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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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Bait and switch gurus

At least twice per month The Aussie Hermit has a conversation with a Coach where they tell me this:

“Yeh, so I invested in this guru’s marketing program to get clients. But I didn’t get any results.

And then at the end of the program they told me if I wanted to *really* grow my business I had to invest in their top end mastermind”

I call these the “bait and switch” gurus.

And, unfortunately - they’re everywhere.

Back in 2013/14 I spent about 35K with a bait and switch guru.

My initial investment with him was $5k. Then he convinced me to invest in more and bigger programs if I truly wanted to succeed.


But what’s more sad is I believed him!

Another thing bait and switch gurus like to do is sell you into their program but pair you with one of their staff for coaching.

And let’s be honest…

These staff aren’t marketing experts.

They’re often newbies that know a little more than you. Just enough to feel like you’re moving forward.

But when you get to the end of the program and you’ve got no clients - you realise you’ve been duped.

I’m not sure why these gurus run their business this way.

For me, if I was going to hire someone to get results for my clients, they’d have to be at least as good as me.

The problem with that is - if someone was as good as me they’d be running their own business.

Why would they get paid 1/16th the amount working for me when they can get paid 100% of the amount working for themselves?

And now you see the conundrum these bait and switch gurus have.

They want to scale.

They want to outsource their expertise to save time.

But no one is ever going to be as good as them.

And so they (stupidly) settle for staff that aren’t really experts to get their client’s results.

And then when their clients (AKA: you) don’t get results?

They say, “well come into our top level mastermind where you can get the *really good* coaching and content.”

I think it’s a dumb way to run your coaching business.

It causes a lot of complaints.

It produces a lot of refunds.

It leads to a lot bad reviews.

It gives your company a bad name.
And most of all…

It significantly reduces the results of the clients who buy your program.

This is why The Aussie Hermit run things completely the opposite way in my business.

First, I only have one program - The 15 Minute Client.

There’s no secret mastermind I try to up sell you to at the end.

You come in to that program for 8 weeks. You implement the system. Then you finish up.

And if you want to stay longer?

(Which some choose to do as they want help scaling their campaigns)

Then there’s an ongoing monthly fee.

This, however, is completely optional and not needed to get the results I promise in the program.

(That being, building a coaching business that attracts you clients sending 1 email per day)

And second, I don’t palm you off to some assistant or staff member.

You get direct coaching with me.

And that means I personally review all of your major marketing assets (niche/offer/lead magnet/ads/emails etc) to ensure you have the best chance of succeeding right out of the gate.

With that being said…

If that sounds like a program you want to be a part of, then make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

Elon Musk’s 10 billion dollar guide to coaching success

Last week, Elon Musk silently sold close to 1 billion worth of Tesla stock.

That brings his total "silent" sell-offs to 10 billion over the last 6 weeks.

And, if you look at a lot of other wealthy people - they’re doing the exact same thing.

Take Warren Buffet as an example.

He’s got 150 billion (with a "b") in cash sitting on the sideline.

He’s not investing. He’s selling.

And this is totally weird because every man and his chihuahua seems to be putting their money into the stock market right now.

So why are Musk and Buffet and other wealthy people selling when everyone is else buying?

What do they know that we don’t?

It’s very interesting.

And their behaviour reminds me of 2 quotes.

The first being…

If you want to get wealthy - "you should buy when everyone else is selling and sell when everyone else is buying."

I’m not giving financial advice here.

I’m just a hermit in a hole that looks up conspiracy theories.

But it does seem like everyone is buying right now.

Something to think about.

The second quote this reminds me of comes from Earl Nightingale. And it goes like this:

"Look at what the majority of people are doing, and do the exact opposite, and you’ll probably never go wrong for as long as you live."

Again, I’m not a financial advisor.

But personally, I’m very fearful when I see the masses putting their money into the market.

Usually, it’s a sign you want to do the exact opposite.


The same can be said for pretty much any area of life if you want to be successful.


If you want to make it in sport - do the exact opposite of what the masses do.

If you want to make it in a career - do the exact opposite of what the masses do.

And if you want to make it in business - do the exact opposite of what the masses do.

Let’s take a closer look at business.

The majority of business owners struggle.

In fact - something like 90% fail in the first 5 years.

And why do they fail?

