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My guru is worse than your guru
True story:
For the first 2 years of my business (2013-2015), The Aussie Hermit invested in a guru.
I spent the better part of 35k with him.
And, unfortunately for me, he turned out not to be a guru.
He was totally fake.
He lied through his teeth.
And his coaching program had a 0% success rate.
(Something I didn’t find out until years later)
What was enjoyable for me, though, was seeing the exposure of his lies.
Things got so bad for him he had to shut down his business (and even go to China to get clients. Yes, China).
I started seeing some new videos of him popping up recently. And, it looks like he’s started coaching again.
So I Google’d his name to dig a bit deeper. Curious to see what else he’s up to.
And to The Aussie Hermit’s delight, I found an entire website (created by a past client) completely dedicated to how much of a scammer this guy is.
(Even better, it was quite high in the Google rankings, too.)
So I thought I’d share the copy from this website with you (sans his name), because it’s pretty hilarious (and all true).
And, also, because The Aussie Hermit likes to brag that my guru is worse than your guru.
[Guru Name’s] Coaching Program Scam
I’m sad to say I’ve had the distinct un-privilege of being a dupped member of [Guru Name’s] very expensive (FIVE FIGURE INVESTMENT) joke of a mastermind and business coaching program, called [Program Name], where I ended up losing and wasting a VERY LARGE amount of money, energy, and time – while getting ZERO results.
It was very expensive (costs FIVE FIGURES to join) – and it turned out to be a complete farce/sham.
And because I loathe scam artists like this and how they get away with doing this to well-meaning people over and over without consequence – I decided to post the inner details behind [Guru Name’s] programs and systems, so that hopefully, it saves others from being similarly dupped into wasting any time and money on any of [Guru Name’s] scam coaching programs, like all of us did in [Program Name] unfortunately.
So here’s the true, candid behind-the-scenes details about [Guru Name], his [Program Name] mastermind group, his coaching, and his (so-called) systems…
1) [Guru Name] and his coaching programs and "systems" are total smoke and mirrors BS.
Yes, he sounds and looks impressive upfront. Like he’s discovered the holy grail of selling high ticket programs and services.
But like the "Wizard of Oz" – [Guru Name] has managed to be impressive in the front, only to have nothing in the back when you pull the curtains open.
Once inside, you quickly realize – he has no true "system" behind the scenes. Just a lot of jumbled, cobbled together hodge-podge of business BS.
It turned out that his whole "strategy" for high ticket selling consisted of primarily using tricky/sneaky wordings and phrasings in your speech, text, emails, etc. to slyly posture yourself to others to look larger, more impressive, and more in-demand than you actually are.
(Read his mass emails with a discerning, skeptical eye!)
(ie. And if you ever hear his "I was even recognized by Adobe" story [they make the Photoshop software], it’s total BS, spun the "[Guru Name]" way.
Basically, his strategy was to write some crap proposal, mail it to them, and since they had to sign to receive his mailed package delivery, he can now *legitimately* (cough, cough) spin it to tell everyone he was "recognized" by Adobe.
That’s classic [Guru Name] strategy that we discovered only too late. AKA – total BS.
Are you even competent at what you do? [Guru Name] doesn’t care!
Are you even qualified to coach/teach/sell whatever you’re trying to sell? [Guru Name] doesn’t care!
[Guru Name] only cares about teaching you how to trick people into buying with his "slick" under-the-radar words and phrases!
In fact, he LOOOOOVES playing with words, words, words so so so much, that that is literally ALL we EVER did in his [Program Name] mastermind group.
Over and over and over and over and over and over (get my drift?).
Writing and re-writing and re-writing and re-writing our words/sales pitch into dreadfully wordy and long-winded sales pitch speeches (filled with "super sneaky" word patterns that he was so proud of "discovering") that no one in their right mind would or could ever rattle off to a prospect, and that no one would ever even have the patience to listen to.
(All the members got SOOOO sick and tired of doing his word manipulations over and over and over.)
All we did was play with words. Which is why….
2) [Guru Name’s] mastermind group has virtually a 0% (ZERO PERCENT) success rate.
[Guru Name’s] [Program Name] has been around about two years.
There were at least 20-25+ motivated entrepreneurs who went through it.
But there was virtually a ZERO PERCENT SUCCESS RATE from using [Guru Name’s] "proven systems".
ZERO success stories.
I think that speaks for itself.
3) [Program Name] is NOT a group of "the world’s highest paid coaches, consultants, and trainers", as [Guru Name] loves to proclaim and falsely advertise.
[Guru Name] loves to describe himself as a "Mentor to the world’s highest paid coaches, consultants, and trainers".
Total 100% BS.
It’s the total opposite, in fact.
Yes, we were all motivated entrepreneurs with big dreams. Very nice people. Each person was working hard to make things happen.
But once you get in, and have a look around at everyone else in the group – you’ll immediately realize…
You are most definitely NOT in the company of "the world’s highest paid coaches, consultants, and trainers".
