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Email Marketing
When size doesn’t matter
Ever felt embarrassed by the size of your… you know…
Email list?
Don’t worry. Most of us have. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.
Because when it comes to the size of your list, size doesn’t actually matter (finally!). At least, not when you follow The Aussie Hermit's methods for getting HUGE profits, from your teeny, tiny… err… email list!
No, I’m not going to give you a pill to make it bigger, send you a pump, or even suggest surgery.
There’s no need for those types of ‘magik p!ll’ solutions most gurus would have you do.
Not when The Aussie Hermit is here!
There are far easier, far more effective, and far looonger lasting ways to get pleasurable results out of that teeny tiny list of yours…
So if you’re embarrassed about the size of your list…
If you feel self-conscious every time someone asks, “how big is yours?”
Or, if you’d rather talk about s3x with your mother-in-law than converse about the size of your email list…
Then here’s what you gotta do:
First, you gotta make sure you have new prospects opting into your list each day.
As long as you have a fresh flow (heh) that are subscribing (even just 5-10 per day), that means new prospects are being introduced to your email offers…
And if new prospects are seeing your email offers, it means you’ll have new clients jumping on board (as long as you have an offer they want, of course).
Therefore, it’s not the size that counts - it’s the consistent stream (heh) jumping onto your list.
(Remember, new subscribers is more important than list size)
Second, you’ve got to send your subscribers an email every day.
No not once a month, or even once a week.
That’s a good way to make your sales go lymp!
Send an email at least once per day and watch your bank balance go up Up UP!
And finally…
Third, you’ve got to send your subscribers an offer they actually want!
Too often Coaches end their emails with an offer that just turns their list off!
The piece that makes your email sell is the offer!
Having the right offer is the equivalent of putting your list on vy@gra!
So if you’re “selling” a free call - make it s3xy!
Make it irresistible.
Make it so they cannot say no!
So there you have it…
The 3 simple steps to getting huge results from teeny tiny email lists!
With that being said, if you’d like more specific advice on how to get lots of clients from a teeny tiny list, then you’ll want to check out my 15 Minute Client system.
It shows you how to build your list on autopilot (without needing a massive budget for paid ads), plus...
You'll also get access to my formula for pumping out emails in just 15 minutes per day that gets clients chasing you down.
To know when spots are open next, hump on over to this link:
-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra
How to beat Apple’s email privacy update
Following comes a question from Coach I help with their email campaigns…
“Is there anything we should look out for in regards to the new Apple privacy for emails - I understand that we may see less open and click-through rates?”
Apparently, Apple is going to make it harder for you to track opens and clicks by blocking pixels your autoresponder places in the email.
My thoughts on the matter?
Could not care one bit.
The reason?
Because I don’t care about opens and I don’t care about clicks.
These are “vanity metrics” that only inflate your ego, not your bank account.
Instead, I focus on the one thing that matters most…
The one thing I can track with 100% accuracy…
And the one thing that truly tells me how well my emails are going.
That one thing?
Sales! (Duh!)
But here’s the thing…
Most Coaches aren’t making sales (or generating appointments) with their emails and so they obsess over these irrelevant metrics.
Metrics that don’t tell them much about how to make more sales.
Forget about opens and clicks.
They’re not accurate anyway (even before Apple’s update).
Instead, worry about putting an offer in front of your list they actually want to buy.
And if they’re not buying?
Well then you know you have a problem.
And most importantly…
You know you need to change the offer (or get better quality leads).
Sounds obvious - and simple.
And that’s because it is.
With that being said…
If you want help getting a ton more clients with email - the most profitable marketing method ever created (producing the highest ROI of anything else out there.), then maybe The Aussie Hermit can help?
I have a program called The 15 Minute Client.
And it takes you through my process for sending emails your list loves to read (and buy from) in just 15 Minutes per day.
What you’ll also love about this program is that you get access to me, directly from the Man Cave each week, to review your list building and email campaigns.
