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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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SPAM email made profitable

A while back The Aussie Hermit received an unsolicited (AKA: SPAM email) from a "guru" promoting a webinar.

The headline of that webinar?

"How to Stop Being a Perfectionist About Your Marketing Videos"

And my first thought was… "Wow, that’s a terrible headline! Delete!"

Then my second thought was…

"Wait a minute… The Ol’ Aussie Hermit can turn this into a profitable lesson for my list!"

And so that’s why I’m writing to you today.

Let’s talk about why this headline is pretty average, and how I’d make it better.

So this expert has a webinar that shows Coaches how to create marketing videos.

And, he knows Coaches tend to re-do their videos over and over and over again because they’re not happy with each recording.

In other words - he knows they’re perfectionists.

And so he thinks a great headline would be…

"How to Stop Being a Perfectionist About Your Marketing Videos"

The problem with this angle, however, is that’s it goes against their identity of being a "perfectionist."

(Or another way of saying that is, it goes against their limiting beliefs, believing that their video is never good enough)

This is like trying to walk through a brick wall.

It ain’t going to work.

Instead, you simply want to go around the brick wall.


You want to show them how they can still get to their goal even with those limiting beliefs.

For example, a better headline would have been something like…

"How to Create Profitable Marketing Videos in One Take"


"How to Create Profitable Marketing Videos in One Take Even If You’re a Perfectionist"

Notice the difference?

Notice how I’m not telling my prospect to stop being who they are.

I’m telling them they can get the result even if that perceived flaw/limiting belief is part of their personality.

Let’s take another, more obvious example…

Let’s pretend you’re a Coach who hates tech.

If that’s the case, I’m not going to write a headline like…

"How to Really Love Tech and Get Great at Tech So You Can Put Together This Client-Getting Funnel"

Instead, I’m going go around that limiting belief and say…

"How to Build This Simple Client-Getting Funnel Even If Even You’re Hopeless at Tech"

Or even better…

"How to Get Clients without Having to Set Up Any Tech"

Notice the difference?

Notice how I’m going around their limiting beliefs, and not against them?

So with your headlines, make sure you’re not asking them to be something they’re not, or do something they don’t want to do.

Instead, figure out how you can work around those perceived flaws to create a hook.

With that being said…

If you’ve been a Coach for even a little while you’re probably aware of how important headlines are.

After all, a lead magnet title (aka: headline) will get you subscribers…

An email offer (aka: headline) will get you appointments…

And an offer "promise" (aka: a headline) will get you buyers.

So getting your headlines right is critical to getting your online marketing campaigns converting.

Or another way of saying that is…

If you’re not getting clients it’s typically because your headlines aren’t resonating.

And this is why most of my coaching with clients revolves around critiquing their headlines.

When we make them clearer, stronger and more persuasive we see better results instantly (AKA: more opt ins, appointments and sales).

If that sounds like something you need help with, make sure to put your name on the 15 Minute Client program waitlist:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Somewhere Near Byron Bay

3 “cheat codes” that get more clients

One of the things that continually surprises The Aussie Hermit about having kids is how much they trigger me.

I’m talking a deep rage.

And the weird thing is, it’s often for stuff that’s not that bad.

For example…

One of the things that gets Big Pappa Hermit angry is when my kids fall over and hurt themselves.

This is not all the time.

Most of the time I’m empathetic.

But when they don’t listen when I tell them to “SLOW DOWN!” and then they hurt themselves, I get irate.

Another thing that gets me angry is when Indi (3) snatches something that Olive (1) is playing with.

Or another one is when Indi hurts Olive.

Now that really gets The Aussie Hermit’s blood boiling to the point I start having visions of what life would be like if I just hurled Indi over my balcony.

(Living in a cell somewhere probably)

Now I’m joking, of course.

I would never physically hurt my kids.

(Although, I now totally get why some parents hurt theirs)

But the point is…

There are things my kids do that trigger me.

And no matter how much I try to rationalise my way out of it by saying things to myself like, “Aussie Hermit, you’re at the playground. Your kids will probably fall over and hurt themselves. It’s OK. They’re kids” - I still get triggered when it happens.  

I just can’t help it.

Now the interesting thing about triggers is they don’t just apply to parenting.

I’m sure you’ve been in a relationship before when your partner has triggered you in some way.

(Alana has a list of about 43,000 ways I trigger her. We go through it most days)

Or when a client or colleague has really pissed you off.

