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3 “red flags” your campaigns need help

Because The Aussie Hermit’s time is valuable, one of the things I always get potential clients to do before I speak to them is fill out an application.

It’s not too long.

But it allows me to spot any “red flags” that might need addressing before we speak. Plus, give me an insight into where my services and/or my 15 Minute Client program can help.

And one of the questions I ask on the form is:

“What’s stopping you from getting to your goal?”

Typically, I get a variety of answers.

However, the other day I had a response that I found encapsulates what is happening with a lot of Coaches.

And so I thought I’d share that response (with this Coach’s blessing, of course), because I think it can help many reading this.

Maybe even you.

Here’s what he said…

“While I've done coaching for several years, it was just one of the services I offered. Now, I want to do it full-time and I'm struggling with getting leads. I've tried Facebook Ads and they didn't result in any new leads. My clients rave about my coaching program and I know it can help people struggling with their marketing. It's frustrating (and a bit depressing) for me to admit that I'm struggling with my own marketing but I suppose it's always harder to do for yourself what you do for others.”

Does that resonate?

I know it did for me.

Even if you’re not a marketing Coach I’m sure there are pieces of that paragraph you identify with.

For example…

I know many Coaches struggle to get leads.

They’re spending hours in Facebook groups. They’re creating tons of content. They’re posting. They’re doing videos. They’re doing all the organic strategies they can fit into a day, and it barely results in any new subscribers or appointments.

Also, like this Coach, many Coaches are running ads.

But there’s no traction. All they’re doing is watching their wallet get emptied into Facebook’s bank account.

Then they’re left wondering…

“Is there something wrong with me?”

“Do ads just not work for me?”

“Maybe it’s Facebook? Maybe I just don’t have the right targeting? Maybe LinkedIn or YouTube ads would be better for me?”

It’s confusing and disheartening.

And finally, this is probably the most frustrating thing of all…

Almost all Coaches I speak with know they have an amazing program.

And they know if they work with the right person they can get amazing results.

But they just can’t seem to communicate the value of that program in the right way.
Because if they did…

If they knew how to communicate their transformational value, they’d have clients chasing them down.

Instead, they get no appointments.

And if they do get appointments, they get a lot of “let me think about it” or “I don’t have the money” type responses.

The Aussie Hermit hears the 3 struggles .all the. time.

And it’s 3 things I struggled with for many years.  

The good news is, they’re all fixed with the same solution.

And this is what I told this Coach when we spoke.

The reason why we Coaches struggle to attract leads, make ads work for us, and communicate the value of our programs is because - we aren’t clear on our market.

We don’t have one specific prospect in mind when we write our messages.

And because of that, every piece of copy or communication we put out there is vague and ambiguous.

For example, the first headline when I opened this Coach’s website was:

“Marketing Solutions for Small Business Owners - We help small businesses of all shapes and sizes safely navigate the world of digital marketing”

This isn’t good.

The reason?

It doesn’t speak to any business owner in particular.

A small business owner could be…

A dentist…
A doctor…
A lawyer…
A boutique shoe store owner…
A 10 million per year ecommerce store…
A coach…
A copywriter…
A videographer…
A photographer…

…And on it goes.

Each small business I listed above has different problems, different business challenges (i.e. different regulations they deal with) and different industry jargon.

And so if you want to attract them, you need to speak to those specific challenges and problems.

For example, a better headline might be something like…

“Would you like to know how professional wedding photographers are busier than every during covid?”

This is better.

Because it specifically calls out a type of business owner (professional wedding photographers).

And because it speaks to an industry specific problem (no weddings during covid).

And when you do this, your message cuts through into the market.

It stands out and gets attention.

And this is what gets people clicking your ads, signing up to your list and buying your programs.

With that being said…

Getting clear on your market is actually a pretty straightforward process.

And one I go through in The 15 Minute Client program.

What can be a little more difficult is recognising you need help with this.

Many Coaches think they’re clear on their market, but really aren’t.

An easy way to know is this...

Do you struggle to get the right prospects to:

—> Click on your ads?
—> Sign up to your list?
—> Book appointments from your funnel?
—> Book appointments from your emails?
—> Consistently buy your program?

If so, I can virtually guarantee you’re not as clear as you need to be.