Well, let’s take a look…

Most business owners don’t study marketing and sales…

Most business owners don’t have systems and SOP’s…

Most business owners don’t spend on advertising…

Most business owners don’t track their numbers…

Most business owners do all the work themselves…

Etc etc.

In other words…

Most businesses owners struggle because they do what the masses do.

For The Aussie Hermit, success in life is very simple.

It’s not always easy. But it is very simple.

You just do the opposite of everyone else.

So if you’re ever not sure about what to do to succeed, find out what the majority are doing, do the opposite and you can virtually guarantee you’re on the right path.

It’s worked well for Elon and Buffet, I’m sure it’ll work well for you, too.

With that being said…

The other thing most business owners don’t do is send regular emails.

This is a sign that if you do the opposite, you’ll be on the path to consistent clients.

Enter The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program.

Inside, I show you how to craft one email per day - in less than 15 minutes - that you can use to get far more prospects booking on your calendar than what you have now.

Along with that, I show you how to come up with tons of email ideas so you always have something to say.

Moreover, I show you how to create subject lines that boost open rates…

I show you how to transition from your content to your close (without being salesy)…

And I even show you a bunch of different editing techniques (11 in all) to make your emails sound like they’ve been written by a professional copywriter.

Did I mention I also show you how to build your list with paid ads?

Yup, it’s all in there to help you grow a successful coaching business sending one email per day.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

The day I tried to bamboozle my piano teacher (& got shown up)

For many years now The Aussie Hermit has been studying music production.

Specifically - electronic music production

And, one of the things I decided to do back in 2010 to help with my music creation was learn piano.

I figured if you know piano (including how to put together piano music), then you have the foundations to create pretty much anything.

So back in 2010 one of the things I did to help with that was hire a piano teacher.

Every Tuesday I’d drive down to the piano centre at my local university, and she’d take me through a lesson.

Here’s the cool part though:

This piano teacher was (and still is) crazy awesome.

She could literally hear any pop song played to her once, then sit down at the piano and play it perfectly.

I kid you not.

Even crazier she could do this with heavy metal and even mashed up electronic dance music.

For example, this one evening I took a song in for her to play that’s basically a mix of weird samples all put together.

It’s hard to describe so I’ll put a link to that song here:

Just listen to a few seconds of that song and you’ll see what I mean.

I love the song.

But as you can see - to play it on the piano is impossible.

So I gave it to her as a challenge.

(I tried to bamboozle her because she’d played every song I’d given her until that point).

She put the song in her CD player.

She had two listens this time instead of one. She sat down, and I swear - she played that song on the piano.

It blew my mind.

(And my ego!)

Then the question I asked her right after she stopped was…

"How long have you been playing piano?"

"35 years," was her response.

She was only 40 years old at the time.

It really is amazing to see people perform who are masters of their craft.

Also, it makes you really want to do what they do.

And as I was thinking about that story today it reminded me of the quote by Jerry Rice…

"Today I will do what others won’t do so tomorrow I can do what others can’t."

Clearly, she had put in the work each day for many years to perform at a level others can only dream of.

It wasn’t an accident.

It was consistent work on her craft.

And the reason I bring this story up is because we Coaches want to have a business and a life others only dream of, too.

But the problem is, not many of us are willing to do what it takes to get that result.

When I tell Coaches if you want consistent clients all you have to do is send an email each day to your list, many cringe.

Often, they just want to go straight to automating.

The problem with that is, most Coaches' emails don’t convert in the beginning. So if you write a huge sequence of crappy emails, more than likely you’re going to have to re-do them all when they don’t convert.

Point is…

We Coaches often want to skip the consistent work that’s necessary to create the business we want.

The Aussie Hermit knows this because that was my biggest problem for the first few years I was in business.

Sure I was busy.

But I was busy doing a whole bunch of stuff.

I was "flip flopping" between funnel after funnel and never put in the consistent work on any one thing.

You can’t be successful with that type of approach.

Instead, you have to find a marketing strategy you know works, and you have to implement that strategy consistently.

This is why I like daily email.

It’s worked for Coaches for decades and will continue to work for decades to come.

Plus, it’s very simple.

I know that if I want clients all I have to do is get up and write an email to my list.

I don’t have to create up sells and down sells and other products or complex funnels to get clients.

