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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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Manual vs automated emails

Here's a question that rolls into The Hermit Hole a lot:



When you do your daily emails, do you actually write them each day and send or do you write a bunch at a time and then plug them into an automaton?



’Tis a great question.

And the answer to that is - I write an email each day then send it out.

If I’m a bit more organised I’ll do it a few days in advance so I can let it sit then come back and edit with fresh eyes.

But by and large, I do it each day.

Each morning, in fact.

Of course, you can sit down and do all your emails for the week in one go if that’s what you prefer.

For me though, I like to do it each morning because I usually find inspiration for an email the day before. And I like to write about that idea as soon as possible. Otherwise, I lose the energy to write about it.

For example, if I put that idea to the side then come back a month later, sometimes that idea doesn’t seem so exciting anymore.

I just don’t have the same interest in writing about it for whatever reason.

And if I don’t have the same interest then I know it’s going to be a chore to write about.

You don’t want your email ideas to be a chore.

Otherwise, you won’t do them.

Also, they’ll take a lot longer to get out.


The other reason I like to send them out manually (as opposed to putting them in an autoresponder/automation) is because I can see what my market responds to a lot easier.

Often we Coaches want to automate everything right away.

The problem with that is, if you don’t know your market (which 99% Coaches under 6-figures don’t - even some over 6-figures), then you’ll be automating a message that doesn’t convert.

I’ve seen this over and over again.

So the benefit of sending your emails out manually is that you can see what emails and offers they’re responding to in real time.

You can see what is getting appointments and what isn’t.

And when you see this, you obviously do more of what’s working and less of what isn’t.

Then once you know your emails work (because you’re getting consistent clients from them), then you can automate.

That way, you know you’re automating a winning message.

With that being said…

Inside my 15 Minute Client program, I show you how to send emails that actually convert.

And as mentioned above, the key to that is "knowing your market."

Sure, I’ll give you the framework I use to come up with hundreds of entertaining and valuable email ideas…

Sure, I’ll give you the subject line formulas that has prospects eagerly opening your emails, and…

Sure, I’ll show you how to get your emails done in just a few minutes each day…

But if you don’t know your market, all of that will be worth nothing.

It all starts with getting clarity on who you’re speaking to, including their biggest fears, frustrations, and desires.

Along with sending emails that convert, I also show you how to build your list with quality leads using paid ads.

Once running, this campaign takes around 10 to 15 minutes of work each week to keep going.

(Often less)

And this allows you to have a business where all you’re doing is sending out one email per day to get clients.

If all of the above sounds great, then make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

Email stories that give aneurysms

Back in high school, The Aussie Hermit had a mate that took 20 minutes to tell a 3 minute story.

He’d add so much "fluff" to the story that it took "nuclear bomb-defusing levels of focus" just to keep engaged until the end.

Here’s what they’d sound like:

"Hey Luke, crazy story the other day.

So I was driving along Smith Street in Evatt.

You know the street in Evatt that’s off Copeland?

The one that’s next to that oval with the tennis courts?

Not the grass tennis courts. The clay one.

Yeh, the other side of the high school.

So anyway, I’m driving along that road, and I make a left onto Tilley street.

You know the one with the high school?

Yeh, that one.

So I drive down that street and pull into the petrol station.

I needed to fill up because I’d just come back from a long trip down the coast.

Have you ever been down to Durras on the coast?

Yeh, that’s where I stayed. I went fishing in the early mornings.

Caught this great big snapper.

Weather wasn’t great though.

But the fish was beautiful.

So anyway, I pull into the petrol station, park the car and start filling her up.

Then, all of a sudden, this guy runs across the street, walks into the petrol station, and holds up the clerk with a knife!

He yells at the guy behind the counter to put all the cash in his bag.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

So the clerk is nervously shoving the cash into the brown bag while the guy holds this huge knife right up to his throat.

Next minute the robber runs out the door and into a van across the street then speeds off.

Craziest thing I’ve ever seen."

Put a bullet in me now.