[Guru Name] loves to tell people he has a very stringent "vetting process" (another subtle word phrase that [Guru Name] loves – "vetting process") to purposely set you up to feel like you’ll need to really prove yourself and pass a difficult qualification process to be admitted into his super elite group/coaching program.
He’s also setting you up to also feel super special and so lucky when he "accepts" you in.
But can you guess what his only REAL qualifier is for admission?
If you can pay.
Yup, that’s really all there is to getting into [Guru Name’s] "elite" coaching and mastermind.
How do we know?
Because he let in people that should obviously NEVER have been let in, if there was in fact a stringent vetting process like he claims.
"Mentor to the world’s highest paid coaches, consultants, and trainers"?
In his dreams.
4) Every previous member declined to re-pay/renew their [Program Name] membership.
That’s very telling.
Because when a business mastermind group and coaching program TRULY works, delivers real value, and helps people really succeed – who would ever want to leave? No one of course!
But with [Guru Name’s] group, it was the exact opposite – NO ONE wanted to stay and renew when their membership term expired.
One by one, members told [Guru Name] "No thanks", no matter how he tried to sweeten the pot.
They learned their lesson and split. Wise choice.
5) [Guru Name] will literally SCAM you by taking your money and disappearing.
Because that’s exactly what he did.
[Guru Name]recently shut down the [Program Name] completely *without any warning or notice or explanation* to existing PAID members, some of whom were relatively recent new members too.
[Program Name] is a significant FIVE FIGURE investment to join.
But then, out of the blue one day…
Private Facebook group – poof! Gone without warning.
Mastermind group/program – poof! Gone without notification.
No response from [Guru Name] to any member inquiries asking what happened.
No explanation to the group about why he decided to shut down the mastermind group.
[Guru Name] literally took people’s money and disappeared without fulfilling or delivering what people had paid him a significant FIVE FIGURES for. Took the money and split!
What else is there to say?
Joining [Guru]’s [Program Name] is one of the biggest regrets of my life.
I, along with everyone else in the group, literally flushed a LARGE sum of savings/money down the toilet with [Guru Name] for zero return.
I take personal responsibility for making my choice.
I didn’t know or have the whole story about [Guru Name] before I paid and joined. But now you do and YOU should now know better than we did.
Don’t let the same mistake happen to you.
If you hear "[Guru Name]" anywhere – run away FAST.
You’ve been warned.
And again, all true.
What’s also funny is that, unlike the person above, I don’t regret investing in the mastermind.
The reason why, is - I met some amazing people. And have made many life-long friends from that group.
One that became my business partner.
And one that I even lived with in Philadelphia.
Further, The Ol’ Aussie Hermit learned some very valuable business building lessons during that time.
(Most about what not to do)
But they helped send me down the path I’m on today which is the successful Coach I dreamed about becoming back then.
So if you’ve been in that situation where you’ve invested in a bad guru (or that’s where you currently are), I say don’t give up.
Keep pushing forward.
You will get to where you want to go - as long as you keep moving forward.
As long as you don’t give up.
Then one day, when you’re successful, you’ll look back and realise it all happened for a reason.
And that the struggles you’re going through now are exactly what you needed to get to where you want to go.
With that being said…
If you need help getting clients - and you’re tired of the complex guru funnels and confusing advice - then maybe The Ol’ Aussie Hermit can help?
I have a client-getting system.
And, that client-getting system is very simple.
The reason it’s simple is because (as mentioned above), I invested in some terrible guru advice when starting out.
And, most of that advice was confusing, convoluted and complex.
So after nearly going bankrupt I decided to figure out a simpler way to get clients.
And, I did.
Here’s how it works…
I send one email each day.
And that’s it.
That one email allows me to establish my credibility.
Demonstrate my expertise.
And invite prospects to work with me by placing an offer at the end.
Of course, there is a bit of set up involved (like picking your niche, crafting your offer, and setting up your ad campaign to build your list), but once that’s done, you only need to send an email each day to attract clients.
The rest is basically autopilot.
Now, before I invite you to join the waitlist if you’re interested, I will say one thing…
This is *not* an overnight success system.
You will have to put in work to get it all launched (which typically takes about 8 weeks).
Then from there, you have to actually show up and send your daily email.
(Of course, I show you how to do all of this step-by-step and with frameworks/formulas to make it straightforward)
The system won’t work if you don’t do the work.
Make sense?
So if getting clients sending one email per day sounds a lot better and simpler than what you’re currently doing, then make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Somewhere Near Byron Bay
General Flynn’s guide to a tribe raving fans
Not long ago, The Aussie Hermit read this quote posted by General Flynn…
“If you are silent about your beliefs
because you are worried someone
will be offended, then your beliefs
are not that important to you, but
rather what people think about you
is. When you stand up for what’s
right and true, you will receive both
hate and love, but everyone will
know what you are fighting for”
Sage advice.
And, unfortunately, most in our society are worried more about what people think about them than speaking out about some of the things the big gov. is doing at the moment.
