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Client Attraction
17 signs you need help
Over the years, The Aussie Hermit has helped thousands of Coaches. With many of them having a goal to get to that consistent $20k/mo mark. However, many experience serious problems that stop their ability to reach that revenue level. So what I’ve done is create a list of a few of these problems. That way, if you’re experiencing any of them, it’s a sign you may need the help of an expert to overcome them. Here we go: You have a list but they don’t respond to your email offers… You spend time in Facebook groups adding a lot of value, but this rarely eventuates into a client… You get lots of "no shows"… You’re afraid to spend money on ads because when you have in the past, you haven’t made anything back… You constantly chase bright shiny funnel strategies to get clients… You spend far more time creating marketing content than you do coaching clients… You feel like an "imposter" or "fraud" when selling… When someone gives you an objection, you find it hard to overcome it… You charge by the hour instead of by value… You take more than 1-2 sentences to explain how you help a client… Your revenue goes up and down like a rollercoaster. Some months are great, others are frightening… You can convert referrals, but can’t convert cold traffic online… You consistently lower your fees to try to make the sale… You have no email follow up... You believe people are buying your coaching… Earning $20,000 per month seems like an impossible goal… You spend more time chasing clients than you do helping clients… And, there are many more. But if I’ve hit the head with any of these, then it’s something you’ll want to address as soon as possible. Especially if your goal is to get to 20k/mo+. With that being said… As mentioned, The Aussie Hermit helps Coaches overcome these problems every day. In fact, that’s pretty much all I do in my hole. (That and read about how the deep state is trying to bring us into "The Great Reset" by destroying the economy and our liberties.) So if you’d like the help of an experience marketing hermit, then make sure to put your name on The 15 Minute Client waitlist. My system shows you how to build your list on autopilot and then convert that list into high paying clients with one simple email each day. And that’s it. It’s the simplest system in the world. (Much simpler than any complex guru funnel) Anyway, here’s the link to the waitlist: -Luke Charlton The Hermit Hole, Somewhere Near Byron Bay |
5 useless things that won’t get you clients
A while back, The Aussie Hermit had a Coach reach out to me with a problem…
They’ve run a bunch of ads, spent a whole lot of money, and nothing has worked to make their funnel convert.
A very common story.
And so they asked me…
"Luke, what do you think is the problem?
I think it might be the tag line of my program?
Should I create a better tag line?"
I hear stuff like this all the time.
Coaches focus on things that make absolutely no difference to the sale.
I’m not sure who’s teaching this but I’d thought I’d help you out by listing a few things you don’t need to get clients.
Here we go…
- A great tag line.
Seriously, no one cares about your tag line.
They also don’t care about the name of your program.
These won’t make or break the sale.
What will make or break the sale?
Your program "promise" (AKA: the "result" your program promises).
In fact, it’s the most important part of your offer because that’s what they’re actually buying! - Business cards.
Sure they look nice. But should you be spending time on them? No way Jose´!
Because they won’t make or break the sale.
Forget about them. - Pamphlets.
Please tell you’re not printing pamphlets?? - "Likes."
Ever notice how those likes don’t translate into clients?
The only thing they’re good for a pumping up your ego.
Forget about getting more likes.
And if you’re currently spending money on ads building the "likes" on your page, turn it off right now!
It’s a huge waste of money.
And finally, the big one… - A website.
Yes it’s true - you don’t actually need a traditional website to get clients.
In fact, a traditional website won’t really attract you any clients at all (unless you get huge traffic to it through SEO).
I have one - but I don’t use it to attract clients.
Mainly it's just a place for prospects to see that I'm real.
But to be honest, a simple LinkedIn profile can do this.
Also, I only created my website after I’d already been in business for over 6 years.
What did I have before that?
An opt in page and a thank you page.
That’s it.
The point is - you don’t need one to get clients.
But what if you already have one?
Just leave it there (I’m sure it’s fine how it is - stop worrying about it) and focus instead on a simple client attraction strategy that works.
And that’s it for today.
There are many more but those are the big ones.
Now, speaking of a simple client attraction strategy that works…
If you want to get more clients, but feel like your current way of getting them is pretty useless, then maybe The Aussie Hermit can help?