It happens to us all the time.

And these types of triggers are typically different from person to person. With many of them being created in our childhood (due to abuse or negative experiences).

Then there are other type of triggers that we all have in common.  

And it’s these triggers you can speak to in your marketing to get your prospects to react in a way (virtually against their will) that leads them to your coaching program.

For example…

“Status” is a trigger.

When you show how your product can increase your prospect’s status, they’ll be attracted to it (and they’ll pay more).

This is why people pay $5,000+ for a Gucci bag when the quality of the bag is basically exactly the same as a $300 bag.

Another trigger is “credibility”.

When you can show how you’re a credible expert your prospect will be more trusting of you (and therefore more willing to part with their money)

This is why at the beginning of a webinar or email sequence I’ll typically mention I’ve spent over 16 million on ads, generated 500,000+ leads, helped clients bank over 50 million in revenue, worked with over 4,000 Coaches etc.

It’s all to demonstrate my credibility.

Another powerful one is “urgency/scarcity,” which you’ve probably heard of.

And there are many more (which I teach in my program).

But the point is…  

These common psychological triggers make your prospects react whether they want to or not.

Yes, even if they try to rationalise why an “urgent deadline” shouldn’t or won’t effect them… it will.

They can’t help it.

It’s been baked into their lizard brain from birth.

And that’s why when you utilise these triggers, you can dramatically boost the amount of appointments you get.

Think of it like having “cheat codes” in a game.

Only it’s like having cheat codes to more clients.

When you know the codes, it becomes a whole lot easier.

With that being said…

This is exactly why my clients love working with The Aussie Hermit.

Inside my 15 Minute Client program I show them how to use these triggers in your daily emails to get more clients beating down their door.

And the best part is…

You don’t even really have to think about it.

They’ll automatically come out as you use the “SLC” email writing framework I teach inside.

Would you like the cheat codes to more high paying clients?

Then make sure to put your name on The 15 Minute Client program waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Somewhere Near Byron Bay

Get better clients with “weak” promises

Following is a comment The Aussie Hermit saw on a YouTube video the other day.

And, while I have no idea who it is or what business experience this person has, it provides a great business lesson for us all.

Before you read it, I should probably mention…

This is from a YouTube channel that talks about investing.

And, the guy that runs the YouTube channel has episode titles that are a little "click baity."

Here are his last 3 episodes:

"A liquidity crisis of epic proportions"


"The Bond Market Signals The Unthinkable!"


Anyway, here was the comment:

"I really like your videos, but please don't click bait this much. It drives traffic in the short run, but you really don't have to since your content is so good! Please be patient and just keep up the awesome work and you'll become huge in the long run. I get that the click bait is tempting, but at least for me it's a huge turn off."

A lot of wisdom in this quote.

And, one we Coaches should take note of.

Using hypey headlines in our ads or sales letters is tempting.

After all, they get a lot of attention.

But the problem with them is three-fold:

  1. They typically attract people that are attracted to hype.

    These are not the prospects that will put in the work to get the results in your program (AKA: the "skeptics". Those that have been around the block and know what’s what). They’re the prospects that want results overnight.

    They’ve got little patience and little motivation. 

    Not great if you want to help people make a transformation.

    Moreover, these are also the same prospects that want to spend little to get the result you’re promising.

    Also not great if you’re trying to run a profitable/successful business.
  2. They don’t work long term.

    Hype only lasts a little while because there’s only so many "hype buyers" out there (the skeptics are a much bigger market. Which is another reason why I prefer marketing to them).

    Then you have to change to another hypey offer to get the same response.

    On and on this cycle goes.

    It’s a lot of effort for the problems it causes.
  3. They tell a fake truth.

    What do I mean by "fake truth"?

    Well, when you make a big, hypey promise you’re often doing it based on your best case study(s).

    Sure, your #1 client reached 7-figures in 6 months, but what about the others?

    (This is a business example, obviously. But the same applies to other markets)

    This is not to say you shouldn’t make a strong promise. Just don’t go overboard.

    For example…

    The promise of The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program is…

    "Attract Consistent Clients Sending This Email Every Day"

    But the truth is, I could turn it up a notch…

    I could say something like…

    "Create a 7-Figure Business Sending One 15 Minute Email Every Day"

    And I could say it honestly because I’ve had clients earn 7-figures from this daily email system.

    But I don’t promise that because that would be going a bit overboard.

    It’d be a fake truth.

