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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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My true dating story

Let me take you back to mid 2014 to an unbelievable true dating story...

The Aussie Hermit has just landed home from London.

I’ve just failed in my attempt to launch my coaching business.

And, I have a stack of bills (and a ton of debt) that would make your eyes water.

So because I have absolutely no clients to help pay those bills, I decide to crawl out of my then current Man Cave (which was a bedroom in my Nan’s house at the time - sexy, I know) to get an evening job in a cocktail bar (I figured, as a hermit, if I’m going to get a job where I have to see and speak to people, it would only be at a time where there’s no sun) .

Also, because The Aussie Hermit doesn’t have many friends (other than those in recesses of the darkest conspiracy theory forums), I’m super lonely 😞

So I decide what I also need to is find a lady friend.

A lady hermit, even.

And so what does a boy hermit use to do to find a lady hermit?

Do I walk around in the day time, trying to find them in… public!?

God no!

That would be enough sun to singe The Aussie Hermit’s hair clean off and turn my eyes into two giant cataracts.

I use Tinder, an iPhone dating app, of course.

Now, if you’re not aware, one of the features of that dating app is that you can choose the gender and the age range of the women (or men) you want to show up on your phone. So I put the age range for the women to 23-28 (also important to the story, I was 28 at the time and had never considered choosing an age range for women older than me).

So this one night I’m working at the bar I get to talking with this girl. She's attractive, it's her birthday, and so I ask her the one question you should never ask a girl…

"How old are you anyway?"

To which she replied "32."

And this blew my mind.

"Wow!" I thought. "I’d totally date her. I think I need to change my Tinder settings to women older than me!"

So that night I promptly change the settings on my Tinder app to show women up to age 32.

Even funnier, the next couple of days I see that very same girl I was talking to at the bar appear on my Tinder feed. We ‘liked" each other on the dating app (lucky she didn’t know about my Nan’s Man Cave), get to talking and go on a date.

To cut a long story short, it didn’t go anywhere.

But here’s where the story gets good…

A few weeks later I get to chatting with a very attractive woman on Tinder and she’s also 32. Four years older than me. After a month we go on a date, then after another month we move in together.

Yes - very fast.

But now it’s 5 years later and we’re still living together.

(Not in the Man Cave, of course. That’s only reserved for men who like cars, conspiracy theories, Trump, and of course - reading thick marketing and copywriting textbooks written by the titans of direct response)

Oh - and we have 2 children 🙂

But here’s the crazy part of all this…

Had I never had that conversation with that original 32 year old that night at the bar, I probably would have never changed my Tinder profile to show women aged 32. If that never happened I would never have met Alana, and we wouldn’t have these two amazing little girls.

Isn’t that crazy?

And this story got me thinking about how even the smallest conversations, or decisions, or occurrences can have a such drastic impact. In fact, they can change the trajectory of your business and life!

For example, take the time I "rediscovered" the power of email.

I listened to this one episode of this one random business podcast I’d never listened to before. That episode?

An interview with Perry Marshall.

And in that episode he promoted his new marketing book, 80/20 Marketing, which sounded interesting, and so I bought it.

Now, here’s the thing…

Had I not bought it I never would have discovered that your email list is just like an "80/20 curve." And that means, no matter what your market, or what size your list, you have people who can only afford your low-ticket programs, but you also have people that can afford up to your mid ticket programs, and most importantly…

You have high net worth prospects who can afford your low ticket, mid ticket and BIG ticket items.

And it was when I discovered that, that I decided to focus almost all my marketing efforts on building my list, and emailing that list low, mid, and high ticket offers.

And the rest, they say is history.

1 billion emails sent, 16 million spent on ads, and 50+ million in client and business revenue.

I'd say it was a great decision. A decision that changed my life and my business forever.

(A decision, I might add, that allows me to live a life of complete hermit solitude in The Man Cave.)

So the question then becomes…

Do you want to make the same, simple, instant decision?

Decide today to build your list.

Decide today to mail that list.

And decide today, to send them low, mid and high-ticket offers.

Do that, and it could be the same "fork in the road decision" that changes your business and life forever.