And so maybe a little of The Ol’ Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program is exactly what you need to remedy this problem?

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

How to get your market to tell you what words will make them buy

This past weekend The Aussie Hermit did a workshop to a group of about 100 Coaches.

The title of that workshop?

How to Get Your Market to Tell You What Words Will Make Them Buy

And, the reason I chose this topic is because we Coaches tend to have challenges getting our message right.

We struggle with:

—> Saying the right things in our ads to make people click…

—> Crafting the right lead magnet to get dream clients subscribing…

—> Writing emails that book appointments and more.

And because of that, we struggle for clients.

It’s true, having the right copy is one of the most critical pieces to making your campaigns convert.

But what’s also true is that you don’t have to be good at writing to be a great copywriter.

So much so, you don’t even have to come up with the right words to say - your prospects will just give it to you.
And this is exactly what I told these Coaches this past weekend.

Over the years I’ve been hired to write sales letters, VSL’s, webinars, emails and more (some for very high level Coaches including Bob Proctor, Mike Dillard, Ryan Moran, Grace Lever and more).

And the way I made those campaigns convert was not by staring at a blank piece of paper and magically coming up with “great copy.”


The way The Aussie Hermit created successful campaigns was to research the market extensively before I ever wrote a single word.

For example…

I’d look in forums/groups for what the market was talking about…
I’d research my client’s competitors to see what they were saying in their campaigns…

I’d review my client’s current/paste winning messages and take note…

I’d analyse past reviews, testimonials, surveys, call transcripts and more.

And I did all of this because I knew the key to writing great copy is to let the market tell me - in their own words - exactly what they were struggling with and what they wanted.

Then from there I simply use their own words to reflect back those struggles and desires.

A great example of this is a weight loss ad that I recently wrote for a client.

After doing research I discovered that the market we were speaking to (women between 35-55) didn’t want to look like a “super model.”

They simply wanted “their old body back.”

They wanted to look and feel like they did before they had kids, or when they were in their early 30’s before they put on weight.

I also discovered through my research they were “regular mums” with a full-time schedule who didn’t have time to:

—> Count calories...
—> Bust themselves in the gym, or...
—> Create multiple meals for themselves and their family.

Plus, they also didn’t want to give up their favourite foods.

So you know what I did?

I simply reflected these things back to them in the copy - using their exact words.

Let me give a taste of the beginning of the ad...


“30,000+ women have used "The 3-Day Diet" to transform their bodies without sacrificing any of their favourite foods.

These are regular mums with a full-time schedule who don't have time to:

—> Count calories...
—> Bust themselves in the gym, or...
—> Create multiple meals for themselves and their family.

And yet, they've been able to get their "old" body back after years of dieting struggle.”


Point is…

I didn’t come up with the copy.

I did the research and found out what the market wanted/didn’t want, then I simply reflected that back to them in the copy using the exact same words they used to describe those wants and needs.

So you can see…

Writing a winning message is actually quite simple when you approach it this way.

You don’t have to be some amazing writer.

You just simply have to do the research beforehand and your market will tell you every word you need to use to make them buy.

With that being said…

This is literally the first thing we do together in my 15 Minute Client program.

Before you set up any landing pages…

Or build your lead magnet…

Or launch your list building campaign…

Or even craft your offer…

I show you how to research your market extensively so that when it comes time to do all those things above, you don’t have to think.

You know exactly what to say in your campaigns to make your prospects opt in to your email list and book appointments with you.

Of course, you also have me by your side to review any copy you put together.

That way, it has the best chance of converting right out of the gate.

Either way…

You build your campaigns on a much more solid foundation where you know you’re giving your prospect exactly what they want.

And because of that, they’ll chase you down.

If that sounds like something you need, then make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

How to know what to say in your ads, landing pages, offers and more

Following is a question from a Coach seeking The Aussie Hermit’s help.

And, while the question is specific to apps, my reply applies to basically any marketing problem you have.

Here now is part of her question with my response.


“…Anyway, I have a professional video being created for promo purposes, and I would like to add into the promo messages that the first 100 or so people will receive ''such and such (bonus)” if they subscribe today! kind of message.

I am racking my brain as to what the could receive as I wish to value add and not discount, I want them to sign up to a subscription.”

My response:

“Hey [CLIENT],

The answers to all your questions are always in the market.

