless to say, I would have been living in a lot more comfort and I wouldn’t be working with 27 clients per week.

Instead, I’d only need 4 clients per week to get to my 6-figure goal.

But then I stopped daydreaming and I came back down to earth.

"Look at all of their certifications and credentials," I thought to myself. "It’ll be at least 10 years before I’m near that level."

And so I went back to figuring out how I’m going to fit 27 clients into my schedule every week.


And if today’s Aussie Hermit could go back to 2012’s Aussie Hermit I’d tell him 2 things…

First, you’re an idiot.

27 clients a week? Really?

And second - you can charge a whole lot more than $500/hr. And you can do it starting today.

Here’s why…

The biggest mistake I made when pricing my services back then was thinking that my clients were buying my coaching.

They weren’t (and still aren’t).

Sure, you’re delivering coaching as part of your service.

But that’s not what they’re buying.

Instead, what they’re buying is something much more valuable.

And that is, of course, a *result.*

It’s true.

They don’t care about the amount of coaching sessions you deliver.

They don’t care how many certifications you have.

And they don’t even care about all the "cool" course content and bonuses you’re going to deliver them.

The #1 reason they’re buying from you is because they want some type of result.

They want you to help fix their marriage.

They want you to help them lose weight.

They want you to get them more clients etc.

And the reason why this is important to know is because…

*If you sell the result instead of your coaching, you can charge a whole lot more and work a whole lot less.*

Let me give you a quick example…

Program A is helping you lose 30 pounds in 30 days.

Program B is helping you lose 30 pounds in 30 days.

In other words, they’re selling you the same result.

The only difference is, program A helps you do it in *thirty* 1-on-1 coaching sessions, and program B helps you do it in *four* 1-on-1 coaching sessions.

Which do you invest in?

You invest in the one that does it in 4 sessions.

Why would you jump on an extra 26 1-on-1 coaching sessions if you’re going to get the exact same result in the other program?

Point is…

When you price for the result and not how much coaching you’re delivering, all of a sudden it’s not about how much coaching you have or cool bonuses. It’s about creating a program that’s focused on getting them what they’re buying. The result.

And that means you can have the *least* amount of coaching sessions that you need to get the result.

Again, they don’t care about how many coaching sessions you have.

All they care is that the coaching you’re delivering can get them the result they’re buying.

And if you can do that in 4 sessions instead of 10 - all the better.

In fact, it’s a *benefit* to them and you if you can do it in less because it saves the both of you time.

Pricing this way was a huge paradigm shift for me when I learned it.

It allowed me to charge way more (because a result is more valuable than coaching)…

It allowed me to work way less (because I started reducing all the excess coaching and content from my programs)….

And it allowed me to scale to the point where I can earn 7+ figures per year coaching only a couple of hours per week.

If you want the same, stop selling your coaching.

Instead, start selling the result and watch your revenue soar.

With that being said…

In the first module of The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program, I give you a framework for finding the #1 more powerful result your program provides for your prospect.

Besides picking your market, getting your offer right is the most critical piece to your success as a Coach.

Create an offer that doesn’t communicate the right result and you’ll have a hard time selling - let alone selling it at a high price.

But communicate the right result, and you’ll have clients happily pay high fees.

If you know you need help with crafting a high-ticket offer - and would like to learn how to attract premium clients sending one email per day - then make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

A DM disaster

A couple of times per month The Aussie Hermit will get an unsolicited pitch from a desperate “exspurt.”

Here’s how it goes…

The exspurt sees my ad.

They opt in to my list.

Then they immediately pitch me on all the ways they can help grow my business.

What’s worse, they often have terrible grammar.

Here’s one I received recently:


Hey Luke Charlton

I know I know this is a cold Dm and that's the 1st reason you don’t want to book a call with us.

Look, there maybe there are some trust issues over here.

I found this strategy to be so powerful in order to contact the right people who we want to work with!