Now, if you want to learn the "hows" of building and emailing your list to get coaching clients, then my simple 15 minute daily email system might be what you're after.

Slink on over to this link and put your name on the waitlist:
Doors open soon.

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

The cheap clients everyone ignores

Every Saturday morning, The Aussie Hermit does the weekly food shopping at the local farmers' markets.

And, they have all kinds of fresh food…

Fresh, organic meat, chicken and fish…

Fresh, organic, and biodynamic veggies…

All kinds of fruit, breads and pastries…

And tons of other types of food.

Typically, I’ll get meat, chicken, and veggies.

But every now and then I’ll stock up on livers.

Cow livers. Chicken livers. And duck livers.

And, one of the things that always shocks me is how cheap organ meats are.

For example, I can get a whole bag of livers for just a few dollars.

Which is crazy when you consider livers are probably the most nutrient-dense food there is.

So why is it so cheap?

Simply because our western culture doesn’t value it.

We’ve been educated to ignore the best parts of the animal for the “worst.”

And because of that, the best part is the cheapest, and the worst part is the most expensive.

Which is exactly how I see our industry. Here’s what I mean…

Most “gurus” have educated Coaches to go for the most expensive types of clients instead of the cheapest.

For example…

When a guru teaches you their latest funnel, it’s almost always trying to get that prospect on your calendar as quickly as possible.

The problem with this approach is:

You get no shows (expensive).
You have to do a lot of calls just to close one client (expensive).
And your cost per appointment is high because all your competitors are doing the exact same thing (very expensive).

Instead, I say go for the “chicken liver” clients.

The ones that show up to your calls…
The ones that are ready to buy before you’ve even spoken to them…
And the ones that are far cheaper to acquire than any guru funnel out there.

That client?

Those coming from email.

For whatever reason, most Coaches ignore email just like everyone at the markets ignores the organ meats.

But here’s the thing…

If you do it the right way, email absolutely kills every other funnel out there for results.

The reason?

Because the vast majority of prospects coming onto your email list aren’t ready to buy today.

(Especially a high priced offer)

But the secret is…

They will be one day soon.

And so if you can use email to build a relationship before they’re ready to buy - who do you think they’ll buy from when that day comes?


And guess what?

That’s a LOT of people that will choose you because as mentioned - the vast majority of people coming onto your list aren’t ready today, but will be some day soon.


Most will ignore this and chase the latest bright shiny guru funnel.

That’s fine with me.

I’ll continue to horde all the chicken liver clients for myself.

If you want the same, then make sure to put your name down on my 15 Minute Client program waitlist.

This is a system that shows you how to build your list on autopilot, and get very high quality clients every week sending just one email per day.

To be notified when doors open next, click here now:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

I like big backends and I cannot lie

Recently, I wrote a Facebook ad with the headline…

“I like big back ends and I cannot lie.”

And, Big Pappa C thought it was worth sharing here for 2 reasons…

1) It’s hilarious.

At least I think it is (and that’s what counts).

2) It touches on some very valuable lessons within the ad that you can profit from.

With that being said, here it is in all its juicy glory…


“I like big back-ends and I cannot lie…

You other advertisers can’t deny…

When a Coach walks in with an itty, bitty funnel and a big back-end in your face you get sprung!”

At least, I know I do. 😉

Hi, I’m Luke Charlton.

And, it’s true - I’m a man that likes big back-ends.

Also, it seems I’m a bit of a rare breed.

And that’s because most Coaches I meet are more obsessed with big front-ends.

Now, don’t get me wrong…

I like a big front-end just as much as the next red-blooded Coach.

Nothing wrong with a big, round, juicy ROAS producing front-end, am I right?


But here’s the thing…

If that’s what turns you on about a big front-end…

Then I can guarantee you’re going to be turned on even more when I show you my clients' back-ends…

Here’s why:

What front-end obsessed Coaches don’t realise is that for every $1 of profit they make on their funnel, they can almost always earn 3x to 5x more with their back-end…

AKA: Their email list.

