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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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How to turn your daily crap into daily clients

A while back Apple released a new feature on their phones to track your activity.

It’s called, "Screen Time."

And, at the end of the week, it gives you a breakdown of exactly how much time you spent on social media and certain apps.

It’s pretty eye opening the first time you get that report.

I remember the first time I got it it said I’d spent over 5 hours that week on Instagram alone.

That’s a lot of time wasting.

And pretty scary when you think about it.

I remember back when I was struggling for clients in London I’d often waste a lot of time on social media.

Time I didn’t have to waste.

And yet, because I was overwhelmed, paralysed, stuck on what to do - I’d find myself mindlessly scrolling to escape.

The good news is, I don’t go on Instagram and other platforms as much now.

Part of that is because of Apple’s Screen Time app.

The other part is because I have 2 young kids and the only time The Aussie Hermit can get on my phone is when I take a crap.

Here’s the truth though…

I probably shouldn’t be spending any time on it at all.

And if you know you’re the same, I want to give a tip right now to make your phone (and poopin’) time far more productive.

The next time you pull out your mobile on the loo, instead of going straight to Insta or Facebook or for us conspiracy theorists - Telegram - open up your notes app and write an email.

Even if you don’t get the whole email done, at least you’ll have the beginning of one.

Then, when you have the time that day or next morning, you can finish it off and send it out.

This would be a far more productive (and profitable) way to use your phone.

And a very time efficient way to get clients.

With that being said…

If you want more clients with email, one of the pieces that’s critical to your success is getting a consistent flow of quality leads onto your list.

It’s all well and good for The Aussie Hermit to tell you to send out an email, but if your list is dead or you’ve got no subscribers, ain’t not much is going to happen.

This is why I created my 15 Minute Client program.

Inside I show you how to get quality prospects opting in using paid ads.

That way, you’ll always be building your list whether you’re sleeping, eating, and yes - poopin’ too.

Along with that, I show you how to send a marketing email each day your prospects actually enjoy opening, reading and buying from.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

The “no headline” sales letter that made 2 billion

A few days ago The Aussie Hermit wrote an email entitled…

“A tale of 2 coaches seeking The Aussie Hermit’s help.”

And, it told a story about how one client was generating quality leads, while the other wasn’t.

But what I love about that email is the copywriting structure I used.


It does a great job in persuading because it shows the negatives of one path vs the positives of the other.

Or another way of saying that…

It uses the power of “contrast” to persuade.

Further, this structure is so powerful it created what many consider “the most successful sales letter ever written.”

It’s called, “Tale of Two Young Men.”

And it was a short story worth 2 billion (with a “b”) in subscriptions for The Wall Street Journal from 1975-2003.

Funny thing is…

That sales letter/story had no headline at all.

That’s how powerful this framework is.


I’ve modelled this framework many times over the years.

A few years back when I was a “gun for hire” copywriter, I used it to get applications for a private school from cold traffic.

And, it worked extremely well.

(Applications for less than $30 from what I recall)

So what I thought I’d do is show you that ad so you can analyse it.

And so you can see this contrasting of 2 stories in action.

Before we get into it, I will say that it’s pretty similar to The Wall Street Journal ad.

And that’s by design.

But it’s also different enough that it has its own personality.

Anyway, here it is in all it’s glory.



What’s the secret to getting into a good college?

Here’s a tale of two (very similar) teens that reveals it…

On a beautiful spring afternoon, twenty-five years ago, two young girls graduated from the same middle school…

They were very much alike…

Both had better than average grades...

Both were liked by those around them…

And both wanted to make the most out of the next 4 years in high-school so they could get into the top college of their choice that would set them up for life...

Recently, these two girls (now 25 years older) bumped into each other at their home town, and they decided to catch up over a coffee...

And when they did they realised they were still very much alike!

It was uncanny...

Both were happily married…

Both had three children…

And both, it turned out, had graduated from college.

But there was a difference...

You see, the first woman graduated from her top college of choice. One with an extremely good reputation and quality education...