But the truth is - this approach still requires consistent work.

Some days I don’t feel like sending an email.

Some days I would rather sleep in.

Some days I’d rather be creating music.

But I send an email each day because I know if I do, I can continue living a life others can only dream of.

With that being said…

If you’ve tried implementing a bunch of different funnel strategies and none of it has come together, then maybe it’s time to try daily email?

Inside my 15 Minute Client program, I show you how to come up with an unlimited amount of email content (seriously - you could write hundreds of emails every week if you wanted).

Also, I show you how to get them done in minutes even if it currently takes you an age to write content.

Along with that, I show you how to build your list with quality leads using paid ads.

And the great part about my approach is it only takes a few minutes each week to keep the campaign going once it’s up and running.

In other words - your lead gen is basically autopilot.

So if all that sounds like something you’re after, then make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

Falling for the wrong guru

The Aussie Hermit doesn’t spend much time on Facebook.

Other than answering client questions in my 15 Minute Client coaching group a few minutes per day, I’m pretty much non-existent on there.

However, there are times when I’m navigating to the coaching group that I see posts from other groups.

Specifically, other marketing/Facebook ad related groups.

And, when I scroll past I’m continually shocked at the type of questions people ask.

Shocked because these people are supposed to be marketing experts (more like “ex-spurts”) that help other businesses.

For example, often I’ll see questions like this:

“Hey guys, I just got my first Facebook ad client. What do I do next? Lol”


“Hey guys, I just sold a guy a $5k program to write a sales letter. What’re the best books to help me with this?”

It’s scary.

And that’s why when hiring an expert you have to be extremely careful.

Unfortunately, The Aussie Hermit was burned many times when starting out, which lost me tens of thousands and years of progress.

For example, my first business mentor took me through 12 coaching sessions (for $7k), where we didn’t work on any client attraction system at all.

In fact, half the sessions were basically like therapy because she wanted to talk about my parents for some reason.

But being so green I didn’t know any better.

Then, my second mentor (which ironically, my first mentor introduced me to), sold me on hype.

I believed I could go from being a person with basically no marketing skills to an expert that sold $50k+ packages.


(Side note: He ripped off so many people I last heard had to flee to China to continue doing business)

Then my third mentor sold me a speaker program that promised to get me on stages, but when I got in I realised was not going to deliver on that at all.

Further to that, when asking for a refund he refused.

So you’ve got to triple check anyone you hire (including yours-hermity).

Look at their case studies.

Look at results they’ve achieved.

And ask lots of questions.

It sounds obvious, but we Coaches have a habit of falling for the wrong guru.

So due diligence is needed.

Because hiring a bad mentor is much more expensive than not hiring one at all.

Trust me.

With that being said…

As someone who’s been helping Coaches since 2013, I’ve come across pretty much every problem out there.

From choosing your niche to crafting your offer to building your list to running profitable ad campaigns (some as high as $25,000 per day) for all the known (and not-so-known) funnel types out there.

More importantly…

I’ve helped thousands of Coaches grow their businesses.

Many of these were earning under 6 figures. However, I’ve also had many clients earning over 6, 7 and some even at 8-figures.

Of course, I don’t want you to take my word for it.

If you’re considering hiring me - ask around.

Do your research.

Don’t blindly jump in because I’m touting how good I am.

I’m biased, obviously.

Then, when you find out I am legit - and you want to attract clients sending just one email per day - well, then, make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

Your instant revenue raisers

When in financial strain, the situation can feel so overwhelming.

The Aussie Hermit remembers back to London (in 2013 when I was struggling for clients), most of my thoughts and feelings revolved around not having enough money coming in.

From the moment I woke up to the moment my head hit the pillow, that’s almost all I thought about.

And the way I used to soothe those feelings was with emotional eating.

Each morning I’d walk to the local supermarket and buy sweet bread rolls, croissants and M&M’s.

Did it work?

A little.

Mostly though, I just got fat.

The point is…

Financial stress is an all-encompassing, extremely painful situation.

It’s always there - morning and night, week after week, month after month - until you solve the problem.

If this sounds a little bit familiar, then what I want to do is share with you a simple strategy that helped me move the revenue needle forward, and took some of that weight off my shoulders.

