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Client Attraction
How even small niches produces lots of clients
After yesterday’s email on the importance of market selection when selling high ticket, Anthony, a subscriber, wrote in. And, while he agreed owners of dogs who perform/compete in shows would pay more, he had some reservations about the size of that market. Here’s what he said: “You’re so right about the dog example! The problem with dog show is its a very small market where as maybe tied for 1st of close second would be people who are struggling with dog aggression and on the verge of having to put their baby down! What are your thoughts there because audience size has some merit and if the dog show people are very select etc” Good question. And while it’s absolutely true that niching down to help owners of dogs who compete at shows would make a smaller market, in the end it probably wouldn’t matter much. Here’s why… First, how many people across the US (as an example) take their dogs to shows? 50,000? 10,000? The US has a population of 350+ million people. So surely there’d be at least 10,000. Now if we’re talking high ticket clients here, how many do you need to make a good living? Do you need 10,000 high ticket clients? No, you need about 5-10 per month (maybe even less). And this is where we Coaches get tripped up in choosing a niche. We think that because the market is small, there won’t be opportunity. I actually think with smaller markets there’s more opportunity. There’s more opportunity because there’s less competition. And there’s more opportunity because with a smaller market (like the example above), it’s much easier to stand out. It’s much easier to create a message that cuts right through to your market. Just imagine you’re an owner of a dog that competes in agility and you’re scrolling through Facebook. Which one of these headlines would you be more inclined to notice and click on: “How to Train Your Dog to Be Obedient” Vs. “How Your Show Dog Can Win Agility Competitions” The answer is obvious. So don’t be afraid to niche down. I have never met a Coach that has niched down so much they don’t have enough clients. Almost always the opposite is true. (They go too broad and find they struggle) Bottom line: When you niche it makes it easier to charge high ticket, stand out, and sign them up. More: The other thing we forget about markets is they’re not stagnant. Meaning… People are constantly moving in and out of them. So even if we find out there are only 5,000 people who take their dogs to compete - that 5,000 is going to be different 3 years from now. And that’s a good thing because it means even with small niche markets you will always have new prospects to attract into your high ticket programs. So once again… Don’t be afraid to niche down. Only good things come from it. With that being said… As mentioned in yesterday’s email, “market selection” (or “niching down”) is literally the first thing we do together in The 15 Minute Client program. Then from there, I show you how to package and position your offer to sell to that market. Once that’s done then we move on to the two core pieces that will act as your system to bring in consistent clients… Building your list with prospects from your niche using paid ads, and…Emailing that list each day with content that entertains, adds value and invites them to work with you. It’s that simple. To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here: -Luke Charlton The Hermit Hole, Canberra |
Why selling “high ticket” has hardly anything to do with your offer
Recently, I was having a conversation with a consulting client.
She’s an extremely successful Coach.
She’s built multiple multi-million dollar companies.
And after a few years off she wants to get back into the game of coaching.
She’s a sales Coach for service professionals, and she’s selling a very high ticket offer. $25k+.
So over the last month, I’ve been helping her build her client attraction system.
Here’s the thing though…
Most of our conversation hasn’t been about:
—> Copy…
—> Crafting her ad…
—> Brainstorming headlines…
—> Writing emails…
Or anything typically associated with client attraction.
Most of our conversation has been around choosing/getting clarity on her market.
The reason being, this is the #1 most critical thing you can do if you want a business that gives you high-paying clients.
Let me show you why with an example:
Let’s pretend you’re a dog trainer.
Now, as a dog trainer, there’s a few different markets you could go in to.
You could help new dog owners train their puppies (typical)…
You could help dog owners who’ve just brought home a "rescue dog"…
You could help dog owners of certain breeds…
Plus many others.
But here’s the thing…
Depending on which market you choose will determine whether someone will pay you a little or a lot.
A great example of that is owners who take their dogs to perform at dog shows.
These owners, without a doubt, would pay you the most out of any dog owner.
But why?
I want you to think about it.
There are 3 big reasons why a dog owner who takes their dogs to perform at shows would pay you much more than a regular dog owner who just wants their new puppy a learn a few simple commands.
Point is…
By simply selecting a market that is willing to pay more, it makes it much easier to charge higher prices.
Let me come back to my client and we’ll dive deeper into her market (which should give you more insights to the question above).
As mentioned, she’s a sales Coach selling a high ticket service ($25k+).
This is no small sum.
And so what we figured out quickly is that, this offer was not good for beginner Coaches.