Meaning, if you know your market they will tell you what they'd like as a bonus for joining.

Not literally tell you. But tell you in terms of their frustrations and desires.

I.e. "I'm frustrated with not being able close more sales."

Well if you know that about them, why not give them a free "objection handling script" - as an example.

So my question to you [CLIENT] - who is your market and what are their frustrations/challenges/desires?

When you know that, you'll know your answer.”

Pretty simple, ey?

So again, if you want to know how to improve the response of your marketing campaigns, the answers are always in the market.

You don’t have to come up with them.

Your prospects will literally tell you if you listen carefully.


One of the various ways I teach my clients to know what their market wants is to go into a Facebook group and run a multiple-choice “poll.”

Anyone can do this.

You don’t have to be the owner or whatever.

But by running a poll you can ask a few questions about what their biggest struggles or frustrations or desires are around your topic.

See which answer gives you the best response.

Often, that will help point you in the direction of the answer to your marketing question.

With that being said…

One of the most important pieces to being successful online (and even offline), is knowing your market.

Before you can write a message that attracts you need to know what makes them tick - so to speak.

And this is exactly what I show you how to do inside my 15 Minute Client program.

Moreover, I take you through my “Ultimate Research Rolodex” which gives you a myriad of ways to research your market from the comfort of your home.

Along with that, I show you how to build your list on autopilot and email that list each day with great content, and an irresistible offer to work with you.

That way, get consistent clients with just one daily email.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

The “no headline” sales letter that made 2 billion

A few days ago The Aussie Hermit wrote an email entitled…

“A tale of 2 coaches seeking The Aussie Hermit’s help.”

And, it told a story about how one client was generating quality leads, while the other wasn’t.

But what I love about that email is the copywriting structure I used.


It does a great job in persuading because it shows the negatives of one path vs the positives of the other.

Or another way of saying that…

It uses the power of “contrast” to persuade.

Further, this structure is so powerful it created what many consider “the most successful sales letter ever written.”

It’s called, “Tale of Two Young Men.”

And it was a short story worth 2 billion (with a “b”) in subscriptions for The Wall Street Journal from 1975-2003.

Funny thing is…

That sales letter/story had no headline at all.

That’s how powerful this framework is.


I’ve modelled this framework many times over the years.

A few years back when I was a “gun for hire” copywriter, I used it to get applications for a private school from cold traffic.

And, it worked extremely well.

(Applications for less than $30 from what I recall)

So what I thought I’d do is show you that ad so you can analyse it.

And so you can see this contrasting of 2 stories in action.

Before we get into it, I will say that it’s pretty similar to The Wall Street Journal ad.

And that’s by design.

But it’s also different enough that it has its own personality.

Anyway, here it is in all it’s glory.



What’s the secret to getting into a good college?

Here’s a tale of two (very similar) teens that reveals it…

On a beautiful spring afternoon, twenty-five years ago, two young girls graduated from the same middle school…

They were very much alike…

Both had better than average grades...

Both were liked by those around them…

And both wanted to make the most out of the next 4 years in high-school so they could get into the top college of their choice that would set them up for life...

Recently, these two girls (now 25 years older) bumped into each other at their home town, and they decided to catch up over a coffee...

And when they did they realised they were still very much alike!

It was uncanny...

Both were happily married…

Both had three children…

And both, it turned out, had graduated from college.

But there was a difference...

You see, the first woman graduated from her top college of choice. One with an extremely good reputation and quality education...

Because of that, she was picked up immediately upon graduating and went on to have a hugely successful career in the STEM fields.

For her, life was easy. Prosperous. Successful.

And the other woman?

Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to get into her first choice college... Or 2nd… Or 3rd…

In fact, the only college she was accepted into was her 5th choice!

Because of that, not many job opportunities came her way upon graduating.

And, like many graduates these days, she was left with a huge pile of debt that took her years to pay off while working a low-paying job she never wanted.

For her, it had been a life of regret and struggle.

So, what made the difference between these two?

Have you ever wondered, as I have, what makes this kind of difference in people’s lives?

It isn’t intelligence or talent or dedication.

It isn’t that one person wants success and the other doesn’t…

The difference lies in the big, life altering decisions we make...