They’d rather have their freedoms taken away than stand up, voice their opinion, and possibly be disliked.
It’s sad.
What’s also sad is many of us Coaches suffer from the same problem/
It’s true that if you let your market know about your strongest beliefs, you’ll get some haters.
You’ll get people writing in saying how much they disagree with you.
You’ll get people giving you “angry” emojis on your posts.
And you’ll even get some (gasp!) unsubscribes.
But here’s what’s also true…
You can’t have haters without having lovers.
(Read that again)
And guess what?
For every hater you accumulate there are always 10 more “lovers”.
And these lovers will write in saying how much they love you…
These lovers will jump in and defend you when a hater tries to dis you…
And these lovers will buy, buy and buy again because they feel like you are them.
(And you are, in a way)
But you don’t get any of the benefits the lovers provide if you decide to tip-toe down the line and not piss anyone off.
Sure, you won’t create haters - but you won’t create lovers either.
You’ll be a lame milquetoast Coach that doesn’t get anyone excited.
So if you want to create a tribe of raving fans, give them the real you.
Speak your mind.
And start today!
There’s never been a better time.
With that being said…
The Aussie Hermit’s favourite way to create lovers (and haters) is with email.
All I do is send one email every day where I talk about whatever interests me, and that’s enough to get a lot of new clients beating down my door.
I don’t blog or spend time in Facebook groups or beg for referrals.
It’s just one email.
Even better, I show you how to do the same inside my 15 Minute Client program.
You don’t need to be a copywriter (I give you all the tools)…
You don’t need to worry about how to come up with content (I give you hundreds of ways)…
And you don’t even need a list (I show you how to build one on autopilot with paid ads).
The only thing you need?
The courage to be yourself.
If you want a system that attracts a lot of lovers into your programs, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Somewhere Near Byron Bay
Your Shawkshank redemption
If you’ve ever seen The Shawshank Redemption with Morgan Freeman, you’ll remember this scene vividly… Andy, the main guy, escapes from jail. And the way he gets out is by crawling through a sewerage pipe that’s full of… well… sh*t. Even worse, this ain’t no short journey. The pipe is over 500 yards long. Talk about desperation. And, the reason why The Aussie Hermit brings this up is because I was thinking about this scene today and how it’s so relevant to what’s going on in the world… Specifically… Everything feels like it’s going to sh*t. There’s hyper inflation eroding our wealth… Tyrannical governments taking away our freedoms… Media platforms banning our speech… Marxism being taught to our children… Vaccine passports coming in… Wars starting back up… Presidents suffering from dementia… Etc etc. It’s scary. But the truth is, we’re all just like Andy. Meaning… Even though we’re crawling through a lot of sh*t right now, there’s light at the end of the tunnel. This might sound crazy looking at the situation the world is in… But I firmly believe (based on a lot of research) that the light is coming, and things will turn for the better. In other words… Good (and God) will prevail. But we do have to crawl through a lot of sh*t to get there. There’s no other way of putting it. And this is exactly what I tell Coaches who feel like they’ll never be successful. And who can only see as far as the sh*t all over them. The Aussie Hermit says… “Look, becoming a successful Coach requires you to go through a lot of struggle. You’re going to implement a lot of things in the beginning that simply won’t work they way you intended. There’s no other way around that. That’s business. But it’s my firm belief (based on helping thousands of Coaches attract clients), that if you stick at it - if you persevere - you will become successful. There’s simply no way you can’t be - as long as you keep moving forward. And that’s the truth.” So if you’re struggling with what’s going in the world or your business, this email was simply to send a bit of hope. There’s light at the end of your tunnel - it’s only a matter of when. You just gotta keep moving forward. -Luke Charlton The Hermit Hole, Canberra 21/02/2022 P.S. If you want to make your way to the end of that sewerage pipe a little quicker, maybe The Aussie Hermit can help? I have a program that gets high paying clients beating down your door sending just one email per day. There’s no complicated funnel to create with this strategy, and many times you don’t even have to get on the phone to sign these clients because they already know they want to work with you. To find out when spots are open next, make sure to put yourself on the waitlist here: |
The #1 trait that predefines a Coach’s success
There are 2 types of people in the stock market…
You’ve got the “investors” and then you’ve got the “speculators.”
Let The Aussie Hermit quickly describe the differences:
Investors study the fundamentals. They do their homework before putting their money in. They act on logic, not emotion. Also, they have a long-term view. Meaning, they put their money in and are OK waiting years to see a return.
Speculators are the exact opposite.
They don’t study anything. They don’t do their homework. They act on emotion, not logic. They throw their money into whatever is hot. And they have a very short-term view. Meaning, if a stock or crypto or NFT doesn’t go up 200% in a month then they’re disappointed and move on to the next “big thing.”
Now let me ask…
Which do you think gets better results?
It’s easy to see.
The funny thing is (or not so funny), is that you find these 2 types of people no matter what market you go into.