First because it’s too expensive for most Coaches earning under 6 figures.
And second, because she’s only teaching sales.
She doesn’t do any marketing or lead generation.
(Most Coaches earning under 6 figures need help with lead gen/marketing as well as sales)
So that market was out.
Then we looked at 6-figure Coaches.
This market was a little better because Coaches at this level can probably afford the $25k offer, however, a lot of them still need help with lead gen (and a lot at this level want help with paid ads).
The search continued.
Then I said to her, "what about Coaches with sales teams? Your offer helps close high ticket clients without getting on the phone, right? So why not help Coaches who hate having to manage their sales team (and hate having to pay them commissions) to replace them with your system? This is the market your offer is perfect for. And if you focus on this market it means you don’t have to teach them marketing/lead gen/paid ads because you know if they have a sales team they’re already doing that stuff."
A light bulb went off in her head.
"That’s perfect!" she said.
And when you look at her offer, it is a perfect match.
The prospect has the money.
They have a big problem her offer solves.
And it means she doesn’t have to teach anything other than sales - her zone of genius.
Here’s the point of all this…
Market selection is #1.
By selecting a great market in the first instance, it makes it far easier to sell high ticket.
Select the wrong market, however, and it’s like selling ice to eskimos, or another way to say that is...
It’s like selling $25k offers to Coaches who are earning less than $1,000/mo.
It ain’t going to work.
With that being said…
Selecting the right market for your offer is literally the first thing we do together in The 15 Minute Client program.
I take you through a proven process called, "Finding Your Starving Crowd."
And it’s helped hundreds (and hundreds) of Coaches to select a better market (even 7-figure Coaches like my client above), which makes it far easier to sell high ticket.
Along with that, I show you how to position and package your offer so it fits perfect with that market.
So they understand the value your service brings, and why they’re investing such a large amount.
Finally, I also help you attract "your starving crowd" market onto your list with paid ads, then turn them into clients sending one email per day.
To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
Your instant revenue raisers
When in financial strain, the situation can feel so overwhelming.
The Aussie Hermit remembers back to London (in 2013 when I was struggling for clients), most of my thoughts and feelings revolved around not having enough money coming in.
From the moment I woke up to the moment my head hit the pillow, that’s almost all I thought about.
And the way I used to soothe those feelings was with emotional eating.
Each morning I’d walk to the local supermarket and buy sweet bread rolls, croissants and M&M’s.
Did it work?
A little.
Mostly though, I just got fat.
The point is…
Financial stress is an all-encompassing, extremely painful situation.
It’s always there - morning and night, week after week, month after month - until you solve the problem.
If this sounds a little bit familiar, then what I want to do is share with you a simple strategy that helped me move the revenue needle forward, and took some of that weight off my shoulders.
But I will warn you about this strategy - sometimes you won’t be doing things you particularly love to do.
However, they’ll be much less painful than the pain of dealing with intense financial stress.
With that being said, what is that strategy?
It’s simple…
All you have to do is write down a list of all the potential things you can do to get more revenue.
Ideally, you want to start with the things that are related to growing your business/getting clients, and you also want to prioritise the "low hanging" fruit.
I.e. The "instant" revenue raisers you know can bring in clients/cash flow fast.
Then you can move onto less relevant things and the things that may take a bit more time to implement.
Let me give you an example of what The Aussie Hermit’s list of "revenue raisers" might look, and in the order I’d do them if I wanted more cash flow:
- Send 2-3 emails per day to my list (instead of just 1)…
- Take on more Facebook ad clients (through referrals or my list)…
- Run a monthly (or even weekly) workshop for my list that promotes my program…
- Use UpWork to get more Facebook ad clients…
- Offer email/sales letter copywriting services to list/current clients/past clients…
- Offer consulting to my list in exchange for them to promote my lead magnet…
- Get interviewed on podcasts to build your list with warm leads (get colleagues to refer you to ones they’ve been on first)…
- See how your program could fit in with colleagues or past clients services (potential JV opportunities)…
- Offer to Coach past clients coaching clients…
- Join a local referral community of business owners…
- Network in local community with business owners…
- Offer other freelance services on UpWork (i.e. funnel building, landing page design, automation setup for Active Campaign)…
- Get a side job running ads for an agency…
- Get a side job in a bar…
- Etc.
See how that works?
So you basically just write down everything you can do to generate revenue. Then you put it in the order in which would move the needle the quickest.