The right decision can steer you toward a path of success, prosperity and ease…

The wrong decision can steer you toward a path of failure, poverty and struggle…

And that’s why I am writing to you today about SCHOOL NAME.

For that is the whole purpose of our school…

To give you the best opportunity to get into your college of choice and land you on that path of success, prosperity and ease.

And how do we do that?

We are a school unlike any other…

You see, SCHOOL NAME is a unique school…

We provide a top-ranked, college preparatory education for years 9-12.

Many of our graduates get into their first choice college.

And because of our stellar reputation, these include top IVY league schools such as Harvard, Cornell and the University of Pennsylvania.

The secret to our success?

For one, we have an average class size of just 12 students.

And that means you get the individual attention you need to get the highest grades possible…

Second, we have been named amongst the “100 Best Communities for Young People"...

(An initiative which ranks the top 100 communities that best prepares young people for success)...

And probably our biggest secret is this...

Our high-school students live on campus to study.


Over years 9-12 they eat, live and breathe their education at SCHOOL NAME.

They’re able to give their education 100% focus and because of that…

They give themselves the best possible opportunity to into their college of choice.

Now, does that mean SCHOOL NAME is all work and no play?


Getting a top class education is only one of the reasons our students choose us...

Imagine waking up with your friends, every morning, to enjoy the school day together…

Picture yourself strolling into the food hall each day for breakfast, lunch and dinner that looks like something out of Harry Potter...

Envision walking to downtown Hudson for a coffee or yoga session in the afternoons and weekends…

Completely independent.

But there’s more…

Imagine quiet time in the high ceiling library, cosied up in the corner, reading your favourite book…

Or how about attending one of the regular dance parties in the dorm with friends…

Or maybe that’s not for you?

What if you took a hike into Cuyahoga Valley National Park to surround yourself with some of the countries most beautiful scenery?

And that’s just the beginning...

It would take me hours to tell you about all the extra curricular activities and places to see and go when you become a student at SCHOOL NAME...

I haven’t even mentioned the arts and athletics opportunities.

So as you can see…

SCHOOL NAME is not just about giving you top-ranked, college preparatory education…

It’s an all encompassing educational experience public and private schools just cannot compete with.

Now, I’m not going to sugar coat it…

Living on campus away from friends and family is a tough decision.

But is it the right decision or the wrong decision?

That’s the big decision for you to make.

What I can tell you is for the vast majority of our students who are now prospering in and after college, for them, it was definitely the right decision.

To enquire how SCHOOL NAME might be able to get you a top-ranked, college preparatory education, click the link below and fill out the short form now:



Head of School


Pretty cool, hey?

And, it makes a great case to join that school.

I wish I could say I invented this structure.

But I didn’t.

Like most of what I know, I learned it study the copywriting greats over the years.


Next time you go to send an email, think how you can use 2 different stories that contrast each other to showcase why your method is best vs. why another is not.

With that being said…

Writing copy that converts is something we Coaches have a hard time with.

And, unfortunately, it’s a necessary skill if you want clients.

That’s the bad news.

The good news is, it becomes pretty straightforward when you use frameworks like what I’ve just demonstrated above.

And that’s why clients love my 15 Minute Client email writing framework.

Because it shows you a simple 3-step structure for sending out emails that get opened, read and bought from - even if you’ve never studied copywriting, or have ever got a client from email.

Along with that…

You can get these emails done in just a few minutes.

Of course, in the beginning it will take you about 30 minutes or so each day. Sometimes more.

But as you send them out consistently you get much faster.

If you want more clients sending just one email per day, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Mark Twain’s ultimate copywriting tip

There’s a great quote by Mark Twain, declared by some as “the father of American literature,” that goes like this:

“Don’t use a $5 word when a 50 cent word will do”

What does it mean?


Don’t use a long/pretentious/complex word when a simpler, shorter, easier to understand word will do.

First, because the pretentious words make you look like an ass.

And second, because the simpler words are much easier for your reader to understand.

And when it’s easier to understand, the message within those words becomes more more clear.

More effective.

More impactful.

And more persuasive.  

The same is true with your copy.

Many times when I critique a Coaches copy, all I’m doing is simplifying the language.

Either by saying the same thing in less words.

Or using shorter, easier to understand words.

And by doing so, I make their message much stronger.

Following are 2 recent examples where I did this with clients.

