Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free
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Client Attraction
A client-getting strategy you can’t screw up
Each morning The Aussie Hermit walks with Olive, my 18 month old, to Sfoglia.
It’s an Italian coffee shop near my place.
And, up until a few weeks ago I would carry her.
But now that she somewhat follows me, I let her walk.
The only problem is…
Every 5 metres she stops and gets distracted by some dirty piece of trash.
Usually, it’s some type of bottle top. But she also loves old coffee cups…
Potato chip packets…
And her favourite…
Cigarette butts.
I don’t know what it is about cigarette butts, but every time I turn around there’s either one in her hand or mouth.
So the good news is - she gets to move around more.
The bad news is, she eats cigarette butts and a trip that used to take me 3 minutes now takes me about 15 each way.
Or in other words… it’s at least 10x longer.
So anyway…
As I was observing Olive trying to stick yet another cigarette butt in her mouth this morning, I had to laugh.
The reason?
Because I realised a lot of Coaches (including yours truly many years ago) behave the same way.
Here’s what I mean…
As Coaches, we have a destination we want to get to.
Typically, this is a number of clients per month or a monthly revenue goal.
And we know that in order to get to that destination we simply have to remain focused and put one foot in front of the other.
(AKA: focus on the marketing fundamentals)
It’s a simple task, but one we make oh so very hard.
Here’s how the story typically goes…
In the beginning, we walk toward our destination.
We get clear on our ideal client.
We craft our offer.
We start to build our list.
Things are going in the right direction.
But then as we’re walking we get distracted by the latest bright shiny guru funnel that’s popped out in front of us.
Our momentum stops.
And then after "fart arsing" around for a few months trying to make it work, we realise…
"This shiny marketing tactic is totally useless!"
And that’s when we get back on the path to our destination, we start doing the fundamentals again, we finally start moving forward and…
"Oh my god what’s what!?"
"It’s beautiful!"
"That’s the sparkliest book funnel I’ve ever seen!" the Coach says to themselves.
"Yes, let me try this! This is amazing!"
And off they go down another path, once again killing their momentum.
And on it goes…
What should have been a 3 month trip takes 10x longer.
I know this story so well because I lived it for many years.
And I see it happen with so many Coaches every day.
They’re constantly getting distracted by all the "trash" along their path to success.
The bright shiny stuff does seem cool at first…
But most often it doesn’t actually move you forward.
In fact…
It often slows you down for months… or years!
Here’s the truth:
If all you want is clients or course sales, then you DON’T need a complex funnel.
With a complex funnel there are so many variables you have to get right for it to make work.
For example…
Often you have multiple offers in there and deadlines and up sells and complex email sequences and they ALL have to be working to make the whole funnel convert.
This just bogs you down for months on end trying to get it all in sync.
So I say screw the bright shiny trash.
Find something you know that’s simple and that has worked for many Coaches before you.
That way, if it doesn’t convert you know the problem has something to do with your marketing message/offer (as opposed to the funnel).
This is what got me back onto email back in 2015.
You see, I had always known the prospects on my list were my warmest "low hanging fruit" market.
(AKA: the easiest of any strategy or funnel to turn into clients)
But I got distracted by Gary Guru’s bright shiny funnel, and stop building or emailing my list.
But it was when I got back to simplifying my business - to building my list and emailing my list - did getting clients become easy.
Getting clients is not hard when you focus on simplicity.
Yes, "building and emailing" your list isn’t as exciting as Gary Guru’s latest wackydoo funnel.
I get that.
But there are WAY less moving pieces to it, and therefore, WAY less ways for you to screw it up.
This is how I’ve been helping Coaches get great results for years.
I show them how to build their list (on autopilot) with qualified leads, then send that list one simple, 15 minute email each day with an offer to work with them.
And that’s it.
That’s the whole strategy.
As I said, getting clients is pretty simple when you remove the variables.
You’ve just got to decide if simplicity is what you want.
With that being said…
If you’re tired of sticking cigarette butts in your mouth, maybe you’d like to try my simple 15 minute daily email system?
If so, I have a "first come first served" waitlist.
To be the next person in line, simply click this link here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
3 ways to be a content leader
“Deep down in my stomach, with every inch of me, I pure straight HATE you.
But God dammit, do I respect you.”
-Wes Mantooth, Anchorman
This is one of the scenes that ha stuck in the mind of The Aussie Hermit from the movie Anchorman.
Not just because it’s funny.
But because I think the biggest compliment you can get is from someone who hates or disagrees with you.
After all, it takes a very big person to admit you’re awesome when they dislike you.
Every now and then The Aussie Hermit receives emails like this.
I’ll get people writing in saying how great my content is, but because of our political differences, they just can’t be on my list anymore.
For example…
A few days ago, I sent out an email about how the Biden Administration is failing, and I got this reply…
“Your repeated political jabs have made me realize that while you may have valuable content, I am not interested. I'm unsubscibing.”
Gotta have respect for that (even though I think it’s not the wisest decision to give up advice that’s helpful simply because you don’t agree on politics).
And, it’s these types of comments we Coaches should aspire to accumulate.
Of course, I don’t mean to say you should go out of your way to get people to hate or disagree with you.
I mean that you should be so incredible at what you do, that even those who don’t like you can’t deny how incredible you are - and will write in telling you so.
How do you achieve this?