For example…
In weight loss, there are people who are investors (those that stay consistent, that do their homework before choosing an eating plan, that have a long-term view etc). And there are those that are speculators (those that flip flop from diet to diet, that miss workouts, that don’t track their progress, that do everything in the gym half-arsed, that complain when they haven’t transformed their body in 30 days etc).
The same is true in the “relationship” market.
The “leadership” market.
The “parenting” market.
And, of course, the “business” market.
Let’s take Coaches as an example…
One recurring (and frustrating) question The Aussie Hermit gets from Coaches looking to sign up for my program is…
“When will I see results?”
And I know why they’re asking this because they want results in the shortest time possible.
They have a short-term view.
This can be extremely detrimental to your progress. And the reason why is, if you don’t achieve “X” result in your “perfect” timeframe, it gives you an excuse to jump to the next “hot” funnel strategy.
This speculator mindset keeps you going round in circles.
Here’s some more truth:
Results come in different timeframes for different Coaches.
Some Coaches see results within a few weeks of joining my program. Some see it within a few months. Maybe even longer.
(The same is true for every program out there, by the way)
This is all based on many variables (i.e whether you have a niche/offer, how much time you have to dedicate each day to get it set up, whether you actually follow through and send your daily emails etc).
So any number I give would be completely made up.
Either way, you shouldn’t be asking or worried about this question.
Instead, you should have the mindset of an investor.
That being:
You are going to do your homework before choosing a marketing strategy.
You are going to commit to one strategy you believe in.
You’re going to implement that strategy consistently.
And you’re going to continue to tweak your strategy/message until clients come through.
If you have that type of mindset, you will have the success you desire.
$20k/mo. $50k/mo. $100k/mo. Whatever you want.
It’s not a matter if “if” but “when.”
With that being said…
I’ve helped hundreds (and hundreds) of Coaches get high-paying clients over the years and they’ve all had that investor mindset.
Just as important, they believed in my system and were committed to it.
What’s my system?
Well, it’s quite simple…
You send out one email per day to get clients.
That’s it.
Of course, that’s the *end* result of my system.
There’s some setup involved to get you there.
This is usually a 4-6 week process and has you completing the following steps…
—> Discovering your “high ticket” market (AKA: a niche willing *and* able to pay for a high priced offer)…
—> Crafting an offer for your high ticket market they feel excited to invest in…
—> Launching a simple ad campaign to build your list on autopilot, then finally…
—> Learning how to send one email per day that gets clients booking calls with you.
This obviously takes work to set up.
Along with that, you have to be patient.
Clients won’t come overnight.
As mentioned…
Sometimes it’s a few weeks. Sometimes it’s a few months.
It just depends on where you are and your ability to commit.
But what I will say is this…
If you do commit - and you follow my advice - it’s not a matter “if” but “when” you’ll get to your revenue goal.
To get added to the waitlist for The 15 Minute Client program, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
When to run vs when stab
Wes Watson is a guy on YouTube The Aussie Hermit watches regularly.
He’s a motivational speaker of sorts who tells stories from his time in jail.
And, in a recent video, I watched he was saying how in his prison they had a "no hands" policy.
If you had a beef with someone you weren’t allowed to put your hands on them. Instead, you had to stab them.
Pretty crazy, right?
Well, on the surface it seems crazy.
But this rule actually reduced violence.
The reason being, if you stab someone you’re almost certainly going to get a few years added to your sentence.
So it makes you stop and think…
"Is this idiot worth me copping an extra 2-3 years for?"
Usually, the answer is "no," which makes for far less altercations.
I love this rule is because it forces you to stay completely out or go all in.
This is particularly powerful when applied to business.
Too often we Coaches start a webinar funnel or a book funnel or a 5 day challenge funnel, but when the going gets tough and things don’t work out in our perfect timeframe, we give up and move on to the next bright shiny object.
We’re only half in.
When what we really should be doing is approaching our marketing strategies like an inmate.
That being, we’re either not going to do it, or we’re going go all in and "stab" this thing.
Because the reality is, any marketing method/funnel you choose will work.
But if you just dip your toe in, it ain’t going to come together for you.
You must commit.
You must go all in.
Only this mentality will get you to your client goals.
With that being said…
Just because most marketing/funnel strategies work, doesn’t mean you should just randomly choose one and go with it.
You want to make sure before you go "all in" that you choose the right one for you.
Personally, The Aussie Hermit likes email for the simple fact that it’s a very *forgiving* strategy.
I like that not every email has to be perfect in order to get clients.
If I send one email one day and it doesn’t convert, no problem. I always have the next day to try again.
Pretty much every other strategy out there doesn’t give you this same advantage. That’s because email is the only one that allows you to follow up consistently.
Of course, I’m biased because my emails have helped clients generate millions.
Plus, after spending over $16 million on ads and having scaled pretty much every funnel out there, I know the level of skill it takes to make them succeed.
But if you'd still prefer a complex funnel, no problem.
You do you.