Because of that, she was picked up immediately upon graduating and went on to have a hugely successful career in the STEM fields.

For her, life was easy. Prosperous. Successful.

And the other woman?

Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to get into her first choice college... Or 2nd… Or 3rd…

In fact, the only college she was accepted into was her 5th choice!

Because of that, not many job opportunities came her way upon graduating.

And, like many graduates these days, she was left with a huge pile of debt that took her years to pay off while working a low-paying job she never wanted.

For her, it had been a life of regret and struggle.

So, what made the difference between these two?

Have you ever wondered, as I have, what makes this kind of difference in people’s lives?

It isn’t intelligence or talent or dedication.

It isn’t that one person wants success and the other doesn’t…

The difference lies in the big, life altering decisions we make...

The right decision can steer you toward a path of success, prosperity and ease…

The wrong decision can steer you toward a path of failure, poverty and struggle…

And that’s why I am writing to you today about SCHOOL NAME.

For that is the whole purpose of our school…

To give you the best opportunity to get into your college of choice and land you on that path of success, prosperity and ease.

And how do we do that?

We are a school unlike any other…

You see, SCHOOL NAME is a unique school…

We provide a top-ranked, college preparatory education for years 9-12.

Many of our graduates get into their first choice college.

And because of our stellar reputation, these include top IVY league schools such as Harvard, Cornell and the University of Pennsylvania.

The secret to our success?

For one, we have an average class size of just 12 students.

And that means you get the individual attention you need to get the highest grades possible…

Second, we have been named amongst the “100 Best Communities for Young People"...

(An initiative which ranks the top 100 communities that best prepares young people for success)...

And probably our biggest secret is this...

Our high-school students live on campus to study.


Over years 9-12 they eat, live and breathe their education at SCHOOL NAME.

They’re able to give their education 100% focus and because of that…

They give themselves the best possible opportunity to into their college of choice.

Now, does that mean SCHOOL NAME is all work and no play?


Getting a top class education is only one of the reasons our students choose us...

Imagine waking up with your friends, every morning, to enjoy the school day together…

Picture yourself strolling into the food hall each day for breakfast, lunch and dinner that looks like something out of Harry Potter...

Envision walking to downtown Hudson for a coffee or yoga session in the afternoons and weekends…

Completely independent.

But there’s more…

Imagine quiet time in the high ceiling library, cosied up in the corner, reading your favourite book…

Or how about attending one of the regular dance parties in the dorm with friends…

Or maybe that’s not for you?

What if you took a hike into Cuyahoga Valley National Park to surround yourself with some of the countries most beautiful scenery?

And that’s just the beginning...

It would take me hours to tell you about all the extra curricular activities and places to see and go when you become a student at SCHOOL NAME...

I haven’t even mentioned the arts and athletics opportunities.

So as you can see…

SCHOOL NAME is not just about giving you top-ranked, college preparatory education…

It’s an all encompassing educational experience public and private schools just cannot compete with.

Now, I’m not going to sugar coat it…

Living on campus away from friends and family is a tough decision.

But is it the right decision or the wrong decision?

That’s the big decision for you to make.

What I can tell you is for the vast majority of our students who are now prospering in and after college, for them, it was definitely the right decision.

To enquire how SCHOOL NAME might be able to get you a top-ranked, college preparatory education, click the link below and fill out the short form now:



Head of School


Pretty cool, hey?

And, it makes a great case to join that school.

I wish I could say I invented this structure.

But I didn’t.

Like most of what I know, I learned it study the copywriting greats over the years.


Next time you go to send an email, think how you can use 2 different stories that contrast each other to showcase why your method is best vs. why another is not.

With that being said…

Writing copy that converts is something we Coaches have a hard time with.

And, unfortunately, it’s a necessary skill if you want clients.

That’s the bad news.

The good news is, it becomes pretty straightforward when you use frameworks like what I’ve just demonstrated above.

And that’s why clients love my 15 Minute Client email writing framework.

Because it shows you a simple 3-step structure for sending out emails that get opened, read and bought from - even if you’ve never studied copywriting, or have ever got a client from email.

