Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free
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Power mad hermit teaches power getting lesson
If you ask The Aussie Hermit what I strive for most in life, it would be one thing:
No, I’m not talking about controlling people like Dictator Biden or our overlords at the Fed.
I’m talking about controlling outcomes I want in life.
For example…
The reason I learn persuasion, or read about how to become a better parent, or study investing is because it gives me more control over the results in my life.
It gives me more power.
And, if you’re honest, you probably want more power, too.
After all, why wouldn’t you what more control over…
Your health…
Your finances…
Your business…
Your marriage… etc.
You’d be dumb not to.
Yes, there’s nothing wrong with wanting more power. And there’s nothing wrong with striving for it, either. That’s why, in my last email, The Aussie Hermit shared with you a simple way to gain more power over the results in your life.
(If you haven’t read it, worth going back to it)
And today I want to share one more.
Let me explain how it works with an example about gaining “wealth.”
In life, most people want to be wealthy.
That’s a given.
And the truth is, anyone - even the poores among us - can be.
If you start at 21 and invest just $200/mo into a basic index fund that gets an average of 10% per year return, by the time you’re 70 you’ll have 2.5 million dollars.
Up that to $300/mo and you’ll have 3.8 million.
It’s called compound interest.
And, most of us know how this simple tool can make a millionaire out of anyone.
So why aren’t more people millionaires?
Because the majority don’t want to wait until they’re 60 or 70 to get wealthy.
Instead, they’d rather have that $300/mo now to spend on entertainment and other useless consumer products.
And that’s the lesson I’m really sharing with you today…
The reason why most don’t have the body they want, the house they want, the partner they want, or the business they want, is because they’re not willing to wait.
AKA: they don't have enough patience.
Our society has educated people (by design) to want things now. Not later.
And the problem with that is, by having everything now, you give up the things you really want in the future.
But if you are willing to wait - if you are willing to be a bit more patient - you can have pretty much anything you want in life.
And, it’s no different with getting clients.
So many “gurus” teach you you can be successful virtually overnight, and because of that, you get unrealistic expectations of what it really takes to succeed.
This is why I often see Coaches try a funnel and if it doesn’t work first time, they move on to the next one. They don’t even try to figure out what’s wrong with the one they just spent the last 8-12 weeks building.
It’s sad.
And when you have this attitude, rarely will you get the results you want.
Patience is what gives you power.
Not having patience takes away your power.
It takes away your ability to control the results you want in life.
When clients come to me one of the questions they always want to know is…
“When am I going to get clients!?”
The reason?
They want clients in the shortest time possible.
Who doesn’t?
Usually, however, the other reason they’re asking that is because they lack patience.
They want clients today and they don’t want to wait.
Here’s the truth:
No matter what client attraction method you use, you will need patience.
Yes, even with my daily email method.
You will need patience when crafting your offer to make sure it’s right before moving forward.
You will need patience when setting up your ad campaign to ensure it has the right leads coming through.
And you will need patience when sending your daily emails.
Most often when you first start sending, you won’t get the amount of appointments you’re after.
This is when we start testing and tweaking your call to action until more people start booking.
This process takes patience.
How much patience?
8 or 12 weeks. Sometimes longer.
Sometimes less.
Either way, if you’re asking that, you’re missing the point.
The point is…
You will get the clients you’re after if you have patience.
People misconstrue patience to mean, “waiting around.”
Patience is not a passive activity.
It’s very active.
As I just laid out above, the process for getting your daily emails converting in my 15 Minute Client program has you taking a lot of action.
We need to test your message and the only way to do that is to send emails.
Then from there we adjust and test again with more emails.
But if you stop after 5 emails and proclaim, “email doesn’t work for me,” well you’re never going to be successful.
If you’re willing to work at it and be a bit more patient, I can guarantee you will get the results and business you want.
That’s the power of patience.
With that being said…
If you know getting clients is a process, and you’re willing to work at that process, then maybe The Aussie Hermit can help.