As you can see, when one tells a story like that, it becomes quite frustrating.

Also, it’s enough to give one an aneurysm.

Having to wade through all of that "fluff" to understand what is being said is a lot of work.

And when we have to work that hard just to understand a simple story, we tend to tune out.

The same is true for telling stories via email.

When I critique my client’s emails, I tell them "you want to get to the good stuff as soon as possible."

Get rid of all the fluff, because if you leave it in there, not many people are going to have the will or the patience to read through it all.

A simple technique I’ve learned from writing a lot of copy is to simply "lop off the top" of your story or email.

Often, you can literally delete the first 1-5 sentences (or more) and start the story there.

The reason being, when we tell a story the first "setup up" part is typically fluff.

Just look at the example story I wrote above.

It could delete the first 16 lines and start at this part:

"I pull into the petrol station, park the car and start filling her up…"

That’s where the story really starts.

I would say that being able to remove the fluff from your emails is one of the most critical things you can do to make them more engaging, more persuasive and, of course, more profitable.

When I critique my client’s emails, this is probably the thing I point out most.

They can write great stories, and they have great content that ties to those stories - but sometimes they just put a little too much detail in there.

You want to go through your emails and edit out all the stuff that doesn’t move the story forward.

Go through every line and ask yourself…

"Do I really need this in here?"

"Does it move the story forward emotionally?"

"Does removing it take away from understanding the story?"

If the answer is "no" then get rid of it.

As mentioned, having that fluff in there will only cause you to lose more readers and therefore - more sales.

With that being said…

This is just one of 11 email editing techniques I talk about inside The 15 Minute Client program.

Add each one in and you make for far more effective emails.

Along with these techniques, I show you…

—> Where to get hundreds of story/content ideas so you always have something to say…

—> How to write compelling subject lines that get prospects eagerly opening your emails…

—> The "SLC" framework I use for writing all my emails…

—> A free tool you can use to get your emails done in 3-5 minutes per day…

Plus, I also show you how to build your list on autopilot with paid ads.

That way, you have all the tools you need to get clients sending just one email per day.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

Jigsaw’s marketing game (without dismemberment)

In the famous words of Jigsaw, (AKA: the clown from the movie Saw)…

"I want to play a game."

In front of you are 2 doors.

Behind door #1 there are 3,000 quality prospects.

And behind door #2 there are 30,000 quality prospects.

Further, the group of 3,000 quality prospects has 10x more competition trying to get them as clients.


Which door do you choose?

Make the wrong decision and you’ll have to cut off your own limbs to survive!

Wait, no. That’s a different game.

Ignore that.

What I meant to say was…

Make the wrong decision and you’ll struggle to get clients for the rest of your business life!

Much better.

And maybe even scarier?


Which door do you choose?

The answer is obvious…

You choose door #2.

And you would be correct

(You get to keep your limbs this time)

Unfortunately, that’s not what most of us Coaches are picking each day.

Most are choosing door #1.

And because of that, they are choosing to struggle for clients.

Let The Aussie Hermit explain…

What I didn't tell you is that the 3,000 prospects behind door #1 are those who are "ready to buy right now."

And what I also didn’t tell you is that the 30,000 prospects behind door #2 are those who "are not ready to buy right now, but will be some day."

So the reason why most are choosing door #1 is because they want clients today.

Problem is, the people who are ready to buy right now are much harder to sell to.

—> There are fewer prospects who are ready to buy right now (only 3% of your market)…

—> There’s more competition vying for that market’s money (everyone wants to sell to those people ready to buy), and because of these reasons…

—> There’s more skill required to close them.

Oh, and I should mention it also takes more time and money.

(I.e. you have to spend more on ads to acquire them, and do a lot of sales calls just to close one)

In other words…

The "ready to buy" crowd takes a lot more time, money, and effort to sign up.

So what do you do?

Well, you simply walk through door #2.

And that means you simply focus on those who aren’t ready to buy but will be some day soon.

—> This market is much bigger (About 30% of your market) …

—> It has much less competition (because barely any other experts go after this market), and if you use the right strategy…

—> This market is much easier to close.