Along with that…

You can get these emails done in just a few minutes.

Of course, in the beginning it will take you about 30 minutes or so each day. Sometimes more.

But as you send them out consistently you get much faster.

If you want more clients sending just one email per day, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Psycho Stephen King says surprisingly sane answer

A while back The Aussie Hermit read a question Stephen King gets asked a lot is…

"What type of pen do you use when writing?"

To which he always replies (paraphrased)…

"It’s not about the pen. It’s about the writer."

And, as much as I think he’s an absolute psycho, I enjoy that response.

But what I love most is this question that's asked.

It tells you so much about what people think creates success, and what actually creates success.

Most people are focused on the surface-level "tricks" or "tools."

Some of these writers actually think having a Bic pen vs a PaperMate (or whatever) will help them write better or become more successful.

Obviously, though, it’s not about that.

It’s about the stuff they’ve heard a million times before, but don’t want to implement because it’s too "hard" or "boring" or "tedious."

AKA: the fundamentals.

Us Coaches are the same.

We’re more concerned about implementing the latest "ninja hack" or "conversion secret" or "bot automation" than mastering the fundamentals.

And because of that, we struggle.

Here’s the truth:

Achieving success is very basic.

Not easy, but basic.

Here’s the "secret:"

You want to focus on the fundamentals.

You want to do them until you master them.

Then, only after you’ve mastered them (and got results), should you be looking to implement the 1%’ers.

AKA: The tricks and tactics that make incremental changes in campaign response.

It’s that’s simple.

Of course, most don’t want to hear this.

And that’s OK.

I’m not talking to most Coaches who want the latest tactic or complex guru funnel.

I’m talking to the Coach who’s already gone down that path and realises it doesn’t work.

If that’s you, then what I’m going to do right now is lay out a very simple process based on the fundamentals of marketing and sales, to help get you all the clients you could ever need.

Here we go:

  1. Research your dream client to the point where you know them better than they know themselves…
  2. Craft an offer so irresistible your prospects would feel silly saying no to…
  3. Build your list on autopilot with a basic lead magnet and paid ads, and…
  4. Send a 15-30 minute email to that list each day with valuable content, and an offer to work with you.

Again, very basic.

And pretty boring.

But that's what success often is.

With that being said…

While the strategy I outlined above is nothing new.

I will say once you start sending your daily emails, it does become fun.

What I've heard from clients over and over again is that sending daily does get some taking used to, but once you get in the groove it's very enjoyable.

The reason why is, inside my 15 Minute Client program I share a very unique process for coming up with email ideas that make you excited to write about.

Along with that...

I take you through each of the steps above.

That way, you have a client attraction system built on fundamentals and not fly-by-night tactics.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

My freaky dating encounter

True story:

In 2013/14 The Aussie Hermit lived in London.

And, being a lonely hermit I was often looking for a lady friend.

A lady hermit, even.

And not being one to approach women outside my home I, of course, used a dating strategy fit for a hermit:


I must have spent a good hour or so each day swiping through hundreds of different profiles, such was The Hermit’s loneliness.

Anyway, on the odd occasion where I got a match, I’d get to talking.

Rarely did it lead anywhere.

But sometimes it did.

And this one time I managed to meet up with a girl who seemed pretty normal when we chatted via text.

But, like many online meetups, when it got into the real world things went down hill pretty quick.

Here’s what happened:

I show up at a local pub around 7pm.

I walk in and notice her sitting at a table in the corner.

Good news: She actually looks like her profile!

This date is already an 8/10 for a Tinder meetup.

I walk over and introduce myself. She has a beautiful smile, and beautiful eyes.

Another win.

We sit down, start chatting, and after 10 minutes this girl seems really cool.

Really down to earth.

Even better, the way she’s speaking to me seems like she’s interested.

Lots of smiling, eye contact etc.

“Can this get any better?” I think to myself.

Oh it can…

Then she asks, “so, what are the other like girls have you met up with? Do you take them home?”