As mentioned, I have a program called “The 15 Minute Client.”
And, as mentioned, it helps you attract clients sending just one email per day.
But probably the most valuable part of the program is the fact you get access to yours hermity to look over your campaigns every step of the way.
From reviewing your niche, to looking at your offer, to critiquing your ad campaigns, to pulling apart your emails.
I’m there every step of the way to ensure whatever marketing materials you put together, gets The Hermit’s approval.
Will this mean your results come faster?
Almost always it does.
Does that mean you won’t need patience?
If you’re asking that, you probably want to read the email again.
To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra
It's all your fault
How many sales letters have you read, or webinars have you been on, or seminars have you attended where the “guru” says…
“It’s not your fault.”
“You were ripped off… it’s not your fault.”
“The government is out to get you… it’s not your fault.”
“You were taught the wrong marketing strategies… it’s not your fault.”
And maybe they’re correct.
Maybe, it wasn’t really your fault at all.
But that’s a terrible way to look at things.
Because what’s the alternative?
You blame your lack of clients or success on some outside event, person, or group of people?
Where does that get you?
Absolutely nowhere.
Blaming keeps you stuck. Going nowhere.
The Aussie Hermit knows because I used to blame all the time.
I remember a few years back when I was struggling, I read this personal development quote that made me super angry.
It went like this:
“Wherever you are in your business right now, that’s exactly where you want to be.”
And the first time I read that I thought…
“Are you serious? I’ve got no clients. I’m about to get kicked out of my apartment. The bills are late. And you’re telling me this is where I want to be? BS!”
It was a bitter pill I didn’t want to swallow.
And so I rejected it.
But you know what?
That mentality kept me in the same spot.
So believing gurus when they say “it’s not your fault” might feel nice.
But it leaves you in the same spot. Stuck.
Forever blaming. Forever struggling.
That’s why I prefer to look at it the other way…
For me, I say it is your fault.
Everything is your fault.
If you’re not where you want to be in your business right now…
Or if you’re struggling to get clients…
Or if you’re not at the level of success you desire…
It’s your fault.
And, at first, that sounds like a bitter pill to swallow.
But at least that gives you control over your business.
It's a basic concept.
But when you think about it, is quite profound.
And it had a huge effect on me when I learned it reading Jack Canfield’s best seller, “The Success Principles.”
In the very first chapter, he teaches that everything that happens to you is your fault.
And you need to take 100% responsibility for that.
At the time it was revolutionary for me.
Here’s why:
When you acknowledge that anything and everything that happens to you is really your fault, then you have the power to change it.
And if you have the power to change it, you can create any result you want in your business or life.
Webinar not converting? It’s your fault. Own it.
And when you do, you realise you have the control to make it convert.
Constantly attracting customers with no money? It’s your fault. Own it.
And when you do, you realise you have the control to bringing higher quality leads.
Social posts not getting responses? It’s your fault. Own it.
And when you do, you realise you have the control to create posts that do get a response.
Point is…
To blame. To reject responsibility… Is to surrender control.
But to take 100% responsibility for everything that happens to you, is to gain control.
Is to ensure you have the power to get the results you’re looking for in your life and business.
Something to think about.
With that being said…
If you’re ready to take control of your business and are looking for a proven way to get clients, then maybe The Aussie Hermit can help?
I have a program called, “The 15 Minute Client.”
And it shows you how to get a consistent flow of quality clients applying to work with you with just one quick email each day.
Along with that, I teach you how to build your list with quality leads on autopilot.
That way, you don’t have to worry about any of the other organic strategies that take up all your time.
To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra
Why you shouldn’t “fake it til you make it”
Ever hear a guru say, “fake it til you make it?”
This is got to be some of the stupidest advice.
Sure, if you’re trying to bullshyte your way through a job interview in the corporate world, then maybe fake it til you make it.