For the rest that want a consistent flow of clients sending just one email per day, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
The only morning routine for Coaches that works
When getting started as a Coach, I was constantly searching for that "perfect" morning routine.
The reason being, I always read how successful Entrepreneurs had one.
So I thought that in order to succeed I needed to…
Write in a journal.
Read the bible.
Do exercise.
Drink detoxing juice.
Stand on one leg and whistle for 6 minutes while chanting positive affirmations.
Etc etc.
And then I did some calculations and figured if I did everything I was "supposed" to do for a successful morning routine, that morning routine would literally go for 4+ hours.
That’s when I realised it was all a bunch of bullshit.
Here’s the truth…
You don’t need some special morning routine to be successful.
There is not some "magic" combination of mediation and journaling and exercising that if you get right you’ll be successful.
Do whatever works for you.
If you like meditating first thing - then meditate.
If you like journaling - then journal.
If you like drinking blended apple cider and carrot juice then be my guest.
Drink your blended apple cider and carrot juice.
Point is…
Do what works for you.
Personally, the only thing I do is write an email.
I get up.
I do my "business."
Then I write my email.
After that, I help Alana and the kids ready for the day. Then after that I’ll do some client work etc.
But the reason I like to do my email first thing is because it flows better.
But mostly because I know sending an email is my #1 most important task for the day.
I know if I get that done and do nothing else, I’ll keep bringing in clients.
Conversely, I know if I don’t do it first thing then the chances of me doing that email later in the day diminish greatly.
It’s kind of like Brian Tracey’s "Eat that Frog" strategy, where you do the most important task first.
Only The Aussie Hermit tweaks it a little by saying that most important task should be something that drives your business forward - not another clients'.
Do that, and you’ll be well on your way to a very successful business (especially if that task is sending a daily email).
With that being said…
If you’re after more clients, then maybe The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program can help?
It’s all about sending one email per day to get clients.
Yes, I help you build an autopilot list building system.
And I even show you how to craft a high ticket offer your clients love to say "yes" to.
But the core of the program is showing you how I send one email per day to get quality clients lining up to work with you.
From writing subject lines to coming up with content to getting the email done in minutes.
It’s all in there.
Most importantly...
It’s all designed to help any Coach - even those who aren’t confident at marketing - get great results.
It’s happened with hundreds of my clients, and if you put in the work, I know it can happen for you, too.
If that sounds like a system you want in your business, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
What your bank will tell you when you try to withdraw your money
True story:
Yesterday, The Aussie Hermit walked into my bank to ask a question about transferring some money.
And, after having my questions answered I walk out.
But just as I’m about to leave I turn around and walk back down to the teller.
"Hey, just one more question," I say to him. "If I wanted to withdraw $100k in cash, what’s the process for that? Can I just come here and get it all out in one go?"
"Oh no," he replies. "If you want to do that you’ll need to give us 7 days notice because we have to order it in. Plus, you also have to fill out a form explaining why you want to get that amount of money out."
"Wait. I have to give a reason to get *my* money out?"
"Yes, you do."
"And what if that reason was ‘it’s for an investment’"?
"Well, if it’s for an investment then we can just transfer it to the correct person for you. You don’t need to get it out."
I’m in shock.
"Wait. So what are you saying here? Giving ‘investment’ on the form is not a good enough reason?"
"I can’t answer that," he replies nervously.
"Ok," I say, very confused. "So what is a good reason? When someone comes to get money out what do they typically say?"
"I can’t answer that."
I laugh. "Seriously? Ok then. So what’s the maximum I can withdraw each day without having to go through this process?"
"Great. So I can just come down here and withdraw $5,000 per day for 20 days and I can get $100k out without having to fill this form out?"
"Ahh. Yes. You could," he replies, a little annoyed with my question.
"Great. Thank you!" And I walk out.
Now, there’s a few things we can learn from this conversation…
- Your bank doesn’t hold any of your money.
Personally, I knew they didn’t hold much.
But it was shocking for me to see they don’t even have 100k in cash for someone to withdraw. To them a 100k must be like .0000001% of their balance. - If your bank goes down, you’re screwed
How are you going to get your money if only 5 other people want to get theirs out at the same time?
What about 5,000?
Answer: You won’t. - You need to get your money out
Or at the very least diversify.
Keeping all your money in one bank is a recipe for disaster.
Personally, after learning what I learnt yesterday, I’m going to spread it across multiple banks plus keep some with me.
The broader business lesson we can learn here is around "unmet expectations."
When I went into the bank I expected to be able to withdraw my money.
Those expectations were shattered when the teller told me I couldn’t.
Who’s fault is this?
Mainly mine.
When I opened the bank account I should have asked these questions. Also, I should have read the fine print.
But I didn’t because I was lazy.
And the bank has every right to tell me that, too.
But, of course, that’s a very dumb way to run their business.
Sure they can "hide" details about what you can/can’t do with your money once they’ve got it. But, eventually, that’s going to come back to bite them.