“Ahh… Not really no.” I answer honestly. “I’m not a guy that does that on the first date.”

She seems disappointed. Then I ask the question I shouldn’t have…

“What about you?”

Then, I kid you not, she proceeds to tell me about all these guys she’s hooked up with.

What she’s done with them.

Which types are her favourite (older men, as an FYI).

And how she loves to hook up.

By this stage my eyes are bulging out of my head, not believing what I’m hearing.

I look down at my watch and it says 7.15.

We’ve been here 15 minutes.

15 minutes.

She finishes her story off by asking…

“So is that something you want to do to me?”

“CHECK!” I yell.

You’ve never seen a hermit scamper off so fast in your life.

I got the hell outta there and never spoke to her again.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I think propositioning someone before they’ve finished their first beer is a little too quick.

There’s got to be a bit more of a relationship for me.

And you know what?

It’s the same with selling high-ticket coaching.

Sure you can meet a prospect and within 15 minutes be pitching your $3k+ offer. But are you going to get many saying “yes” to that?


And even if you do, you have to think to yourself…

What type of client says “yes” to a high-ticket offer within minutes of meeting?

Probably one full of herpes, that's who.

(AKA: a client that buys “hype” and will probably refund if they don’t see results within the first week)

The point is...

When you start talking about your program too quickly, you often scare off prospects.

Instead, you want to build a relationship.

That way, when you do ask for the sale it’s well received, and you have much more chance of signing them up, and most importantly…

Keeping them for a long time.

Personally, I don’t like the guru funnels to build relationships.

The reason why is, most of them are set up to ask for s3x on the second date instead of the first.


Even though they’re not as bad as pitching right away, they still ask for the sale too quickly.

And the downside of that is, you still tend to get prospects that motivated by hype.

This is why I prefer email.

By sending an email each day you build the relationship over time.

You show the prospect who you are.

They get to know you.

They get to experience your expertise through your email content.

And then when they’re ready to take the next step, they simply click the soft call to action at the bottom of the email.

Is it the sexiest approach?

Not really.

It’s probably more akin to dating back in the 50’s where you took a girl multiple times before even giving her a kiss.

But I think it’s better this way because if you look at those relationships from back then, many are still going today.

Something you can’t say about today’s young crowd.

With that being said…

If you like the idea of attracting clients who stick with you for years, then maybe The Aussie Hermit can help.

As mentioned, I like daily emails to get clients.

And, I have a program that teaches the exact framework I use so you can do the same.

It’s step-by-step, and shows any Coach - even those not experienced in copywriting - how to create great emails your list loves to open, read and buy from.

Along with that, I show you how to build your list on autopilot.

That way, the only thing you’re doing each day to attract clients is your one daily email.
To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Joe Rogan’s guide to content creation

A podcast The Ol’ Aussie Hermit likes to listen to every now and then (between listening to my main "conspiracy theory" ones, of course), is The Joe Rogan Experience.

It’s a breath of fresh air from the censorship that’s going on everywhere else at the moment.

But what I also find really interesting is the length of the episodes.

Most of the interviews Rogan does go for 2-3 hours.

That’s a long time.

Especially when attention spans are at an all time low.

Further, there are many other podcasters and experts that produce similarly long content.

Jordan Peterson comes to mind.

And the reason why I find this interesting is because it completely flies in the face of what "gurus" teach when they say things like:

"You’ve got to keep your content short!"


"People won’t watch videos longer than 3 minutes! Keep ALL your vids less than 3 minutes!"


"No one reads long articles anymore. Keep your articles 500 words or less to keep them engaged"


If that were true, then broadcasters like Rogan with long content would have no listeners.

But they don’t.

They have millions of listeners every episode.

So what’s going on here?

How is he able to get people to turn in for hours on end to his content?

Well, I believe there are 2 simple reasons:

1) The content is valuable.


It speaks to questions/challenges/desires the listener has about a particular topic.

When you provide information that helps people grow, they’ll naturally want to listen, read or watch.

This is something we Coaches do pretty well for the most part.