In other words…

If you’re making $10k-$50K/mo or more from your front-end funnel…

Then you should be making at least an extra $30k-$150k/mo in *profit* from your email list.

Now, I know what you’re thinking…

“WOAH! Luke!

An extra $30k-$150k/mo!?

That’s a big back-end!

And, all that profit from my email list is definitely starting to arouse my interest - so to speak…

But surely it must take a lot of work to generate that type of revenue!?”

And that’s when I say…

“If you’ve got absolutely no experience with back-ends - then it probably would!

But luckily for you, I’ve been around a few big back-ends in my time if ya know what I mean.”

Here’s what I mean…

Over the last 6 years I’ve spent over 16 million on ads, sent more than 1 billion emails, and helped many clients generate an extra $30k-$150k/mo (and sometimes more) by simply showing them how to utilise their email list more effectively.

Specifically, I have a methodology enables you to get these results with just one 15 minute daily email.

You simply sit down at your computer…

Pump out an email in 10-15 minutes email using my SLC formula…

Hit “send” and watch the appointments and sales flood in…

Of course, it’s not an overnight success solution.

There is work to be done to get it going and to get your emails down to 15 minutes.

(In the beginning you’ll typically take about 30-40 minutes)

But once you’ve got the hang of the system, sales will continue to pour in month after month with only a few minutes work each day.

That means you get to earn 2x-4x more each month for free - because all you’re doing is sending emails to your list.

And there’s more…

Besides the extra profit, other benefits my clients' experience include:

👉Cash flow on demand (simply pump out a 15 minute email and watch the sales flow in)…

👉 Far higher liftetime customer value…

👉 Ability to scale campaigns over $10,000/day in ad spend without ROAS crashing…

👉 Easier to close sales (as you’re dealing with warm traffic)…

👉 Better quality clients (that also get better results)…

Plus much much more including…

👉 Not having to rely on all your revenue coming from your funnel (which makes your business far more stable in these times of rising ad costs and declining CPA’s).

So now you can see why I’m a back-end guy…

And maybe you’re starting to realise you might be a back-end guy (or gal) too?

If so, would you like me to show how I can help you create a big, juicy ROAS producing back-end too?

If so, I'd like to invite you to book a free discovery call with me.”


And then it goes into the rest of the pitch for a free call.

Pretty cool, ay?

But most importantly…

It shows why having regular email follow up is critical to your business.

Especially with rising ad costs.

Most gurus won’t tell you (because otherwise you wouldn’t buy their wackydoo funnel program), but they make most of their profits from email follow up.

I’ve worked with a few dozen 7-figure Coaches now and it’s the same for all of them.

Email is still king.

So if you’re not regularly sending emails, you’re leaving tons of money on the table each month.

One of the things I didn’t mention in my ad above, is that I also help Coaches build their own profitable list as well.

This is obviously a critical part to being successful with email.

You need…

1) A consistent flow of quality leads coming onto your list each day…

I prefer paid ads as it’s automatic.


2) You need to email those leads regularly.

And the more regular the better.

I recommend daily.

And if you do those 2 simple steps, you can have a very (very) successful coaching business.

Of course, “building and emailing” your list isn’t as exciting or “sexy” as the latest guru funnel that has 45 up sells, 16 automation sequences, and 59 different products for you to create.

But it sure is way less complex.

And it’s something that most Coaches (who aren’t marketing experts) can make work simply because you’re not trying to close them with one email. You get multiple emails over multiple days (or weeks) to build a relationship and show them why they should work with you. 

Now The Aussie Hermit doesn’t know about you…

But I’d take simple over sexy any day.

(Except for when it comes to women)

Of course, you may disagree.

And that’s fine.

But if that’s the case I can’t help you.

I’m sure there’s a guru out there somewhere waiting to sell you his latest tripwire funnel.
For everyone else…

If you like the idea of a business that’s simple…

If you like the idea of a business that doesn’t require you to setup a funnel…

And if you like the idea of a business that build you a big juicy back-end packed full of clients sending one daily email - then maybe I can help…

Make sure to sign up to The 15 Minute Client program waitlist to know when spots open next:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

3 differences between a struggling and successful Coach

Every week The Ol’ Aussie Hermit gives marketing advice to hundreds of Coaches.