Well, let The Aussie Hermit rattle off a few ideas for you…
- Be different.
It goes without saying - if you want to get massive respect, then your content should be new, unique, fresh and different.
This requires that you’re continually learning and researching your topic.
It requires that you’re constantly testing and tweaking your methods with clients.
And it requires that you take those learnings and it explaining them to your audience in a way that’s different to your competitors.
In a way that’s simpler than your competitors.
I see a lot of Coaches just regurgitate stuff they’ve heard word-for-word from other experts in their industry.
This is a great way to have your advice go unnoticed (and have lacklustre campaign results).
Creating different content is a simple thing.
Simple, but not easy.
It takes time, effort and consistency.
For years The Aussie Hermit toiled away learning my craft. Learning from mentors. Reading lots of books. And, of course, applying what I’d learned.
And now when I speak it naturally comes out as new/unique/fresh/different because I’m pulling from thousands of hours of experience.
Does that mean you need thousands of hours of experience before you publish great content?
Of course, not.
But you do need to put in the work over a long period of time.
This leads me to… - Be relentless.
If you want to be a content leader you have to show up. Every day.
No days off.
Sure it’s great if you send 2-3 emails per week with great content. But what will your market think when you send them 365 emails every year, year after year with great content?
They’ll have no choice but to see you as an industry leader.
Even the haters.
It’s just math.
Finally… - Be relevant.
Every piece of content you create should be relevant to your market.
Sounds obvious.
But we Coaches often send content that doesn’t resonate with what our prospect is looking for.
How do you know what they’re looking for?
Just ask them.
Do research.
Get on the phone with them.
Get in forums they frequent.
Run surveys etc.
Ask them things like:
“What’s your #1 challenge right now?”
“What are your top 3 daily frustrations?”
“If you had a magic wand, what would you wish could be different?”
“What are your biggest questions about INSERT YOUR TOPIC?”
All their answers will tell you exactly what content they want to consume.
From there you simply give it to them.
These are just a few ideas that if you implement will help you become a content leader in your industry.
Of course, it won’t happen overnight.
(No "big name" became huge from one piece of content)
But if you apply them diligently, over time it will happen.
With that being said…
The interesting thing about these 3 principles is that you automatically apply them when you implement The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client system:
- I show you how to come up with hundreds of unique and different email ideas based on your experience…
- You relentlessly send these emails every day (even Saturday and Sunday), and…
- My research methods ensure every email you send resonates with your target market so you get a consistent flow of clients.
If you want to be a content (and client-acquisition) leader in your industry, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
What to do if your emails aren't generating appointments
Last year, I had lunch with some of Alana’s family.
And, during that lunch Alana’s cousin asks me…
"Luke, my daughter is about to go to uni…
What advice would you give to her to be successful in her career?"
A great question.
And, even though I’m usually asked how to be successful as a Coach, I knew exactly what to say.
The reason?
Because I consult with many 7 and 8-figure businesses and know exactly what they look for in a great employee.
Here’s what I told her…
"If I went back in time and I was going to work in a 9-5 type career like your daughter, one of the first things I’d do is identify the company I’d love to work for - and go work there for free.
And if they didn’t take me, I would hound them every week until they did.
Then, when they give me the intern position I would work my butt off.
I would ask lots of questions.
I would show up early and leave late.
I would go above and beyond what was expected of me.
Basically, I’d be one of the best employees they’d ever seen.
And yes, I’d do all of this while at uni.
Then, at the end of the internship, I’d apply (or ask) for a paid position.
And the reason I’d do all of this is because…
- This gives you invaluable experience in your industry (experience you leverage to get a job at the company- or another one)…
- This gives you invaluable relationships in your industry (relationships you can leverage to get a job at the company or somewhere else)…
- This gives you a job in your industry (and isn’t that why you’re going to uni?)…
But most of all…
The reason I’d do this is because I know one of the biggest pain points of business owners is finding motivated staff.
Not skilled staff.
Motivated staff.
The reason?
You can teach skills. Very hard to teach attitude.
(This is why Southwest say they "hire for attitude, train for skill")
And so that’s why when businesses find someone that’s motivated and that goes above and beyond - they want to do everything they can to keep them.
(The smart business owners, anyway)
This is the easiest and quickest path to success in a 9-5."
So that was my advice.
Did she take it?
Time will tell.
Most people when you give them free advice typically ignore it. But that’s another lesson for another day.
The reason I’m writing you this email is that it got me thinking about "motivation". And how key it is to getting your clients results.
But often, it can be hard finding motivated clients.
For example…
Does it frustrate you when a client signs up to your course or program, only for them to do nothing?
Me too.
So what’s going on here?
A lack of motivation.
It’s weird because they’ve just paid you a good chunk of money to join your program…
But then they do nothing?
The truth is, you will always get this no matter how good you are at vetting people before they join.
However, there are definitely things you can do to bring a more motivated client on board.
And that’s a good thing because the more motivated they are…
—> The better the results they get…
—> The more they’ll pay…
—> The more they’ll refer, and…
—> The more impact you’ll make.
To name a few.
So in no particular order, here are a few things to bring on more motivated clients…
- Charge more
It’s simple…
The more invested they are financially, the more they’ll take action. - Make them wait
Specifically, have a waitlist for your program.