But I will warn you about this strategy - sometimes you won’t be doing things you particularly love to do.

However, they’ll be much less painful than the pain of dealing with intense financial stress.

With that being said, what is that strategy?

It’s simple…

All you have to do is write down a list of all the potential things you can do to get more revenue.

Ideally, you want to start with the things that are related to growing your business/getting clients, and you also want to prioritise the "low hanging" fruit.

I.e. The "instant" revenue raisers you know can bring in clients/cash flow fast.

Then you can move onto less relevant things and the things that may take a bit more time to implement.

Let me give you an example of what The Aussie Hermit’s list of "revenue raisers" might look, and in the order I’d do them if I wanted more cash flow:

  1. Send 2-3 emails per day to my list (instead of just 1)…
  2. Take on more Facebook ad clients (through referrals or my list)…
  3. Run a monthly (or even weekly) workshop for my list that promotes my program…
  4. Use UpWork to get more Facebook ad clients…
  5. Offer email/sales letter copywriting services to list/current clients/past clients…
  6. Offer consulting to my list in exchange for them to promote my lead magnet…
  7. Get interviewed on podcasts to build your list with warm leads (get colleagues to refer you to ones they’ve been on first)…
  8. See how your program could fit in with colleagues or past clients services (potential JV opportunities)…
  9. Offer to Coach past clients coaching clients…
  10. Join a local referral community of business owners…
  11. Network in local community with business owners…
  12. Offer other freelance services on UpWork (i.e. funnel building, landing page design, automation setup for Active Campaign)…
  13. Get a side job running ads for an agency…
  14. Get a side job in a bar…
  15. Etc.

See how that works?

So you basically just write down everything you can do to generate revenue. Then you put it in the order in which would move the needle the quickest.

In the past I found just doing this activity helped reduce stress immediately.

Seeing on paper all the different things I could do to generate revenue really opened my eyes to the fact that I’d always have a way to pay the bills and put food on the table - even if that way was a side job in a bar or some other part-time gig.

Of course, you don’t want to have to go down that path.

But at least it’s there if you need it.


One of the things you’ll notice with my list is that a lot of my "instant revenue raisers" revolve around my email list.

I found over the years if you need clients, your email list is first place you want to go.

The reason being, your list is full of people that already know you, like you, trust and know you’re an expert.

They’re your warmest market. Your low-hanging fruit.

And that means they’ll be the most receptive to any offers you put out there to work with you.

Of course, they won’t be receptive if you haven’t kept in contact with them regularly.

If you only send an email once per week or once every few weeks, any promotions you put out there are likely to fall flat.

This is why it’s critical to the survival of your business that you have a good relationship with your list.

Not only because your list will provide you with a consistent flow of clients, but because there will be times in your business when you really (really) need clients.

It could be a bunch of clients leaving…

It could huge unforeseen bill (like a natural disaster)…

It could be the Fed printing another 11 trillion causing hyperinflation (hint hint)…

Whatever the case - when that day happens, you will have your list as the insurance policy.

The only thing you have to do when that crisis comes?

Sit down.

Write up an email with an offer.

Hit send, and watch the applications pour in.

With that being said…

If you want to build a list you can get clients from on demand, that’s exactly what my 15 Minute Client program is all about.

Inside, I show you how to get quality prospects subscribing via paid ads. Then, most importantly, I show you how to build a strong relationship with those prospects sending one email per day.

This email takes about 15-20 minutes to write (a little longer in the beginning)…

This email is one your prospects will love to receive (because it’s entertaining/valuable)…

And this email has them wanting to work with you (because there’s always an offer at the end).

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

I wish I’d met you years ago

"I wish I’d met you years ago."

These are the exact words The Aussie Hermit hears from Coaches all the time.

The reason?

Because by the time a Coach speaks to me on the phone about signing up for my program, they’ve usually been burned by many gurus who’s promises don’t live up to hype.

And when they see how simple and straightforward my "one email per day" system is (along with that fact I can tell them what the problem was with their previous failing marketing campaigns) they say they wished they met me years ago.

A great example of this was a call I had a couple of days ago with a great Coach.

She’d spent over $30,000 on failed guru strategies over the last 12 months.

Strategies she was promised would work before she joined.

And now because she’s in so much debt she has to get a side job just to pay the bills.