Example 1: Lead Magnet Critique


Everything looks great, [Client Name].

One thing I think can be improved is the name of the lead magnet.

Currently it's, "How to overcome the top 3 objections to sales for female coaches." This sounds like it could be a video training. From experience running a lot of ads, this will increase lead costs.

To fix this, I would position it as a "script" (because that's what it is). By doing this you make it feel more actionable/tangible/easier to use. This will reduce the lead costs.

Finally, I would shorten the name. I think you can say the same thing in less words.  

For example...

I.e. The Female Coaches Objection Handling Script.


The Objection Handling Script


The 3X Objection Handling Script


See what I did there?

I just took the same thing and made it easier to understand by reducing the words.

Let’s now look at this second example.
Another lead magnet critique.

And, for context, the name of the lead magnet was…

“5 Things You Could Be Ding in the Name of Health that Trigger Binge Eating”
Here we go…

Example 2: Lead Magnet Critique


Title is a bit too long. It won't fit in a FB ad.

Truncate to something like...

“5 Binge Eating Triggers that Cause a Downspiral”


Simple, right?

So when you’re critiquing your headlines, your emails, your lead magnets, or landing pages, ask yourself…

How can I simplify this copy?

How can I use shorter words?

And how can I say the same thing with less words?

Do that, and you’ll more than likely increase the response/conversion rate of your marketing materials.

With that being said…

I understand for Coaches not experienced in copywriting, doing the above is easier said than done.

But, unfortunately, it must be done .

Because having a clear, persuasive message is exactly what you need to get clients.

That’s the bad news.

The good news is, that’s exactly why my clients hire me

You see, I can spot message problems like the above from a kilometre away.

Whether the Coach is using complex/fluffy language, or their hook is off, or they’re speaking to frustrations that won’t resonate with the market, or some other fundamental problem - more often than not, I can spot it.

Most important…

I can tell you exactly what to say to fix it.

If you’re looking to get more clients, and you’d like help crafting a more persuasive message, then maybe The Ol’ Aussie Hermit is what you need?

I have a program called “The 15 Minute Client” that takes you through all the fundamentals of getting your message right.

From getting clear on your market, to crafting your offer, to creating a lead magnet that gets quality leads onto your list - it’s all in there.

Along with that, I show you how to turn that list into clients sending one just email per day.

And yes, I critique your emails in the program, too.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

How to ethically plagiarise a winning marketing message from your competitor

Ear wax.

The Aussie Hermit’s ears are packed full of ear wax.

And, I know this is probably gross to you.

But if you just put up with that queasy feeling in your stomach for a few moments longer, I’ll show you why there’s an extremely valuable marketing lesson hidden deep within the dank ear wax of my ears.

Here we go…

For the last year or so, I’ve noticed the hearing in my left ear has been declining.

And, after doing some research - I realised it’s because of my ear eax.

(Apparently, you don’t want to clean your ears with cotton tips, which is what I’ve been doing basically since birth)

So ever since that realisation I’ve been looking for a way to clear out my canals.

And through my journey of research, I discovered there are many methods that can work - and some even involve fire (no thanks!).

However, of all the ways to get my cavities cleaned, I settled on trying “Wax RX”.

This is a product I found out about on Dan Bongino’s show.

But that’s not why I bought the product.

I bought it because of the reviews.

You see, when I’m trying to decide if a particular product is right for me, like most I Googled it to find the reviews.

And that’s exactly what I did with Wax RX.

This then lead me to Amazon where I read about many customers experiences.

And, one of them really stood it.

Paraphrased, it said this…

“10 years of bad hearing that was fixed in 10 minutes with this product.”

And the first thing I thought was…

“Wow, that’s a great result.”

Then being a marketer the second thing I thought was…

“Wow, that is a great headline for this product!”

And that’s the golden lesson of today’s email…

What I tell Coaches all the time is that you don’t have to be a great marketer or copywriter.

And the reason why is…

Your market will literally give you all of your headlines, copy and marketing material for free…

You just have to know where to look.

And one of the best places to look is on Amazon.

Specifically, the “reviews” section.

In just this little section you’ll learn your market’s biggest fears, challenges and frustrations.

And also what they really want from your coaching program. Their desires.