    I’d rather turn down the hype and make it more believable to the skeptics.

    That way, I attract a much higher quality client.

Something else to think about…

Often you’ll see gurus promote big, hypey promises in their ads.

For me, this is a big red flag.

It tells me they’re probably not that great at marketing.

The reason being…

It’s very easy to create a hypey promise and get attention.

It’s lazy marketing.

And if they’re using it in their campaigns, they’re probably going to recommend you use it in yours.

I believe the sign of a great marketer is when you can create promises that stand out *without* being hypey.

Promises that may seem "weak" to some, but very appealing to the right (skeptical) market.

This is an incredibly valuable skill indeed.

You get less churn.

Better clients.

Better results.

And more profits, too.

With that being said…

Helping you create offers, headlines, and promises that attract your ideal client is exactly what The Aussie Hermit will help you with inside my 15 Minute Client program.

Specifically, I help you create a strong lead magnet to get prospects to opt into your list.

I help you create a strong email offer to get prospects booked on your calendar.

I help you create a strong program offer to get them signed up at premium prices.

And I do all this without you having to be hypey, or promising a result that feels a little "salesy,."

To learn if this program is a good fit for you, make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

Trump’s secret persuasion technique I used on you

A few days ago, there was a segment on NBC where the host was interviewing 9 "ordinary" Americans.

And all 9 were on the screen in some type of Zoom chat.

One of the questions she asks them was…

"Ok, so we’ve been living under the Biden administration for 1 year.

Who thinks we’re better off now than what we were 12 months ago?"


"What, nobody?!" She exclaims in shock.

More silence and head shaking.


But also quite sad.

This is how disconnected the media are from real people.

But what I found most interesting about this interview is that you never got these reactions when Obama was President even though Obama had basically the same policies as Joe.

Or more accurate…

Joe has the same policies as Obama.

And let’s be honest…

We all know Obama is sitting in his basement talking to Biden through an earpiece.  

(Even Jen Psaki had a bit of a Freudian slip the other day and said "I love working for President Oba… Biden. President Biden")

Point is…

It’s the same agenda all over again - with the same results.

So why are wayyy more people unhappy now, where they weren’t when Obama was President?

One word…


Or, more specifically, *contrast.*

Let the Aussie Hermit explain…

When Trump came in he kind of screwed the globalists' plans by taking an "America first" approach.

He closed the borders…

Helped America become energy independent…

Had strong foreign policies…

Got out of wars…

Created peace agreements…

Had record low employment…

And, of course, made the economy much stronger.

(The Aussie Hermit hasn’t even mentioned all the conspiracy theory stuff either - like securing the elections, taking down the Federal Reserve, and exposing the deep state. But that’s another email on another day)

In others words, he did everything the opposite of Obama.

This woke a lot of people up.

But most importantly…

It exposed Biden when he came in. Because as we know, he has done the opposite of Trump.

And this contrast makes it very obvious his policies (AKA: Obama’s policies) may not be best for America.

No more energy independence.

Russia/China wars on the horizon.

Record inflation.  

Weak foreign leadership.

Open borders.

Failing economy.

Etc etc.

This makes for a very unhappy country.

And just through the simple power of contrast, Trump has managed to bring millions of more people onto his side.

In fact…

Multiple polls from the dodgy lame stream media say if there was an election now Trump would win.

(The Aussie Hermit should say win "again" as we all know he won the first time. But I digress)

Think about that.

One uber-simple persuasion technique has the power to influence millions.

And this is why "contrast" is my favourite way to persuade in emails, webinars, sales letters and any copy I create.

Just a few days ago I wrote an email called, "scriptwriting persuasion secrets."

And in that email, I used contrast to make my point.

Here’s what The Aussie Hermit said…


You want to use words that create a visual picture in your prospect’s mind because that will more readily persuade him or her.

Or another way of saying that is, you need to use more "verbs."

Let me show you how it works…

Imagine in an email you’re telling a story about how hungry you were one day.

Well, the first way you could tell that story is like so…

"I woke up that morning incredibly hungry. So I immediately went down stairs and made myself a bowl of cereal".

That’s one way.

Then the second way could be…

"The alarm clock rings at the side of my bed. From under the covers I reach out and start slapping around to turn off the annoying drone.

I open my eyes.

Immediately my stomach lets out a loud, contorted grumble.

"Oh my god. I need food." I say in an urgent, croaky voice.

