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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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My client’s $58,711 Hollywood Offer mistake

People always complain about Hollywood doing remakes and sequels.

But when you think about it, it’s a smart move.

With a remake or a sequel (especially one with a cult following) - even if it ain’t that great - it’s still going to make a profit.

Just look at the most recent Star Wars Trilogy.

It was an absolutely dogs breakfast and yet it made billions.

However, with a brand new untested story, well… that’s a much bigger risk.

So from a business standpoint - remakes and sequels are a smart way to go.

It’s the same with your coaching business…

Relaunching a proven offer you’ve used in the past is a much smarter route than launching a brand new offer.

With the brand new offer, you have no idea how it’s going to perform.

But with the proven offer, you can be certain it’s going to bring in some cash.

This is not to say you should never do a new offer.

Not in the slightest.

What The Aussie Hermit is saying is that proven offers are much safer whereas new offers are much riskier.

This is exactly what I tried to tell my client when she wanted to test a new offer recently.

We’d just done a string of 5-day challenges and they’d converted really well.

Then she wanted to test selling a new version of the offer in an upcoming 5-day challenge.

Problem was, she wanted to spend $70,000 testing this offer (almost twice as much as the previous 5-day challenge that converted really well).

So I told her…

“If you’re going to test a new offer, I wouldn’t recommend spending that amount. That is incredibly risky.

Instead, I’d use the same offer as last time. That way we know it’ll convert.

And if you still want to test this new offer, let’s run another 5-day challenge but with a smaller budget. How about $3,000-$5,000? Then if it converts, we’ll try it with a bigger budget the next time.”

Her response?

“Sally (their marketing assistant), says she’s seen this new offer type work before for other 5-day challenges so we want to give it a go.”

“Fair enough,” I said. “But I strongly recommend you don’t go down this path because I don’t think this new offer is going to convert and you’re risking a lot of money.”

Anyway, they still didn’t listen and we launched the 5-day challenge spending roughly $72,500.

The result?

$13,789 in sales.

A $58,711 loss.

Now let The Aussie Hermit take you over to another client that did listen to my advice.

Funny thing was, this other client started with me at the exact same time this other 5-day challenge was launching. So it was a great side-by-side comparison.

Here’s what happened:

She came to me with a bunch of different funnels that had converted OK in the past but had died as ad costs rose.

So the first thing I did was identify which of her past funnels had converted best.

The reason?

Because if it converted in the past it’s going to be the safest bet going forward.

That funnel was a webinar.

So I reviewed her webinar. I gave her a ton of advice on what to do to update the presentation.

She made those changes and we relaunched it to cold traffic (via FB ads).

The result?

Her first webinar did a 3 to 1 return.

She spent $1,000 (keeping the budget low to test the new webinar) and made back $3,000.

A great result.

Then we ran the webinar again the following week, this time doubling the budget, and she made back $7K.

Another great result.

Now we’re continuing to scale this campaign using the same offer that was converting in the past.

So here’s the point of all this…

If you’re going to spend a ton of money on a campaign, you better make sure the offer is proven, otherwise it’s a big risk.

And if you do want to test a new offer - start small.

Keep the budget low until it is proven.

And once it is, milk as much cash out of that offer as you can.

Just like Hollywood 🙂

With that being said…

In The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program, one of the key strategies I teach is to keep your ad budget low until you sign a couple of clients.

I recommend a minimum of $30/day and no more than $100/day.

Then, when you get a couple of clients, now you’ve got a proven offer.

Moreover, now you can be confident the cash you’re investing into your ad campaigns will come back - and more.

This is when you start to “snowball scale.”

You add a bit more daily budget, get a few more clients.

Then you add even more daily budget, get even more clients.

Etc etc.

This is the smart way to scale.

Along with showing you how to efficiently and safely scale ad campaigns, I show you how to convert those ad campaigns into clients sending just 1 email per day.

No complex funnels.

No crazy tech.

Just a simple list building strategy (all on autopilot with ads), and a daily email that promotes your coaching offer.