For example, when there’s a cyber attack or some type of crash and everyone wants to get their money out at the same time.
Point is…
They should have been transparent right from the get-go.
They should have said something like, "Hey, by the way Luke, before you sign up just a few things we need to be transparent about. If you need to withdraw over $5,000 then you’ll have to order that money as we don’t hold much cash here. You ok with that?"
"Also, you’ll need to give a reason why for government purposes. Unfortunately, it’s a law we banks have to follow. Are you OK with that?"
"Not really. But that’s not your fault. I’m still fine with signing up."
Etc etc.
If they had said that, then they wouldn’t have a very pissed off customer (and one that’s probably going to leave).
We need to take the same approach in our coaching business.
Transparency is critical for client satisfacation (and also boosting your referrals).
When someone wants me to run their Facebook ads, I give them a very detailed overview of what my service entails.
I.e. What assets/IP I own.
What assets/IP they own.
Where my service starts and where it ends.
What they can expect from me every week.
What I expect of them.
What my fee structure is for their level of ad spend.
I’m 100% transparent about all aspects because I don’t want them coming back and saying, "Hey, how come you’ve charged me more this month than last money?"
I don’t want them to have unmet expectations because it sours the relationship.
Also, it kills any referrals they may have sent me in the future.
From 2014-2017 I ran a magazine called "I Love Coaching Magazine."
And, it was only $9.99/mo to subscribe.
It was a great magazine that even had Jack Canfield on the cover one issue.
But the problem was, when people were billed every month it never sent them a receipt.
And because of that, every month I’d always get pissed off people writing in saying things like, "I’ve been billed for the last 6 months for this magazine and I didn’t even know. Give me a refund now."
Of course, I gave them a refund.
But what I should have done was send each customer a receipt every time they were billed.
In other words - I should have been 100% transparent.
Had I done that, my complaints would have been non-existent, and my customer satisfaction would have gone up even more.
Bottom line:
I know it’s tempting not to send a receipt for that automatic payment.
I know it’s tempting to place fine print in your contract.
And I know it’s tempting to capitalise on your client’s laziness.
But trust The Aussie Hermit - it’s not worth it.
At least, not in the long run.
In the long run, it’s much more advantageous to be 100% transparent.
With that being said…
One thing The Aussie Hermit is always transparent about is how awesome my 15 Minute Client program is.
After all, it is the simplest way to get high paying clients online.
At least, I think so.
Here’s how it works…
Step 1) You build your list by advertising a simple lead magnet…
Step 2) You email that list every day with value and an offer to work with…
Step 3) You sign up those *warm* prospects that have booked in your calendar.
And that’s it.
Of course, in order for those steps to work you need to have the right message and the right offer (and that’s what we figure out together in module 1 of the program).
But once you’ve got that sorted, then getting clients becomes as easy as repeating those 3 steps.
If that sounds like a system you want in your business, make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
The eye of the coaching tiger
Everyone knows Rocky.
But not many know the incredible story of how Rocky was made.
Back in the 70’s Stallone was a virtual unknown in Hollywood. He had $106 in his bank account. And had to sell his dog to pay for the bills.
He was that broke.
Then one night he went to see Muhammad Ali fight Chuck Wepner (a massive underdog).
And only did Wepner knock down Ali in the 9th round (only the 3rd time in his career at that stage), but he also went the distance with the greatest of all time.
"If this ain’t a metaphor for life," Stallone thought to himself.
3 days later the script for Rocky was written.
Not long after, he was speaking to some casting directors and mentioned the script.
"Bring it by," they told him.
And so he did.
Their thoughts?
They loved it.
So much so, they wanted to make it!
There was only one problem…
They didn’t want Stallone to star in the movie.
Instead, they wanted an actor that was more "bankable".
They were thinking of Ryan O’Neal or Burt Reynolds.
Yes, Burt Reynolds.
So they offered Stallone $360,000 for the film rights on the condition he wouldn’t be in the movie.
He rejected their offer.
A pretty incredible response considering how broke he was.
This is what he said about it in an interview…
"I thought, ‘You know what? You’ve got this poverty thing down. You really don’t need much to live on.’ I sort of figured it out. I was in no way used to the good life. So I knew in the back of my mind that if I sell this script and it does very very well, I’m going to jump off a building if I’m not in it. There’s no doubt in my mind. I’m going to be very, very upset *laughs*. So this is one of those things, when you just roll the dice and fly by the proverbial seat of your pants and you just say, ‘I’ve got to try it. I’ve just got to do it. I may be totally wrong, and I’m going to take a lot of people down with me, but I just believe in it.’"
The producers eventually let Stallone have his way and gave him 1 million to make the movie with him in it.
The rest, as they say, is history.
Pretty great story, right?
And the reason The Aussie Hermit brings this up is because this story is a perfect metaphor for us Coaches.
We are like Stallone back in the 70’s.
We’re unknown.
We’re struggling.
Some of us are dead broke.