I sling the covers back and roll out of bed. I slide on my slippers and race down stairs…"


Notice the difference?

Notice how the second example is more visual?

Notice how it uses more verbs?

Also notice how it’s more emotional?

This is exactly the type of language you want to use when persuading someone.

You *want* to drum up emotion because buying is mostly an emotional decision.

Using verbs is a great way to do this when story telling.


So you see what I did there?

I used 2 examples and compared them against each other.

The first example had no verbs in it.

The second example had a lot.

And so by *contrasting* I was able to make my point more powerfully.

It is such a simple technique but it is so incredibly powerful when used.

And the best part is - your prospects won’t even know you’re using it on them.

But what they will know is by the end of your comparison they’ll agree with your point of view.

And that’s exactly what you want when you’re selling your method of coaching.

You want your prospects to agree that your way is the best way to get results. Because it’s not until they agree will they invest.

With that being said…

There are many more simple persuasion techniques I teach inside The 15 Minute Client program.

These enable any Coach - even those new to copywriting - to create effective emails very quickly.

What you’ll like most about these techniques is that they’re not overwhelming.

I don’t give you hundreds to go through and put into your emails.

Instead, they’ll just come out naturally as you follow my email system.

They’re "inbuilt" into the framework if that makes sense.


If you’d like to get clients sending one email per day, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

How to get a lot of clients SLOWLY

The Aussie Hermit is in the middle of writing my second book.

What, you didn’t know I had written another book?

Don’t worry, it’s not for sale.

It was based on a LinkedIn Strategy that worked great years ago but doesn’t anymore because they changed their platform. But that’s another story for another day.

Yes, it’s true.

I’m writing my next book.

And, unlike the LinkedIn strategy, this one will last for decades to come.

It’s based on my 15 Minute client system, of course.

The book will be called “The 15 Minute Client.”

And the subhead will be…

“How to Get High Paying Clients Sending Just One Email Per Day.”

Although, I’m second-guessing this title.

The reason?

I’ve come up with another option based on one of Gary Bencivenga’s (universally acknowledged as the world’s greatest living copywriter), winning sales letter headlines.

Here it is…

“How to Get a Lot of Clients SLOWLY”

(Gary’s headline was… “How to Get Rich Slowly,” as an FYI)

Now, if you look at these two titles…

“The 15 Minute Client” vs “How to Get a Lot of Clients SLOWLY,” you probably think I’m crazy for even contemplating this second option.

After all…

Getting clients in 15 minutes sounds way easier/faster than the second title.

And that’s the point…

I know the first is more attractive and so will pull in more leads for me.

But more leads ≠ more quality.

The Aussie Hermit is all about getting quality leads as well.

And I know the second may not sell as many books, but the quality will be far higher.

The reason?

Because the second speaks to a more skeptical Coach.

One that’s been around the block.
One that’s invested in many programs.

And one that, therefore, understands it takes time and money to build up a large client load.

In other words…

It’s a SLOW process.

Only the newbies think getting clients is quick/easy/cheap.

So by going with the second headline I’ll attract a Coach who gets better results plus is willing to invest more.

This is exactly why Gary used “How to Get Rich Slowly” with his sales letter.
(And why that sales letter crushed it)

He was speaking to the skeptical (or more educated) part of the market that knew getting rich takes time.

Too often we Coaches want to create headlines that make getting results with our system seem fast/simple/easy/cheap.

But often that very message attracts us the wrong crowd.

Those not looking to invest.

Those not looking to put in the work.

And those who complain when they don’t see results overnight.

Honestly, I’ll probably leave the title as The 15 Minute Client.

The reason being, I know it’s an offer that converts, and it lines up with the name of my program.

But The Aussie Hermit tells you…

I’m very very tempted to change it to the second.

With that being said…

If you want more and better quality clients, that’s exactly what I can help you with.

As you’ve just seen, a few small tweaks to the wording of your headlines and offers can greatly change the quality of clients you attract.

This is something I’ve had thousands of hours of experience doing with and for clients.

Whether that’s in my coaching programs, or the ad campaigns I run for some of them, I’ve spent a lot of time tweaking and adjusting their copy so that it converts online.

So much so, my personal copy has been responsible for 50M+ in coaching sales for clients (and that’s across many different markets, too).

If you’d like to get help attracting quality clients online, them make sure to put your name on The 15 Minute Client waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

Scriptwriting persuasion secrets

At college, one of the more valuable subjects The Aussie Hermit studied was scriptwriting.