It’s the next one we have trouble with…

2) The content is entertaining.

The main reason Rogan and others are able to get people tuning in for long periods of time is because their content entertains.

As mentioned, it’s something us Coaches rarely do or even think about when it comes to content creation.

Take a look at your favourite movies.

Particularly the ones you’ve watched over and over again.

Even when they’re 2 or 3 hours long, it almost feels like they’re only a few minutes long.


Because they’re entertaining.

You don’t think about the time or how long something is when you’re being entertained.

You just enjoy the ride.

Well, the same is true when you make your content entertaining.

Prospects will eat it up no matter how long - especially if you can make it relevant, too.

And you know what?

It’s exactly the same with email.

I hear a lot of gurus say you need to keep your emails short because "who reads long emails anymore?"

In fact…

I was just speaking to a client the other day who was told by some guru that she needed to keep her emails just to a couple of sentences and "get the click" otherwise her emails wouldn’t work anymore.

It’s BS like this that makes The Aussie Hermit’s tin foil hat spin.

Here’s the truth:

When you deliver emails that are valuable and that entertain, length will never be an issue.

Ever ever ever.

For example, I send emails all the time that are up to 1,000 words or more.

And yet, I still get people opening, reading and buying from them.

I've even written FB ads that are over 2,500 words long.

And these turned out to be my most profitable ever.

So don’t listen to the ex-spurts who tell you to make your content short because attention spans are low.

Instead, go with the interests, desires and motivations of the market…

Make your content entertaining because that’s what people actually want.

With that being said…

If making entertaining emails is the goal, then what absolutely don’t want is to send your list is dry, boring or dull content .

That’s a great way to make click rates plummet, and everyone tune out.

And, unfortunately, after critiquing hundreds of Coaches emails this is typically what they produce.

That’s the bad news.

The good news is, there’s an easy fix.

Enter The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program.

Inside I share with you the "15 Minute Email" framework that allows any Coach, even those who can’t entertain a baby, create emails people actually want to turn in to.

Along with that, the framework shows you how to take those entertaining emails and make them super valuable.

That way, you demonstrate your expertise and give people a reason to book a call to work with you.

Of course, there is a lot more I go into.


—> Formulas for subject lines…

—> Editing techniques…

—> How to pitch in a non sleazy way...


And I even show you how to build your list on autopilot.

Point is…

There’s a ton more inside that allows any Coach to send entertaining and valuable emails that get lots of clients.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

A tale of 2 coaches seeking The Aussie Hermit’s help

Following is a tale of 2 coaches seeking The Aussie Hermit’s help:

Both are attracting nurses.

Both have lead magnets.

Both are running ads.

And both are getting opt ins.

However, one Coach is getting quality subscribers - those motivated to buy. And the other is not.

Can you guess which is which?

Here is the name of one lead magnet:

“5 Ways to Nail Your Nursing Shift.”

And here is the name of the second…

“The 5 Step Framework to Beat Nurse Burnout.”

So again…

Which lead magnet do you think is bringing in better quality leads?

The answer is #2.

The reason?

Because #2 clearly speaks to an urgent problem.

That being, “burnout.”

Conversely, “5 Ways to Nail Your Nursing Shift” is not speaking to any problem at all.

“Nailing your shift” is very vague.

And because of that, the nurses opting in won’t have an urgent problem they’re willing to invest in to solve.

I see this problem with lead magnets all the time.

And The Aussie Hermit can spot them from a mile away.

The Coach thinks that because they’re getting opt ins, that their lead magnet is working.


The goal of a lead magnet is to bring quality opt ins on to your list.

AKA: Those motivated to get help today, and have the money to invest.


Many gurus out there will say, “lead magnets don’t work” or “they bring in low quality leads.”

Yes, that’s true if you have no idea what you’re doing.

(Which, let’s be honest - most “marketing gurus” don’t have any idea what they’re doing)

But the truth is…

When you know how to craft the right lead magnet that speaks to a motivated prospect with money, you can get very good quality leads.

Even with cold traffic.