If that sounds like something you’re after, make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Somewhere Near Byron Bay

How 8-figure Coach, Grace Lever, transformed her funnel with this email

True story:

From 2016 to 2021, The Aussie Hermit had the opportunity of working with Grace Lever.

Now, if you’re a female Coach, you probably know of Grace.

She’s an 8-figure Coach and one of the leading experts for female Coaches.

However, back when I met her, she was barely online at all.

Her marketing strategy was offline doing workshops around Australia. And so the reason why we started working together is because she wanted to transition online through the use of a webinar/Fb ads.

Problem was - the webinar wasn’t converting that well.

And so The Aussie Hermit stepped in.

I gave her a full critique.

I told her exactly what was wrong.

And I told her exactly what to do to fix it.

To her credit, she took that advice, updated her webinar and the results were staggering.

Within a matter of a few weeks she went from spending a few hundred dollars per day to $10,000/day on ads.

(I know because I was the one running the ads as well)

Further, she was making a 2-to-1 return on that spend.

Meaning - she spent $10k and made back $20k - every day.

Of course, I’m not saying that all this credit should go to me. Grace already had a great webinar, with a solid offer. I simply gave her some ideas on what to do to improve the presentation.

In any case, that’s not the reason I tell this story.

The reason I tell this story is for what came next…

Because Grace was doing so well with the webinar - and because she had so many new clients to service - she didn’t do any other marketing.

After all, she didn’t need to as she was making $10,000/day in profit.

However, being the marketer that I am, I knew that she was leaving a ton of money on the table.


Because she was generating thousands of subscribers each day (through the webinar) and none of them were getting any email follow up.


So I gave her a simple suggestion…


Here’s my daily email system. It’ll show you how to send emails your prospects love to open, read and buy from.

Use it for 30 days and see how it goes.

If it doesn’t work then stop using it.

But I bet it you’ll see a significant increase in sales”

The result?

Well, I can’t give specific revenue results.

But I’ll let Grace tell you in her own words…

"If you want to know how to send out daily emails your prospects love and that make money, get Luke’s system. Not only does he make it super easy and straightforward to produce great emails fast (even if you you're not a writer). He has a great way to come up with all the email content you could ever need! Thanks Luke for the great email course, it's been extremely profitable to my company.”

Funny thing is - Grace got the “2016” version of my email system which was extremely bare bones compared to my current system.

And even still, she was able to achieve extraordinary results by simply adding my daily email to her marketing strategy.

And that brings me to the real message of today’s email…

If you’re currently running ads, or you’ve got some type of lead gen. campaign that’s getting you clients, but you’re not sending at least one email per day - then you’re leaving a huge stack of cash on the table every month.

You’ve already paid for these leads (with your money or time or both), so why wouldn’t you get the most out of them by simply sending some emails?

To The Aussie Hermit it makes sense.

And if you agree, then maybe it’s time we had a chat?

All you have to do is put your name on the program waitlist below.

And when there’s a spot open, I’ll invite you up for a call.

Then from there, I’ll see how (or if) I can help.

And if I can?

I’ll map out a plan that shows you how we’re going to get you extraordinary results sending just one email per day.

Here’s the link to the waitlist now:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Somewhere Near Byron Bay

Facebook’s 240 billion dollar ad lesson

A couple of days ago, Facebook had the biggest one day loss of any company in history.

240 billion wiped out in just a few hours.

The reason?

They lost users for the first time (a lot of users) plus ad revenue was down.

Apparently, there are less advertisers because of Apple’s iOS update. Facebook is saying businesses can’t track as well anymore so they’re leaving the platform.

(Personally, The Aussie Hermit thinks this is just Facebook coming up with an excuse and the real reason has more to do with their censorship plus the economy going down the tube as I mentioned a couple of days ago. But I digress)

Let’s pretend for a moment that is the problem.

Let’s pretend these advertisers are leaving because FB is not tracking the correct leads or appointments or sales.

Do you know what The Aussie Hermit says to that?

You’re doing it wrong.

Here’s why:

Facebook has *always* been inaccurate.

The pixel (or API if that’s what you use) has never given 100% correct leads/appointments/sales.