Not because I now write movie scripts.

But because I’ve applied many things I learned in that class to my emails, sales letters, podcasts, and more.

Let me give you an example…

When writing a script, it’s obviously for a visual medium.

That being TV or film.

And so the way you write a story is very different than you would in a regular novel.

One of these ways is the visual aspect.

With a script, you must make everything “visual.”

In a novel, you can get away with not having to as much.

In a novel you can have a passage that says something like, “he was overcome with a deep internal rage.”  

But the same wouldn’t work in a script.

The audience needs to *see* that rage. Otherwise, how would they know he’s angry?

So in a script, you might have him punching a wall, setting something on fire, or strangling someone.

Point is…

A script needs to *show* the emotion.  

My scriptwriting teacher always drilled this line into me…

“Show, don’t tell. Show, don’t tell. Show, don’t tell.”

It’s a powerful principle.

Also, it’s very a persuasive principle when applied to copywriting.

Here’s what I mean:

When writing emails, sales letters, blogs or any form of content really, you want to show instead of tell.

Specifically, you want to use words that create a visual picture in your prospect’s mind because that will more readily persuade him or her.

Or another way of saying that is, you need to use more “verbs.”

Let me show you how it works…

Imagine in an email you’re telling a story about how hungry you were one day.

Well, the first way you could tell that story is like so…

“I woke up that morning incredibly hungry. So I immediately went downstairs and made myself a bowl of cereal”.

That’s one way.

Then the second way could be…

“The alarm clock rings at the side of my bed. From under the covers I reach out and start slapping around to turn off the annoying drone.

I open my eyes.

Immediately my stomach lets out a loud, contorted grumble.

“Oh my god. I need food.” I say in an urgent, croaky voice.

I sling the covers back and roll out of bed. I slide on my slippers and race down stairs…”


Notice the difference?

Notice how the second example is more visual?

Notice how it uses more verbs?

Also, notice how it’s more emotional?

This is exactly the type of language you want to use when persuading someone.

You *want* to drum up emotion because buying is mostly an emotional decision.

Using verbs is a great way to do this when storytelling.

There are more writing tricks I learned in class that apply to making more sales with your copy.

But that’s probably the biggest one.

Use it next time you’re telling a story (whether via email, sales letter, webinar or podcast), and watch how your audience gets sucked in.

More importantly…

Watch how more of them buy.

With that being said…

If you want to write copy that persuades and gets prospects to invest in your high ticket program, that’s exactly what The Aussie Hermit teaches inside my 15 Minute Client program.

Specifically, you’ll learn how to send regular emails that entertain, that add value, and most of all…

That sell.

The good news is, you don’t need to study for months in order to gain those skills.

I literally show you how you can send profitable emails starting the day you learn my system.

Along with learning how to write emails that sell, you’ll also discover The Aussie Hermit’s advertising system that builds your list on autopilot.

That way, your lead gen. works in the background without you thinking about it.

All you have to do to get clients is send one email per day.

To know when spots are open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

Legally plagiarise this high converting copy

If you ran a poll asking what Coaches struggle with most when it came to getting clients online, somewhere near the top would be "copywriting."

The truth is, though, this should be right down the bottom.

The reason?

Because copywriting is actually very simple.

In fact, it’s so simple you don’t even need to use your own words a lot of the time.

You can literally copy/paste your prospects’ and clients’ words right into ads, sales letters and emails.

That’s because all you’re doing with copywriting is speaking to the pain points, challenges, frustrations and desires of your market.

So what better way do that than using their own words?

Here’s a great example to illustrate this…

Following is a post The Aussie Hermit got out of a Facebook group my client runs for her clients.

(It’s a coaching community that guides women through her weight loss program)

And it’s a post I’m literally going to copy/paste into an ad (with my client’s permission of course).  

The reason why is - the lady who wrote this post expressed a lot of pain points, challenges, frustrations and desires I know other women in this market have.

And so instead of taking her story and writing it myself, I’m simply going to let her words (or her "copy") do the selling for me.

Here is that post now:

[NOTE: The Facebook Post Had a Picture of Her Sitting on a Swing]

"This swing right here is my "Big Why".

It’s a physical representation of why I decided I needed to make some changes in my life.

A year ago I jumped into this swing alongside my kids to join in their fun at the playground and instead, it was a very painful reminder of how I’d let years of poor decisions and lack of self love affect my body & my life.