The more you make them wait, or the more hoops they have to jump, the more they’ll value the opportunity to work with you (and therefore, prove - through their effort - they are a worthy student). - Pick a clear problem
Coaches try to attract clients, but often they’re not speaking to a clear problem.
For example…
They might say, "I’ll help you in your relationship with your spouse" when they could say….
"I’ll help you stop your divorce".
Notice the difference?
The latter speaks to a very clear problem. The former is a bit more ambitious (i.e. what type of relationship "help" are we talking about here?)
The other great thing about finding a clearer problem is that you’ll get a lot more appointments coming through on your calendar.
The response goes up because now your prospect is clear on the problem you solve.
Bottom line: there’s only up side to marketing toward a better problem.
Anyway, those are a few things to do to get more motivated, high paying clients knocking down your door.
Want more?
Well, I teach a whole lot more in my 15 Minute Client program.
From choosing a better problem, to crafting a better offer, to building a list of buyers to closing those buyers with one simply daily email.
If you’d like to know when the doors open next, simple put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
How to get a lot of clients SLOWLY
The Aussie Hermit is in the middle of writing my second book.
What, you didn’t know I had written another book?
Don’t worry, it’s not for sale.
It was based on a LinkedIn Strategy that worked great years ago but doesn’t anymore because they changed their platform. But that’s another story for another day.
Yes, it’s true.
I’m writing my next book.
And, unlike the LinkedIn strategy, this one will last for decades to come.
It’s based on my 15 Minute client system, of course.
The book will be called “The 15 Minute Client.”
And the subhead will be…
“How to Get High Paying Clients Sending Just One Email Per Day.”
Although, I’m second-guessing this title.
The reason?
I’ve come up with another option based on one of Gary Bencivenga’s (universally acknowledged as the world’s greatest living copywriter), winning sales letter headlines.
Here it is…
“How to Get a Lot of Clients SLOWLY”
(Gary’s headline was… “How to Get Rich Slowly,” as an FYI)
Now, if you look at these two titles…
“The 15 Minute Client” vs “How to Get a Lot of Clients SLOWLY,” you probably think I’m crazy for even contemplating this second option.
After all…
Getting clients in 15 minutes sounds way easier/faster than the second title.
And that’s the point…
I know the first is more attractive and so will pull in more leads for me.
But more leads ≠ more quality.
The Aussie Hermit is all about getting quality leads as well.
And I know the second may not sell as many books, but the quality will be far higher.
The reason?
Because the second speaks to a more skeptical Coach.
One that’s been around the block.
One that’s invested in many programs.
And one that, therefore, understands it takes time and money to build up a large client load.
In other words…
It’s a SLOW process.
Only the newbies think getting clients is quick/easy/cheap.
So by going with the second headline I’ll attract a Coach who gets better results plus is willing to invest more.
This is exactly why Gary used “How to Get Rich Slowly” with his sales letter.
(And why that sales letter crushed it)
He was speaking to the skeptical (or more educated) part of the market that knew getting rich takes time.
Too often we Coaches want to create headlines that make getting results with our system seem fast/simple/easy/cheap.
But often that very message attracts us the wrong crowd.
Those not looking to invest.
Those not looking to put in the work.
And those who complain when they don’t see results overnight.
Honestly, I’ll probably leave the title as The 15 Minute Client.
The reason being, I know it’s an offer that converts, and it lines up with the name of my program.
But The Aussie Hermit tells you…
I’m very very tempted to change it to the second.
With that being said…
If you want more and better quality clients, that’s exactly what I can help you with.
As you’ve just seen, a few small tweaks to the wording of your headlines and offers can greatly change the quality of clients you attract.
This is something I’ve had thousands of hours of experience doing with and for clients.
Whether that’s in my coaching programs, or the ad campaigns I run for some of them, I’ve spent a lot of time tweaking and adjusting their copy so that it converts online.
So much so, my personal copy has been responsible for 50M+ in coaching sales for clients (and that’s across many different markets, too).