In the past I found just doing this activity helped reduce stress immediately.
Seeing on paper all the different things I could do to generate revenue really opened my eyes to the fact that I’d always have a way to pay the bills and put food on the table - even if that way was a side job in a bar or some other part-time gig.
Of course, you don’t want to have to go down that path.
But at least it’s there if you need it.
One of the things you’ll notice with my list is that a lot of my "instant revenue raisers" revolve around my email list.
I found over the years if you need clients, your email list is first place you want to go.
The reason being, your list is full of people that already know you, like you, trust and know you’re an expert.
They’re your warmest market. Your low-hanging fruit.
And that means they’ll be the most receptive to any offers you put out there to work with you.
Of course, they won’t be receptive if you haven’t kept in contact with them regularly.
If you only send an email once per week or once every few weeks, any promotions you put out there are likely to fall flat.
This is why it’s critical to the survival of your business that you have a good relationship with your list.
Not only because your list will provide you with a consistent flow of clients, but because there will be times in your business when you really (really) need clients.
It could be a bunch of clients leaving…
It could huge unforeseen bill (like a natural disaster)…
It could be the Fed printing another 11 trillion causing hyperinflation (hint hint)…
Whatever the case - when that day happens, you will have your list as the insurance policy.
The only thing you have to do when that crisis comes?
Sit down.
Write up an email with an offer.
Hit send, and watch the applications pour in.
With that being said…
If you want to build a list you can get clients from on demand, that’s exactly what my 15 Minute Client program is all about.
Inside, I show you how to get quality prospects subscribing via paid ads. Then, most importantly, I show you how to build a strong relationship with those prospects sending one email per day.
This email takes about 15-20 minutes to write (a little longer in the beginning)…
This email is one your prospects will love to receive (because it’s entertaining/valuable)…
And this email has them wanting to work with you (because there’s always an offer at the end).
To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
Jigsaw’s marketing game (without dismemberment)
In the famous words of Jigsaw, (AKA: the clown from the movie Saw)… "I want to play a game." In front of you are 2 doors. Behind door #1 there are 3,000 quality prospects. And behind door #2 there are 30,000 quality prospects. Further, the group of 3,000 quality prospects has 10x more competition trying to get them as clients. So… Which door do you choose? Make the wrong decision and you’ll have to cut off your own limbs to survive! Wait, no. That’s a different game. Ignore that. What I meant to say was… Make the wrong decision and you’ll struggle to get clients for the rest of your business life! Much better. And maybe even scarier? So… Which door do you choose? The answer is obvious… You choose door #2. And you would be correct (You get to keep your limbs this time) Unfortunately, that’s not what most of us Coaches are picking each day. Most are choosing door #1. And because of that, they are choosing to struggle for clients. Let The Aussie Hermit explain… What I didn't tell you is that the 3,000 prospects behind door #1 are those who are "ready to buy right now." And what I also didn’t tell you is that the 30,000 prospects behind door #2 are those who "are not ready to buy right now, but will be some day." So the reason why most are choosing door #1 is because they want clients today. Problem is, the people who are ready to buy right now are much harder to sell to. —> There are fewer prospects who are ready to buy right now (only 3% of your market)… —> There’s more competition vying for that market’s money (everyone wants to sell to those people ready to buy), and because of these reasons… —> There’s more skill required to close them. Oh, and I should mention it also takes more time and money. (I.e. you have to spend more on ads to acquire them, and do a lot of sales calls just to close one) In other words… The "ready to buy" crowd takes a lot more time, money, and effort to sign up. So what do you do? Well, you simply walk through door #2. And that means you simply focus on those who aren’t ready to buy but will be some day soon. —> This market is much bigger (About 30% of your market) … —> It has much less competition (because barely any other experts go after this market), and if you use the right strategy… —> This market is much easier to close. In other words… The "not yet ready buy will be some day soon" crowd is a lot easier to convert to clients. They take less effort. Less time. And often, less money. But probably the best part? You get to keep your limbs. Wait. Wrong game again. I digress... Of course, you need the right strategy to convert them. Let’s talk about that now: As mentioned, when you know what you’re doing, getting clients from the bigger "30%" of your market is a much easier process. But here’s the problem… This market is not ready to buy right now - but will be some day soon. So how do you ensure they think about you when they do make the decision to hire a Coach? Well, I’ve got to warn you here because the answer is so simple you may be inclined to think… "No it can’t be that