You’ve got time to slowly learn the skills on the job.
But as a Coach? A consultant? A service professional?
Don’t fake it til you make it. That’s just dumb.
And, it’s incomprehensible that Guru’s would tell us to lie to your prospects about your experience or results. Or that you should raise your fees to obscene heights even though the alarm bells are going off inside saying “this isn’t right!”
Again, don’t fake it til you make it.
You will be found out to be a fraud. And when that time comes, word spreads quick!
This one “ex-spurt” who ripped me off and a bunch of other people is now having to work in China, yes China, because he has such a bad reputation in the US. That’s how serious this is.
The good news is, you don’t have to fake it til you make it to be successful.
OK, so you’ve never had a client?
Or maybe you’ve got a new program with no case studies or results? You know it can help the right person, but you don’t have proof - yet.
So what do you do?
You don’t lie and tell them you’ve had hundreds of students get great results in the program!
You tell them the truth!
Now, does that mean you have to tell them, “I’ve never coached anyone before and I’m a complete newbie that’s really nervous to help you?” Of course not.
Simply tell them the truth about your offer/program while making it enticing.
Here’s an example how:
“Hey, I’ve got this new program I think would be perfect for you.
It’s based on the same approach I used to lose 50lbs in 6 months (or whatever). It’s all step-by-step and I know if you follow along, you’ll get great results, too.
However, as mentioned, it’s completely brand new. So I’ve never had anyone go through it. That’s why I’m looking for case studies now to prove it works, and those who jump in early will get a great deal.
When I release this program to the public it’ll be $4997. But as one of my foundation case studies, you can join for just $397”
See how that works?
You’re open. You’re honest. And you’re actually leveraging the fact it’s brand new to make it an enticing offer.
Again, you do not need to lie to get clients.
However, you do have to work your arse off if you’re starting from the bottom. And you do have to work at a reduced rate to get case studies.
But that’s the price of success.
It’s not the easy approach.
And, it requires you to be more patient.
But that’s why many Coaches don’t succeed and only a few do.
With that being said…
If you’re looking for more case studies or more clients, then maybe my 15 Minute Client program can help?
Inside I show you how to attract clients sending just one email per day.
No organic posts.
No blogging.
No YouTube videos.
In fact, no other content creation at all if you don’t want.
Along with that, there’s no complicated funnel to setup.
Just 2 pages, and an email system.
It’s so simple my grandma could probably put it together.
To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra
The “anxiety rollercoaster” of running a coaching business
For the first 3 years of running my coaching business, The Aussie Hermit was in a constant state of anxiety.
I’d wake up, and there it was to greet me…
I’d go to sleep and there it was to see me off.
Every day, over and over again.
At one stage I was riddled with so much anxiety (because I’d landed just 1 client in 12 months) that I’d constantly eat M&M’s and croissants to numb the feeling.
Each day I was on this up and down anxiety rollercoaster and, to be quite frank…
It sucked balls.
However, I also know the only time I got relief from that anxiety was when these 2 things happened:
First, I took action.
What I noticed was, whenever I was anxious or overwhelmed, if I sat down and created a plan the negative feelings would diminish significantly.
I do this even to this day.
In fact…
Just last week I had a client’s ad campaign completely die on me out of nowhere.
One day it was working beautifully, the next day, not.
And, all the typical things I do to restart it didn’t work.
At first I was stressed out.
But then I sat down, and I created a plan.
I wrote up an email to the client.
I told them exactly what I needed from them in terms of creative and funnel tweaks.
And when I did that, the stress subsided immediately.
Now everything is moving forward in the right direction.
So a plan on paper will you help you get clarity on the steps to solving your problem (i.e. the steps to getting more clients), plus, it’ll help you distance yourself from the problem.
Seeing it on paper shows you that it’s not a big problem after all - and that it can be overcome quite quickly.
The second thing I did to reduce anxiety was, I got clients.
This one's obvious.