That darn swing pinched me so badly it left huge purple bruises for days!

At the time I didn’t make a sound, let alone tell anyone how it had made me feel.

I’d become so used to denying how I felt, ignoring all the signs that my life was getting out of control that even in extreme pain, I plastered on a smile and pretended everything was okay.

That I was okay.

But that night in the shower when I saw the damage the swing had done to my body, it finally dawned on me just how miserable I was, how tired I was of feeling numb, how exhausting it was pretending to feel happy & how badly things needed to change .

So the next day I marched over to that darn swing, took a picture of it to remind me how it made me feel and a few weeks later signed up to [CLIENT PROGRAM]…determined to never feel that way again. I’ve looked at this picture everyday since.

Today I had the chance to go back to that swing. I strode over to that bit of plastic & metal with heart pumping and butterflies in my stomach.

And then, I sat in it. I actually sat in it! Yes it’s still a bit of a squeeze but I fitted and there’s not a bruise to be seen.

Truth be told, I don’t think I’ll ever fit properly. But I’m okay with that.

Standing looking at this swing today, remembering how I felt the last time I sat in it and then thinking about how I feel today, I realised I am such a different person than I was 12 months ago.

Yes, physically I’m 11kgs lighter but more importantly I’m so much happier. Happier with myself and with my life.

Even my kids and my husband are happier.

The journey of self discovery & self love that [CLIENT PROGRAM] has taken me on this year has made me see things so differently.

Today instead of feeling disappointed that I still couldn’t sit in it fully, I felt so proud of how far I’ve come and so happy that at least I could fit this time.

Instead of seeing this swing as a reminder of how little I loved myself & how unhappy I was with my body, I saw it for what it really is…

…this is a kids swing, made for kids & their skinny bums (my scrawny 8yr old almost fills the seat).

I’m not supposed to fit.

And no matter how many more kg’s I gift to the universe, these beautifully large hips of mine that allowed me to carry two beautiful boys into this world will never fit.

That’s okay.

Strangely, I feel quite grateful for this swing. Grateful that it gave me the kick up the bum (quite literally) I needed to stand back and take stock of my life and where it was headed. Grateful that it was the catalyst for a journey that continues to change my life in ways I couldn’t have imagined.

So thank you Mr Swing.

I’ve still got a little way to go to get to my goal but having gifted those few extra kg’s and being in a better mindset has already given me my life back.

I’ve reclaimed the energy & zest for life that I thought I’d lost forever.

I’m no longer a spectator, watching the world carry on around me. You’ll find me front & centre of every family adventure, every special moment. And I’ll be smiling, with a real smile this time.

A smile that is a genuine reflection of how full my heart is with happiness & love.

So this new year, I want to wish you the same.

I want you to be able to find what makes YOU genuinely happy.

I want you to be able to rediscover all the wonderful things that make you YOU.

I want you to be able to fall in love with yourself again and to know how worth it YOU are to spend some time working on YOU to get there.

YOU are the best investment you’ll ever make x"

Powerful, right?

And notice how she expressed common frustrations and challenges other women would resonate with?

Notice how she told a great before/after story?

Notice how she makes a compelling pitch for the program?

And notice how I didn’t write one word of it?

All I need to do now is add something like this to the the bottom…

"If you’d like to see if [CLIENT PROGRAM] can get your body back like [CLIENT NAME], simply click this link>>>"

Pretty cool, ey?

Of course, not every post a prospect or client does is going to be perfectly written like this.

Often you’ll take pieces of sentences or certain keywords and phrases that speak to a frustration/desire.

But the point is…

When you simply research how your clients and prospects describe their problem/what they want, you can often take those words verbatim and use them in your copy.

And that means you don’t need to be a great writer to create high converting copy.

It just means you need to know how to research effectively.

Finally, please don’t misconstrue the fact you’ll be copying the words and phrases your market uses to mean you don’t have to do work.

Copywriting may be simple.

But research takes work.

Hard work.

If you’re not willing to do that, then you may as well give up coaching now.

With that being said…

Inside The Aussie Hermits 15 Minute program I show you how to research your market effectively.

Specifically, I take you through my "Ultimate Research Rolodex," which reveals all the places I go to to learn about a market before writing one word of copy.

This is the same process I use before writing ads for clients.

And it’s the same process that’s helped me create multiple 7-figure campaigns in various markets.

I’m not an expert in these markets.