I have a system that gets you premium clients beating down your door sending just one daily email.
And that's it.
If that's the type of simplicity you want, then make make sure to put yourself on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
How to profit from my death
Often, The Aussie Hermit thinks about what my family would do if I got shot in a drive-by and died…
Or was stabbed to death by bum while walking home one night…
Or had my head lopped off by a ninja.
Now, I don’t live in a place with a high crime rate - I just always imagine my death will be quite dramatic.
Anyway, the point is…
I think about what they’d do if I suddenly died.
How would they survive financially?
Of course, Alana could go back to work.
But I think she’s become quite accustomed to Big Pappa Hermit’s paycheck 😉
And besides…
Going back to work would mean she’d have less time raising Indi and Olive, less time showing them how to avoid ninjas, and they’d have more time being babysat by the Government.
No thanks.
So I think about what I could do now to ensure that doesn’t ever happen…
What type of coaching business could I set up so that it would run virtually on autopilot without me there?
And most importantly…
If something did go wrong with the business - how could I set it up so that it’s very easy to fix?
And, I think I figured it out.
Here’s how I’d do it…
First, I would use paid traffic.
And the reason why is…
Alana wouldn’t have the marketing expertise that is required to make the free traffic methods work (ie write blogs, record podcasts, create social posts etc).
Also, she simply wouldn’t have the time to do the free methods.
Paid traffic when done the way Big Pappa C teaches, needs you to only check your campaign once per week for a few minutes (basically to make sure it’s still on).
Then, after a year or so the ad may need to be changed (of which I’d have a plethora ready to go for her).
This strategy would allow her to run the campaigns a for a decade at least.
What would I advertise in my ad?
Well, it wouldn’t be a complicated guru funnel that’s for sure.
There are just too many moving pieces in them. If something went wrong, Alana wouldn’t know how to fix it.
So once again I’d keep it simple…
I’d advertise a basic lead magnet to get prospects onto my list.
So basically I’d use a very simple list building strategy to attract my market.
And all that would require is two landing pages (opt in page and thank you page), and a PDF lead magnet delivered by an email system.
From there I’d keep it simple yet again…
All I would do is send everyone down the same 365 email autoresponder.
That’s right.
It would be one long-ass autoresponder…
And they would get one email per day for 365 days.
The reason why is…
With email my marketing doesn’t have to be perfect.
Unlike a guru funnel where you only get one shot at convincing someone to work with you - email you get multiple.
Each day the prospect gets an email is another day you get to explain why your product is better than the rest.
One email you can talk about a client case study.
Another email you can talk about a personal story.
Another email you can talk about terrible guru advice.
Etc etc.
With every new email they get, I convince them more and more until they realise they MUST have my program.
At which stage they’d simply *click* the link at the end of the email to buy.
Some will be ready to buy after just a few days.
Some it may take 120 days or longer.
Either way…
I know that if I’m consistent with my follow up for 365 days I’m going to convert a good portion of those leads into sales.
I would make sure I only promote ONE program in my emails.
Why just one program?
Because again, I want to keep it simple.
I don’t want complex funnels and automations and sequences going on that can screw up the gravy train for Alana.
I would be very focused and sell just one core offer to my market.
What would that offer be?
Well, if I’m selling to coaches earning under 6-figures (currently my main market), it would be my program on how to attract high ticket clients…
My “15 Minute Client” program.
The only difference, of course, is that there’d be no coaching (because I’d be dead). It would be a pure info product.
And that’s it.
That’s the system that would bring in consistent sales for my family after my death.
I love it because it’s so simple and it’s virtually impossible to screw up.
And the funny thing is…
This is pretty much how I run my business now (only I don’t have a 365 day autoresponder. I send my emails out manually each day. I prefer it this way for now as I want to sell multiple programs and products).
Now you may love the idea of this simple system so much that you what to set it up right now.
And to that The Aussie Hermit says…
I love your enthusiasm, but let me tell you why you shouldn’t if you’re earning under 6-figures…
If you’re earning under (or even around 6-figures in many cases) and you can’t scale, it often means you have a marketing message that isn’t resonating.