However, we’ve got an idea for a winning script - our thriving coaching business.
And we know if we can sell it, our life and our clients' lives will completely transform.
The only problem?
Like Stallone, we’re presented with an offer to give up that dream for a far easier way to make money…
A steady paycheck in a 9-5.
But also like Stallone - we reject that offer.
Instead, we choose to "roll the dice" because we believe in what we do.
We may be totally wrong.
We may end up failing.
But we’ve just got to do it.
The Aussie Hermit doesn’t know about you, but I think that’s pretty inspiring.
So the purpose of this email is simply to remind you of that fact.
To remind you that you are a different breed of human.
You are the eye of the coaching tiger.
You are one that is actually chasing their dreams.
You are one that is taking risk.
And you are also one that will have massive success.
That I can guarantee.
You’ve just got to continue to take the hits.
You’ve got to keep getting up.
And you’ve got to keep moving forward.
Do that, and you’ll have a Rocky story of your own.
With that being said…
If you need a little help creating that Rocky story, then that’s exactly what The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client coaching program will do.
Inside, I teach you a system that gets you clients sending just one email per day.
And the pretty cool thing is, these emails are fun to write (just like this one).
That’s because they’re probably quite different to what you’re used to sending to your list (i.e. pure content).
They mix entertainment.
They add value.
And they pitch to your high-priced programs (or products) without being pushy.
And the best part is - any Coach (even those not great at writing) can start sending these types of emails the day they learn them.
There’s no training for months on end before you send your first email.
You can literally go through the email training part of the program in an afternoon and be sending your first email that same night if you’re so inclined.
Along with that, I also teach you how to build your list on autopilot with paid ads.
And when you combine those 2 pieces (list building and daily email) you have a simple strategy that gets you consistent clients with just a few minutes work each day.
If that sounds like something you’re after, make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
Leveraging the 1963 ad Avis cars used to skyrocket sales
The Aussie Hermit is on the move.
That’s right.
The hermit hole is being cleared out. Packed up. And ready to be shipped to another hole.
That location?
Somewhere near Byron Bay.
After living in Canberra most of our lives, we’ve decided a warmer climate with a more relaxed lifestyle is what we want.
And, unfortunately, because of covid many have come to the same realisation.
Tens of thousands have moved north since the pandemic started.
And that means it’s been very hard to find a place to rent.
Whenever something comes up I like, there’s always a ton of people going for it.
In fact, I just applied for a place and about 10 others did the same.
What’s more annoying is that these real estate agents up there are terrible at their jobs.
They just don’t reply.
I text. I call. I leave messages. I send emails.
You’d think they’d want to speak to people who literally want to give them money.
But they simply don’t care.
The reason?
Because there’s so much demand right now.
And what I’ve found over the years is that service professionals that are in high demand often become very complacent.
They become lazy.
They don’t put in the work because quite frankly - they don’t need to.
Another example of this is how is in the amount of pictures these real estate agents take of the properties they’re trying to rent.
It’s seriously mind boggling.
They’ll be advertising a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 2 garage place, and they’ll put up like 5 pictures. For the whole house!
A picture of the kitchen. One of the main bathroom. One of the loungeroom. One of the master. And one of the front yard.
Like what?
How hard is it to press your finger on the camera a few more times to get the rest of the house? It’s not like it costs more to take more *digital* photos.
Talk about lazy.
Also, what about a video?
This is not 1985.
It’s 2021.
Taking film is just as easy as taking a photo.
Again, it’s all complacency.
They don’t put in the work because they don’t need to.
They know they’ll get business whether they put in effort or not.
Another good example of this are trades people.
When they’re at your house they typically do a good job.
But to get them to come to come on time. Or pick up the phone. Or call you back.
Good luck.
And what about our industry?
It happens in our industry all the time, too.
Just look at some of the big gurus out there.
In the beginning when they started their business they got great results.
Then they scaled their business.
They became in high demand.
Then what typically happens?
Their coaching slides.
They don’t give the same attention to detail.
They don’t hand-hold you as much.
They may even hire others that aren’t real experts to coach for them.
Point is…
Their service is nowhere near as good as when they were in less demand.
And that means their clients results aren’t going to be anywhere near as good, either.
This is one of the big reasons I stay away from big names now.
I’ve invested in too many of these programs over the years to know it ain’t going to be that great.
Personally, I’d rather work with someone who’s really good at what they do, but maybe aren’t that well known.
I’ve got a mentor like that now.
He’s been coaching me for the last 5 years on scaling 7-figure ad campaigns.
But if I gave you his name, you probably wouldn’t know who he is.
And I like that because it means his service is still incredible.
He replies quickly.
He doesn’t palm me off to a newbie.
And he gives in-depth critiques.
It kind of reminds of that very famous ad by car hire company "Avis."
In 1962 they were 2nd in market share behind Hertz.
And so to get more customers they came out with an ad with this headline:
"When you’re only No. 2, you try harder. Or else."
The campaign was a huge success. So much so Hertz lost over 12% market share.