In other words…

The "not yet ready buy will be some day soon" crowd is a lot easier to convert to clients.

They take less effort.

Less time.

And often, less money.

But probably the best part?

You get to keep your limbs.

Wait. Wrong game again.

I digress...

Of course, you need the right strategy to convert them.

Let’s talk about that now:

As mentioned, when you know what you’re doing, getting clients from the bigger "30%" of your market is a much easier process.

But here’s the problem…

This market is not ready to buy right now - but will be some day soon.

So how do you ensure they think about you when they do make the decision to hire a Coach?

Well, I’ve got to warn you here because the answer is so simple you may be inclined to think…

"No it can’t be that straightforward! Getting consistent clients must be more difficult than that! I know I need some type of complex guru funnel! If it’s that easy I’m going to chop off my limbs!"

Here’s the truth though.

It is simple.

And it is straightforward.

The answer to get these clients?

You follow up.

Yup. Boring, plain-old, I’ve-heard-it-before" "follow up" is the not-so-secret secret to making client attraction oh so easy.

It’s true.

No you don’t need a complex funnel system.
No you don’t need some wacky doo sales funnel with 15 up sells, 14 down sells, 35 cross sells, 45 automation sequences, 30 page sales letters and 16 products.

If all you want is some clients then simply walk through door #2 and do this…

Build your listSend that list one email per day
That's it.

That one email does your follow up, it adds value, it delivers a bit of content, and it has a call to action to speak to you on the phone (or buy your product).

Do that, each day, and it'll ensure you are in that small group of Coaches picking clients out of that huge market of those who aren’t ready to invest right now, but will be some day. And that will ensure you have a consistent flow of new clients coming into your business every money.

With that being said…

Of course, you want to make sure that you’re building your list with the right prospects, and that what you’re saying in your emails has a marketing message that converts.

Otherwise, no amount of follow up will do any good.

This is where my 15 Minute Client program comes in.

I show you how to build your list with quality leads using paid ads.

These are leads that have the money and motivation to buy you’re premium program.

Along with that, I show you how to send emails each day that entertain, add value, and get these prospects to book in your calendar.

And yes, I show you how to come up with all the content so you always have something to say.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

The fart that broke the internet

For whatever reason, today The Aussie Hermit had the urge to type into Google…

"The fart that broke the internet."

I have no idea why.
A thought in my mind just said, "you’ve got to search this!"

And so because I never question such thoughts, search I did.

The results?

"Security Guard Filmed All His Farts for Six Months and Went Viral."

Not what I was expecting.

(Honestly, not sure what I was expecting)

But I was interested nonetheless.

So I clicked the link and here’s what the beginning of the article said:

"The internet’s next viral star is a security guard at a Florida hospital who spent the last six months publicly logging his sonically-perfect farts on Instagram. Now the 31-year-old is poised to turn his flash-in-the-bedpan success into a lucrative brand that can be summed up by his Instagram bio: The Fart Authority."

Not gonna lie, I actually found this pretty interesting.

First, because I never knew there was a such a thing as "sonically perfect farts."

Second, because this guy’s videos have amassed millions of views on YouTube.


And third, because it teaches us a sobering lesson about what people actually pay attention to these days.

And that’s pretty sad for us Coaches.
Here’s why…

Us Coaches have incredible content that transforms our clients lives.

Even our free content is life transforming.

Whether it’s our email content, blog content, podcast content or video content - we give advice that really helps.

And yet, many of us struggle to hold the attention of even just a few people.

Let’s take email for example.

Most Coaches I speak with have great email content.

Content they spend a lot of time creating.

However, they get barely any opens from that content.

Even though it’s truly helpful, their list tunes out after just a week or two.

So what’s going on here?

Why is it so hard for us to get people to tune in to our helpful content, but oh so easy for "The Fart Authority’s" of the world to get millions of views for their content?

The answer is obvious…

Their content entertains.

This is what gets attention these days.