If you’d like to get help attracting quality clients online, them make sure to put your name on The 15 Minute Client waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
The triggers that create predictable clients
Recently, The Aussie Hermit was speaking to a friend who installs residential lifts for a living. And, he was telling me how he often gets called out by apartment blocks to fix lifts that have been vandalised. Typically, some guy has come home drunk and either kicked the buttons, smashed them with his beer bottle, or more commonly - pissed on them. Pretty terrible. But then he told me how he solves this problem. And it’s genius in its simplicity. He said… “All I do to stop the lifts getting damaged is to install a mirror.” Yup, it’s that simple. The reason it works is because, when some guy or gal enters the lift totally off their face and they see a mirror, they’ll walk over and fix their hair or look at their teeth or take a photo or flex lol. And apparently, this greatly reduces the vandalism. Pretty cool, ey? But what I found most interesting about this story is how predictable humans are. We think we’re free. We think we’re in control of our behaviour. But often we’re reacting predictably to certain stimuli. It’s true with lifts. It’s true in our relationships. And it’s also true in marketing. Let The Aussie Hermit give you an example… I know that when I write about certain topics, my list is going to react very strongly. “Getting clients from Facebook groups” is one of those topics. I know that if I send an email talking about how frustrating it is to trawl through Facebook groups, how much time it takes, how little response you get, and how there’s a much easier way to get clients by simply sending one email per day - it’ll get a lot of Coaches joining my program waitlist. It’s a predictable response. Or another way of saying that is a “trigger.” And knowing your market’s triggers is an extremely powerful position to be in because it means you can get them to… Click on your ads… Opt in to your list… Reading your emails, and… Sign up to your programs… predictably. In other words… There’s no guessing. Your ability to attract clients becomes predictable because your market behaves predictably. You just simply have to know what their triggers are. With that being said… Inside The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program I show you how to find those triggers. Specifically, you get access to my “Ultimate Research Rolodex” which teaches you a myriad of ways to research your market - all from the comfort of your computer. You’ll learn their biggest frustrations… You’ll learn their deepest desires… You’ll learn what topics they want to hear about… And most of all… You’ll learn how to turn that research into daily emails that resonate with your market so they predictably sign up to your program. If that sounds like something you need, simply put your name on the waitlist here: -Luke Charlton The Hermit Hole, Canberra |
How Coaches can thrive through inflation
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies...The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." ~Thomas Jefferson About a month ago the fed said they are going to raise rates 3 times this year bringing it up to a total of .75%-1%. Problem is, *real* inflation is at about 15% right now. So that’s like throwing a bucket of water on a burning house. (Which is a great analogy for the economy in more ways than one) They’d need to hike them up to 10% at least for it to have any effect. Could you imagine mortgage rates over? It ain’t going to happen (at least not in the near future) So what that means is, inflation is almost certainly going to get a whole lot worse. And do you know what happens when inflation goes up? People are forced to give up on non-essentials (ie Netflix, buying big screen TVs, getting new phones etc), so they can pay for their essentials (ie energy bills/mortgage/food etc). (You can already see this with Netflix’s huge drop in new subscribers and why their share price tumbled 20% in one day). So if inflation is only going to get worse, and people are focusing more on essentials, the question then becomes… How do you ensure your service gets into the "essentials" category? Well, you could do what most Coaches do when sales become harder to make. And that is they focus on their offer. Meaning… They discount. They add extra coaching sessions. They create new bonuses. They build new modules etc. The problem with that approach is, if your prospects deem your service "non-essential," giving them more of what they don’t want is not going to help. That’s the bad news. The good news is, there’s a much easier solution that doesn’t require you to change your service or touch your offer one bit. What does The Aussie Hermit speaketh of? Simple… Choose a better market. Specifically, you want to choose a market that already considers your service to be essential. Let The Aussie Hermit give you an example: Let’s pretend you’re a golf coach. Inflation has just hit 30% and you want to get new clients. Well, you could go out and try to attract people who are interested in learning golf (AKA: beginners). That’s one option. Or another option is - you could go and coach golf professionals (AKA: people who’s career it is to play golf). Which is better? Well, let The Aussie Hermit ask you this way… Which of those two markets is going to value a golf coaching service more? The guy who’s just getting started? Or the guy whose career it is to play golf? The answer is the golf pro. And the reason why is - he’s invested far more time and money into this game vs the newbie. Also, he stands to gain more income from improvements where the newbie doesn’t. Point is… The professional will value coaching more than the newbie. But here’s the bigger point I wanted to share… Notice how the exact same service can be super valuable to one market, but not so much to another? Therefore, becoming an "essential" service during inflation is as simple as finding a market that *already* considers your service essential/valuable. Moreover… Within every market (whether weight loss or parenting or relationships or business etc), there are segments of people that will value your service more than the next segment. So if you want to thrive during inflation, your job is to work with one of those segments. I call these "high ticket markets." And the other great thing about these markets is they invest way more than other markets. (After all, they value your service more) So not only will you be able to attract clients during inflation (and the crash that follows), but you’ll be able to continue to charge high prices. Pretty cool, ey? With that being said… In the very first module of The 15 Minute Client program The Aussie Hermit shows you how to find your hight ticket market. This is a process I’ve refined after taking well over a thousand Coaches through it. And something that really differentiates this program from others (not many gurus know the importance of market selection, let alone know how to do it). Along with that, the program will help you… —> Craft a high ticket offer for your high ticket market… —> Attract that high ticket market onto your list with paid ads… —> And turn that high ticket market into high ticket clients send one email per day. If that sounds like a system you’d like to have implemented in your business this year, put your name on the waitlist here: -Luke Charlton The Hermit Hole, Canberra |
The most boring marketing method
Before speaking to a Coach who wants to join The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program, I’ll get them to fill out an application.
This helps me spot any red flags.
Weed out those who aren’t serious.
And also learn about their business so we can hit the ground running when we chat.
There are about 8 questions all up.
And one of the ones I like to ask is this…
"Besides "how much?" what questions do you have about the program that need answering before you invest?"
Usually, I’ll get responses like…
"How many hours are involved in getting the system up?
"When should I expect results?"
"When are the coaching calls?"
All typical responses.
But every now and then I’ll get a question that stands out.
And I got one recently that I needed to share with you.
Here’s what she said…
"Why aren't other marketers just e-mailing once a day? Why make things so much more involved and complicated if e-mailing once a day works so well?"
What a great question.
And it’s one The Aussie Hermit has pondered many times myself.
Why do all the complex funnels?
Why do all the tripwires?
Why set up all the crazy automations?
Why make things so complicated when you can just email once per day?
The Aussie Hermit will tell you why…
For the simple fact, this strategy is not new.
It’s not "sexy."
And it’s definitely not exciting.
After all, email marketing has been around since the dawn of the internet.