straightforward! Getting consistent clients must be more difficult than that! I know I need some type of complex guru funnel! If it’s that easy I’m going to chop off my limbs!" Here’s the truth though. It is simple. And it is straightforward. The answer to get these clients? You follow up. Yup. Boring, plain-old, I’ve-heard-it-before" "follow up" is the not-so-secret secret to making client attraction oh so easy. It’s true. No you don’t need a complex funnel system. No you don’t need some wacky doo sales funnel with 15 up sells, 14 down sells, 35 cross sells, 45 automation sequences, 30 page sales letters and 16 products. If all you want is some clients then simply walk through door #2 and do this… Build your listSend that list one email per day That's it. That one email does your follow up, it adds value, it delivers a bit of content, and it has a call to action to speak to you on the phone (or buy your product). Do that, each day, and it'll ensure you are in that small group of Coaches picking clients out of that huge market of those who aren’t ready to invest right now, but will be some day. And that will ensure you have a consistent flow of new clients coming into your business every money. With that being said… Of course, you want to make sure that you’re building your list with the right prospects, and that what you’re saying in your emails has a marketing message that converts. Otherwise, no amount of follow up will do any good. This is where my 15 Minute Client program comes in. I show you how to build your list with quality leads using paid ads. These are leads that have the money and motivation to buy you’re premium program. Along with that, I show you how to send emails each day that entertain, add value, and get these prospects to book in your calendar. And yes, I show you how to come up with all the content so you always have something to say. To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here: -Luke Charlton The Hermit Hole, Canberra |
Proof your market ain’t different
“Believing is seeing.
Once we have a belief we see the information
that will confirm that belief, and we stop
seeing what we don’t want to see. We want to
see evidence that confirms our beliefs, and we
want to forget anything that is dissonant or
-Dr. Carol Tavris
Have you ever had a friend on Facebook (with opposing political opinions), put up a post that’s totally out of context to show why the party/ideology you support is wrong?
Pretty infuriating, right?
Well, the reason why they do this is because they’re always searching for proof (any type of proof - big and small) to support why they believe the things they believe.
And when they find it - they post it.
It’s called confirmation bias.
And while confirmation bias has its uses, if we’re not aware of it it can have devastating effects on our life.
And, of course, our business.
Case in point:
One of the things I hear Coaches says all the time is:
“Luke, my business is different! My market is different!”
The reason why the advice I’m giving them is not going to work for them specifically is because their market is different/smarter/more aware than all the other markets.
And because of that, this “super special” market won’t be on Facebook, or they won’t click on ads, or they are “too busy” to read emails.
But when I tell them, “yes they will. I’ve done it many times before. Even in your market. Here’s proof” - they still don’t listen.
They’re like the Facebook friend who won’t listen when you point out why their post is out of context or devoid of facts.
You can see how this can be problematic for your business.
Because if it is true that…
Your market IS on Facebook…
Your prospects DO click on ads, and…
Your prospects DO read, respond to and buy from emails…
Well, it means you’re missing out on a whole lot of clients.
Further, it also means that your lack of results up until this point is your fault, and not because your market is “different.”
This can be a hard pill to swallow.
Easier is just to say, “my market is different” and keep swapping from bright shiny funnel to bright shiny funnel.
(Until you run out of money and that strategy no longer works, of course)
Here is a small list of just a few niches I’ve helped Coaches grow their business…
Weight loss
Generalised Anxiety Disorder
Binge Eating
Executive Leadership
Fortune 500 Leadership
Toxic Cultures
Change Management
High Ticket Sales
Kids with ADHD
Cello Lessons Piano Lessons
Women who struggle with “The Big (O)”
Plus 100+ more.
And the reason why I can help Coaches in all these different markets is because at the end of the day we’re all human.
Yes, each market above is different in terms of the problems and frustrations they experience.
But as humans, we all have wants and needs.
And so if you know how to create a marketing message that speaks to those wants and needs - and shows how your service will help them get those wants and needs - you will get more clients.
Here it is laid out in steps…
Step 1) Pick a market you want to attract…
Step 2) Research that market so you know their wants/needs, and…
Step 3) Create a message that attracts that market to you.
It’s that simple.
That’s all marketing is.
And it’s the same process for every single niche I work in.
Is this confirmation bias?
But it’s confirmation bias based on fact and years of results.
With that being said…
If you’re currently struggling to get clients that I can almost guarantee the problem is the marketing message.
And the deeper problem is you’re not 100% clear on the exact dream client you’re to attract.