It’s an unfortunate reality that the world would rather watch Netflix or YouTube or Fart videos than consume our content, but hey…

It is what it is.

The Aussie Hermit says it doesn’t matter anyway.

We don’t need to fight this.

Instead, let’s go with it.

No, I don’t mean to say you should start filming yourself doing the one-cheek squeak.

That’s missing the point.

What I am saying is that - while it’s important your content teaches and adds value - what’s also important (if not more so in these times) is that it entertains.

Take The Aussie Hermit’s emails for example.

It’s not all "teach teach teach."

Sure, my emails add a ton of value.

But also make sure they entertain.

I wrap all of my content in something entertaining.

That way, my prospects look forward to my emails…

They open my emails when they hit their inbox…

They ready my emails, and, of course…

They buy from my emails too.

With that being said…

The good news is, you don’t have to be a comedian or a late show host to send great emails.

(Side note: a "late show host" probably isn’t the best example. I’ve seen the "entertainment" these hacks put out these days and it ain’t funny. But I digress.)

Point is…

Anyone - and I mean anyone - can send entertaining emails.

Even better, you don’t have to come up with the content. Your family, friends, kids, colleagues, the internet and more, will just give it to you.

You just gotta know where to look.

And that’s exactly what I teach inside my 15 Minute Client program.

When you join, you will discover how I come up with hundreds and hundreds of different types of entertaining emails.

Along with that, you’ll also learn how to tie whatever you’re talking about into valuable content, plus end each email with a call to action to work with you.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

9 copy books recommended by The Aussie Hermit

Yesterday, this question from Kim, a subscriber, slid into the hermit hole:

"I'd love to know if you know of any books or trainings that might help me grow into a better coach. I know you've done and seen them all haha. I love your emails by the way I want to buy your program every time I get one HAHA"

The Aussie Hermit’s first thought?

"Kim, you say you want to buy but I don’t see your cash in my bank account.

This is a big problem.

Send me your CC details and we’ll get this sorted asap."

And my second thought?

"This question would make a great email."
Here’s why…

As much as I wish I could say I created 7-figure campaigns from my own brilliance, the truth is, I did it off the back of the copywriting greats of the past.

The only thing I added to the equation was hard work.

So if you can bring some of that to the table, then reading (and implementing) the following list of The Aussie Hermit’s favourite copywriting books could help you do the same.

Here now is my list of top copy books (in no particular order):

  1. Breakthrough Advertising by Gene Schwartz…
  2. Tested Advertising Methods (4th Edition) by John Caples…
  3. The Ultimate Sales Letter by Dan Kennedy…
  4. Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins…
  5. Dotcom Secrets by Russell Brunson…
  6. Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson…
  7. The Adweek Copywriting Handbook by Joe Sugarman…
  8. Cashvertising by Drew Eric Whitman…
  9. The Boron Letters by Gary Halbert…

And a bonus copy resource/website (not a book)…

      10. The Gary Halbert Letters

Of course, there are many others.

But those are the first ones that farted out of my mind, so they must be the ones that impacted me the most.


What you’ll notice above is that none of the above books in that list are on "email copywriting."

That’s something I found not many people teach well.

However, there are a couple of email experts I’ll mention because like above, most of what I learned when it comes to email was off their backs.

And those two experts are Ben Settle and Matt Furey.

I highly recommend checking out anything they produce or have produced.

These guys are the "OGs" of email.

And like above, if it wasn’t for their knowledge, I wouldn’t have produced anywhere near the types of results with my personal and client email campaigns.

So gotta give those props.

With that being said…

Probably the biggest thing that separates The Aussie from those above is that everything I teach has been specifically applied to help Coaches get more clients.


Instead of you having to go through all of the books above and figure out how what they teach applies to you/your coaching business, you come into the program and use my frameworks that have done all that work for you.

You don’t have to learn copywriting principles, you can just "fill in the blank" for a lot of processes and get the same result.

Or another way of saying that is…

Everything I teach in the program is based on time-tested copywriting principles applied specifically for Coaches.