Also, "follow up" is the most "I’ve heard it before" marketing strategy out there.
In other words…
"Sending an email every day" sounds totally boring.
And this is why 99% of gurus don’t talk about it.
Instead, they prefer to spruik their latest wackydoo funnel system.
And to that I say, "good luck to them."
Because the only people who are attracted to those systems are "hyper buyers."
AKA: those looking for big results for not much effort.
That’s just not The Aussie Hermit.
Personally, I like to promote to the "skeptics."
These are the Coaches who have been around the block, and who understand a business is built on solid foundational marketing principles.
And there’s nothing more foundational than building a list and sending regular emails to that list.
The reason being, your database is the foundation from which you will get most of your clients.
Also, no one can take this away from you.
Facebook can ban you.
Google can kick you off.
Twitter can purge you.
But no government or outside entity can take away your database.
And that means you’re building your business on a secure foundation (unlike those Coaches who get all their clients from social media and other external platforms).
Moreover, email is still (by a long way) the most profitable marketing method online.
So if you’re going to choose a marketing method to get clients with, why wouldn’t you start with the one that’s #1 for ROI?
Makes sense to The Aussie Hermit.
With that being said…
Just because "sending a daily email" isn’t sexy, doesn’t mean it’s not fun.
If you’ve been reading The Aussie Hermit’s emails you’d see that they’re pretty different.
Sure, they provide a lot of value and tips to grow your business.
But also, they’re entertaining.
That’s by design.
Mainly because it gets you to pay attention (gotta compete with Netflix somehow).
But also because it makes these emails so much more enjoyable to write.
In fact, I actually have a lot of fun sending you these emails every day.
And The Aussie Hermit doesn’t know about you, but I’ve never had that with any other marketing strategy before.
If you’d like to get a consistent flow of high paying clients sending one (fun) email per day, then put your name on the waitlist for my 15 Minute Client program:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
Why low ticket memberships are the devil
When you hear the word “devil,” you associate it with things like…
Eternal damnation.
And Hillary Clinton.
Further, if you look up conspiracy theory stuff like The Aussie Hermit, you associate it with:
The Masons.
Hollywood pedophilia.
A “god” our government worships.
And Hillary Clinton.
But there’s one more thing The Aussie Hermit thinks we Coaches can link to “the evil one.”
That thing?
Membership sites.
Yes, membership sites.
The reason being, membership sites are like sins.
They’re very alluring.
After all, who doesn’t want safe, secure, recurring revenue every month?
It’s music to the ears of the struggling Coach who has inconsistent clients, and all the stress that goes with that.
But also like sins, membership sites are fraught with terrible consequences.
Consequences that suck Coaches into a deep, fiery pit of despair.
Here are a few reasons why:
For starters, membership sites take a crap ton of work.
What many Coaches don’t know is that in order to get people to join you need to create a “bribe” (AKA: a low ticket product/course).
The reason being, no one joins your membership for your membership.
They join for the free bribe.
And the problem with that is, the bribe only works for a short period. Then you have to create another one. Then another one. Then another one etc.
On top of that, you have to constantly be creating new content for your members (typically in the form of newsletters, video trainings, recurring workshops and other courses).
This takes *a lot* of time each month.
Great if you like being chained to your desk for hours every day.
Bad if you started a coaching business to get freedom from a 9-5 type lifestyle.
Membership sites attract low-quality prospects.
And I don’t mean that the people you attract are “bad” people.
Not at all.
But when you charge low-ticket it attracts people that expect a lot for their $47/mo (or whatever low price you’re charging).
And if every little one of their expectations isn't met?
They’ll refund.
They’ll bitch to others in the group.
And they’ll bad-mouth you on social media.
Low-ticket customers are the worst.
Memberships are just as hard to sell as high ticket coaching.
Actually, I would argue for the regular Coach they’re harder.
The reason?
Because you need to know copywriting.
You need to know how to write a sales page.
And you need to know what makes someone want to join a membership.
Just because it’s low ticket doesn’t automatically mean the sale is easy.
It’s anything but.
This is the most dangerous assumption Coaches make about low ticket memberships.
The other thing you have to consider is that membership sites require a more complicated tech setup.
So if you struggle with tech, it’s going to be a struggle to set up and manage.
You have to know how to assign different membership levels and send out the right content to the right people.
It can become a real cluster (you know what) if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Membership sites take a long time to get a decent amount of members.
Sure, if you have an email list with 10,000+ people, you might be able to launch with 100 or so recurring customers.
But The Aussie Hermit already knows that for 99% of Coaches reading this, your email list is probably under 2,000.
(I know this from the hundreds of conversations I’ve had over the years).
And so if you want to build a membership site you have to be patient.
Very patient.
If you’re getting 500 new email subscribers per month, I’d probably say about 15-25 of those would become recurring members.
(A conversion rate of 3%-5% which is industry standard)
That’s IF you’re getting that many subscribers IF you’re emailing every day, and IF you have a great offer/bribe/sales letter for them to join.
Most Coaches don’t have any of those “ifs” and why they struggle with memberships.
I could go on about hell membership sites put you through.
But I’ll leave it with this final piece which should frighten you the most…
Membership sites will put you in the “red” for many months before you’re even profitable.
Here’s what I mean…
If you want to fill your membership at a decent rate you’ll need to advertise.