So when you automate that message, it just means you’re automating a message that doesn’t work.
So what you want to do is follow the strategy above, but instead of creating a long autoresponder - hold off.
Send out your emails manually.
This allows you to know what is and what isn’t working a lot easier based off how people responder (AKA: whether they book into your calendar or not).
From there you keep doing more of what’s working and throw out the rest.
Then once you’re confident in your message (because you’re getting consistent clients) - go ahead and create that long-ass autoresponder.
You can be confident it will convert.
And further…
Now you have an asset that will produce for your family even after a Samurai has impaled you 😉
With that being said…
If you’d like a simple client getting system that…
Allows you to build your list on autopilot (only checking once per week for a few minutes)…
Get high paying prospects applying to work with you from one daily email (and nothing else)…
And allows you to close those premium clients without getting on the phone (just
some simple email back and forth)…
Then maybe my 15 Minute Client program is what you’re after?
If you’re interested, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
When listening to your market sends you into the side of a mountain
The other day Don Jnr. posted a meme on his Instagram.
It was a picture of Biden with a dumbfounded look on his face wearing a pilots hat.
Underneath it said…
"If I was the pilot, would you get on the plane?"
And, it also ties in perfectly with a lesson The Aussie Hermit has been wanting to talk about for a while.
Imagine you were a pilot.
You’re flying through the air - 30,000 feet off the ground.
Then, from the back of the plane some random passenger opens the door and starts giving you advice on how to fly.
Do you listen to him?
Of course not.
That would almost certainly kill everyone on board.
Yet, this is the mistake we Coaches often make.
We listen to our prospects’ advice on how to run our business.
One such example of this is "email frequency."
When Coaches come into The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program, the first thing I get them to do is start sending emails every day.
Even Saturday and Sunday.
And low and behold, they start booking more appointments.
However, every now and then I’ll get a client that says…
"Aussie Hermit, I started sending more emails and got a complaint. They say I should send less emails. What do you think?"
I think that’s a very silly way to run your business.
Why would you care what one person thinks when you’re booking 3x-5x more appointments than before?
It’s like the passenger telling the pilot how to fly.
Their opinion is completely irrelevant.
Another example of this is when you see big name experts send out an email to their list that says something like…
"Would you like to hear from me once per week? Twice per week? Three times per week? Or Every day?"
This is really stupid.
Who cares how many times they want to hear from you.
You’ll send as many emails as you like because it’s your list and you make more sales (AKA: help more people) when you do.
And if they don’t like that?
That’s what the unsubscribe button is for.
Another area we Coaches like to let our prospects direct our businesses is with our ads.
As soon as we get one negative comment we freak out. We turn off the ads. Or change them altogether.
Unfortunately, negative comments come with running ads.
Simply delete them, or do what I mentioned the other day in another email - turn them into a reason to opt in to your list (or buy whatever you’re promoting).
Probably the biggest area we let prospects direct our business is our prices.
We speak to so many people that can’t afford our coaching and so we reduce our prices until they jump in.
Then we feel like shit.
We barely have enough money to pay for our ads (let alone bills and living expenses).
Plus, this attracts a lot of people in our programs that simply don’t get results because they’re not invested.
If this resonates, then I can tell you this now…
After working with thousands of Coaches, the problem is rarely that the market can’t afford your program.
It’s that you haven’t communicated the value of that program effectively.
Communicate the value and you’ll get more people investing a higher amount.
Bottom line:
Don’t let prospects fly your plane.
Otherwise, they’ll navigate you right into the side of a mountain.
With that being said…
There is one place you should listen to your prospects and that’s when they’re telling you their fears, frustrations, desires and challenges as it relates to the area you’re helping them with.
These are called "psychographics."
And it’s these psychographics that you use to create profitable marketing campaigns.
For example…
A frustration many Coaches have is "spending a ton of time in Facebook groups for no results." And so if I speak to that - if a write an email saying - "hey, are you frustrated with spending too much time in Facebook groups?" - well, that will get them to pay attention.