There’s no shame in this, of course.
(Being ripped off or getting a side job).

The Aussie Hermit has spent far more than that on programs that didn’t turn out the way they were promised.

Also, I had to get a side job in a bar when I came back from London in 2014 because of all the debt I’d racked up.

Point is…

There’s a lot of bad advice out there.

Advice from experts that aren’t really experts at all.  

Advice that when implemented, does huge damage to your business (and self-worth).

And the unfortunate reality is, sometimes it’s hard to spot the real experts from the fake experts.

So today I'd like to share 3 tell-tale signs to help you avoid these pretenders.

Here we go...

Do they help Coaches?

If they don’t have experience helping coaches specifically, probably best not hire them.

Have they gotten results for Coaches (particularly Coaches earning under 6-figures)?

It’s easy to get results for Coaches already earning 6, 7 or 8-figures.

These guys and girls are up and running with a proven offer.

Simply adding my daily email strategy can boost revenue dramatically.

But can the guru get results for Coaches just starting out with no offer, no niche and no marketing experience?

Time and time again when I speak to Coaches who’ve been burned on other gurus, I take one look at their funnel/message and I instantly know why it didn’t convert. And then I immediately know whoever they hired doesn’t know how to get results with newer Coaches.

It’s sad.

And frustrating.

So if you don’t want to be in that position, make sure whomever you hire has real results helping Coaches under 6-figures (if that’s where you are financially, of course).


Are they all about hype?

Sure, earning $30k/mo, $50k/mo or $100k/mo is great.

But if you find that the guru constantly makes these huge claims, it could be a sign they’re trying to get you over the line with a big "make money" angle.

It’s a powerful angle.

But it’s also one fake gurus use a lot.

(And how my first mentor pulled me in)
Of course, there are other signs.

But those are the biggies.

With that being said…

If you’re a Coach who’s been burned in the past and are looking for real, proven advice - then maybe The Aussie Hermit is who you’re after?

Since 2013 I’ve helped thousands of Coaches grow their business.

Most of these Coaches were earning under 6-figures, however, I’ve also helped (and continue to help) those above 6, 7 and even 8-figures.

Along with that, these Coaches come from various different markets.

From helping kids with ADHD, to people with hypothyroid, to puppy training school, to emotional eating to 100+ more.

I have been able to help these Coaches because the principles I teach inside my 15 Minute Client program apply to any market.

So if you’re looking for help to get more clients, then it could be time to put your name on the waitlist?

Here’s the link to do that now:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

My 3yr old's guide to client attraction

If you’re a parent, you know how this scene goes…

Your son or daughter asks for something they shouldn’t be having.

You say “no,” and maybe even give a reason why.

They ask again, and again you say “no.”

Then they continue to ask… and ask… and ask… the exact same thing.

They totally ignore your response - like you haven’t said anything - and keep asking until what?

Until you give in.

And let’s be honest, most of the time you do.

At least, I know I do.

Almost every day Indi (my eldest) wants something she can’t have.

Whether it’s an episode of her favourite TV show…

A type of food she shouldn’t be eating…

Or an annoying toy we thought we’d hidden but somehow she managed to find it behind the clothes at the back of mummy’s cupboard.

And when she finds that something she wants, she asks and asks and asks ad infinitum - until she gets it.

She is relentless.

And, as I was handing her another chocolate today against my will, I couldn’t help but think about the lesson in this story. It reminded me a lot about that story in “Think & Grow Rich,” where the young black girl kept asking for “50 cents” until she got it.

And the message across each is that - sometimes the way to get what you want is to simply follow up, and follow up, and follow up relentlessly until you get it.

This may be more true in business than anywhere else.

We all know that most people aren’t ready to buy right away - but will be some day.

And the key to being the Coach they choose to invest in when that day comes is to follow up.

Most Coaches know this, and so they’ll send out an email or 2 per week (sometimes 3) to try and be the one that gets chosen.

But is 1-3 emails per week the best way to follow up?

Well, if you look back at the examples above, I don’t think so.

Here’s why…

Put The Aussie Hermit’s “one email per day” follow up strategy against any other marketing Coach’s “2 per week” strategy and I’ll out earn them every time.

The reason?

Well, it’s simple...