The key to doing this right is for you to look up your competitor's books on your topic and then go through the reviews.

There will be a crazy amount of gold in these reviews that you can use to make your campaigns convert.

And the best part is…

It’s not copyrighted!

Just look at the example above.

As mentioned, I could literally copy/paste this quote and use it as a headline for this product - and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop me. 

This strategy is so good it should be illegal.

But thank God it’s not!

Anyway, do what you will with this info.

My clients and I have used it very successfully in our online campaigns.

With that being said…

If you need more help crafting a marketing message that attracts your dream client, maybe The Aussie Hermit can help?

I have a program called “The 15 Minute Client” that shows you how to get A+ clients sending one daily email.

And the best part about this program is…

I show you a simple way to send these emails so they speak directly to your dream client’s deepest wants and needs even if you’re not a marketer or copywriter.

You’ve learned one method today. In the program I have tons more.

To jump on the waitlist to know when doors are open next, go here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

The vaccine that stole his life

Did you know…

In Australia by the time a child is 4 years old they’ve had over 40 vaccines injected into them?

(I think it’s even more for the US)

Crazy, ey.

And it was when Alana and I found this out we figured we should probably do a bit more research before giving all of those to our second daughter, Olive.

(Unfortunately, we found this out after Indi had already had her first 18 months worth. Yikes. Sorry Indi!)


As part of our research we downloaded this 12 part documentary series that’s had a lot of five star reviews.

And while we never go through all of it - each part is like 1-2 hours long - we did watch enough for it to scare the crap out of us.

For example…

In the opening episode they were interviewing a mum who had given her son the regular schedule of vaccines.

And he was a perfectly healthy 3 year old boy.

But then one day after his latest round of vaccines he developed extreme autism.

He went from running around the backyard, climbing trees, playing with his sister, talking to his parents, having friends…

To being mentally disabled.

Now he is no longer able to climb trees…

He is no longer able to have conversations…

And he is no longer able to look after himself.

His parents will have to take care of them for the rest of his life…

And you could see it in the way she told the story that her life was basically destroyed in that one decision.

Suffice it to say - it scared the crapola out of us…

And made us want to never give our kids another vaccine again.

Of course, we know that the autism may not have been caused by the vaccine (and why we’ve read other books since to cross-check what this doc was saying).

But that’s not the point…

What I’m teaching you is a very powerful marketing lesson.

And that is…

If you want to motivate people to buy your stuff - build a VISION.


Build a vision of their fear, or build a vision of their desire.
(Tip: fear works best)

The reason why this documentary was so successful in motivating us not to take vaccines was because it created a vision of what life could be like if we had one of our daughters develop autism.

Yes, even though the chances are extremely small of that happening, ain’t no way we wanted to live like that for the rest of our life.

And so, whether logical or not - it worked.

And that’s why building a vision is so powerful.

It doesn’t tap into your market’s logical brain.

No one buys on logic.

They buy with emotion.

And that’s exactly what building a vision does…

It creates a huge emotional response in the brain.

And when you do that, you give them much more motivation to buy from you.

Alright, enough teaching today.

This email is already valuable enough that Big Pappa C should be charging for it!

With that being said…

"Building a vision" is just one of the many profitable techniques I teach inside my 15 Minute Client program.

This is a simple system for getting high paying clients sending one email each day.

And yes, this works even if you don’t have a list as I show you how to build a list on autopilot.

If you want to know when doors are open next, put yourself on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Why we happily bought $12 muffins

A few days ago Alana walked in the door with 4 English muffins.

The price of them?


Pretty ridiculous when you consider you can get most other types of English muffins for $4 or so (and in those packets you get at least half a dozen).

However, the funny thing was, she happily paid this price.


Well, these weren’t no ordinary muffins.

No siree.

Let me show you the copy this company wrote on the back of their muffin packet…

“It takes us three days to make an English muffin.

Day 1: mix dough from premium, sustainable ingredients and cold prove for 24 hours.

Day 2: hand roll then cold prove for a further 24 hours.

Day 3: steam for 30 minutes, cool, then bake for 10 minutes.

Why go to all this effort?

Slow, cold proving gives superior flavour; steaming prior to baking locks in the moisture and lengthens freshness.

If you’ve had a better English muffin somewhere in the world, please let us know!”