Not to worry, this is the first step I take you through in my 15 Minute Client program.
As above, you will…
—> Pick your dream client…
—> Research that dream client so you know their wants/needs, and…
—> Create a message that attracts that dream client to you.
Specifically, when it comes to attracting them to you - I show you how to get them on your list with paid ads (using a simple lead magnet), then get them booked in your calendar with one daily email.
To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
Attracting "Rolex" clients
A couple of days ago I wrote about how I visited Disney Land.
And, while reminiscing about that story, The Aussie Hermit wanted to share with you another story from my adventures in Hong Kong that year.
This time, it’s about how I walked to these "westerner markets" one evening near my hotel. At least, I assume they were markets for westerners because I didn’t see any people from Hong Kong buying the cheap crap they were peddling there.
For example, these super-cheap markets sold things like…
Key chains…
Knock off hand bags…
Shot glasses with your name on it…
Laser pointers…
Speakers that sound like they're playing under water…
Kids toys that have pieces missing…
T-shirts with obscenities written on it…
Miniature 'license plates' with stuff like this written on it - "You Strong Like Rambo, Look Like Hero. But Your Brain Like Potato"
But wait, there’s more…
There were at least 200 of these little stalls selling this cheap crap. And of those 200, I could have bought the same stuff at almost every one of them.
Walk a few meters… "oh there's that speaker I saw in that other stall." A few more meters, "there's that same t-shirt." A few more, "didn't I already walk past this place? I swear I saw those same n!pple tassels back in that other stall."
What’s more painful, though, was watching white people haggle $2 off a $3 plastic product.
But that’s the type of buyers these markets attract…
Funny thing is, about 300 meters down the road there was a mile long (yes, mile long) shopping strip selling everything from $50,000 Rolex watches to $10,000 handbags to $1000 pedicures to $300 chocolates.
Even more amazing, this shopping strip was packed.
And these people didn’t haggle.
They didn’t ask for a discount.
They just paid whatever the asking price was without hesitation.
They were a whole different type of buyer.
A premium buyer.
The same happens in the coaching industry
There are "el cheapo" buyers and there are "premium" buyers.
There are buyers that want the lowest price and buyers that want to pay a premium.
And depending on how you market your business you’ll attract one vs the other.
So how do you attract the latter and not the former?
Well, a simple way is to sell a premium service.
And I understand a lot of Coaches reading this think they already do sell a premium services.
After all, our service transforms our clients' lives.
However, the way that service is marketed and sold doesn’t come across as premium.
Here’s an example of what I mean…
Often when I critique a Coach’s marketing message, it’s very broad.
It’s like they are trying to position themselves as a "jack of all trades."
Often the language is something like…
"If you’re feeling stuck in your relationships I can help!"
"Hey, do you run a business? Then I can help you grow!"
"Let me help you transformation your health!"
All of these examples speak to multiples markets.
Just look at the business example of "Hey do you run a business?"
There are so many types of businesses.
There are accounting businesses…
Attorneys… Coaches…
Boutique clothing stores…
Retails stores…
Fortune 500 companies…
Oil companies…
Franchise companies…
+hundreds of others.
And then you can get even more specific on the size of the business…
Are they 0 to 6-figures?
Are they 6 to 7?
Point is…
There is a lot more detail we can dive into here (not just with the business example, but it's the same for relationships, helath etc).
And when you dive into this detail, you notice we come up with very different businesses - each with different problems.
So if you have a marketing message that’s like "hey do you run a business?" or even something a little more specific like "do you run a small business?" you’re not going to position yourself as a specialist with a premium service.
Instead, you’re going to position yourself as a jack of all trades.
A handy man.
And handy men don’t make a lot of money.
This is the core reason why so many of us Coaches struggle for clients.
And why the clients we attract don’t pay the premiums we want.
There are other things you want to do to position yourself to attract a premium market.
Picking a specific marketing is one.
Packaging your offer the right way is one.
And, of course, having a marketing system that allows you to pick and choose who you work with is another.
When you’re able to pick and choose who you work with, you can more regularly get the high fees you’re asking for because if one person can’t afford to work with you, it’s OK - there are 10 more lined up around the corner.
A good example of this is these high end watch stores.
Often, a limited edition watch has a waitlist before it’s even released.
Same goes with supercar companies.
They have high end buyers wanting to buy before the product is even available.
The same can be true for you, too.
But you have to run your business like you actually want to work with premium buyers.