If I’m sending 3x-4x more emails each week it means:

I am adding 3x-4x more value…

I’m educating the market 3x-4x more why they should choose me…
And I’m getting 3x-4x more offers in front of that market to work with me.

It’s just math.

With more emails comes more clients.

With less emails, and less consistent follow up, comes less clients.


In an interview a long time ago Will Smith said:

“The only thing that is distinctly different from me is I’m not afraid to die on a treadmill.

I will not be out-worked, period.

You might have more talent than me, you might be smarter than me, you might be sexier than me, you might be all those things you got it on me in nine categories. But if we get on the treadmill together, there are two things:

You’re getting off first, or I’m going to do. It’s really that simple.”

In other words…

The key to success in business - and the key to clients - is actually quite simple…

You just gotta out-work your competition.

The only difference between me and the other Coach in the example above is that I’m relentless with my follow up.

That’s it.

I’m not the greatest copywriter.

I’m not the greatest marketer.

I’m not the greatest salesman.

And I’m not the greatest businessman.

And yet, because I’m relentless - because I outwork others in my market who couldn’t be bothered sending an email each day - I get the bulk of the clients.

Some food for thought going forward.

With that being said…

The Aussie Hermit can’t make you show up each day to send an email.

That’s on you.

You’ve got to want it bad enough to put in the work.

But what I can do, is make sending emails as easy as possible so that when you do implement your relentless follow up strategy, it doesn’t take a lot of time…

And it doesn’t take you killing yourself on the treadmill (so to speak) to make it work.

Enter my 15 Minute Client program.

Inside I show you:

—> Where to get hundreds of emails ideas every week…

—> How to communicate those ideas in an entertaining and valuable way (so they look forward to your daily emails), and…

—> How to get them done in minutes per day (yes, even if it currently takes you an hour or more).

Along with that, you learn how to build your list on autopilot with quality leads.

That way, all you have to do to get clients is send out one daily email.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

The success secret of low-expectations

A long while back The Aussie Hermit helped lay out a marketing plan for a Coach.

And, there was a point during our conversation that really stuck out.

Something I’ve remembered all these years later.

She said something you don’t hear from a lot of us Coaches…

And it’s something I believe is key to becoming successful.

That thing she said?

"I don’t expect this to work first go."


She didn’t expect the strategy we laid out to work (AKA: bring in clients) when she first launched it.

So why is this such a big deal?

Because she had completely low expectations about her results - and that’s the type of mindset you want for success.

Let The Aussie Hermit explain…

You see, we Coaches often approach our funnels and marketing campaigns the exact opposite way.

We expect that it should work the first time we launch it (or close to).

After all, we’ve spent so much time…

—> Choosing our niche…

—> Crafting our offer…

—> Creating our lead magnet…

—> Building our landing pages…

—> Setting up the tech…

—> Writing our Facebook ads…

And learning how to launch it all.

That’s a lot of effort. And because of that, we believe the funnel should work first go.

Big mistake.


Because almost every marketing campaign doesn’t work first go.

So what happens when it inevitably doesn’t work?

We’re completely devastated, of course.

And you know what happens next?

Well, often we move on to the next ‘bright shiny marketing object’ the latest "guru" is peddling only to be disappointed (again) when their magic bullet solution doesn’t work first go.

It’s a terrible cycle.

And one The Ol’ Aussie Hermit knows too well.

The good news is, it can be avoided with the right mindset.

And that mindset is:

Instead of having high expectations you want to completely low exceptions.

When you go into a campaign expecting it to do poorly, what do you think your mindset will be like when it inevitably does poorly?

Do you think you’ll be completely devastated?


Do you think you’ll be pretty indifferent? Neither sad nor happy.

The latter - because that’s what you expect.

And when you’re the latter - when you’re neither happy or sad - do you think you’ll be more inclined to move forward and continue to take action on your marketing strategy?


So one of the key secrets to success is low exceptions, not high.

Use this mindset in your next campaign and watch your motivation (and results) transform for the better.

With that being said…

If you’re wondering what the plan was that I laid out for this Coach, it was pretty simple.

All I told her to do was…

1) Build your list with paid ads, and…

2) Email that list every day with an offer they want.

I like to keep things simple like this for a few reasons.

But the big one being - when you have complicated funnels with lots of automations, up sells, down sells, triggers, tags and multiple products - you have to get a lot more things right.