However, I don’t go into a lot of detail on those principles.

You simply follow the templates and frameworks inside knowing that that’s how they’ve been created.

You don’t have to think about it.

It just works.


Creating copy that converts is just one aspect of the program.

Other parts include…

—> Picking your niche…
—> Crafting your offer, and…
—> Building your list on autopilot with paid ads.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

Simple rules for re-sending old emails

On some days The Aussie Hermit just doesn’t feel like writing.

It doesn’t happen often.

But when it does, I’ll open up a text file of hundreds of emails I sent years ago.

I’ll trawl through that text file.

I’ll pick something out that’s relevant today.

And I’ll send it out.

And there’s nothing wrong with sending out emails you’ve sent before.

In fact, I recommended it.

If only 20% of people (on average) open up your daily email, it means the chance they’ve read that email you’re resending is 1 out 5.

(That’s even if they were on your list from when you first sent it)

And even if they have already read it, who cares?

If the email is entertaining and has a valuable lesson, they’ll welcome the reminder.

At least, I know I do when I’m on a list that sends out a great email I’ve already read.

Of course, you don’t want to resend the same emails once every 3 weeks.

Leave a bit of a gap.

I say about once per 6 to 12 months is a good rule.

Do that and you’ll continue to keep people entertained even with old emails.

Here’s what’s funny about re-sending old emails though…

Often when you look back at what you wrote you’ll cringe a bit.

At least I know I do.

Maybe not a 6 month old email.

But a 6 year old email?

The odds are high.

I would say about 1 out of every 5 emails in that text file is unusable.

Not because it’s not valuable in terms of the lesson taught.

But because of my personality when I first wrote it.

Honestly, some of the emails sound like I’m 18.

A bit too “try hard” or something.

And so I have to extensively edit those emails. To the point where it’d just be faster to write a whole new email.


But the reason why I tell you this is because, if you look back at old emails or content you wrote and cringe, that’s a very good thing.

It means you’ve grown.

Frankly, if I look back and don’t see places I could improve my content, that would be more embarrassing.

Point is…

Don’t be afraid to use old emails.

And also don’t be afraid to update old emails because most likely - they’ll need updating.

Finally, what I should mention about my old emails is this:

Sure, they’re cringey.

Sure, the content could be improved.

And sure, they could be made clearer and more entertaining.
But you know what?

Even with my “try hard” personality - they still got me clients.

Even with my “not perfect” content - they still got me clients.

And even though I wasn’t always 100% clear on my message - they still got me clients.

The same is true for my clients who start sending daily email.

Sure, their emails aren’t perfect.

And sure, they’re still learning how to communicate their message.
But you know what?

They’re still getting clients.

And that says more about what it takes to get clients than anything.

It’s not about being perfect, it’s about taking action.

With that being said…

If you want a simple way to attract more clients then that’s what my 15 Minute Client program is all about.

With just one email per day you’ll get a consistent flow of quality prospects booking into your calendar.

There are no crazy funnels with this approach.

No complex automations.

And no convoluted tech to set up.

Just a simple list building campaign (all on autopilot) and one email per day.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Reparations for The Aussie Hermit’s “nazi” email

Whenever you have the words “Hitler” or “Nazi” in the subject line of your emails, you can bet it’ll trigger some people.

Even if the content of your email is how much you hate Hitler.

Many will just reply out of anger that you even used his name in your subject line.

For example, this is one of the replies I got after yesterday’s “nazi” entitled email (bad language bleeped out):





My favourite part of this message is the capitalisation of every letter.

You can tell she’s really angry.

(Wouldn’t be surprised if she actually screamed this at the computer while she was typing it out)

But here’s the thing…

It was comments like this that used to bother me.

Particular Facebook ad ones.

(It’s amazing how nasty people can be who you’ve never met)

Because I’d be worried about having offended people.

But do you know what?

It doesn’t affect me at all anymore.

In fact, The Aussie Hermit actually looks forward to these types of messages now.

I’m even grateful when I get one.

And you should be, too.