And let me tell you…
These were the best muffins Big Pappa C has ever eaten.

And, we’d pay $12 for another 4 in a heartbeat.

But the real question is…

How are they able to attract customers that happily pay 3x more than other muffin manufacturers?

Well, if you read the above copy again, the answer is simple…

They differentiate themselves.

And how do they do that?

By describing the process in which they make the muffins.

Also, do you notice how they talk about why they go to all this effort?

So they can get you a better tasting/fresher muffin (AKA: talking about the why enables them to talk about the enhanced benefits of their process).

This is great copy.

And the funny thing is, for all we know every other muffin manufacture could be using the same process. But just by the fact they’ve put it on their packet differentiates them and enables them to charge far higher prices for a commodity item.


We can take this lesson and now apply it to your coaching business…

If you want to charge more you must differentiate yourself somehow.

And, there are 2 primary ways to do this…

The first is by choosing a specific niche.

As you know, when you niche down it enables you to stand out because you’re speaking to a crowd of people that’s underserved.

Also, niching down enables you to charge more because now this crowd sees you as a specialist.

This is by far the easiest way to differentiate.

And the second way is by using what Gene Schwartz calls a “unique mechanism.”

This is where you use your unique system/methodology to differentiate yourself in the marketplace.

This is why you see so many gurus giving their systems weird names.
For example…

The “Invisible Funnel Method.”

The “Sales by Chat System.”

“The Double Your Dates Strategy”

“The Divorce Decision Program”

Etc etc.

They’re not doing this just because it sounds cool.

They’re doing it to cut through all of the other marketing messages.

If you’re in a broader market (AKA: not a niche), you need to do this.

You need a unique mechanism and you need to know how to use it to cut through the market.

This requires a much more sophisticated approach with your marketing.

And, it can be done.

(I do it and do it for my 7-figure+ clients)

But you need to know what you’re doing.

This is why I say if you’re a Coach earning less than $100k/mo, then you shouldn’t worry about any of that.

Just niche down as this is the much shorter path to get to your revenue goals.

Then when you get to a certain level of success, you can broaden your message if you want.

With that being said…

If you like the idea of charging 3x more for your services and have your clients happily pay for it, then maybe I can help?

I have a program called The 15 Minute Client that shows you how to attract clients with one daily email, and also…

Shows you how to significantly raise your fees without scaring away prospects (or feeling like a fraud).

Click here to jump on the waitlist so you’re first to know when doors are open:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Why your husband should always see it your way

Yesterday, I wrote an email about headlines.

And how, you want to work with (and not against) your dream client’s “identity,” otherwise your hook will fail.

If you haven’t read it the subject line is “SPAM email made profitable”.

It’s worth your time as I see a lot of Coaches make this mistake with their headlines.

Another mistake I see we’ll talk about in this email…

Only a few hours after I sent that email, I was asked by a client to critique their lead magnet title/name.

Which is basically just another version of a headline.

Here was the headline:

“10 rules for fighting fair...Learn to turn your arguments into productive conversations”

Now, in terms of lead magnet names, it’s OK.

It speaks to a problem a woman has in a relationship she’s struggling in (her main prospect is the woman in the relationship).

And also, I like that it’s a “list” style lead magnet (list style lead magnets typically get the lowest opt in costs).

The downside about this, like in yesterday’s email, is it goes against what the prospect really wants.  

Here’s what I mean…

If I was advertising to this woman, I wouldn’t have a lead magnet around “10 rules for fighting fair.”

Instead, I’d create a lead magnet called…

“10 Ways to Get Your Husband to Listen in an Argument”


“10 Ways to Get Your Husband to See it Your Way”

Notice the difference?

Notice how my examples are giving the prospect what she REALLY wants?

That’s the key to creating great marketing that attracts your dream client.

Now, I’m not saying the “10 rules” lead magnet wouldn’t work. It could.

But I know from generating over 500,000 leads, mine would work better (meaning a cheaper and better quality lead).

With that being said, let me ask you…

Do you need help attracting more clients?

Then maybe I can help.

I have a program that gets you only those “cream of the crop” A-students wanting to work with you.

(The ones that actually take action and have money to invest)

And the best part is, once the system is set up, you only have to send one daily email to get them.

To know when spots are open next, get on The 15 Minute Client waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

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