And what that means for the Coach that isn’t skilled at tech or proficient at marketing, is that a lot usually doesn’t go right.

And that means you have to wait even longer to get clients.

Why bother, I say, when all you need is the above 2 steps to get consistent clients.

If you feel the same, then head on over and put your name on The 15 Minute Client waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

The 2-page coaching business

When The Aussie Hermit first started trying to grow my business I made many mistakes.

Big ones.

Little ones.

And very costly ones.

But probably the biggest was delaying the launch of my marketing campaign.

You see, before I launched…

—> I wanted to get my business cards done…
—> I wanted to get my website ready…
—> I wanted to have blog posts and social media content posted…
—> I wanted to have my program content done…
—> I even wanted to do more personal development and certifications courses just to help with my confidence.

And the reason why that was costly was because, for the first 18 months of my business I was doing all this stuff, but I wasn’t making any sales.

And, as you can imagine, that put a huge strain on my finances (and my sanity).

So much so, I ended up in a ton of debt (a lot of that to my family), and went to live with my Nan as she was the only one that would let me live rent free.


And so when that happened, I realised I needed to stop playing around in business.

I needed to stop doing stuff that didn’t generate revenue.

And I need to focus on only those actives that brought in clients.

So here’s what I did…

For the next 3 years I built a coaching business on just these 4 things…

  1. I had 1 ad that drove my traffic...
  2. I had one opt in page and one thank you page to build my list (built by a simple landing page builder similar to Click Funnels)…
  3. I had one email autoresponder so I could send my list a daily email with an offer, and…
  4. I had PayPal to accept payments.

That’s it.

I didn’t have the “” website I have now.

I didn’t have business cards.

I didn’t have a “course portal” (every program was delivered via a Facebook group and “hidden” YouTube videos)…

And I didn’t have any social media posts, blog posts or articles.

And from those 4 things, I was able to bring in consistent, high-paying clients.

Pretty simple, ey?

So if you feel like you need to get all these things ready before you start (finally) generating great monthly revenue - you don’t.

You can start building and emailing your list today - you can start getting sales today - and you can worry about the other stuff later.


But what if you need your program ready before you launch?

After all, you need something to sell. So you probably better wait till that’s done, right?

Well, not so fast.

In that case, I still recommend you focus on building/emailing your list first, however, instead of pitching nothing in your emails, you pitch a waitlist.

Let me show you how it works:

You launch your ad campaign now

You build your list now

You start sending daily emails now

Then while that waitlist is building with your one daily email, you’re working on your program/course in the background.

That way, when you’re finally ready to “open the doors” you have a group of people clamouring to work with you.

Of course, you can do it the other way…

You can spend the next 8-12 weeks (or longer) getting everything “ready” with your program, then you can do the marketing stuff later on.

But the problem with that is - you won’t have anyone waiting to join when the content is done.

You’ll just set yourself up to wait even longer, as you still have to build your client attraction system from scratch.

So you see…

By building your list and emailing your list now - you actually save yourself a ton of time.

And you can launch (and get revenue) much sooner.

With that being said…

If you like the sound of this strategy, well that’s exactly what I teach inside The 15 Minute Client program.

Within 4-6 weeks we can have everything set up so you’re getting quality prospects joining your waitlist sending one email per day.


I give you all the email scripts to open the doors so you get maximum people applying for your program or course.

Along with that, I give you a sales script to close them too.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

11.5 trillion reasons to buy gold now

7,804 miles high.

That’s how far you’d go up into the sky (and outer space) if you stacked 11.5 trillion dollars worth $100 dollar bills on top of each other.

Keep in mind, a $100 note is 0.0043 inches (or 0.01mm) thin.

Pretty mind boggling when you think about it.

And what’s also mind boggling is that this is the exact same amount of money the Fed has printed over the last 18 months.

I’m not sure why, but most of the population seem to think this is totally fine.

And that all this printing isn’t going to cause any problems.

Maybe because they believe the Fed?

Or maybe because 11.5 trillion is hard to picture in their mind?

Either way, it ain’t good news.

And the sooner you wrap your head around that, the sooner you can prepare for what’s to come.


What I believe we’re watching is a deliberate destruction of the economy.