I’ve helped thousands of Coaches over the years and can pinpoint exactly what’s wrong with your campaign the moment I see it.
Most importantly, though, I can tell you exactly what to do to fix it immediately to bring in clients fast.
To know when spots are open next, put yourself on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra
How to improve your emails by going to sleep
There’s a little trick I use to greatly improve the results of my marketing emails.
And, it has nothing to do with studying copywriting books…
Nothing to do with hand-copying sales letters…
And nothing to do with writing more.
In fact…
The only thing it actually requires you to do is… go to sleep!
That’s right…
I can greatly improve my email profits by simply going to sleep.
Don’t believe me?
Well, buckle up my young Hermite, because The Aussie Hermit is going to explain how it works right now…
And then you can try it yourself!
Here we go…
So when I sit down to write my daily email, I will typically do it 3-4 days early.
Then, once it’s done, I’ll put it to one side for a few days.
In fact, I won’t look at it again until just before I load it up into my autoresponder.
And then right before I schedule it in, I’ll read over it one last time and make my final edits.
Now, if you’re a trained copywriter, you’ll know the huge benefits of this…
By getting away from your email - by sleeping on it for a few days - you’re able to come back to it with fresh eyes.
It’s almost as if you’re reading the email for the first time.
And when you do this, you’ll almost always notice...
Grammatical errors…
Missing words…
Sentence structure errors…
And most importantly…
You’ll notice that you could have explained something in a much simpler way.
And when you correct that mistake and make something easier to understand - your prospect will be more easily persuaded.
After all, if they don’t "get" your message, they’re not going to buy your program.
This one trick of "sleeping on your email before you send it" is easily one of my most profitable activities.
(And also my most enjoyable, too)
Give it a try with your own copy.
You’ll see how sleep can really improve your profits 😉
With that being said…
If you want more simple ways to get clients, then you’ll really love The 15 Minute Client program.
All you have to do is send one daily email - and that’s it.
No complex funnels.
No time-consuming organic strategies.
Just a system that builds your list on autopilot and one daily email to get all the high quality clients you can handle.
To know when the doors open next, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra
The vaccine that stole his life
Did you know…
In Australia by the time a child is 4 years old they’ve had over 40 vaccines injected into them?
(I think it’s even more for the US)
Crazy, ey.
And it was when Alana and I found this out we figured we should probably do a bit more research before giving all of those to our second daughter, Olive.
(Unfortunately, we found this out after Indi had already had her first 18 months worth. Yikes. Sorry Indi!)
As part of our research we downloaded this 12 part documentary series that’s had a lot of five star reviews.
And while we never go through all of it - each part is like 1-2 hours long - we did watch enough for it to scare the crap out of us.
For example…
In the opening episode they were interviewing a mum who had given her son the regular schedule of vaccines.
And he was a perfectly healthy 3 year old boy.
But then one day after his latest round of vaccines he developed extreme autism.
He went from running around the backyard, climbing trees, playing with his sister, talking to his parents, having friends…
To being mentally disabled.
Now he is no longer able to climb trees…
He is no longer able to have conversations…
And he is no longer able to look after himself.
His parents will have to take care of them for the rest of his life…
And you could see it in the way she told the story that her life was basically destroyed in that one decision.
Suffice it to say - it scared the crapola out of us…
And made us want to never give our kids another vaccine again.
Of course, we know that the autism may not have been caused by the vaccine (and why we’ve read other books since to cross-check what this doc was saying).
But that’s not the point…
What I’m teaching you is a very powerful marketing lesson.
And that is…
If you want to motivate people to buy your stuff - build a VISION.
Build a vision of their fear, or build a vision of their desire.
(Tip: fear works best)
The reason why this documentary was so successful in motivating us not to take vaccines was because it created a vision of what life could be like if we had one of our daughters develop autism.
Yes, even though the chances are extremely small of that happening, ain’t no way we wanted to live like that for the rest of our life.
And so, whether logical or not - it worked.
And that’s why building a vision is so powerful.