And what I’ve just shown you is one of the things I look at to increase lead quality.

You want to make sure your lead magnet always speaks to an urgent problem.

Otherwise, you’ll just be pouring your ad money down the drain.

With that being said…

If you want to build an email list with quality leads using paid ads, that’s exactly what I show you how to do in my 15 Minute Client program.

From crafting your lead magnet, to writing your ad, to launching your campaign.

I take you through everything.

Along with that, there's a framework for everything. So even if you’re a “newbie” to ads, you can make your campaign convert.

(With my guidance, most of my clients get quality opt ins the very first time they launch their campaign).


Once you have leads jumping onto your list, I show you how to turn them into high paying clients sending one email per day.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

12 f’n rules for success


This email contains quite a bit of profanity.

And so, if you know that typically gets your knickers in a knot…

Or if your blood boils just at the thought of an f-bomb - probably best stop reading.
WIth that being said…

A while back The Aussie Hermit came across a pretty cool post on Instagram.
It was a list of “12 f$#%ing rules of success.”

And, because it’s relevant to us Coaches, I thought I’d share.

Here we go:

1. Do the f***ing work. Don’t be lazy.

2. Stop f***ing waiting. It’s time.

3. Rely on yourself. The universe doesn’t give a f***.

4. Be f***ing practical. Success is not a theory.

5. Be productive early. Don’t f*** around all day.

6. Don’t be a f***ing baby. Life’s hard. Get on with it.

7. Don’t hang out with f***wits.

8. Don’t f***ing waste energy on sh!t you can’t control.

9. Stop bullish!tting. It’s f***ing embarrassing.

10. Stop being a f***ing people-pleaser. It’s sad.

11. Stop putting toxic sh!t in your body. It’s f***ing stupid.

12. Stop doing the same f***ing thing and hoping sh!t will change.

Besides all the swearing, I think it’s pretty on point.

The one I particularly like for helping you grow your business is number 10:

“Stop being a f***ing people-please. It’s sad.”

And the reason why is, over the years I’ve found many a Coach os far too ‘safe’ with their marketing.


They’re afraid to say what they really think in fear of people not liking them.

And because of that, they put out this bland, boring, “vanilla” version of themselves.

Sure, no one hates them.

But it also means no one really loves them, either.

Here’s the truth:

If you want to stand out in your marketplace, and if you want to build a rabid following of clients…

You’ve got to stop trying to please everyone.

Instead, tell people what you really think.

They’ll respect you more for it (even if it’s not what they want to hear). And by doing so, sure, you’ll turn people off - but you’ll turn people on as well.

So to speak.

And those people you do turn on are the ones that will be the best clients, will give you the best case study results, and of course… will spend the most money.

With that being said…

The best way I know to create a tribe who follows you (and buys virtually everything you sell), is to send a daily email.

By sending an email each day you get to demonstrate your personality…

You get to tell people what you really think and feel.

And you get to explain what they need to do to finally get results.

And when you combine all of that, it creates an almost “magnetic connection” with those prospects on your list who are a perfect fit for your personality and program.

I tell my clients all the time…

One of the great things about email is that you attract clients you love working with, but most importantly…

You repel those you won’t love working with.

And the reason why is - your list gets a taste of your real personality in every email.

So the more you can say what’s really on your mind, the better it is for business (and integrity).

To know when spots open to my 15 Minute Client program, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

An “old news” client strategy that still works

A while back The Aussie Hermit was reading a great business book called, "ReWork."

It’s by the guys who created Basecamp (previously 37 Signals).

And, while I liked pretty much the whole book (I’ve read it multiple times).

There was one chapter entitled, "Focus on what won’t change," that really struck a chord.

Here some of that chapter below with my comments to follow:


"A lot of companies focus on the next big thing.

They latch on to what’s hot and new.

They follow the latest trends and technology.

That’s a fool’s path.

You start focusing on fashion instead of substance.

You start paying attention to things that are constantly changing instead of things that last.

The core of your business should be built around things that won’t change. Things that people are going to want today and ten years from now.