Here are the steps again:
- Specialise in working with a specific type of prospect (aka your niche)..
- Create a premium offer to serve that client…
- Build a marketing system that brings you premium clients you can pick and choose from to help in your programs.
Do that, and you can take yourself from "nickel and dime" buyers to the premium "Rolex" buyers virtually overnight.
With that being said…
These 3 core steps are exactly what I take you through in my 15 Minute Client program.
From picking your niche, to crafting your offer, to crafting a client attraction system where you only have to send out one email per day.
It’s all there.
Along with that, I show you how to build a literal "waitlist" of clients who want to work with you.
That way, you always have a pool of prospects to pull from when you need clients.
To know when spots open next, put your name on my waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
I wish I’d met you years ago
"I wish I’d met you years ago." These are the exact words The Aussie Hermit hears from Coaches all the time. The reason? Because by the time a Coach speaks to me on the phone about signing up for my program, they’ve usually been burned by many gurus who’s promises don’t live up to hype. And when they see how simple and straightforward my "one email per day" system is (along with that fact I can tell them what the problem was with their previous failing marketing campaigns) they say they wished they met me years ago. A great example of this was a call I had a couple of days ago with a great Coach. She’d spent over $30,000 on failed guru strategies over the last 12 months. Strategies she was promised would work before she joined. And now because she’s in so much debt she has to get a side job just to pay the bills. There’s no shame in this, of course. (Being ripped off or getting a side job). The Aussie Hermit has spent far more than that on programs that didn’t turn out the way they were promised. Also, I had to get a side job in a bar when I came back from London in 2014 because of all the debt I’d racked up. Point is… There’s a lot of bad advice out there. Advice from experts that aren’t really experts at all. Advice that when implemented, does huge damage to your business (and self-worth). And the unfortunate reality is, sometimes it’s hard to spot the real experts from the fake experts. So today I'd like to share 3 tell-tale signs to help you avoid these pretenders. Here we go... Do they help Coaches? If they don’t have experience helping coaches specifically, probably best not hire them. Have they gotten results for Coaches (particularly Coaches earning under 6-figures)? It’s easy to get results for Coaches already earning 6, 7 or 8-figures. These guys and girls are up and running with a proven offer. Simply adding my daily email strategy can boost revenue dramatically. But can the guru get results for Coaches just starting out with no offer, no niche and no marketing experience? Time and time again when I speak to Coaches who’ve been burned on other gurus, I take one look at their funnel/message and I instantly know why it didn’t convert. And then I immediately know whoever they hired doesn’t know how to get results with newer Coaches. It’s sad. And frustrating. So if you don’t want to be in that position, make sure whomever you hire has real results helping Coaches under 6-figures (if that’s where you are financially, of course). Finally… Are they all about hype? Sure, earning $30k/mo, $50k/mo or $100k/mo is great. But if you find that the guru constantly makes these huge claims, it could be a sign they’re trying to get you over the line with a big "make money" angle. It’s a powerful angle. But it’s also one fake gurus use a lot. (And how my first mentor pulled me in) Of course, there are other signs. But those are the biggies. With that being said… If you’re a Coach who’s been burned in the past and are looking for real, proven advice - then maybe The Aussie Hermit is who you’re after? Since 2013 I’ve helped thousands of Coaches grow their business. Most of these Coaches were earning under 6-figures, however, I’ve also helped (and continue to help) those above 6, 7 and even 8-figures. Along with that, these Coaches come from various different markets. From helping kids with ADHD, to people with hypothyroid, to puppy training school, to emotional eating to 100+ more. I have been able to help these Coaches because the principles I teach inside my 15 Minute Client program apply to any market. So if you’re looking for help to get more clients, then it could be time to put your name on the waitlist? Here’s the link to do that now: -Luke Charlton The Hermit Hole, Canberra |
The unassuming high-school skill that brings me clients
True story:
If you asked The Aussie Hermit what he remembers learning in high school, I’d tell you ‘almost nothing’ exceptfor one incredibly valuable skill I use every single day.
A skill that makes me lots and lots of dineros.
Can you guess what it is?
Is it…
How to prove a hypothesis?
How to do qualitative research?
How to use Pythagoras’ Theorem to work out the angles of a triangle?
It’s something far less impressive, but far more valuable…
It is, strangely… touch typing.
Yes, touch typing.
In high school I took a touch typing class.
Not because I wanted to learn touch typing.
But because I wanted an easy “A.”