But whenever I signed a new client, my anxiety and overwhelm would disappear altogether.
The problem was…
Because my approach to getting clients was haphazard, devoid of any system, clients were few and far between.
And that meant cash flow would dry up fairly quickly, bringing back to that same state of stress and overwhelm.
This is got to be the worst place to be in business.
But the key to getting away from this is creating a system you can rely on to get clients consistently.
You must be able to rely on this system to bring you clients.
If you can’t rely on it, you’ll always be on the up and down anxiety roller coaster.
The good news is…
Creating a consistent system is quite straightforward (as long as you don’t try to “guru complicate” it).
Here’s all you need:
- 1 ad that brings in consistent, quality prospects onto your list, and…
- A daily email that entertains, educates and invites them to work with you.
I wish I had just focused on these 2 things in my first 3 years of business.
I wouldn’t have had to beg my family for money.
I wouldn’t have had to go into debt.
I wouldn’t have put on 25lbs of fat.
And, I wouldn’t have had to live in that constant state of stress.
Business is straightforward when you boil it down to these 2 steps.
It’s when you add all the other stuff (webinars, tripwires, book funnels, complex automations etc) that it starts to get complicated.
So remember those two pieces of advice…
Take action when you’re stressed, and have a system you can rely on.
With that being said…
I can’t help you with the former, that’s up to you.
But I can certainly help you with the latter…
And that’s what my 15 Minute Client program is all about.
Inside, I show you how to get a consistent flow of great clients with a list building ad campaign, and one simple email per day.
Along with that…
I give you proven templates and scripts and frameworks for pretty much everything. I even give you script to close your clients.
So if a consistent system is what you’re after, and you like the sound of getting clients sending just one email per day, then put your name on the waitlist to know when spots open next:
-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra
Clients who love to fight
Nothing gets The Aussie Hermit’s undies in knot like a client who invests in my program, then fights me on my advice.
I just don’t get it.
Why would you apply for my program…
Tell me you need help…
Invest a substantial amount of money…
Then tell me why what I’m telling you won’t work?
Isn’t that why you’re in the program?
Because you lack the knowledge to get the clients you’re after?
It's crazy.
Let me give you an example:
Recently, I was having a conversation with a client.
And, I’ll be vague here as she may be on my list.
But, basically, she came to me with a funnel that was getting her the wrong type of leads.
Dead broke lookie-lous.
She’d spent a bunch of money on ads, and hadn’t made any sales.
So I took one look at her funnel and told her exactly what the problem was, and what needed to be fixed.
(It was just a simple headline tweak)
Then she proceeds to fight me for the next 15 minutes on why it won’t work.
She comes back the next week, without having made my suggested changes, then fights me again for another 15 minutes.
What did I do?
I didn’t back down.
I told her (in so many words), “go do this one test, and if it doesn’t work, then we can try your suggestion.”
The result?
Here’s what she said to me a few days ago in a private message…
“Hi Luke... here is my latest FB Ad information:
48 hours approx
139 Clicks
$1.47 CPC
2.16% CTR
3 (calendar) bookings
45 (email) signups”
That’s right.
She spent just $200 and got three qualified prospects booking in her calendar.
In other words, the campaign converted instantly, just like I said it would.
Here was my response…
“Your stats look amazing
Leads for less than $5 and already getting 3 bookings is a great result
I would keep the ads going now at a daily budget you can afford
Then simply focus on closing those people (and making sure they show up)”
The lesson here?
If you work with The Aussie Hermit, please don’t fight me.
Just do what I say and you’ll get clients.
To know when spots open next for my 15 Minute Client program, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra
How this common drug could put you in a coma for 30+ years
A few days ago I was reading Fox Sports, and I stumbled across this incredible story…
"Football star dies after routine surgery put him in a coma for 39 years.
Former France defender Jean-Pierre Adams has died aged 73 after almost 40 years in a coma, his former club Nimes announced on Monday"
Isn’t that crazy?