(Of course, you could go the organic route. But then you’ll significantly reduce the number of people joining your membership. And ain’t no Coach getting rich with 2-5 new $47/mo customers joining each month)
And that costs money.
Let’s do some calculations…
Let’s say you wanted 500 new email subscribers every month to get 25 new recurring members.
Well, those 500 subscribers will cost you about $3,000 IF your leads are $6 each (most people have a more expensive lead cost, but let’s go with $6).
Now let’s say that each of those new 25 customers are worth $47/mo to you (an average membership price).
So if you run the numbers it means you’ve spent $3,000 and made back $1,175.
In other words, you’ve lost $1,825.
“But Aussie Hermit, that $1,175 is *recurring* revenue. So won’t that $1,175 get bigger as more new people get added?”
Sure it will.
But for many months you’ll be running red until at one point you’ll break even (usually this takes 6-9 months). Then you’ll slowly start to become profitable.
In other words…
You will be making a loss for many months (usually about 6-9). And almost every Coach I speak to doesn’t have the cash flow to sustain that type of business model.
Membership sites sound great.
But when you look at the work involved.
You look at the skills you need to make it work.
And you actually run the numbers, all of a sudden, it’s not that alluring.
Now if for some reason you’re still wanting to run a membership site because you’re some sort of masochist, then this is what The Aussie Hermit recommends…
Step 1. Build your list with paid ads.
Step 2. Sell that list a high ticket service (which will immediately cover your ad spend *plus* give you good profits).
Step 3. Sell the leads on your list that don't buy the high ticket into membership customers.
That, in my hermity opinion, is the right way to build a membership.
Personally, though, I say why bother?
It’s a lot of work and a lot of headaches.
I’d much rather have a business where I coach for a couple of hours per week, earn a great living, and get to spend the rest of my time doing what I want.
With that being said…
If you want to create a coaching business that scales quickly, then you’ve got to start running ads.
And if you want to create a coaching business that turns advertising into profits even faster, then you’ve got to sell a high ticket program.
Inside The 15 Minute Client program I show you how.
Specifically, you’ll learn…
—> How to identify your “high ticket” market that has the motivation and money to invest….
—> How to craft a high ticket offer that market would feel silly saying no to…
—> How to build your list on autopilot with paid ads and a simple lead magnet…
—> How to send regular emails that build trust, credibility and has prospects reaching out to work with you…
Plus much more including…
—> How to invite those prospects into your high ticket program using The Aussie Hermit’s sales script…
If that sounds like a system you want, make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
The case for selling just one program
That’s the number of client-getting courses The Aussie Hermit has created since 2013.
These include courses on…
Creating profitable webinars.
Building tripwire funnels.
Getting referrals.
Launching a blog.
Getting booked on stage and more.
But do you know how many of those courses I now teach?
Just one.
The 15 Minute Client.
It’s true.
I could teach you a myriad of different ways to get clients.
And I could profit from doing so.
But I don’t.
Here are a few reasons why:
First, my 15 Minute Client system is the most simple, straightforward way to attract high-paying clients.
After all, all you have to do is send one email per day once it’s set up.
So if I went and taught anything else I’d be out of integrity.
The Aussie Hermit teaches just one program because it makes my life so much easier.
Back in the day when I was selling different courses and programs, I’d have to:
—> Create multiple marketing campaigns to fill them…
—> Constantly be creating new content for each…
—> Coaching multiple different groups…
It was a lot of work.
But now that I have just one program, I only need to:
—> Send one email per day to fill it…
—> Update the course sporadically (usually once every 18 months)…
—> Coach just one group.
And that all leads to a coaching business with far less headaches, far less work, and far less time involved.
I teach just one program because, well, it generates a ton more revenue.
It’s true.
I generate way more than when I was selling multiple programs.
It’s a bit counterintuitive.
But the reason why this happens is because your marketing message becomes much more *focused* when selling one program.
Think about it…
When you only have one program:
—> Every ad you write, leads to that one program…
—> Every lead magnet (or funnel) you create, leads to that one program…
—> Every email you send leads to that one program…
—> Every sales conversation you have leads to that one program…
This makes things so much more simplifed.
For you and most importantly - your market.
You see, when you only have one program, your prospects understand all the reasons why they should work with you in that one program.
After all, every piece of content is leading to that one program.
It makes their decision easy.
However, when you have multiple programs, it muddies the waters (even if you’re good at marketing).
It confuses prospects.
It makes them question which program is best for them.
This often leads to a "no" and them buying with a competitor who has made that decision easy.
Bottom line:
Us Coaches find selling and marketing one program a struggle at the best of times.
So why make it any harder on ourselves by trying to sell multiple?
Something cud to chew on as you go about your day today.
With that being said…
There’s only one program The Aussie Hermit is going to talk about right now, and that’s The 15 Minute Client program.
Like my business model, this system is very simple.
Here’s how it works…
You build your list with paid ads and email your list once every day.
That’s it.
Now, in order to make that system profitable, there are a few things you’ll need.
For example…
You’ll need to get clear on your "high ticket" market.
You’ll need a program offer that’s packaged, positioned, and priced for that market.
You’ll need to launch your list building campaign, and once that’s done…
You’ll need to send one daily email.
Everything The Aussie Hermit just mentioned, is outlined - in detail - inside The 15 Minute Client program.
In fact, everything I just mentioned has a proprietary template, framework or formula to help take you through each step.