In fact, it’s typically anywhere from 10%-50% off.

So if these businesses can’t run ads because of iOS, it just tells me they had no idea what they were doing to begin with.

Want to know how much impact Apple’s iOS update had on the ad campaigns I run for my clients?


That’s right.  Zero.

And the reason why is…

I don’t manage the campaigns based on the data inside the Facebook ads manager.

That’s a great way to pour your money down the drain.

Instead, I get the data where it is 100% accurate and I put it in a spreadsheet each day.

Here’s the process:

Step 1: Open a Google Sheet.

Step 2: Have a column for each of your core numbers you want to track for a particular campaign (ie spend, clicks, opt ins, cost per opt in etc).

Step 3: Have a row for each day of the month

Step 4: *Manually* fill in that data each day with 100% accurate numbers!


Go into Facebook each day and grab the spend/clicks as that’s the only data in FB that’s 100% accurate.

Then go to your email autoresponder and count the number of opt ins.

Then go into your calendar system and count the appointments.

Then go to Stripe or PayPal or your CRM and count the sales.


This is the only way to get 100% accurate data when you’re running ads.

And if you’re spending money on ads this is what you *must* do.

It’s non-negotiable.

Otherwise, you’ll almost certainly end up turning off campaigns that are profitable or scaling campaigns that are unprofitable.

This is what I do for my clients (or what my VA does) to ensure we continue to run very successful campaigns even when Apple or other tech campaigns decide to change the rules.

With that being said…

Inside The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program, I show you how to launch and manage a very profitable ad campaign.

And the best part is, it’s very simple.

I don’t show you how to run a webinar campaign.

I don’t show you how to run a low ticket funnel.

And I don’t show you how to run bot sequences, 5 day challenges or Facebook group funnel.

Instead, I show you how to create a quick lead magnet that attracts quality leads on autopilot for months (and sometimes years) without barely touching it.

And I keep it this simple because that’s all you need.

I have run ads to all those other funnels mentioned above (and been very successful at it), but you don’t need them.

Also, I just use a lead magnet for my own campaigns now as well.

So once we have your simple ad campaign building your list, then all you do to convert those subscribers is send one email per day.

That’s it.

And, of course, I share with you my methodology for doing that as well.

From where to get content to how to write subject lines to how to get them done in less than 15 minutes.

It’s all in there plus much more.

To get added to the waitlist, click here now>>>

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

Get clients from negative Facebook ad comments

If you run ads, you’re going to get negative comments.

There’s no way around it.

But instead of worrying or crying about it, you should use it to your advantage.

One of The Aussie Hermit’s favourite things to do is use these negative comments as a way to establish more credibility, build more trust, and get more people opting in.

It’s kind of like Judo.

When someone tries to attack you, you don’t try to strike back.

Instead, you use their momentum against them to counter their move (i.e. by flipping them over).

Let me show you an example of how this works…

Recently, some smart-arse wrote this comment on my ad…

"Anyone can call themselves a Coach. It’s an unregulated industry"


"You’re not an expert because anyone can call themselves a Coach."


And, here was The Aussie Hermit’s response…

"Very true.

But not many can say they've spent 16M+ on ads, generated 50M+ in sales for clients, written copy for Bob Proctor, Mike Dillard, Neil Patel and others.

Also, not many can say they've helped thousands of people with their coaching.

I can."


How’s that for a judo marketing flip?

Here’s the point…

When you get a negative comment on a Facebook ad - be grateful.

You’ve just been given a huge opportunity to establish more trust, credibility and get more opt ins.

Of course, you won’t be able to use *every* comment to your advantage (some people go totally overboard with dirty language. You don’t want to leave that on your ad).

But by-and-large, you can use these negative comments to improve your ad results.

Pretty cool, ey?

With that being said…

Another place The Aussie Hermit loves to turn negative comments into positive cash flow is my emails.

Any time someone writes in with some negativity I typically copy/paste that directly into an email and use it to my advantage.

This is a strategy I go into a lot more detail inside The 15 Minute Client program.

Along with that, I give you 21 other types of emails you can send to your list.

All are entertaining.

All will give them a lot of value.