39 years in a coma.
But wait, I haven’t even got to the scariest part…
"Adams, who made 22 international appearances in the 1970s, slipped into a coma after a mistake by the anaesthetist during routine knee surgery in 1982.
The anaesthetist had to take responsibility for eight patients that day — many of the staff at the hospital were on strike — and left a trainee to keep an eye on Adams."
Could you imagine?
You’re perfectly healthy. You go to the hospital for something as benign as knee surgery. And then because a trainee anaesthetist made one tiny slip and gave you a little too much propofol, you’re put into a coma for the rest of your life.
And after I reading this article my first thought was…
"Next time Big Pappa C has to be put under in the hospital, I’m going to ask for the experienced anaesthetist!"
And then my second thought was…
"This is exactly why you don’t get a trainee to do an expert's job."
It’s absolutely crazy a newbie was given this responsibility with no oversight.
Especially when you consider she had to look after 8 patients that day.
Instead, they should have told Jean-Pierre to go home until they had the correct staff to do the job right
After all, it was just routine surgery.
But here we are…
39 years later and he’s only just died.
Sobering stuff.
And what’s also sobering is when I see Coaches make similar ‘routine’ mistakes in their business that cause them to struggle to fail.
Sure, these aren’t ‘life and death’ type mistakes.
But they are mistakes that can make or break a family.
And, unfortunately, they’re mistakes a good Coach with marketing and sales experience can easily avoid.
In 2012 I got my coaching certification.
This was a 6 month course that required me to do a lot of coaching sessions.
And of out that whole 6 month course there was just half a day where they went through the marketing/business building side of things.
(Only the most critical part to a Coach succeeding)
And their advice was basically…
1) Choose a niche, and…
2) Get your name out there.
Then they simply gave us a long list of different marketing activities we could do.
And that was it.
So what do you think happened when I went to "get my name out there" to get some clients?
Well, I didn’t.
I got one paying client in 12 months.
In fact…
So terrible was The Aussie Hermit’s results that I never made over $1,000/mo for the first 3 years.
And why did I struggle so much?
Because I was making dumb, routine mistakes that could have been easily avoided if I had the help of a real expert to guide me.
The good news is, I found some amazing mentors and have since gone on to build a thriving business.
But I could have got there a lot faster had I had better help.
And that’s why I’m telling this story…
If you’re a Coach who wants to attract a lot more clients, don’t go it alone.
And even worse…
Don’t follow someone who has no idea how to help Coaches.
(Unfortunately, this is most "gurus")
Instead, find someone who has experience helping Coaches, and more importantly…
Helping Coaches get results.
You’re going to get to your revenue goals a lot faster with the help of a trained expert.
That way, you can avoid the routine mistakes that may just put your business in a coma - permanently.
With that being said…
Because I like to toot my own horn, and because I’ve helped a few thousand Coaches over the past 8 years to grow their business, I think I’m a pretty good choice.
The other reason why I think I’m awesome is because my system for getting clients is actually simple to get results with.
You don’t need to create any crazy complex funnels…
You don’t need to spend months putting together tech…
You don’t have to spend hours creating organic content only for it to get ignored…
And you don’t even have to get on the phone to close your clients.
All you have to do is send one email each day.
That’s it.
You simply build your list with paid ads (which I show you how to do), so your leads come in on autopilot…
And then you simply send one email per day.
The reason I love this for Coaches is because you don’t have to be a marketing expert to make daily email work.
You’re not trying to make the sale with one email.
Instead, you get multiple emails to make the sale.
Each email builds the relationship, educates them on who you are, what makes you different, and why they should buy your program.
Then you simply have a call to action at the end to jump into your program.
It’s that simple.
And, that’s why I know that any Coach can make this work.
So if this sounds like something you’re interested in, make sure to put yourself on The 15 Minute Client waitlist.
It’s the only place where I let people know when the doors are open:
-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra
Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free
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