Even better, I’ve taken hundreds of Coaches through these processes.
That means they’re proven.
And it also means you get the latest and greatest version.
If you want to get clients send just one email per day, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
What you should never Google
There are some things you should never Google.
For instance…
What’s the cause of my headache?
What’s on Hunter Biden’s laptop?
Is there really graphene oxide in the v@xeenes?
Further, when it comes to our business, one thing we Coaches should never Google is this…
"How to get clients."
The reason?
You get 6.9 billion responses.
And most of the information Google gives you is generic at best. Look at the first few pages of results…
Most are just simple lists of things to do with not much "how" involved.
- Ask for referrals...
- Network...
- Offer discounts and incentives for new customers only...
- Re-contact old customers...
- Improve your website...
- Partner with complementary businesses...
- Promote your expertise...
- Use online reviews to your advantage.
And, also, totally unhelpful.
No matter...
The Aussie Hermit is here to help out.
Since 2013 I’ve tried pretty much every marketing method out there. From networking to referrals to offline events to trawling through FB/LinkedIn groups to webinars to tripwires to cold calling and even door knocking!
And so that means you don’t need to sift through billions of pages of information to know which client attraction strategy is right for you.
I’m going to help you make that decision right now.
Here’s the deal…
When choosing a strategy, there’s only one question you need to ask…
"Can a Coach with low marketing/sales experience close high ticket clients with this strategy?"
Seems obvious as most Coaches aren’t marketing/sales experts.
But the truth is…
There are a lot of strategies out there that make it very difficult for Coaches to get results because you need to be very good at marketing/selling.
So to help you find a marketing strategy that you can actually make work, there are 4 things you want to consider:
- Is the strategy "quick and easy to setup"
Again, seems obvious. But there are many strategies that are quite complex to get going.
For example, a tripwire funnel.
You need your core product. Then you need an order bump. Then you need your 3 up sells. Then you need to put all the pages together.
Then you need create a bunch of different automations.
Then you need to connect all your tech systems etc.
This takes ages.
Personally, I’ve done these in the past they’ve taken me many weeks.
But for a regular Coach who’s not skilled at this?
I often see them putting these things together for months.
So that’s why whatever you choose - make sure you can get it up and running within 1-2 weeks at most. - Test cheaply
This is something gurus don’t talk about much because their funnel system takes a lot of money to test/tweak.
A good example of this is webinars.
The strategy seems simple on the surface - you create a webinar. You drive ads to it. And it converts into clients.
But what they don’t tell you is that in order to see whether your webinar converts you’ll need to spend about $3,000 just to do one test.
Then if it doesn’t convert first time (which for 95% of Coaches it won’t because they’re not marketing/sales/presentation experts), you have to stop the webinar. Re-do the whole presentation. Then go again for another $3,000 launch.
What, you think I’m exaggerating?
Just run the numbers…
Let’s say it costs you $15 to get 1 person registered for your webinar (this is the average for a webinar at the moment).
Well, if you spend $3,000 that means you’ve got 200 people registered.
Great, right?
Not so fast.
Not all of those prospects will show up to your presentation. Only about 30% will *if* you have your email automations dialled in.
So that means 60 people show to your webinar.
Great, right?
Again, not so fast.
Just because they show doesn’t mean they stay until the end either.
About 50% of those people will stay until your pitch *if* you’re engaging.
That’s 30 people out of 200 that will watch your pitch.
And how many of those are you going to close?
Well if you’re amazing at closing you’ll get about 10% of them.
So 3 new clients.
But if you’re like most Coaches who are still learning how to close, you’ll probably achieve a big fat donut.
In other words…
You’ll get zero clients.
And this is why most Coaches give up on webinars pretty quickly. They’re very expensive.
(Funny how the gurus don’t tell you about this, ey?)
The same is true for tripwire funnels.
What gurus don’t tell you is that to make a sale for a low-ticket product is going to cost you anywhere between $100 to $200.
And if your AOV or "average order value" is about $30 (which is typical), then you’re going to be running red.
And yes - many gurus run these tripwire funnels at a loss (because they have the cash flow to do that) and then convert those customers to clients with email on the backend.
Sneaky, ay? - Test variables quickly
Another thing gurus don’t talk about is your ability to test the variables quickly.
Here’s the truth…
Any system you use online has variables that need to be tested.
What are variables?
They’re the things you need to get right in order for the strategy to work.
For example, a webinar funnel has these variables you’ll need to test/get right before clients come in:
Your ad.
Your landing page.
Your webinar headline.
Your show up/follow up emails.
Your presentation intro.
Your presentation content.
Your pitch.
And so it’s obvious that whatever strategy you choose, you want to be able to test these quickly because the chances of you getting them all right first go is about zero.
(Even The Aussie Hermit needs to test and tweak his own/client campaigns and I’ve been doing this since 2013)
Some funnels make this process harder than others.
Webinars make it very hard (because each time you have to test your presentation - which is the main variable) you have to turn off the whole funnel. Re-do the presentation. Then start again.
This process often bogs Coaches down for months, destroying their cash flow and confidence.
The Aussie Hermit has seen it time and time again.
(And I’ve personally been through this as well)
Another bad one is tripwires.
Each of the main variables is a product.
I.e. Your main offer, your order bump, your first up sell, your second up sell and your third up sell etc.
So if one of those products don’t sell, you have to stop the funnel.