And when you see how they work, it’ll allow you to come up with hundreds (and hundreds) of ideas every month.

If you want clients sending just one email per day, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

How to get bargain ad costs in 2022

One of the benefits of the economy going down the tube are the lower ad costs.

The Aussie Hermit was listening to an investment podcast the other day and apparently, YouTube costs are down 20%-30%.

I’m seeing the same on Facebook.

My leads are some of the cheapest I’ve had in years.

The reason being, businesses are fearful of what’s happening in the economy and so are reducing (and even stopping) their ad spend.

Personally, I think this is a really dumb decision.

Why turn off the thing that’s bringing in clients and cash flow?

It doesn’t make sense.

If anything, you want to spend more during these times because costs are so low.

It’s kind of like investing…

For whatever reason, when the stock market crashes the general population runs the other way.

But that’s the time you want to put more money in. After all, that’s when everything is on sale.

But that’s not how most people view it.

And thank God they don’t because that would mean we wouldn’t be presented with this amazing opportunity.

Not only for buying cheap stocks but also, as mentioned…

Getting cheap clients.

The Aussie Hermit foresees 2022 and 2023 to get you some of the cheapest ad costs we’ve had in years.

They’re already cheap and we haven’t even had the "big crash."

Just wait ’til the market drops 50%+.

That’s when you’ll really want to ramp up your spend.

Point is…

The Aussie Hermit predicts 2022 and 2023 will be a great opportunity for those Coaches who are running ads.

And one you don’t want to miss out on.

With that being said…

If you love the idea of getting clients from ads so you don’t have to do those time-consuming "free" or "organic" strategies, then my 15 Minute Client program might be for you.

Basically, I show you how to get clients sending just one email per day.

And where the advertising comes into it is on the list building side.


I show you how to build your email list on autopilot with a very simple ad campaign.

It’s so simple, in fact, I’ve helped hundreds of Coaches brand new to ads launch their very first campaign (and make it profitable).

So once we get your list building on autopilot we simply focus on sending them one email per day. And that’s it. That’s the whole system.

It’s very simple and it’s that way for a reason…

To help Coaches who aren’t "marketing professionals" (and who don’t like the complex funnels) to get results.

If that sounds like a system you’re after, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

My 1 minute email trick

Sometimes, when The Aussie Hermit is short on time, I’ll copy/paste an entire conversation I’ve had with a Coach.

I do this because it’s valuable.

It’s entertaining.

And, as mentioned - because I’m short on time (or just a little lazy)

For example…

Here’s a question a subscriber asked recently about his concerns with running Facebook ads:

"Facebook advertising is becoming more and more expensive and difficult, and there is also the risk of getting your account blocked and not being able to scale it at will.  The worst thing is that each time when you start a campaign, the initial performance of an ad is great, but it drops after two weeks at the latest, despite a large target group, even if you give the algorithm a free hand!  No one could explain it to me. You can?"

The Aussie Hermit’s response:

"I've found Facebook to become easier since starting with it in 2015.

I literally have one ad that targets 2 different audiences. And they're very broad audiences with all the settings on "default."

Further, I find if my ad dies within 2 weeks it's because it's not resonating with the market.

This is typically an offer issue.

But sometimes the image or video you're using isn't getting the proper attention.

This happened with me recently - my campaigns were running for a few days at a good opt-in cost then would die.

This went on for a month or so.

So what I did to improve performance was test different images and then some videos each time I relaunched the campaign.

I kept the copy/offer the same because opt-in costs were good - even if short lived.

I finally landed on a video that's now been running for 6 weeks at a consistent opt-in rate with no signs of slowing.

So it's just a matter of finding the right combination that works.

For my personal clients, I find they see results even easier than me because they're niched down.

When you niche down there's less competition.

And when you have less competition your ads respond way better.

(Also, lead quality is way better, too)

In terms of ad costs, I'm getting the cheapest clicks I've had in a long time at the moment (about $3 each).

I'm finding this drop in costs with my clients as well.

Further, I've found my ad costs to be pretty stable since 2019. They haven't risen much (if at all).