This is another reason, we’ve tried to contact you on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn & maybe you’ve been targeted with our Fb Ads.

We know that we can help to increase your business revenue by 20%, 50%  or more with some advanced strategies or we will pay you!


I call this a “DM disaster”

Let’s look at 3 reasons why:

First, his grammar sucks.

“Look, there maybe there are some trust issues over here?”

I think there maybe there are, yes.

Here’s the deal…

If you’re going to cold pitch any type of service (particular a high-priced one), at least get your grammar right.

Not doing so basically destroys any chance of making the sale.

Second, his approach immediately creates a skeptic in me.

Whenever someone pitches me out of the blue, I assume they have no idea how to market their business.

After all, they’re chasing down clients.

Is that someone I want to give money to grow my business?

Hell no.

If they can’t grow their own business with proper marketing, they’re not growing mine.

And finally…

Third, he pitches before he asks questions.

Before you sell someone a high-priced service, you want to find out a few things.
For example…

You want to find out where they’re stuck.

You want to find out what they’re trying to achieve.

You want to find out why now is a good time for them to get help.

You want to find out why they think *you* are the best person to help them.


And you do all this because you’re discovering where your service fit in with their needs.

Most of all…

The prospect is also discovering where your service fits in with their needs.

Without this, the chances of them buying are virtually zero.

What this guy should have done was ask me a bunch of questions to get an idea whether I wanted/needed help in the first instance. Then, if I did, he could have asked more questions to ascertain whether his service was a good fit for me.

(Of course, I still wouldn’t have answered or given him my money for the reasons mentioned above)

Bottom line:

His approach was a complete train wreck.

And he lost the sale before it even began.

Now let’s look at cold DM’s from a pure marketing/client attraction perspective.

The truth is, whether you’re sending messages via email, Facebook, LinkedIn, or some other platform, you’re going to have to pitch hundreds (maybe even thousands) of prospects just to land a few calls. And then of those calls you might sign up one client.

Another way of saying that is - as a strategy, cold DM’s waste a lot of your time.

Sure you can get clients for free.

But is spending 20-30+ hours per week in DM’s worth it?

The Aussie Hermit Doesn’t think so.

You may disagree. And that’s fine.

I, myself, prefer to use a much more time-efficient way of getting clients.

A way where you attract clients to you, instead of you having to chase them down.

And a way that only takes about 15 minutes of your time each day.

The strategy?

Build your list with paid ads, and…
Email your list once per day.

Here’s how it works:

Building your list with paid ads means your lead gen. is automated.

No chasing. No cold DM’s. No time-sucking organic strategies.

Whether you’re sleeping, eating, hanging out with friends or even on the loo - you’re always attracting fresh leads onto your list.

And then by emailing those leads once per day, you build a relationship with them, you establish your credibility and expertise, you tell them about your program, and you offer them a chance to speak with you on the phone.

Then, when you do get consistent calls (and you will if you’re selling an offer people want), then you go through the steps I mentioned above on asking questions before you sell.

Point is…

This is a strategy that delivers you clients without you having to chase them down.

And that means you spend less time DM’ing and more time serving.

With that being said…

If you’re currently doing cold DM’s (or you simply want a more time efficient way of getting clients), then my 15 Minute Client program might be exactly what you need.

Inside, you get access to the same “Ultimate Lead Magnet Template” that’s helped hundreds (and hundreds) of Coaches attract quality leads using paid ads.

In fact, this template is responsible for over 500,000 leads between my personal and client campaigns over the past 6 years.

Along with that, you’ll launch your autopilot ad/list building campaign within a few weeks of starting the program.

(Of course, it can be a lot faster if you put in more time. That’s the average).

And most importantly, I share with you my daily email system that’s also helped hundreds of Coaches get consistent clients (with most of those Coaches not being experts at marketing or copywriting).

If that sounds like something you’re after, then make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

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