Further, if I provide a solution - if I say something like, "don’t worry, I’ve got a solution where you can get clients without ever having to spend one more minute in a Facebook group" - that becomes very appealing.
This makes them want to hear more.
Point is…
Psychographics are what you want to research to create marketing campaigns that resonate.
And it’s inside The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program where I show you how to learn your dream client’s psychographics right from the comfort of your computer.
Specifically, I share with you my "Research Rolodex" that I’ve used for all the multimillion dollar campaigns I’ve written copy for.
Along with that, I show you:
—> How to craft a high ticket offer your market will happily invest in…
—> How to build your list with quality leads using paid ads...
—> How to send that list one email per day that gets regular appointments, and…
—> How to close those *pre-sold* prospects without being salesy.
If that sounds like a system you’re after, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
Why free traffic is more than expensive than paid
A while back The Aussie Hermit read a tweet that said…
“People worried about 5g towers
but don’t question Burger King selling 10
nuggets for $1”
Funny - and true.
And what’s also funny, and true, is that a similar analogy applies to Coaches.
Coaches are worried about the cost of ads, but don’t question the cost it takes for them to get a client with the “free” methods.
Sure free strategies are great.
But just because you don’t hand over physical money, doesn’t mean they don’t cost you money.
For example…
Let’s say you spend 3 hours per day (or 15 hours per week) doing your free methods…
And from those methods you book 5 calls.
And from those 5 calls you get 1 new client.
(Most Coaches don’t get near that, but let’s go with that number anyway)
Well, if your time is worth $200 per hour, it means it cost you $4,000 for that client.
(15hrs of free methods + 5hrs of calls x $200/hr = $4,000)
Now let me ask…
Is a new client currently worth more than $4,000?
If not, you’re at a BIG loss.
Now you might be thinking…
“But Aussie Hermit, I’m not really at a loss because I didn’t hand over any physical money to do the free methods”
And to that I say…
Sure if that’s how you want to justify it to yourself.
But I’ll also say…
Have you heard of “opportunity cost?”
Let me share with you how that works…
You see, with my autopilot list building system, I literally spend a few minutes each week checking my campaigns.
I don’t even touch them. I just log in to make sure they’re still going.
Then from there I just send my list one quick email per day.
That’s my whole marketing strategy.
Then, with all the time I save from not having to do the free methods (15+ hours per week) I’m able to have far more sales conversations.
And because of that, I can close way more clients.
For example…
I have the time to bring in 5-10 new clients per week where someone who uses the free methods doesn’t.
So you’re right - you don’t pay anything to do the free methods.
But you pay big time in the opportunity cost.
Free is an illusion.
And if you to chase free it’ll cost you far more than if you were to just pay.
With that being said…
If you want a system that allows you to give up all those free methods, get back your time, and close clients the Ol’ Aussie Hermit way - with an autopilot list building strategy and just one daily email…
Then make sure to put yourself on my 15 Minute Client program waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
The Fed’s 29 trillion dollar lie
Here’s some news that should be plastered across every major media channel but isn’t…
This week (through a freedom of information request) we got some information about how much money the Fed *actually* gave to banks during the 2008 financial crisis.
And, it’s pretty shocking.
But, before we get there, some context…
Back in 2008, they told us they needed to spend about 787 billion to bail out the banks.
And I don’t know if you remember back then, but a lot of people were calling that totally insane.
Well, as we all know, it went ahead.
But it wasn’t 787 they created out of thin air.
It was, drum roll, please…
29 trillion.
The Aussie Hermit kids you not.
Level Economics Institute did the “freedom of information request” and they discovered between 2008 and 2010 the Fed gave…
Citigroup - 2.5 trillion.
Morgan Stanley - 2 trillion.
Meryl Lynch - 1.9 trillion.
Bank of America - 1.3 trillion.
And there’s more…
They gave billions to the Bank of Scotland, Switzerland, France, Belgium.
3.7 trillion to Japan.
1.4 trillion to the UK.
And 1.3 trillion to Germany.
In other words - they bailed out the whole world.
Now, this brings up many questions.