I think that's because Facebook has reached sort of a "critical mass" for advertisers.

(Where the same amount is joining as is leaving)

Personally, I don't worry about this much because I use email to get clients plus I have a high ticket offer.

With those two combined ad costs could be 2x-3x more and I'd still be ok (same with clients).

Finally, in terms of getting your ad account shut down - yes, that's a risk on Facebook and also any ad platform you go to.

I find people get their ad accounts shut down most of the time because they haven't familiarised themselves with the particular ad platform's policies.

It's actually very easy to keep your account safe if you follow the rules.

Of course, interpreting those rules can sometimes be a little confusing (and why Coaches hire me to help them run their ads or coach them on how to run their ads).

But the point is...

You can keep your account safe if you follow their policies.

This, however, is also a good argument for diversifying your traffic which is what the email was about that you replied to.

Hope that helps.


With that being said…

If you’ve tried and failed running Facebook ads (or if you simply want a more time-efficient way of generating leads), then maybe The Aussie Hermit can help?

Since 2016 I’ve spent over 16 million on advertising.

Further, I’ve generated over 500,000 coaching leads, scaled campaigns over $25,000/day and helped hundreds (and hundreds) of Coaches launch their very first profitable ad campaign.

My "secret" is that I keep things very simple.

I don’t get you to advertise some convoluted tripwire funnel.

I don’t get you to build a gigantic webinar or 5-day challenge funnel.

And I don’t get you to put together any bot or complex automation sequence.

The way I help you get clients with ads is simple…

Step 1) Build a lead magnet that attracts quality leads.

Step 2) Create a simple opt in page/thank you page (using pre-made templates) to deliver that lead magnet.  

Step 3) Advertise your lead magnet with a 3-5 sentence ad.


That’s it.

Then from there you simply send one email per day to convert those automated leads into high paying clients.

If that sounds like a system you want in your business, then make sure to put your name on the waitlist for The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

The implosion of big tech and why your way of attracting clients isn’t safe

Back in 2019, I wrote an email entitled “The purge of Alex Jones and why you’re next”.

It was about how shutting down free speech was a path to a really bad place.

The response from my list?

Many replied saying “he deserved it.”


Not because I’m some Alex Jones fanboy.

(I’ve never followed him or really watched any of his stuff. Just his Joe Rogan interview)

But sad because it was an extremely short-sighted response.

Since then we’ve had literally millions of people purged from different platforms.

These include a president, congressmen/women, doctors and scientists (some who actually created the vaccines),  and other real experts…

All because they spoke against the narrative.

Here’s the thing though…

The censorship has only just begun.

Do you think big tech is going to wake up one day and say “Ok, we’re not going kick people off anymore”?


It’s going to get much worse because they’re part of the system.

They have to block, ban and purge to try to save themselves.

(Hint: it’s not going to work)

And when they do this, do you think people will stick around?

No, they’ll leave in droves.

(This is how Telegram has gained hundreds of millions of users in a very short time - and how Trump’s social platform will do the same. People always find a new place to communicate).

The reason I tell you this is because now, more than ever, you need to think about diversifying your traffic.

Personally, The Aussie Hermit is a big advocate of getting your traffic with Facebook ads.

After all, I’ve spent over 16 million dollars on FB ads and have generated tens of millions for clients.

However, I also know putting all your eggs in one basket can be a huge mistake.

So what I tell my clients - and what I’ll tell you now - is that once you learn to run a profitable ad campaign on Facebook, you want to start running ads on other platforms.

I.e. LinkedIn or Google or Rumble or Truth Social etc.

That way, you’re diversified.

And that way, if the dumb-dumbs at FB and co. go “full commie” and completely shut down their platform or boot you off permanently - your way of attracting clients is safe.

(Hint: They’re already full commie - they’re just hiding it at the moment)

It’s just like when you invest.

Do you put all your money in one stock?

Do you put all your money in real estate?

Do you put all your money in gold?

No - you diversify.

And you do this to reduce your risk.

Take the same approach with your ads so you and your family are protected.


One of the great things about learning Facebook ads is that the same principles apply to every other platform.