The reason?
People like better service.
And when you’re not as in higher demand, you’re forced to give better service.
Or else.
With that being said…
One of the things clients love about The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute program is that you get direct access to me.
The King of Konversion.
You don’t get an assistant (there is no assistant).
You don’t get shoved into a group with hundreds of people (I keep it limited).
And you don’t get replies every other week.
Instead, you get critiques from me directly (this comes via calls and even "loom" videos in our private community).
You get quick replies (almost always within 24 business hours).
And you get advice from someone who’s spent over 16 million on ads, generated over 500,000 coaching leads, and banked 50M+ in coaching sales for clients with my ad campaigns.
Also, you get advice from a someone who’s helped thousands of Coaches get more clients since 2013.
But wait, I haven’t mentioned the best part…
You get access to a program that shows you how to attract clients sending one, solitary email per day.
No trawling through Facebook groups.
No sleazy DM’s.
No begging for referrals.
And no endless blogging or content creation.
Just one email per day is all it takes to get high paying clients chasing you down.
If that sounds like a program you’re after, then make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
The Aussie Hermit pulls out a Christmas gift from his fat sack
It’s Christmas. And that means it’s that time of year for The Aussie Hermit to put on my red stockings. Crawl out of the hermit hole. Reach into my fat sack. And bestow a business growth gift upon the hoard of Coaches congregating at the foot of my cave. What shall I bless you with this year? 12 scripts for closing? 11 ads for scaling? 5 gol-den offersssss? Ho ho ho no! This year I’m going to pull out one simple tip to expand your business over the next 12 months. And by “simple” I mean so simple you probably won’t think it’s a gift at all. You may even think your time was better spent reading bon bon jokes to an empty room. That’s OK. The Hermit is not offended. For I know that it is valuable for the Coach who takes time to think about, but more importantly *apply* this one tip. For that Coach is going to have a business that soars faster than Santa’s blood alcohol level on Christmas night, after drinking all the beer left out for him by us Aussies. Anyway, so what’s the one tip? Simply… Just say “no.” That’s right - say no. If you want to get to your goals in the shortest time possible, you’ve got to get good at saying no. Here’s why… One of the biggest mistakes The Aussie Hermit has made over years is saying “yes” to too many things. I said “yes” to achieving multiple goals in a year… I said “yes” to adding a ton of “to-dos” on my list that didn’t need to be there… I said “yes” to starting new ventures with partners… I said “yes” to new marketing methods, content strategies, and interviews… And all that got me was a lot of overwhelm but barely any results. So what I learned is that one of the most powerful skills you can develop is the ability to say no. Say “no” to all your goals this coming year except ONE… Say “no” to all of your to-dos (except those you absolutely need for your #1 goal)… Say “no” to new marketing strategies until you have at least one working… Etc. The point is… By saying no and only focusing on the very *few* things that will get you to your number one goal, you’ll get there much faster. The funny thing is, it sounds easy. But it’s not. It really is a skill you have to develop. More: There are many things The Aussie Hermit would love to achieve next year. I’d love to do a music program. I’d love to launch an ecommerce product I’ve created. I’d love to restore this car I want to buy. But I know if I try to do all that next year I’m just going to get bogged down. Instead, I have one goal next year. It’s a specific revenue goal I want to hit with my 15 Minute Client program. And everything I do has to move me toward that goal. Nothing goes on my to-do list that isn’t absolutely necessary. If it’s redundant or a “nice to have” to-do, it gets deleted. Only this type of focus will help you achieve at the highest level. More: The other great thing about deleting to-dos is that it feels amazing. Go ahead. Do it right now. Go through each of your to-dos and ask yourself: “Do I *really* need this to get me to my #1 goal?” If you don’t absolutely need it - cross it out. Delete it. Get rid of it - and notice how good it feels. A weight gets lifted off your shoulders instantly. The other day I did this with a huge action-item on my to0do list. I thought I needed to write this gigantic autoresponder sequence to get me to my #1 revenue goal. But I realised I could just keep sending my one email per day and that would get me to where I wanted to go. So I put a pen through that to-do. I scratched it out. Gone. And you know what? It felt amazing. So go ahead. Try it. See for yourself. Erase those to-dos right now and see how good it feels. Finally, I’ll end this Christmas email with a story about 2 billionaires. One is named Warrant Buffet. The other, Bill Gates. In early July 1991, Bill Gates’ father invited some guests over for dinner. These guests included his son, Warren Buffet and other successful entrepreneurs. During the dinner Bill Gates’ mother asked the group of successful men… “What factor do you feel has been the most important in getting to where you’ve gotten in life?” Buffett and Gates replied at the same time, “Focus.” So there you have it. The key to a high level of success is focus. And the key to focus is your ability to say no. With that being said… I hope you have a Merry Christmas! And if you're looking for one simple client attraction system to fill your sack next year, make sure to put your name on the waitlist here: -Luke Charlton The Hermit Hole, Canberra |
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