But for me, 2 of the big ones are…
- Where is the mainstream media on this? Why are they not reporting on it? Isn’t this their job? To keep the government in check? Who’s side are they really on?
- If that’s how much the Fed spent back then, do you think they’re spending more now, or less?
Let the Aussie Hermit give you an insight into that second question…
(And if you think 29 trillion is outrageous, wait until you read this)
Back in 2019 there was liquidity crisis.
The banks just didn’t have enough cash.
And so in order to solve this problem the Fed started loaning them money.
Initially, they could borrow up to 50 billion but it had to be paid back the next day.
Then, because of demand, that number quickly went up to 150 billion. And, again, it had to be paid back the next day.
Then they started extending how long the banks could pay it back.
First it was 3 days.
Then a week.
Then a couple of weeks.
Then 3 months.
And then it became open as to when they pay it back.
Read that last sentence again.
Then we came into the pandemic.
You want to know how much the Fed started loaning after that?
1 trillion dollars per week.
And again, that had a “pay us back when you like” agreement.
But wait - there’s more.
The pandemic started 95 weeks ago now.
And you know what?
They haven’t stopped loaning.
Now, The Aussie Hermit isn’t great at math, but by my tiny hermit brain calculations, that’s about 95 trillion dollars they’ve printed into existence.
And then you add the 29 trillion from the global financial crisis and we’ve got an extremely big problem.
Why am I telling you this?
One, it allows you to get prepared.
I don’t know when this is all going to implode, but when it does, it’s going to make the Great Depression look like a walk in the park.
So now is the time to buy extra food.
Buy protection.
And buy gold.
Of course, this is not financial advice. I’m just a hermit who lives in a hole that reads too many conspiracy theories.
I’m just telling you what I’m doing.
I feel like I can’t not.
Another thing you’ll want to do is create a solid foundation from which you can always get clients.
This seem obvious.
But many of us Coaches don’t have this.
Instead, our foundation is more like “quicksand”.
Our client attraction is haphazard.
We’re constantly chasing clients.
And we’re constantly flip flopping between strategies.
It’s completely unpredictable and uncertain, and not the type of business you want to be running when shit hits the fan.
A solid foundation means you have a big group of prospects you have a strong relationship with.
A group that knows you’re an expert.
And a group that’s interested in your offer.
This is why I build my email list.
And this is why I email every day.
By being consistent with my list building and emailing, I create a strong relationship with my list.
And if something catastrophic were to happen with my finances, I can always send out some more offers and I know I have people waiting to buy.
That’s safety.
That’s security.
That’s preparing well for what’s to come.
Of course, it takes time to build that type of relationship.
You can’t just wait til the economy crashes then start building and emailing your list.
You’ve got to start today.
As I said - I’m not sure when this will implode.
My guess is mid year.
But it *will* implode.
Question is…
Will you be ready?
With that being said…
Future protecting yourself is not the only reason to build and email your list.
Of course the main reason is that it allows you to get consistent, high paying clients today.
Even better…
These clients are much easier to close because, as mentioned, they already know you’re an expert (because they’ve been reading your emails), and they already have a relationship with you.
Completely different to all those guru funnels that have you talking to cold prospects that are super hard to close, and need a lot do those traditional (salesy) sales tricks to move over the line.
That’s not for me.
If you’re the same, and you want consistent clients, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
A not-for-profit “donation offer” Coaches can model to charge more
Yesterday, I had a conversation with a woman who wanted to hire The Aussie Hermit to run her ads.
And, what was different about this conversation was that this woman runs a not-for-profit.
(A not-for-profit that helps children who have been trafficked).
The reason this conversation was different was because I usually run ads for Coaches, Course Creators, and sometimes eCommerce stores.
Never have I run ads for a 301c.
However, I took the call with her because I was confident I could help
Why was I so confident?
Because whether you’re a Coach, eCommerce store or not-for-profit - marketing is marketing and selling is selling.
It’s all the same.
There is a problem in the market.
You have a solution to that problem.
You use marketing/selling to connect that solution to that problem.
Further, the ad campaigns are the same, too.