In other words…

If you have a converting campaign on Facebook you can easily move it over to another platform.

Sure, you will have to learn the layout of the new platform (this is the hard part of the process).

But the winning message you used in your FB ad campaign can be applied to the new platform.

This is how The Aussie Hermit did it when I started running YouTube ads.

I simply took my ad that was promoting my lead magnet, recorded it as a video and voila! I started generating leads on YouTube right away because I was using a winning message.

The most annoying part of the whole process was learning how to navigate Google’s ad platform.

That took me a couple of weeks.

But now that I’ve been in there a while, it’s second nature to me.

Bottom line:

Moving to a new ad platform doesn’t require you to start from scratch.

You just need to learn how to navigate the new platform and how it differs from Facebook in terms of nomenclature.

From there you should be able to get up and running pretty quick.

With that being said…

As mentioned, inside The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program I teach you how to run Facebook ads to attract clients.

One day this may change when Facebook completely implodes.

But for now, it’s still the quickest, cheapest and easiest ad platform for advertising newbies to get clients from.

And what you’ll particularly like about how I teach running ads is that it’s very simple.


All you’re doing is creating one lead magnet (AKA: a 3-5 page PDF) and advertising that in one ad.

There’s no complex retargeting strategies.

No split testing hundreds of variations.

And no spending hundreds of dollars per day to get started.

You’re just advertising one lead magnet, that sends people to one simple opt in page, and you’re spending about $20-$30/day in the beginning until clients come in.

Then you scale up from there.

And what about the process for converting those subscribers into high pay clients?

Well, some of my clients say that’s even easier…

All you have to do is send one email per day.

Yup, once your ad is building your list on autopilot, all you have to do to get clients is send one email per day.

And the other cool part about getting clients from email?

You’re safe from the commies at big tech.

If that sounds like a program you’re after, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

Why successful offline Coaches struggle to make it online

Recently, I started running ads for a new client.

She’s a very successful Coach.

She earns over 7 figures per year.

And she even has a pretty big team working under her.

The problem?

She can’t make her online ads work.

Like many successful Coaches who hire me, she can convert the warm traffic she generates (I.e. referrals, interviews, offline workshops and stage presentations etc), but when it comes to paid ads?

Her money just goes down the drain.

To find out why this happens, let me tell you what I told her after reviewing her funnel for the first time:

"This funnel probably won’t convert. We can run a bit of traffic to it just to see as you’ve already got it set up. But looking at the message and the webinar presentation, it’s probably not going to give you the appointments you need at a cost that will be profitable."

And, unfortunately, The Aussie Hermit was right.

After testing multiple different angles I got the lead cost down from $30 to $15 or so. Further, I drove enough traffic to get about 70 prospects to watch her presentation.

The result?

Not even one application.

So how did I know this was going to happen?

Because the problem affecting this presentation is the same problem I see Coaches struggle with who can’t make their ads convert.

And that problem is…

The Coach’s message is nothing new or unique.

Here’s the deal - if you want to be successful with online ads you need a message that’s unique.

It has to be different.

It has to feel new.

If not…

If it feels like your prospect has heard it before, they’ll just ignore it (or just not even see it such is the volume of marketing message they’re hit with every day).

So you need a message that’s unique as that’s what’s going to make it stand out.

But how?

Well, there are 2 main ways to stand out with your message online.

One is easier and the other is harder.  

Let’s talk about both of those ways now:

The first (and easier) way is to pick a "niche."

By focusing on a small segment of the market you have less competition.

Less competition means it’s easier to stand out.

Here are two example headlines to illustrate this:

"Do you need help losing weight?" vs "Do you need help with binge eating disorder?"

One is a broad market and the other is a niche market.

Going after the broader market makes it harder to stand out, while going after the niche market makes it easier to stand out.

And as mentioned, it’s much easier to stand out by picking a niche than the second way.
And that second way is - you need a "unique mechanism."

I’m not going to go into this in this email. But suffice it to say, this is a much more sophisticated approach to marketing that allows you to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

I recommend this option only if you’re already doing at least 100k/mo like my client (or are experienced in copywriting).