Those are the things you should invest in."


Great advice.

And the reason why this struck a chord is because this is exactly how I used to run my coaching business.

I was always focused on the latest marketing fad or guru funnel.

Whether it was figuring out the best "button colour" on my landing pages…

Or what type of "tripwire funnel" I needed to have…

Or what the best "split test" feature was…

Or what the best "interest audience" is to use in my ads…

+hundreds of others.

And the problem with that was…

One week my tactic would work, and then next it didn’t.

This then led me onto more fads that never gave me consistent results.

It was a fool's path.

So much so, after years of effort, I had virtually nothing to show for it.

Just a lot of debt and a lot of frustration.

Which is why The Aussie Hermit is passionate about this subject.

I see a lot of Coaches make the same mistakes I was.

And so one of the core messages I try to drill into you in my daily emails is to stay away from the bright shiny marketing tactics.

Sure, they’re sexy.

Sure, they’re exciting.

But they’re always changing.

And so they rarely pay off.

However, what does pay off is what doesn’t change.

What does pay off is what has worked in the past and will work in the future.

What does pay off are the stalwarts.

The evergreen strategies.

The "oh I’ve already heard of that before" approaches.

That’s what I look for now.  

And while I know they may not be sexy.

They may not be as exciting as the latest guru fad, I know they’ll continue to work for years to come.

A great example of this is email.

People rarely give email the time of day.

It’s not spoken about on social media.

It’s not promoted in guru ads.

It’s not exciting.

It’s "old news."

And that’s why I like it.

It’s been here from the beginning of the Internet, and most likely, it’ll be here until the end of it.

(Unless, of course, the Rothschild’s figure out a way for us to "telepathically communicate" using the nano chips they’ve put in these Covid Vaccines.

And that means you can feel secure knowing you’re building your business around a client-attraction method that won’t change.

Which also means you can spend less time keeping up with the latest guru fad, and more time working with clients.

With that being said…

This is exactly how I’ve built my 15 Minute Client program.

In fact, if you were to come back in 20 years from now, everything inside would still be relevant and you’d still be able to get clients from it.

The reason?

Because everything inside is based on principles and strategies that will stand the test of time:

Step 1) Create an irresistible offer your market desperately needs…

Step 2) Advertise a lead magnet that brings in quality leads onto your list, and…

Step 3) Send that list one email each day that demonstrates your expertise, and has a call to action to work with you.

Again, it’s not sexy.

But it’s simple, and will continue to work for years to come.

If you like the sound of building your business off a strategy that doesn’t change, then put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

13 free ways to get traffic

Let The Aussie Hermit give you a list of all the ways I used to get traffic:

  1. Networking up to 5 nights per week.
  2. A YouTube show (back then it was "Google Hangouts").
  3. Speaking.
  4. Running small group workshops.
  5. Posting on social media.
  6. Blogging.
  7. Running a podcast.
  8. Building a LinkedIn group.
  9. Building a Facebook group.
  10. JV's.
  11. Connecting with people on LinkedIn.
  12. Cold calling.
  13. Door knocking.

Plus many more.

Did they work?

Not really.

And the reason why is 4-fold:

  1. They often took a lot of time to build momentum.
  2. They’re not that scalable.
  3. They took up a lot of my time.
  4. They didn’t work unless I worked.

And this last one is something many don’t think about.

Want to get traffic from speaking? You gotta be on stage.

Want to get traffic from Join Ventures? You gotta be on calls, building JV relationships and organising the promos.

Want to get traffic from blogging? You gotta be writing long, detailed posts every week. Otherwise, if you stop, the strategy no longer works.  

Now I’m not saying you shouldn’t do them.

If you have the time and inclination, some can be great.

But for me, it’s a hard sell when compared to the alternative.

Here’s how my traffic works:

  1. It’s instant.

    No spending months putting together content or trying to get booked somewhere. I can turn it on and off like a tap.
  2. It’s scalable.

    If I want to earn more I just turn up the tap.
  3. It’s automatic.