We have a "dream customer" we need to get clear on that would be most willing/able to give a donation (for you this would be a "dream client" that’s most willing/able to buy your program)…
We have a goal for the campaign i.e. more donations (for you that would typically be an "opt in").
We have to provide a great offer to get those donations (for you that would typically be a great lead magnet offer).
And we have to write copy that resonates with our dream customer so they take us up on our offer.
It’s all the same.
Something else to think about…
Part way through our conversation I asked her about her "offer."
(I.e. what offer are you going to use to get people to give a donation).
She hadn’t thought about it.
And, it’s a hard question because…
How do you get someone to give you money when they don’t really get anything in return other than self-satisfaction?
It’s not like they get a product. It’s a donation.
So The Aussie Hermit suggested this…
"Sell a result."
Specifically, I told her…
If you want to get people eagerly donating to you, tell them that they’re buying some type of result.
For example, tell them in the ad something like… "If you donate $20, you’ll give shelter for a week to a trafficked child. If you donate $50 you’ll give them food for a week. If you donate $100 you’ll save a child from being trafficked" etc.
Point is…
Let them know that when they give you their money, it’s going to produce a *tangible result.*
And you know what?
This is exactly what The Aussie teaches Coaches in my program when they package their offer.
You want to sell a result because that’s what your prospect is buying.
They don’t want your 12 sessions.
They don’t want your group coaching program.
What they want is "more clients" or a "dream body" or a "connected marriage" etc.
The better the result, the more you can charge, the more prospects will be eager to work with you.
So you see again…
Whether it’s a 301c or coaching business - marketing and selling are all the same.
The same principles apply across the board.
And that’s exactly how I can get results no matter what type of business seeks my help.
I know the principles.
I simply apply those principles to each client individually for the campaigns.
You can, too.
It’s not hard.
It just takes discovering what they are and applying them to your own business.
With that being said…
My 15 Minute Client system is built on a foundation of solid marketing and selling principles.
It all begins with understanding/researching your dream client inside and out.
Then crafting a strong offer they’d love to give you a lot of money for.
Then creating a marketing system that builds your list with paid ads…
And a selling system that turns that list into clients sending one email per day.
If you know you need these foundational principles in your business, make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
Hidden benefit to making prospects wait to join your program
The Aussie Hermit is moving.
That’s right.
I’ve just sold up in Canberra and am moving up north to Byron Bay.
Much warmer weather.
Much more relaxed lifestyle.
And, much more conspiracy-minded folk like myself.
(Can’t wait to finally speak to people who can see that Joe Biden is not really Joe Biden - if you know what I mean?)
The downside about moving is, well, moving.
You don’t realise how much crap you have until you move house.
It’s ridiculous.
I found an old mouthguard container the other day that I kept from when I was 12.
No idea.
Point is…
We’ve got crap like that all over the place.
But, anyway. Here we are. 100+ boxes later and almost finished packing.
And the reason I bring this up is because it would have been very hard for me to do this move (ie to help Alana with packing/minding the kids etc) if I didn’t have a waitlist.
It has helped immensely.
Here’s what I mean…
If you’ve been reading my emails you would know that I almost always promote a "waitlist" at the end of each one.
This is done for various reasons.
But one of the main ones is "time management."
You see, before coming up with my waitlist system, I just used to promote a call that went straight to my calendar.
But the problem with that approach is - you’ve got to have availability every week.
Otherwise, if they book too far out the show up rate declines.
So if I still used that system, I’d have to keep spots open while I’m trying to move/pack/travel.
It would have been a nightmare doing calls while all of that was going on.
So the solution is to have a waitlist.
The beauty of a waitlist is that you get to invite people to book in your calendar whenever *you* are ready to take calls.
Moving house?
Going on holiday?
Need to put a course together?
It’s all good. You’ve got a waitlist.
Simply don’t invite them to book in your calendar until you’re ready.
This is one of the hidden benefits of having your own waitlist.
You get to manage your sales calls in a much more efficient way.
You can do all your calls one week out of the month if you want.
This is what a lot of my clients do.
And that enables you to put together other programs, courses, workshops, books etc the 3 weeks of the month.
In other words…
You can get more stuff done because you’re "batching" your calls together.