I simply knew where to look to get the words my prospects were using, then I used my proven copywriting frameworks to reflect those words back to them in my campaigns.

I want to show you how to do the same.

Along with that, I want to show you how to create a system that builds your list on autopilot using paid ads, and turn those subscribers into high paying clients sending one email per day.

To get added to the program waitlist, go here now:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

Beyond 2000 marketing claims that actually came true

Back in the 90’s when The Aussie Hermit was but a child hermit (a chermit?), I watched this show called “Beyond 2000.”

And, basically, it was all about predicting future technologies.

Some predictions it got right (like wearable computers, in-car navigation, flat screen TV’s and more).

But many it didn’t (like hover cars and manned missions to Mars).

At least - they haven’t come true yet.

But the show also had weird segments that had nothing to do with future tech, and were instead based more around scientific experiments.

And one of the segments had such an effect on me, I remember it some 30 years later.

In fact, it’s the only segment I remember clearly from the show.
It started out with the narrator saying…

“Do you get wetter by running or walking in the rain? Don’t go anywhere… The answer will surprise you!”

Then it cut to an ad break.

And during the commercials, I remember thinking to myself…

“This won’t be surprising at all. The answer must be running because everyone expects it to be walking.”

And even as a kid I remember thinking how “hypey” this promo was.

How could the answer be so surprising?

Then the ad break finished, the segment came back on, and they did the experiment.

The answer?

“You get the same amount wetness whether walking or running.”

“Wow” I thought. “That actually did surprise me” lol.

(Side note: Apparently myth-busters did this experiment a few years back. They found the correct answer to be “walking”)

And the reason I tell this story is because of all the episodes I watched over the years, this little 2 minute segment is the only one I remember.

And I think that’s pretty interesting.

What’s even more interesting (and maybe a little weird) is I think about it quite regularly.

I’m not 100% sure why.

But it probably comes down to the fact this show made a bold claim, and they fulfilled on that bold claim.

And because of that, it had a huge emotional impact on me.

So much so, I remember it, and think about it all these years later.

And that’s the lesson I want to communicate in today’s email…

When you create an emotional impact on your client, they’ll remember you for years.

They’ll refer you.

They’ll be your biggest advocate.

And, also, they’ll buy from you over and over again.


Creating an emotional impact doesn’t mean making the biggest claims.

It means fulfilling on your biggest claims.

Let The Aussie Hermit explain:

When it comes to marketing, I want to make the strongest claim possible.

But, I also want to make sure that any claim I make can be achieved by the vast majority of Coaches attempting it.

For example, the main promise of my 15 Minute Client program is…

“Attract Premium Clients Sending 1 Email Per Day”

It’s a strong claim, but it’s also not the biggest claim I could make.

And that’s by design.

The reason being, I know if I can fulfil on a strong promise - even if that promise isn’t the biggest one I could make - it’s going to have a far higher emotional impact on my client.

Or another way of saying that is…

If I make a claim of getting to 20k/mo and they achieve it, it’ll have a far higher impact on my client than if I make a claim they’ll get to 100k/mo and they only get 20k/mo.

In the end, the result is still the same, but only one achieves a high emotional impact.

Something to think about as you write your next piece of copy.

With that being said…

Getting your marketing claims right is incredibly important.

For example, your high ticket offers must have a strong marketing claim (called your “promise”) if you want someone to invest.

The problem is…

We Coaches tend to get these claims wrong.

We either under promise.

Over promise.

Or we make a promise that’s too vague, ambiguous, or completely confusing.

Enter The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program.

Inside I help you create marketing claims that actually work.

I help you craft a lead magnet headline that attracts the right prospect on to your list…

I help you produce an email offer that actually gets appointments, and most of all…

I help you build a high ticket offer prospects happily fork over large sums of money for.

And when you combine all these together, you have a system that brings in a consistent flow of high paying clients sending one email per day.

If that sounds like something you want, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

Grammatical errors that boost email response

A few days ago a grammar nazi posted a comment on one of my ads.
The ad, as an FYI, was offering one of my lead magnets…

“The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free.”

And the reason he had a problem with the ad was because of the word “get.” As he (rightly) pointed out, it should be “gets.”

Here’s the thing though…

Even though The Aussie Hermit doesn’t always use perfect grammar, in this instance I meant to use the word “get” instead of “gets.”

Here’s why…

When writing persuasive copy, sometimes incorrect grammar is more effective at persuading someone.