The reason?

Because they’ve just sent you an entertaining email you can make money from.

Even better, most of the work is done for you.

All you have to do is…

Copy their angry message.

Paste it into an email.

And make a comment about it.

It’s some of the most entertaining (and profitable) emails you’ll ever send.

Of course, you don’t want to go out of your way to offend people just so you can get people writing in.

Just be you.

And if that happens to make someone angry to the point they send you a message, be thankful.

Then take that message and turn it into some of the green stuff.

Just think of it as reparations for their foul language.

With that being said…

If you want to learn more about how to turn negative comments into positive cash flow, then I go into this in more detail in my 15 Minute Client program.

Along with that, you’ll learn where to get hundreds of other winning emails ideas so you always have something to say.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

A nazi certified way to attract clients

“The only thing a government needs to turn people into slaves is fear. If you can find something to scare them you can make them do anything you want.”

Apparently, Hitler’s #2 (Hermann Goering) said this.

Some sites say he didn’t.

Although, Snopes also said he didn’t which leads me to believe he probably did.

(Anything Snopes says you can probably just assume the opposite is true)

Whatever the case. It doesn’t matter who said it. It’s the truth.

Fear is powerful.

In fact, it’s the most powerful motivator there is.

You’ve probably heard people will do more to avoid loss than to make a gain.

For example…

People will do more to avoid losing $100 than to gain $100.

They’ll do more to avoid losing their hair than figuring out how to gain more hair.

And they’ll do more than just about anything to avoid losing their life.

Something to think about with what’s happening in the world right now.

Another thing we should be thinking about is how to use fear in our campaigns to motivate people to buy our programs.

On the surface you might say, “Aussie Hermit, that feels a bit unethical.”

But for me, it’s unethical not to use fear in your campaigns.

For example…

Let’s say you’re a Coach who helps repair marriages on the brink of divorce.

And you know that if your clients head down that path, it’s going to be extremely devastating to them, and especially their children.

And so in your emails you might tell stories about how you’ve seen families torn apart…

How the kids have struggled in school after the divorce and maybe even turned to drugs…

How the lawyers bleed them dry of their finances...

How toxic everything becomes...


In other words, you use fear to show them what life could be like if they get divorced.

Is that unethical?

Well, think of it this way...

Imagine knowing all the above and not warning them.

Again, that for me is unethical.

So even though Nazi’s used fear to control their citizens, that doesn’t mean it’s wrong for us to use it to get our prospects to sign up to our programs.

With that being said…

Some of the most profitable emails you’ll ever write are those focused on your dream client’s fears.

And inside my 15 Minute Client program I show you how to send these emails without coming across as “salesy” or “sleazy” or like you’re purposely trying to use fear to make them buy.

Instead, you’ll see how to send this style of email where the prospect actually feels like you’re doing them a favour for warning them.

Along with that, I show you many other types of emails that motivate your prospect to book and appointment or buy your program.

That way, you have a variety to choose from each day.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

The best time to send an email

Here’s a question The Aussie Hermit gets asked a lot…

“Hey Aussie Hermit, what’s the best time to send an email?”

And my response is probably not one you’re used to.

Here’s what I say…

The best time to send an email is when it’s entertaining.


It doesn’t matter what time you send an email.

That’s not a question you should be asking your worrying about.

Instead, you should be ‘worrying’ about making whatever email you’re sending one people actually want to read.

Because if you do that…

If you send emails prospects look forward to opening and reading, then it doesn’t really matter what time of day you send it.

They’ll be eager to open and read it whenever it hits their inbox.

And if they’re not awake at the time it hits their inbox?

Well, then they’ll seek it out in the morning when they wake up.

It’s just like when you send emails to friends and family.

Do you worry about what time of day it is?

Not likely.

You just write up the email, hit send, and know they’ll reply because it’s an email from you.

The same will happen with your list if you send entertaining emails.

Point is…

Don’t worry about the time of day you send.

Focus more on sending emails your prospects want to read and you’ll get them opened at whatever time.