Of course, there are many other benefits to the waitlist that are super powerful.
For example…
- It positions as an expert…
- Has clients literally lining up to work with you…
- Allows you to launch a new program or course with guaranteed clients…
- Gives you the ability to use urgency/scarcity without burning out your list…
To name a few.
But the time management one is definitely near the top of The Aussie Hermit’s list.
It gives me the power to organise my time the way I want it organised.
Not the way my prospect wants it organised.
With that being said…
Inside The 15 Minute Client program, I have dedicated a whole module to help you set up my unique waitlist sales system.
You’ll learn…
—> How to set up your waitlist pages using my done-for-you templates…
—> Proven email scripts that gets your waitlist to eagerly apply to work with you…
—> What questions to ask in your application process to spot a "red flag" prospect before you waste time with me…
Plus much more including…
—> My sales call framework for closing them into your high ticket program without being salesy.
Plus, of course, I show you how to get prospects onto your waitlist by sending a simple email every day.
(That’s module 4)
If that sounds like a system you want in your business, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
Get better clients with “weak” promises
Following is a comment The Aussie Hermit saw on a YouTube video the other day.
And, while I have no idea who it is or what business experience this person has, it provides a great business lesson for us all.
Before you read it, I should probably mention…
This is from a YouTube channel that talks about investing.
And, the guy that runs the YouTube channel has episode titles that are a little "click baity."
Here are his last 3 episodes:
"A liquidity crisis of epic proportions"
"The Bond Market Signals The Unthinkable!"
Anyway, here was the comment:
"I really like your videos, but please don't click bait this much. It drives traffic in the short run, but you really don't have to since your content is so good! Please be patient and just keep up the awesome work and you'll become huge in the long run. I get that the click bait is tempting, but at least for me it's a huge turn off."
A lot of wisdom in this quote.
And, one we Coaches should take note of.
Using hypey headlines in our ads or sales letters is tempting.
After all, they get a lot of attention.
But the problem with them is three-fold:
- They typically attract people that are attracted to hype.
These are not the prospects that will put in the work to get the results in your program (AKA: the "skeptics". Those that have been around the block and know what’s what). They’re the prospects that want results overnight.
They’ve got little patience and little motivation.
Not great if you want to help people make a transformation.
Moreover, these are also the same prospects that want to spend little to get the result you’re promising.
Also not great if you’re trying to run a profitable/successful business. - They don’t work long term.
Hype only lasts a little while because there’s only so many "hype buyers" out there (the skeptics are a much bigger market. Which is another reason why I prefer marketing to them).
Then you have to change to another hypey offer to get the same response.
On and on this cycle goes.
It’s a lot of effort for the problems it causes. - They tell a fake truth.
What do I mean by "fake truth"?
Well, when you make a big, hypey promise you’re often doing it based on your best case study(s).
Sure, your #1 client reached 7-figures in 6 months, but what about the others?
(This is a business example, obviously. But the same applies to other markets)
This is not to say you shouldn’t make a strong promise. Just don’t go overboard.
For example…
The promise of The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program is…
"Attract Consistent Clients Sending This Email Every Day"
But the truth is, I could turn it up a notch…
I could say something like…
"Create a 7-Figure Business Sending One 15 Minute Email Every Day"
And I could say it honestly because I’ve had clients earn 7-figures from this daily email system.
But I don’t promise that because that would be going a bit overboard.
It’d be a fake truth.
I’d rather turn down the hype and make it more believable to the skeptics.
That way, I attract a much higher quality client.
Something else to think about…
Often you’ll see gurus promote big, hypey promises in their ads.
For me, this is a big red flag.
It tells me they’re probably not that great at marketing.
The reason being…
It’s very easy to create a hypey promise and get attention.
It’s lazy marketing.
And if they’re using it in their campaigns, they’re probably going to recommend you use it in yours.
I believe the sign of a great marketer is when you can create promises that stand out *without* being hypey.
Promises that may seem "weak" to some, but very appealing to the right (skeptical) market.
This is an incredibly valuable skill indeed.
You get less churn.
Better clients.
Better results.
And more profits, too.