But one of the big surprises from that class is that this dull, unassuming skill has helped yours-hermity far more in my business than anything else I learned way back when.
The time I’ve saved writing emails and content would equal into the tens of thousands of hours. Easily.
And I calls these types of skills "hinges."
They're tiny little hinges that swing huge profit producing doors.
Another, which I’m learning at the moment, is ‘speed reading.’
And again, this speed reading skill is a tiny little hinge that's going to serve me for the rest of my life.
Instead of finishing 1 book per week, I could finish one in a day.
Imagine being able to polish off 365 books per year!
The knowledge and insights you'd gain over that time would do incredible things to move your revenue needle forward.
So what does this have to do with getting you more clients?
Everything, my young hermit, everything.
Because just like touch typing, and just like speed reading, learning how to write emails people love reading and that sell - is hands down the most valuable skill you can learn.
When you have the ability to write emails that entertain, that add value, and that get hoards of dream clients booking into your calendar… you’ll literally have the power to write your own checks.
Whenever you want clients, you simply sit down at your desk, write up your email, hit send and watch the sales roll in.
Just think…
No matter what the government decides to do…
No matter if 5 clients decide to ‘fire’ you at once…
No matter if the tax man comes with a huge bill…
No matter if FB decides they don’t want you to use their platform…
You know your business and income is secure because you have that skill to get clients on demand.
Just like touch typing and speed reading - no one can take that profit producing power away from you.
Now that’s the type of certainty and security I like to build my business on.
If you want that in your life, then maybe it’s time to learn how to write daily emails?
To know when spots open for my 15 Minute Client program, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra
3 “red flags” your campaigns need help
Because The Aussie Hermit’s time is valuable, one of the things I always get potential clients to do before I speak to them is fill out an application.
It’s not too long.
But it allows me to spot any “red flags” that might need addressing before we speak. Plus, give me an insight into where my services and/or my 15 Minute Client program can help.
And one of the questions I ask on the form is:
“What’s stopping you from getting to your goal?”
Typically, I get a variety of answers.
However, the other day I had a response that I found encapsulates what is happening with a lot of Coaches.
And so I thought I’d share that response (with this Coach’s blessing, of course), because I think it can help many reading this.
Maybe even you.
Here’s what he said…
“While I've done coaching for several years, it was just one of the services I offered. Now, I want to do it full-time and I'm struggling with getting leads. I've tried Facebook Ads and they didn't result in any new leads. My clients rave about my coaching program and I know it can help people struggling with their marketing. It's frustrating (and a bit depressing) for me to admit that I'm struggling with my own marketing but I suppose it's always harder to do for yourself what you do for others.”
Does that resonate?
I know it did for me.
Even if you’re not a marketing Coach I’m sure there are pieces of that paragraph you identify with.
For example…
I know many Coaches struggle to get leads.
They’re spending hours in Facebook groups. They’re creating tons of content. They’re posting. They’re doing videos. They’re doing all the organic strategies they can fit into a day, and it barely results in any new subscribers or appointments.
Also, like this Coach, many Coaches are running ads.
But there’s no traction. All they’re doing is watching their wallet get emptied into Facebook’s bank account.
Then they’re left wondering…
“Is there something wrong with me?”
“Do ads just not work for me?”
“Maybe it’s Facebook? Maybe I just don’t have the right targeting? Maybe LinkedIn or YouTube ads would be better for me?”
It’s confusing and disheartening.
And finally, this is probably the most frustrating thing of all…
Almost all Coaches I speak with know they have an amazing program.
And they know if they work with the right person they can get amazing results.
But they just can’t seem to communicate the value of that program in the right way.
Because if they did…
If they knew how to communicate their transformational value, they’d have clients chasing them down.
Instead, they get no appointments.
And if they do get appointments, they get a lot of “let me think about it” or “I don’t have the money” type responses.
The Aussie Hermit hears the 3 struggles .all the. time.
And it’s 3 things I struggled with for many years.
The good news is, they’re all fixed with the same solution.
And this is what I told this Coach when we spoke.
The reason why we Coaches struggle to attract leads, make ads work for us, and communicate the value of our programs is because - we aren’t clear on our market.
We don’t have one specific prospect in mind when we write our messages.
And because of that, every piece of copy or communication we put out there is vague and ambiguous.
For example, the first headline when I opened this Coach’s website was:
“Marketing Solutions for Small Business Owners - We help small businesses of all shapes and sizes safely navigate the world of digital marketing”
This isn’t good.