With that being said…

If you want to learn how to send emails your prospects look forward to reading each day, that’s exactly what I teach in my 15 Minute Client program.

Inside you learn the simple 15 Minute Email framework for writing emails that:

—> Entertain (without you having to be a great writer, or natural entertainer)…

—> Add huge value (so you can position yourself as “the” expert in your market), and…

—> Pitch your program (without being pushy or salesy).

However, what you’ll probably like most about the email portion of the program, is some very simple tools you can get your emails done very quick.

I’m talking within 15 minutes or so. Sometimes less.

Of course, in the beginning it will take you a bit longer. Usually 30-40 minutes.
But as you get used to the system you get faster and faster.

And that means, if you build your business off one email per day like yours-hermity, you can literally be done with your marketing in the time it takes to boil your first coffee.

A big promise, I know.

Especially if you currently take an age to get your emails done.

But one I feel confident fulfilling on - no matter your writing level - because I've helped many Coaches before you do exactly that.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Why email doesn’t work for some Coaches

A few months back The Aussie Hermit’s computer died on me out of nowhere.

And, unable to figure out what the problem was, I headed down to the Apple store to get it fixed.

Fast forward a week and I get my computer back.

The problem?

Something to do with the battery.

The good news is, they replaced it for free.

The bad news is, it looks like this battery is having issues too.

But why do I bring this up?

Because I want you to notice the process:

—> My computer stopped working.

—> I couldn’t figure out what the problem was.

—> I went and got the computer fixed.

—> It was something to do with the internals.

Here’s what I didn’t do…

—> My computer stopped working.

—> I couldn’t figure out what the problem was.

—> I yell out in frustration, “Well, I guess computers just don’t work for me!”

—> I never use a computer again.

I didn’t do that, because that would be silly.

And yet, this is exactly how we Coaches react with a lot of marketing methods. Particularly email.

Let me explain…

Often we send emails to our list.

We’ll come up with great content.

We’ll put a lot of effort in.

And we’ll get crickets - barely any opens or appointments.

And after a while of getting frustrated with our results we stop and proclaim, “Well, I guess email doesn’t work for me!”

This is silly.

Because the problem is not with email.

Like the computer analogy above, the problem is with the internals of your emails.


Email is just a medium for delivering your message.

(A powerful one at that)

And so if your emails aren’t getting opened, read and bought from - email is not the problem.

It’s what you’re saying in your emails.

Your message is off.

And the reason why it’s off is also typically a deeper problem.

Just like the problem with my computer was deeper and not surface level.

Usually, the message is off because the Coach is not clear on who they’re really writing to.

They’re not clear on their market.

Or how their offer fits in with that market.

And so when they start sending emails they get a terrible response.

Here’s the key though…
When that happens, don’t sit back and proclaim, “well I guess email doesn’t work for me!”

You’ve got to investigate.

You’ve got to get into the “internals” of why what you’re saying isn’t working.

As mentioned, it’s typically because you’re not 100% clear on your market, or you don’t know your market well enough.

And only until you do this research can you hope to get great results with email.

It’s that simple.

With that being said…

The very first process we go through in The 15 Minute Client program is getting clear on your market.

This includes…

—> The “big” urgent problem you solve (you’d be surprised how many Coaches can’t articulate just one core urgent problem they solve)…

—> The niche market that will pay a lot to have that problem solved…

—> Your dream client avatar so you know what to say in your ads, landing pages and emails to attract your market to you…

Plus more.

Even 6-figure+ Coaches I find need to go through this process (particularly those that rely on referrals) because they’re often not 100% clear either.

And when they do, their campaigns go to a whole new level.

Their message is on point.

It gets the attention of their dream prospect.

And it gets the Coach booking more appointments.

Of course, this is also the case for Coaches earning under 6-figures, too.


Once we’re clear on your market, I show you how to:

—> Package your program into premium offer your market would feel silly saying “no” to…

—> Build your list on autopilot with paid ads, and…

—> Convert that list into high-paying clients with one daily email.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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