With that being said…
Helping you create offers, headlines, and promises that attract your ideal client is exactly what The Aussie Hermit will help you with inside my 15 Minute Client program.
Specifically, I help you create a strong lead magnet to get prospects to opt into your list.
I help you create a strong email offer to get prospects booked on your calendar.
I help you create a strong program offer to get them signed up at premium prices.
And I do all this without you having to be hypey, or promising a result that feels a little "salesy,."
To learn if this program is a good fit for you, make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
My 6-figure content mistake
Way back in 2013, The Aussie Hermit had a regular podcast.
Although, it wasn’t an audio podcast.
It was a “Google Hangouts” live video show when Google Hangouts was a thing.
And, I did a 30 minute to 1-hour long episode every week for over a year.
I brought on guests.
I put together shows with my own content.
I spent hours every week promoting it.
And, I had a regular 100 or people watching each episode live.
But do you know how many clients The Aussie Hermit got from it?
A big fat zero.
And so like most Coaches who put in a lot of effort for not much return, I stopped.
I gave up and moved on to something else.
But it wasn’t until a few years later when reflecting on my show did I realise why my results were so poor.
And, it’s so embarrassing I suspect that’s the reason I haven’t written about it until now.
So why did The Aussie Hermit’s show fail to bring in any clients?
I didn’t have any call to action!
At no point in the show (whether beginning or middle or end) did I give my watchers a reason to reach out to me.
I didn’t offer a lead magnet.
I didn’t offer a free call.
I didn’t even have a link to my website in the description.
And as a marketing Coach, this is pretty embarrassing.
This is marketing 101.
You always want to have a call to action at the end of EVERY piece of content you create.
Whether a social post.
A Facebook live.
A podcast.
A blog post.
And, of course, an email.
This is how you generate leads, appointments, or sales.
Also, this is how you know if your message is resonating.
Because if you put out a call to action and no one takes you up on it, you know there’s something not right with what you’re saying. You know you need to tweak the offer.
But if you put out content without a call to action, how do you know if it resonated or not?
There’s no feedback.
Sure you could get some “likes” and comments.
But that’s not feedback.
True feedback is when a prospect takes the action you want them to take.
Like opting into your list.
Booking a call.
Or buying your program.
I hazard a guess I probably lost at least 6-figures in sales by not having this simple call to action.
Don’t make the same mistake I did.
Something else to think about…
Clients ask me all the time, “Aussie Hermit, what offer should I have on my website? Should I put my program on there with prices? Or maybe I should offer a free call?”
To that, I say, “no.”
You shouldn’t do any of those things.
In fact, there should be no place to see your program info on your website because you need to put that program in the context of their problem. You need to have a phone call for this. But this is another topic for another day.
What you should do is have ONE call to action on your site. And that call to action should be some type of free offer.
Ie a lead magnet.
And the reason why is, something like 90% of people who visit your site will never come back.
So you’ve got to find a way to capture their email address before they leave.
Otherwise, poof! They’re gone.
The best way to do this, as mentioned, is with a free giveaway as it’s an “easy yes” for them.
Then, once they’re on your list, you can tell them about anything you want.
Your FB group.
Your program.
Your podcast etc.
Bottom line:
Every piece of content should have a call to action.
And that call to action should generally be to opt in to your list.
Further, your website should have one lead magnet offer to make signing up to your list very easy.
You can put that offer all over your website (ie on multiple pages). That’s fine.
But just have that as the only offer/call to action you present.
Then you can direct them wherever you want after that.
With that being said…
If prospects aren’t joining your list, booking calls, or signing up to your programs, it’s almost always an offer problem.
The way you’re positioning/communicating your lead magnet or free call or program offer is not resonating.
They don’t see the value and so they’re not taking the action you want them to take.
Inside The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program, I’ll help you fix this.
Specifically, we go to your market first.
Your market will tell us (through research) what words and offers will make them take action.
Then, from there, I show you how to take that research and put it into various frameworks (ie ad framework, lead magnet framework, email framework, offer framework etc) that gets your ideal clients jumping onto your list, booking calls and signing up to your program.
To know if this program is a good fit for you, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
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