The reason?
It doesn’t speak to any business owner in particular.
A small business owner could be…
A dentist…
A doctor…
A lawyer…
A boutique shoe store owner…
A 10 million per year ecommerce store…
A coach…
A copywriter…
A videographer…
A photographer…
…And on it goes.
Each small business I listed above has different problems, different business challenges (i.e. different regulations they deal with) and different industry jargon.
And so if you want to attract them, you need to speak to those specific challenges and problems.
For example, a better headline might be something like…
“Would you like to know how professional wedding photographers are busier than every during covid?”
This is better.
Because it specifically calls out a type of business owner (professional wedding photographers).
And because it speaks to an industry specific problem (no weddings during covid).
And when you do this, your message cuts through into the market.
It stands out and gets attention.
And this is what gets people clicking your ads, signing up to your list and buying your programs.
With that being said…
Getting clear on your market is actually a pretty straightforward process.
And one I go through in The 15 Minute Client program.
What can be a little more difficult is recognising you need help with this.
Many Coaches think they’re clear on their market, but really aren’t.
An easy way to know is this...
Do you struggle to get the right prospects to:
—> Click on your ads?
—> Sign up to your list?
—> Book appointments from your funnel?
—> Book appointments from your emails?
—> Consistently buy your program?
If so, I can virtually guarantee you’re not as clear as you need to be.
And so maybe a little of The Ol’ Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program is exactly what you need to remedy this problem?
To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra
The rise of the “me too” experts
Henry Ford once said…
"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
Keep in mind, this was said in 1922. Some 99 years ago.
And yet, what he was saying is more relevant today than ever before.
If you’re "awake," I’m sure you agree.
But if you’re asleep?
Well, all The Aussie Hermit can say is…
If you don’t understand why he would say such a thing, it’s time to do some research.
It’s either that or suffer the consequences of what’s to come over the next few years.
(Tip: Start with "The Creature from Jekyll Island")
Another old Henry Ford quote that’s more relevant today, particularly in business, is this one:
"Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few engage in it."
Case in point:
It’s amazing to The Aussie Hermit how many gurus I see who simply copy their content and programs off other gurus in the industry.
It’s lazy.
It’s devoid of any thinking.
And, also, it’s illegal.
The sad thing is, this doesn’t just happen in the business/marketing industry - it happens across all industries.
People want success so bad that they look for the shortest path to get there - even if that means literally copy/pasting someone else’s path.
Ironically, this actually makes it harder for you to stand out, not easier.
By copying others you simply become a "me too" expert.
And let The Aussie Hermit tell you - "me too" experts never get to the heights of business they dream about.
There are so many "me too" experts these days that they far outweigh the real experts.
This sounds bad.
Maybe even alarming.
But really, it’s a huge opportunity if you’re a real expert.
Because if you’re a real expert with real experience it’s oh so easy for you to stand out.
Just look at The Aussie Hermit’s daily emails.
From what I hear constantly speaking to Coaches on my list, "my emails are like a breath of fresh air."
And the reason for that is - I’m in an industry of fake "gurus" who all sound the same.
And so by simply dishing out real business advice from real experience and real proven results - I stand out.
It’s that simple.
The downside about becoming a real expert is you have to think.
You have to analyse your methodology.
You have to improve your ability to get results.
You have to consistently put out content.
And you have to constantly read books to stay on top of things.
All of this requires thinking, which is hard work.
But that’s the price you pay for becoming a real expert who earns a real good income.
Of course, you can just skip all of that and try to copy/paste your way to success.
But as mentioned, that probably ain’t going to get you the success you desire.
At least, not for very long anyway.
With that being said…
If you’re a real expert, then that’s exactly who I help in my 15 Minute Client program.
Inside I show you how to demonstrate your expertise within one email you send out each day.
For me, there’s no better methodology to demonstrate that you’re a real expert than to put a piece of content in front of prospects every single day in an email.
That’s something you can’t fake.
Sure, some of the "me too" experts could send an email every day for 30 days or so.
But after that?
That takes being a real expert.
The good news is - sending an email each day doesn’t take as much thinking as what you might expect.
For example…
Inside I share with you my "Never Ending Email Idea Generator."
This process shows you where to get your email ideas from so you never run out.
And so you always have something entertaining and valuable to say.
Along with that, you learn how to build your list on autopilot with quality leads.
That way, you always have an audience of fresh leads ready to listen and buy what you’re selling.
To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra
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