It doesn’t tap into your market’s logical brain.
No one buys on logic.
They buy with emotion.
And that’s exactly what building a vision does…
It creates a huge emotional response in the brain.
And when you do that, you give them much more motivation to buy from you.
Alright, enough teaching today.
This email is already valuable enough that Big Pappa C should be charging for it!
With that being said…
"Building a vision" is just one of the many profitable techniques I teach inside my 15 Minute Client program.
This is a simple system for getting high paying clients sending one email each day.
And yes, this works even if you don’t have a list as I show you how to build a list on autopilot.
If you want to know when doors are open next, put yourself on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra
How to get your email in the primary inbox more often
A question I get asked by Coaches all the time is this…
“Luke, how do I stop my emails going into the promotions tab?”
And, I understand why they ask.
It’s frustrating when you spend all this time writing your email, only for it to go into the promotions tab where no one reads it.
And so Big Pappa C wants to help you with that in this email…
And the answer is surprisingly simple.
And, pretty boring.
Here we go…
First and foremost, you want to send emails your prospects actually want to read.
Sounds obvious.
But by sending them emails they actually enjoy reading, more of your prospects will open them.
And if more of your prospects open them, Gmail will see that, and they’ll send more of your emails to the primary inbox.
Second, you want to make your emails look like the ones you send to friends and family.
There’s a reason I don’t have images or tons of links in my emails.
I want these emails to look and feel as though they’re coming from a friend. Because in a way - they are.
So get rid of all the images, branding colours and all the crap that makes it obvious your email is from a business.
Yes, that’s even if you send emails to executives or other professionals.
Third, focus on the relationship.
This is another obvious one, but its effects can’t be understated.
When you focus on simply building the relationship with your email list, most of your issues with landing in the promotions tab fix themselves.
But what does that actually mean?
Well, an example would be to not lie or use “hypey” subject lines or copy in your emails.
By simply toning down the claims you will go a long way to being more believable.
For example…
I could have easily made the subject line of this email “how to get your email in the primary box every time.”
But I didn’t.
Instead, I toned it down to…
“How to get your email in the primary inbox more often.”
Is the first subject line stronger?
But mine is more believable and achievable.
(On a side note: less hypey copy will also attract you a better quality client. You don’t want to work with clients that believe any hypey headline you throw out there. These are the type of prospects that are looking for magic bullet solutions - and they won’t do the work to get the result in your program)
There are other things you can do, of course. And I teach them in my program.
However, they’re the 3 big tips that will move the needle the most.
With that being said…
Of those 3 tips, the first is the one that’s most important, but also the one that’s hardest to accomplish.
The reason why is…
Writing emails your prospects actually want to read is more than just sending them content every day.
In fact, teaching too much is a great way to overwhelm your prospect and not get them to buy from you at all.
Instead, you want to send emails that entertain as well as educate.
Along with that, you to send emails that (gasp!) sell.
There is a difference between teaching, entertaining and selling. And you need to do all three if you want your emails to be effective.
The good news is, I have a very simple way of writing emails that enables you to do this without thinking about it.
And, it’s the reason why my clients can literally start writing client-getting emails the same afternoon they learn it.
If you know email is a critical strategy for getting clients, and this sounds like something you’re interested in, then I recommend placing your name on my email program waitlist below.
It’s called “The 15 Minute Client.”
When you do, you’ll be first to know when spots open.
And by the way, this is the only place I let people know when spots are open.