The reason why is simple…

By destroying the dollar, those in power (private bankers) are able to move us into a 100% digital economy.

And that means they’ll have even more control.


It enables them to tell you what to buy, and what not to buy.

(Goodbye gold, silver, meat and anything powered by oil!)

It enables them to take away your money if you don’t spend it fast enough.

(Goodbye savings!)

And it enables them to freeze your assets should you "misbehave" - just like China’s social credit score system.

(Goodbye freedom!)

In other words…
They’ll own you.

Don’t believe me?

You don’t have to.
Go check out Klaus Schwab, his "Great Reset" book, and his new "carbon credit card."

He tells you all their plans.

Also, last year the Fed (a private corporation owned by bankers) said they weren’t interested in a central digital currency.

Last week they changed their mind.

Just a coincidence, right?


The truth is, it was always their plan but they couldn’t just come out and say "we’re going digital." It has to seem like a process.

The point is…

The economy is being driven into the ground on purpose to create a crisis that forces us into this new system.

Still don’t believe me?

OK, here’s more:

Take a look back at the last 100 years.

Any time the government has gained more control was during a crisis.

Just a few examples include…

1934 - After the crash FDR, through executive order, banned citizens from owning gold. This stayed in effect until 1964.

1971 - The made up "gold speculators" crises gave Nixon the excuse he needed to "temporarily" take the dollar off the gold standard and into "print money on demand" fiat system.

2001 - The 9/11 crisis gave us "The Patriot Act" (within 40 days of that crisis), which took away American’s privacy rights.

2008 - The Great Recession gave the government more control over how they print money.

Etc etc.

Wait, not good enough for you?

Ok, how about this…

The supply chain issues we’re currently experiencing are not because of the pandemic.

They’re created on purpose.

For example, did you know that California brought in a policy that only "green trucks" were allowed in their state?

Green trucks, if you didn’t know, are very expensive to build.

And only account for about 20% of the trucking industry.

So what the truckers have to do, is pick up the cargo/goods at the LA ports using the green trucks, drive to the edge of the state then transfer those goods to normal trucks which then drive across the rest of the country.

As you can imagine, this process is very slow.

And, it’s one of the reasons we’re experiencing the supply chain issues - it creates a huge bottleneck.

This is also why, even if they work 24 hours per day, 7 days per week unloading the cargo at the ports, it won’t make any difference at all.

(Something no one in the government or media talks about. Wonder why?)

Point is…

This is all on purpose to create an economic crisis to lead us to a new financial system.

Of course, you probably shouldn’t listen to me.

After all, I’m just a hermit in a man cave who trawls through conspiracy theory forums with a tin-foil hat.

But let’s pretend for a minute I was right.

No harm in pretending, right?

Well, if you knew a crash was coming, how would you prepare?

If it were me (and again, I’m not financial expert so probably best to ignore this), I’d put a little of my savings each month to gold and silver.

That way, when a loaf of bread is $450 you won’t be caught out.

The other way I’d prepare is by stocking up on essentials like toilet paper, long life food and meat I can put in the freezer.

For the same reason above.

Finally, I’d have something to defend myself and my family with.


Well, you saw what people did when they had no toilet paper.

Imagine what they’ll do when they have no food.


So get yourself a weapon of some kind.

Even if it’s just a baseball bat. At least it’s something.

Once again, though, this is all just pretend and you probably shouldn’t worry about it.

That 3.5 trillion Biden wants to spend (that will add "0" to the debt) is going to be totally fine.

All this printing is totally fine.

With that being said…

One of the best ways to get prepared is to get more clients now.

That way, you have the cash flow you need to protect yourself with the supplies I mentioned above, plus…

When the economy falls off a cliff you can pick up some bargain basement investments.

As Robert Kiyosaki says…

The best time to get wealthy is during a crash.

So if clients are what you’re after, then maybe The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program is what you need?

Inside I show you how to get clients beating down your door sending one email per day.

And what you’ll love most about it is that there are no complex funnels.

The whole system is 2 landing pages and an email autoresponder.

So it’s very quick and easy to get set up.

Along with that, you’ll build your list on autopilot with paid ads.

And once again, it’s all about simplicity.

You literally just created 1 image ad that promotes 1 lead magnet and that can run for weeks without being touched.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

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