Usually, this is when you’re using a verb.

You want the verb to be in its strongest *visual* form.

For example…

“The 9 Email Offers that Gets Coaching Clients Free.”


“The 9 Email Offers that *Get* Coaching Clients Free.”

The second is stronger because the first feels like you’re *in the process* of getting coaching clients.

While the second feels more final - like you’ve already got them.

Another, more obvious, example of this is when using “ing” at the end of a word.

As much as possible, you want to remove “ing”-type words from your copy/headlines.
And the reason is the same as above…

When you add “ing,” it feels like they’re in the process of getting whatever you’re promising.

But when you remove it, it feels like they’ve already got it.

Let me give you an example:

“…and that’s how you’re attracting clients fast.”


“…and that’s how you attract clients fast.”

Notice the second is stronger?

It’s a small thing. But one that makes your emails, headlines and copy a bit more persuasive.

With that being said…

I could rattle off another 100+ copywriting techniques and tricks I’ve used over the years in my ads, sales letters, and webinars.

But the truth is, to get clients with email, you really only need to know a few of the core ones.

And that’s exactly what I teach you inside my 15 Minute Client program.


I teach you subject line formulas that get your emails opened…

I teach you different ways to hook your reader from the very first sentence…

I teach you how to sell your offer so you (finally) get some appointments…

And I even teach you 11 copywriting-specific editing techniques I’ve used on all my 7-figure+ campaigns to significantly boost response.

Along with that, I teach you how to create simple copy that gets the *right* prospect clicking on your ad and opting into your email list.

If you’re interested in joining the program, make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

9 copy books recommended by The Aussie Hermit

Yesterday, this question from Kim, a subscriber, slid into the hermit hole:

"I'd love to know if you know of any books or trainings that might help me grow into a better coach. I know you've done and seen them all haha. I love your emails by the way I want to buy your program every time I get one HAHA"

The Aussie Hermit’s first thought?

"Kim, you say you want to buy but I don’t see your cash in my bank account.

This is a big problem.

Send me your CC details and we’ll get this sorted asap."

And my second thought?

"This question would make a great email."
Here’s why…

As much as I wish I could say I created 7-figure campaigns from my own brilliance, the truth is, I did it off the back of the copywriting greats of the past.

The only thing I added to the equation was hard work.

So if you can bring some of that to the table, then reading (and implementing) the following list of The Aussie Hermit’s favourite copywriting books could help you do the same.

Here now is my list of top copy books (in no particular order):

  1. Breakthrough Advertising by Gene Schwartz…
  2. Tested Advertising Methods (4th Edition) by John Caples…
  3. The Ultimate Sales Letter by Dan Kennedy…
  4. Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins…
  5. Dotcom Secrets by Russell Brunson…
  6. Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson…
  7. The Adweek Copywriting Handbook by Joe Sugarman…
  8. Cashvertising by Drew Eric Whitman…
  9. The Boron Letters by Gary Halbert…

And a bonus copy resource/website (not a book)…

      10. The Gary Halbert Letters

Of course, there are many others.

But those are the first ones that farted out of my mind, so they must be the ones that impacted me the most.


What you’ll notice above is that none of the above books in that list are on "email copywriting."

That’s something I found not many people teach well.

However, there are a couple of email experts I’ll mention because like above, most of what I learned when it comes to email was off their backs.

And those two experts are Ben Settle and Matt Furey.

I highly recommend checking out anything they produce or have produced.

These guys are the "OGs" of email.

And like above, if it wasn’t for their knowledge, I wouldn’t have produced anywhere near the types of results with my personal and client email campaigns.

So gotta give those props.

With that being said…

Probably the biggest thing that separates The Aussie from those above is that everything I teach has been specifically applied to help Coaches get more clients.


Instead of you having to go through all of the books above and figure out how what they teach applies to you/your coaching business, you come into the program and use my frameworks that have done all that work for you.

You don’t have to learn copywriting principles, you can just "fill in the blank" for a lot of processes and get the same result.

Or another way of saying that is…

Everything I teach in the program is based on time-tested copywriting principles applied specifically for Coaches.

However, I don’t go into a lot of detail on those principles.

You simply follow the templates and frameworks inside knowing that that’s how they’ve been created.

You don’t have to think about it.

It just works.


Creating copy that converts is just one aspect of the program.

Other parts include…

—> Picking your niche…
—> Crafting your offer, and…
—> Building your list on autopilot with paid ads.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

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