Here is the link to the waitlist:
-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra
3 "cheat codes" to get more buyers
"Kids are like weeds, they grow up quick and they’re hard to get rid of" -Luke Charlton One of the things that really surprises me about having kids is how much they trigger me. I’m talking a deep rage. And, it’s often for stuff that’s not that bad. For example… One of the things that gets Big Pappa Charlton angry is when my kids fall over and hurt themselves. You would think my first reaction would be empathy. But no - it’s deep anger. The reason? I think I get pissed because they don’t listen when I tell them to slow down. And then when they hurt themselves I feel they wouldn’t be in that position if they had just listened. Another thing that gets me angry is when Indi (3) snatches something that Olive (1) is playing with. Man that pisses me off. Or another one is when Indi hurts Olive. Now that really gets my blood boiling way more than I know it should to the point I start having visions of what life would be like if I just hurled Indi over my balcony. (Living in a cell somewhere probably) Now, I’m joking, of course. I would never physically hurt my kids. (Although, I totally now get why some parents hurt theirs) But the point is… There are things my kids do that trigger me to react a certain way. And no matter how much I try to rationalise my way out of it by saying things to myself like, "Big Pappa Charlton, you’re at the playground. Your kids will probably fall over and hurt themselves. It’s Ok. They’re kids" - I still get triggered when it happens. I just can’t help it. Now, the interesting thing about triggers is they don’t just apply to parenting. I’m sure you’ve been in a relationship before when your partner has triggered you in some way. (Alana has a list of about 43,000 ways I trigger her. We go through it most days) Or when a client or colleague has really pissed you off. It happens to us all the time. And these types of triggers are typically different from person to person. With many of them being created in our childhood (due to abuse or negative experiences). The other type of triggers are the ones we ALL share in common. And it’s these triggers you can speak to in your marketing to get your prospects to react in a way (virtually against their will - just like Pappa C with his kids) that leads them to your coaching program. For example… "Status" is a trigger. When you show how your product can increase your prospect’s status, they’ll be attracted to it (and they’ll pay more). This is why people pay $5,000+ for a Gucci bag when the quality of the bag is basically exactly the same as a $300 bag. Another trigger is "credibility". When you can show how you’re a credible expert your prospect will be more trusting of you (and therefore more willing to part with their money) This is why at the beginning of a webinar or email sequence I’ll typically mention I’ve spent over 16 million on ads, generated 500,000+ leads, helped clients bank over 50 million in revenue, worked with over 4,000 Coaches etc. It’s all to prove my credibility. Another powerful one is "ugency/scarcity," which you’ve probably heard of, and there are many more. Now, this email is not to go through them all (that’s what my program is for). The point I’m making is - triggers make your prospects react whether they want to or not. Yes, even if they try to rationalise why an "urgent deadline" shouldn’t or won’t affect them… it will. They can’t help it. It’s been baked into our lizard brain from birth. So knowing these triggers you can see how simple, quick and easy it is to move people toward your premium offer - even if they resist. It’s almost like have "cheat codes" in a game. When you know the codes, it becomes easy. And this is exactly why my clients love working with me. I show them how to use these simple triggers in their daily emails to get more clients beating down their door. Would you like the same cheat codes to get more high paying clients? Then make sure to put your name on The 15 Minute Client program waitlist so when spots are open you’re first to know: -Luke Charlton Location: The Man Cave |
Why you'll want more haters
This morning, I read this quote posted by General Flynn…
“If you are silent about your beliefs
because you are worried someone
will be offended, then your beliefs
are not that important to you, but
rather what people think about you
is. When you stand up for what’s
right and true, you will receive both
hate and love, but everyone will
know what you are fighting for”
Sage advice.
And, unfortunately, most in our society are worried more about what people think about them than speaking out about some of the things the big gov is doing at the moment.
They’d rather have their freedoms taken away than stand up, voice their opinion and possibly be disliked.
It’s sad.
What’s also sad is many Coaches suffer from the same problem…
It’s true that if you let your market know about your strongest beliefs, you’ll get some haters.
You’ll get people writing in saying how much they disagree with you.
You’ll get people giving you “angry” emojis on your posts.
And you’ll even get some (gasp!) unsubscribes.
But here’s what’s also true…
You can’t have haters without having lovers.
(Read that again)
And guess what?
For every hater you accumulate there are always 10 more “lovers”.
And these lovers will write in saying how much they love you…
These lovers will jump in and defend you when a hater tries to dis you…
And these lovers will buy, buy and buy again because they feel like you are them.