    Once the campaign is set up and running, I spend about 5-10 minutes per week keeping it going. It works without me having to be there.

Think of it this way…

Now, when I’m sleeping, I’m generating leads.

When I’m eating breakfast, I’m generating leads.

When I’m in the gym, with my family, and even on the toilet - I’m generating leads.

The only downside?

The traffic is paid.

For me though, that’s a price I’m willing to pay to give me a business where the only thing I need to do to get clients is send one email each day.

Because before, I’d have to spend 2-5 hours per day just on the traffic generation before I even got to my email.

Maybe I could justify that when I was single.

But now with a family?

Not a chance.

With that being said…

If a lot of your time is currently being sucked up by these free methods, and you want to transition to a more automated, scalable way, then maybe The Aussie Hermit can help?

Inside my 15 Minute Client program, I show you how to build your list the paid way.

Along with that, I give you a 3-step email framework to turn that list into premium clients every week.

The only catch?

There’s a waitlist.

To know when spots open next, head on over to this link here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

My embarrassing book launch fail

True story:

Back in 2014, I wrote my first book.

And, it was a book on how to get clients with LinkedIn.

Specifically, LinkedIn groups.

The strategy was pretty cool too…

Basically, it was showed Coaches how to:

1) Grow their own huge LinkedIn group for free using a copy/paste script…

2) Cultivate that group, and…

3) Leverage it to get clients (one of the cool things about LinkedIn groups that a lot of people don’t know, is that you can send out one email/broadcast message to your group that goes right to their inbox each week. So it’s these weekly broadcast emails that you can promote whatever… a webinar, free strategy session etc. to get clients)

Anyway, the process was straightforward. It was simple. And most of all, it worked.

Also, it was how I built my own LinkedIn group of 18,000+ Coaches (which I still have today).

So I wrote a book about this whole approach.

Got it edited.

Got a forward from my mentor.

Planned out this huge launch.

The whole 9 yards.

Then, The Aussie Hermit kids you not, the day before the book was going to go live, LinkedIn change their whole platform. No longer could you grow groups the way I showed in the book.

I was shattered.

Literally 6 months worth of work went down the drain in an instant.

It was a catastrophic failure.

But the worst part?

The method I used to get clients was no longer effective. Sure, I could get prospects on the phone with my LinkedIn group - but I no longer had anything to sell. The only strategy I knew that worked was my LinkedIn strategy!

All my clients left me (as they could no longer grow their groups either).

And, my income dried up in an instant.


And, it taught me a huge lesson…

Don’t rely on Facebook. Don’t rely on LinkedIn. Don’t rely on any one platform.


You don’t control it.

They can make changes at any moment (and often - they do).

How many people do you hear that get banned on Facebook ads, or get the “Google Slap” and their business dries up too?

A lot.

It’s just not a smart way to go.

So my advice is, use these platforms while you can, but never rely on them. Don’t base your whole business around them. Because one day, they probably won’t be there, or they may even kick you off.

My advice?

Build your own platform.

A platform you own.

A platform you control.

A platform you can get clients with no matter happens.

That platform?

An email list.

No one can take that platform from you.

Youtube can take your videos.

Apple can shutdown your iTunes account.

Some Facebook twerp can ban you for life.

But ain’t no one gonna be able to take your list.

It’s the ultimate security in business.

Learn from my mistake…

Build your list. Nurture your list. Back up your list.

Do that and you’ll sleep well at night knowing your ability to get clients is secure.

With that being said…

If you don’t know how to build your list, or nurture (AKA: email) that list, that’s where The Aussie Hermit comes in.

I have a program called The 15 Minute Client.

And it shows you how to:

  1. Craft a high ticket offer
  2. Build your list with paid ads
  3. Get that list on the phone - pre-sold - with one daily email, and…
  4. Close that pre-sold list with a simple sales script.

And like my old LinkedIn strategy, it’s very simple.

And very straightforward.

However, unlike my old LinkedIn strategy - The 15 Minute Client system still works, and will continue to work for many decades to come.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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