The point is…

If you have a message that works great for referrals or offline speaking gigs but doesn’t seem to work online, then you need to follow one of these 2 paths.

Because if you don’t, then I can virtually guarantee you’ll be pouring your ad money down the drain.

With that being said…

Picking a niche is the very first thing we do together inside my 15 Minute Client program.

Often Coaches will come into the program with a general market they’re focused on. However, using the proven processes inside Module 1, I show you how to refine that market.

I show you how to get much more specific.

And, more importantly, I show you how to call out that niche market in your ads so they sign up to your list.

Then, from there, I show you how to send them a daily email that resonates with their desires so they eagerly book appointments to learn more about your program.

If that feels like something you need, then make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

What’s a good lead cost for your ad campaigns?

A question that rolls into The Hermit Hole pretty often is:

"Luke, what’s a good lead cost for my ad campaign?

It’s a good question.

But, unfortunately, it’s one that’s hard to give an exact answer to.
Here’s why…

Every market is different, every business model is different, and every offer is different, too.

A good example of that is my market, my business and my offers.

I help Coaches get clients.

This is a highly competitive market. Also, it’s not as big as other markets like "weight loss," or "relationships," or "puppy training," or "parenting" etc.

This means my click cost is typically a lot higher than those who advertise in those markets (around $5 vs $2-$3).

Second, the way I attract Coaches is with a simple a lead magnet.

I don’t use webinars or 5 day challenges or Facebook groups or any other complicated strategies like that.

I use a lead magnet because it’s simple and, also, because they tend to bring the cheapest subscribers.

Third, my business model is unlike most gurus and Coaches.

I use email follow up to get clients - and that’s it.

That means I can afford to spend a lot more than most who don’t use email follow up (because I’m getting all the clients who aren’t ready to buy right now but will be some day. This is a much bigger portion of the market).

And finally, fourth, I sell a high ticket program.

This means I can afford to spend more per lead than most who don’t sell high ticket.

So with all those variables, I could spend $30 or more per lead and still make a profit.

However, what I aim for is a lead cost of $10 or less.

But again…

This is for my market, my business model, and my offers.

That may be far too expensive for you depending on your business.

Now, I know getting an "it depends" answer is annoying.

So what I’ll do is a give a little bit more of an exact answer, however - this will only be relevant if you use a business model similar to The Aussie Hermit’s clients.

And that is, you want to:

A) Target a specific niche…

B) Advertise a lead magnet to build your list…

C) Use daily email as your way to convert your list into clients, and…

D) Sell a high ticket program.

If you fit all those 4 criteria then the general advice I can give you is this…

If you’re getting leads between $5-$10 then you’re doing well.


You should be able to make a great profit from your ad campaigns (typically 5 to 1 or more).

With that being said…

There is a more accurate way to get your KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) so you know what numbers to optimise your ad account to for your own individual campaigns.

This is what I teach inside my 15 Minute Client program.

Along with that, I show you:

—> How to craft your lead magnet that attracts your dream client (and repels others)…

—> How to write your lead magnet ad using a framework that’s generated over 500,000 coaching leads…

—> How to set up your tracking so you can optimise your campaigns effectively…

—> How to launch your campaigns and test your lead magnet for just $100, and…

—> How to scale your campaigns once you’ve started making sales.

And the best part is…

I show you how you can get clients from your ads starting with a budget of only $30 per day.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

Why copying Disney's paid ads model is a fools path

A few years ago The Aussie Hermit visited Disney Land in Hong Kong.

And, to say I was impressed would be an understatement.

Not so much because of the rides.

They were pretty average.

But because how the park was such a well-oiled sales machine.

Take one step inside and you can tell it was designed for one thing and one thing only:

Suck as much money out of the guests as possible while they're in the park.


I couldn't walk 20 feet without bumping into a merchandise stand, a food stand or some other stand trying to sell me stuff.

(I think I had about 16 churros that day)

But what I particularly loved was how they “funneled” you through the gift stores as you exit the rides.

I’ll say that again…

The exit of each ride is literally a gift store.

It's brilliant.