(And you are, in a way)
But you don’t get any of the benefits the lovers provide if you decide to tip-toe down the line and not piss anyone off.
Sure, you won’t create haters - but you won’t create lovers either.
You’ll be a lame milquetoast Coach that doesn’t get anyone excited.
So if you want to create a tribe of raving fans, give them the real you.
Speak your mind.
And start today!
With that being said…
My favourite way to create lovers (and haters) is with email.
All I do is send one email every day that talks about whatever interests me on that day, and that’s enough to get new clients in my door.
I don’t blog or spend time in Facebook groups or beg for referrals.
It’s just one email.
Further, I have a program that shows you how to do the same even if you don’t have a list
Plus, I also go deeper on how to send emails that create a lot of lovers - and a lot of buyers - even if you’re not a copywriter.
The only problem?
You’ve got to get on the waitlist if you want to know when spots are open next.
Click here to do that now:
-Luke Charlton
Location: The Man Cave
How to profit from my death
Often, I think about what my family would do if I got shot in a drive-by and died…
Or was stabbed to death by bum while walking home one night…
Or had my head lopped off by a ninja.
Now, I don’t live in a place with a high crime rate - I just always imagine my death will be quite dramatic.
Anyway, the point is…
I think about what they’d do if I suddenly died.
How would they survive financially?
Of course, Alana could go back to work.
But I think she’s become quite accustomed to Big Pappa Charlton’s paycheck 😉
And besides…
Going back to work would mean she’d have less time raising Indi and Olive, less time showing them how to avoid ninjas, and they’d have more time being babysat by the Government.
No thanks.
So I think about what I could do now to ensure that doesn’t ever happen…
What type of coaching business could I set up so that it would run virtually on autopilot without me there?
And most importantly…
If something did go wrong with the business - how could I set it up so that it’s very easy to fix?
And, I think I figured it out.
Here’s how I’d do it…
First, I would use paid traffic.
And the reason why is…
Alana wouldn’t have the marketing expertise that is required to make the free traffic methods work (ie write blogs, record podcasts, create social posts etc).
Also, she simply wouldn’t have the time to do the free methods.
Paid traffic when done the way Big Pappa C teaches, needs you to only check your campaign once per week for a few minutes (basically to make sure it’s still on).
Then, after a year or so the ad may need to be changed (of which I’d have a plethora ready to go for her).
This strategy would allow her to run the campaigns a for decade at least.
What would I advertise in my ad?
Well, it wouldn’t be a complicated guru funnel that’s for sure.
There are just too many moving pieces in them. If something went wrong, Alana wouldn’t know how to fix it.
So once again I’d keep it simple…
I’d advertise a basic lead magnet to get prospects onto my list.
So basically I’d use a very simple list building strategy to attract my market.
And all that would require is two landing pages (opt in page and thank you page), and a PDF lead magnet delivered by an email system.
From there I’d keep it simple yet again…
All I would do is send everyone down the same 365 email autoresponder.
That’s right.
It would be one long-ass autoresponder…
And they would get one email per day for 365 days.
The reason why is…
With email my marketing doesn’t have to be perfect.
Unlike a guru funnel where you only get one shot at convincing someone to work with you - email you get multiple.
Each day the prospect gets an email is another day you get to explain why your product is better than the rest.
One email you can talk about a client case study.
Another email you can talk about a personal story.
Another email you can talk about terrible guru advice.
Etc etc.
With every new email they get, I convince them more and more until they realise they MUST have my program.
At which stage they’d simply *click* the link at the end of the email to buy.
Some will be ready to buy after just a few days.
Some it may take 120 days or longer.
Either way…
I know that if I’m consistent with my follow up for 365 days I’m going to convert a good portion of those leads into sales.
I would make sure I only promote ONE program in my emails.
Why just one program?
Because again, I want to keep it simple.
I don’t want complex funnels and automations and sequences going on that can screw up the gravy train for Alana.
I would be very focused and sell just one core offer to my market.
What would that offer be?