Create a whole new product.
Update the sales page.
Update your membership site.
Relaunch the campaign etc.
And that’s if only one product doesn’t sell.
Most of the time NONE (and I mean NONE) of the Coaches products sell.
Because it’s extremely hard to convert cold traffic into a buyer - even for professional marketers.
And I could go on about other funnel types that make testing variables hard as well…
5 Day Challenges…
Bot/Messenger Sequences…
Extremely long automations…
The point is…
With many of these guru funnels there’s a lot of work to be done to test the variables.
This takes time (often months), and money out of your pocket.
Finally… - Forgiving
And this may be the most important one.
When choosing a strategy you want to make sure that you can get results with it even if your message isn’t 100% on point.
I say that because, again…
Most Coaches don’t have a clear message in the beginning.
And so wouldn’t it be nice to still be able to attract quality clients even while you’re getting the hang of crafting a quality message?
Almost all guru funnels don’t allow for this.
Because these funnels require you to convert cold traffic, your message has basically go to be perfect if you want it to convert.
If you want to convert cold traffic in your webinar funnel - your message has to be perfect.
If you want to convert cold traffic in your tripwire funnel - your message has to be perfect.
If you want to convert cold traffic in your 5 day challenge funnel - your message has to be perfect.
And that means it’s very hard to make these funnels convert first go.
In fact…
Virtually impossible for the average Coach that isn’t a marketing professional.
The good news is, there is a strategy that ticks all these boxes.
—> It’s quick and easy to setup…
—> It can be tested cheaply…
—> It’s variables can be tested quickly, and…
—> It’s is very forgiving.
That strategy?
Build your list with paid ads, and email your list once per day.
Let The Aussie Hermit explain…
- Quick and easy to setup
This system only requires you to create a lead magnet, set up an opt in page, a thank you page, and then you’re good to go.
There’s no convoluted funnels.
No multiple products to create.
And no crazy tech.
That means any Coach - even those self confessed "technophobes" - can get this system up and running very quickly without the headaches. - Can be tested cheaply
A big question I always get is…
"Aussie Hermit, how much do I have to spend on ads?"
And my response is always - "not as much as you think!"
To get started I’d say you want to be spending a minimum of $20 per day.
Of course, you can spend a bit more which will generate you more leads.
But by spending a low amount we’re able to get you clients without blowing your budget.
Also, this is all we need to test the variables of this strategy.
Let’s talk about that next… - Variables can be tested quickly
When helping Coaches implement this strategy, there are 3 main variables I’m helping them optimise.
These are…
1. The lead magnet…
2. Prospects joining their waitlist, and…
3. The sales conversation.
And I know if we can get these 3 things right, they’ll get consistent high paying clients.
But what you’ll notice about these variables is that they can be tested/changed very quickly.
So your lead magnet isn’t getting opt ins?
No problem, it’ll only take you an hour or two to get a new one up and running.
Prospects aren’t joining your program waitlist?
No problem.
Just tweak your offer in your next daily email and see how they respond.
You’re not signing clients in your sales conversations?
No worries.
Try a different approach next time. Maybe you try communicating your offer a different way, or you come better prepared to overcome objections.
Point is…
These 3 variables are very quick to test.
And that means it shortens your path to getting clients online significantly.
Finally… - Forgiving
What separates email from every other strategy out there (and why it’s #1 for online profits) is that you can follow up.
You can send multiple emails to the same person to try and convince them to buy your program.
And so what that means is - if you send an email and it doesn’t convert, no problem.
You can send another tomorrow to try and convince them.
And another, and another. Etc.
In other words - you get multiple chances to close the sale.
You can’t do that with guru funnels.
With guru funnels, you have one shot to get your message right and if you don’t convert them, they don’t become a client.
This means you need to be far better at marketing/selling to make them work.
One more thing you have to consider is that with every new email you send, you’re building a relationship with them.
You’re establishing trust. You’re establishing credibility. And you’re educating them on your program.
And so that means that when you speak to them on the phone they *already* know, like, and trust you. And, also, they know you’re an expert and know about your program.
This makes closing them into a high priced program *far* easier.
(Think of it like a referral but even easier because they already know you/your program).
At that point it’s just a quick conversation to see if they’re a good fit.
You can’t say this about guru funnels.
With those funnels you’re almost always speaking to cold prospects.
And what that means is, you have to be very good at selling.
Yet another reason why these types are funnels are not forgiving, and why email is.
The bottom line:
If you’re not great at marketing and selling (or simply want a system that’s the easiest of the bunch to get results from), you can’t do better than building your list and emailing your list.
This is why I go on about it so much in my emails.
For me, and those who agree with the above, it’s the best choice for Coaches to get clients online.
With that being said…
Inside The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program I teach "building and emailing your list" in a lot more depth.
You learn…
—> How to craft a lead magnet that brings in quality leads…
—> How to launch that lead magnet with a simple 3 sentence ad…
—> How to get clients with a budget starting at $20-$30/day…
—> How to send emails your prospects love to open, read and buy from, and…
—> How to close your prospects into a high priced program.
And the best part is…
You get access to yours-hermity.
That’s right. Me. The Aussie Hermit.
And that means I’ll be reviewing all your marketing materials before you launch so that when you do, you have the best chance of it converting right out of the gate.
If that sounds like a program you want to be a part of, make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
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