And I bet they must make an absolutely fortune.

Here’s why I tell this story, though…

People think Disney Land makes their money with ticket sales because they’re so expensive. But that's not true.

The truth is, ticket sales are used to pay for the advertising to simply get people to the park. The real profit is made once you're there and they've got a whole day to sell you all their crap.

And it's the exact same model McDonald's use, your local Cinema uses, and even many gurus teach to run your ads.

Basically it goes like this…

Sell a low ticket product (via a webinar, VSL or sales page) to “get customers in the door,” and use the customer revenue to pay for your ads.

Then once they’re on your list, you can turn them into a client.

Sounds great in theory, but here’s where it breaks down…

Because ad costs have risen so much over the last few years, in order to just make your money back from your ad spend your campaigns have to be amazing.

I know, I’ve run (and continue to run) campaigns like this for clients every day.

You would be surprised how many big names in the industry don’t actually make their money back from the low ticket funnels.

Often, they’re in the red for 30 days (and sometimes longer) before they break even.
They can do this because when you’re earning 7 and 8-figures you have better cash flow

Coaches with low cash flow don’t have this luxury.

They need to make money from their ads from day one.

And that’s why I say this model of using a low ticket funnel to pay for your ads/get clients is a fools path.

Let me give you an example of some numbers…

Let’s say you have a $10 book product you want to sell with a few up sells.

Well, I can tell you if your marketing is good (that’s if) - your sales page will typically convert between 5% to 10% (for this argument, let’s pretend it’s 10%. I’ll be generous).

Further, your “Average Order Value” (the amount a customer pays on average after going through your funnel/up sells) will be between $15 to $25. But again, let’s pretend your funnel is amazing and it’s actually $40.

Finally, in terms of the advertising cost, to get one person to “click” over to that sales page will be about $5 (often more). And so if we know these numbers, we can do some simple math…

Spend $100 ads = 20 clicks.

If 10% of those clicks buy, it means you’ll have 2 customers.

And if each customer is worth $40, it means you’ve made $80.

A $20 loss.

Keep in mind - the numbers I gave for that low ticket funnel are very good.

99.9% of Coaches I have seen try to use these funnels don’t get anywhere near those numbers because they’re not a marketing expert.

And so they’re making a much bigger loss.


A budget of $100/day will get you a paltry 2 customers (or 2 new people on your list).

So that means you need to spend $1,000/day to just get 20 new people on your list.

And again - that’s if you have a good funnel with great copy.

So you can see, low ticket funnels aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.

Sure, they’re great when they work.

But for the unseasoned Coach?

They rarely work.

Here’s the funny thing though…

After the guru teaches us the low ticket funnel (which takes months and months to set up), we ask…

“When do we get some clients?”

And that’s when they respond…

“You turn your low ticket customers into clients!”

“You mean the 2 people I’m getting on my list per day? How?”

“By using email follow up!”

And that’s when The Aussie Hermit gets up from his desk, sprints down the hallway and dives head first off my balcony into the concrete below.

Here’s why…

If we Coaches want high paying clients, and we’re being told to use email after the complex funnel to get those high paying clients…

Why not just skip the complex funnel and simply…

  1. Build your list with a simple lead magnet, and…
  2. Sell that list a high ticket offer?

News flash: We can!

You don’t need anything more sophisticated than that to create a very profitable campaign.

Of course, if you’re into the complex stuff, fair enough.

I say good luck to you.

For me though, I’m keeping things simple.

And if you’re of similar mind, then maybe it’s time to give The Aussie Hermit’s client-gettin’ program a try?

Here’s the deal:

I have program called The 15 Minute Client.

And inside I show you…

—> How to get clear on your market…
—> How to craft your offer…
—> How to launch your automatic list building campaign using a simple lead magnet…
—> How to email that list each day with a valuable email and an offer to work with you, and…
—> How to close your “pre-sold” prospects into your program using a simple “Q&A” sales script.

Along with that, I coach you through every step.


I review every single one of your major marketing assets along each of those steps so you know you’re on track throughout the program.

And so you have the best chance of making your campaigns convert right out of the gate.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

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