Well, if I’m selling to coaches earning under 6-figures (currently my main market), it would be my program on how to attract high ticket clients…
My “15 Minute Client” program.
The only difference, of course, is that there’d be no coaching (because I’d be dead). It would be a pure info product.
And that’s it.
That’s the system that would bring in consistent sales for my family after my death.
I love it because it’s so simple and it’s virtually impossible to screw up.
And the funny thing is…
This is pretty much how I run my business now (only I don’t have a 365 day autoresponder. I send my emails out manually each day. I prefer it this way for now as I want to sell multiple programs and products).
Now you may love the idea of this simple system so much that you what to set it up right now.
And to that The Aussie Hermit says…
I love your enthusiasm, but let me tell you why you shouldn’t if you’re earning under 6-figures…
If you’re earning under (or even around 6-figures in many cases) and you can’t scale, it often means you have a marketing message that isn’t resonating.
So when you automate that message, it just means you’re automating a message that doesn’t work.
So what you want to do is follow the strategy above, but instead of creating a long autoresponder - hold off.
Send out your emails manually.
This allows you to know what is and what isn’t working a lot easier based off how people responder (AKA: whether they book into your calendar or not).
From there you keep doing more of what’s working and throw out the rest.
Then once you’re confident in your message (because you’re getting consistent clients) - go ahead and create that long-ass autoresponder.
You can be confident it will convert.
And further…
Now you have an asset that will produce for your family even after a Samurai has impaled you 😉
With that being said…
If you’d like a simple client getting system that…
Allows you to build your list on autopilot (only checking once per week for a few minutes)…
Get high paying prospects applying to work with you from one daily email (and nothing else)…
And allows you to close those premium clients without getting on the phone (just
some simple email back and forth)…
Then maybe my 15 Minute Client program is what you’re after?
To put yourself on the waitlist to be notified when doors open next, click this link now:
-Luke Charlton
Location: The Man Cave
A client-getting strategy you almost can’t screw up
Each morning I walk with Olive to Sfoglia.
It’s an Italian coffee shop near my place.
And, up until a few weeks ago, I would carry her.
But now that she somewhat follows me, I let her walk.
The only problem is…
Every 5 metres she stops and gets distracted by some dirty piece of trash.
Usually, it’s some type of bottle top. But she also loves old coffee cups…
Potato chip packets…
And her favourite…
Cigarette butts.
I don’t know what it is about cigarette butts, but every time I turn around there’s either one in her hand or mouth.
So the good news is - she gets to move around more.
The bad news is, she eats cigarette butts and a trip that used to take me 3 minutes now takes me about 15 each way.
Or in other words… it’s at least 10x longer.
So anyway…
As I was observing Olive trying to stick yet another cigarette butt in her mouth this morning, I had to laugh.
The reason?
Because I realised a lot of Coaches (including yours truly many years ago) behave the same way.
Here’s what I mean…
As Coaches, we have a destination we want to get to.
Typically, this is a number of clients per month or a monthly revenue goal.
And we know that in order to get to that destination we simply have to remain focused and put one foot in front of the other.
(AKA: focus on the marketing fundamentals)
It’s a simple task, but one we make oh so very hard.
Here’s how the story typically goes…
In beginning, we walk toward our destination.
We get clear on our ideal client.
We craft our offer.
We start to build our list.
Things are going in the right direction.
But then as we’re walking we get distracted by the latest bright shiny guru funnel that’s popped out in front of us.
Our momentum stops.
And then after “fart arsing” around for a few months trying to make it work, we realise…
“This shiny marketing tactic is about as useless tits on a bull!”
And that’s when we get back on the path to our destination, we start doing the fundamentals again, we finally start moving forward and…
“Oh my god, what’s what!?”
“It’s beautiful!”
“That’s the sparkliest book funnel I’ve ever seen!” the Coach says to themselves.
“Yes, let me try this! This is amazing!”
And off they go down another path, once again killing their momentum.
And on it goes…
What should have been a 3 month trip takes 10x longer.
I know this story so well because I lived it for many years.
And I see it happen with so many Coaches every day.
They’re constantly getting distracted by all the “trash” along their path to success.
The bright shiny stuff does seems cool at first…
But most often it doesn’t actually move you forward.
In fact…
It often slows you down for months… or years!
Here’s the truth:
If all you want is clients or course sales, then you DON’T need a complex funnel.
With a complex funnel there are so many variables you have to get right for it to make work.
For example…
Often you have multiple offers and deadlines and up sells and complex email sequences and they ALL have to be working to make the whole funnel convert.
This just bogs you down for months on end trying to get it all in sync.
So I say screw the bright shiny trash.
Find something you know that’s simple and that has worked for many Coaches before you.
That way, if it doesn’t convert you know the problem has something to do with your marketing message/offer (as opposed to the funnel).
This is what got me back onto email.
You see, I had always known the prospects on my list were my warmest “low hanging fruit” market.
(AKA: the easiest of any strategy or funnel to turn into clients)
But I got distracted by Gary Guru’s bright shiny funnel, and stop building or emailing my list.
But it was when I got back to simplifying my business - to building my list and emailing my list - did getting clients become easy.
Getting clients is not hard when you focus on simplicity.
Yes, “building and emailing” your list isn’t as exciting as Gary Guru’s latest wackydoo funnel.
I get that.
But there are WAY less moving pieces to it, and therefore, WAY less ways for you to screw it up.
This is how I’ve been helping Coaches get great results for years.
I show them how to build their list (on autopilot) with qualified leads, then send that list one simple, 15 minute email each day with an offer to work with them.
And that’s it.
That’s the whole strategy.
As I said, getting clients is pretty simple when you remove the variables.
You’ve just got to decide if simplicity is what you want.
With that being said…
If you’re tired of sticking cigarette butts in your mouth, maybe you’d like to try my simple 15 minute daily email system?
If so, I have a “first come first served” waitlist.
To be the next person in line, simply click this link here:
-Luke Charlton
Location: The Man Cave
A whole city locked down with one case?
Yesterday, Canberra (the capital city of Australia with 400,000+ people) went into lockdown.
The reason?
One covid case.
No, that’s not a typo.
One case. As in - “uno.”
A little over the top?
Depends on who you are I guess…
If you’re in a nursing home with multiple co-morbidities, maybe not.
(Then again, any old cold would probably “get you”)
But if you’ve got an even half-decent immune system, I would say so.
The real question is - why do people accept such an overreaction?
Fear, of course.
There is literally nothing more powerful that will persuade someone than fear.
This is why any time you turn on the news you’re confronted with case numbers, deaths, and symptoms (AKA: fear).
Fear sells.
It’s also why every good marketer and his stinky dog use urgency and scarcity to sell their programs.
(And why fake gurus always pretend there's a deadline to join their program).
Is it unethical to use fear in your marketing?
Not if it gets someone to buy something they truly need.
For example, let’s say you’re selling a coaching program that helps people with acne. And in one of your emails you talk about how if they don’t get it fixed, it will almost certainly leave scars on their face for the rest of their life.
Is that unethical?
No, that’s being honest.
Imagine not properly warning your prospects of the dangers if they continue the way they’re going?
THAT is unethical.
Of course, you don’t want to overdo it either.
Like millions who are turning off the MSM because of all their fear-mongering, your prospects will turn off your marketing message (AKA: unsubscribe) if you do the same.
So next time you’re thinking of something to say - don’t be afraid to use fear.
Just don’t overuse it.
With that being said…
If you're looking for more ways to use deep psychology to ethically persuade your prospects to work with you, that's exactly what I show you how to do in my "15 Minute Client" program.
Whether it's crafting your offer, building your lead magnet, writing your ads or sending your emails - you'll be using triggers in your marketing to constantly pull your prospect toward you so they eventually jump into your program.
To know when the next spots are open, put yourself on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
Location: The Man Cave
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