Most are earning under 6-figures.

Some are earning between 6 and 7-figures.

And then there are a few doing over 7-figures.

Want to know what separates those struggling and those succeeding?

Well, there are a small few things.

And, they’re not as complex as you might think.
Let’s talk about 3 of the main ones in this email…

First, the successful Coaches don’t get distracted by the bright shiny objects.

A few minutes ago I was scrolling through Facebook and I saw some guy trying to convince Coaches that the reason you aren’t successful is because you don’t have your own "phone app."

Now, I’ve seen this guy’s ad many times before so there must be Coaches buying his product.

Listen to me…

You don’t need a F%#$ing app!

An app will not attract or close a high ticket client.

It’ll just bog you down for months trying to set it up.

Is it a "nice to have" feature of your program?


But do you need it to get to 6, 7 or 8 figures?

Hell no. 

And successful Coaches know this - that’s why they ignore these types of distractions.

And they also know that if you want to truly scale your business, you must first master the fundamentals.

The two core ones being...

1. Get clear on your market,…

2. Create an offer that market wants.

If you can do those 2 things, you’re 80% of the way there to achieving your revenue goals.

The second thing 7 and 8-figure Coaches do that I consult with is they use paid ads.

Yes, paid ads cost money.

Yes, that’s scary when you don’t have much cash flow.

But here’s the deal…

If you truly want freedom from your business, you have to learn how to make paid ads work.


Because as I type this email, I’m generating leads.

As I played with my kids today, I was generating leads.

As I was on the crapper today, I was generating leads.


You don’t get that freedom with the "free" or "organic" strategies.

Instead, you get a lot of long hours and frustrating results.

Finally, the other thing successful Coaches do that I consult with is they… follow up!


They send regular emails.

(Typically daily)

You have to understand…

Us Coaches are selling a very high priced offer. And in order to do that effectively, we need to build a lot of "know, like, trust and credibility."

And the easiest way to do that is by simply sending regular emails.

Just like yours Hermity.

By sending regular emails that help your list, you establish a strong relationship to a point where they want to buy your program before you’ve ever said a word to them.

And that’s powerful because it means by the time you get to finally speak to them, you don’t have to close them.

They’re already closed.

From there you simply invite them into your program if you want to work with them.

It blows my mind how many Coaches don’t do this one simple activity.

We all know we should be doing follow up. We all know how important it is.

Yet, it’s the last thing we do.

It must be the first thing you do each day.

It’s that critical.

And again, successful Coaches know this.

There are many more differences between Coaches that struggle and Coaches that succeed. But if you just get the above ones right well, as I said, you’ll make it to your revenue goals.

With that being said…

If you’re looking for more clients, I have a program called "The 15 Minute Client."

And what The Aussie Hermit’s clients love about the program is how simple and straightforward this system is to get all the clients you could ever want or need.

There are no complex funnels…

There are no "apps"…

And there are no convoluted automations.

It’s just one ad that builds your list on autopilot, then you send one daily email.

And that’s it.

You’re whole marketing strategy literally takes 15 minutes per day.

(And yes, you can get to 7 figures with this strategy)

If that sounds like something you could be interested in, make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

The only 2 ways to stand out, get noticed and get hired

Probably the biggest challenge Coaches face in today’s marketplace is being able to stand out.

After all, your prospects are bombarded with thousands of marketing messages per day.
So how do you get noticed amongst all that noise?

And how do you ensure that when they see your ad, they choose you over the myriad of other options?

Well, that’s what I want to talk about in today’s email…
And, it’s pretty simple…

There are only 2 ways to stand out.

One is easier. The other is harder.

Let’s talk about the easier one…

And that is, you choose a niche.

You’ve heard it a thousands times, and you’re gonna hear it one more - by choosing a very small, specific niche market you’re able to cut through the noise and get prospects chasing you down.

Let me show you how it works…

Let’s say you help people who have "low energy."

This is a problem that millions of people suffer from.

So you could go out into the market with a message like… "hey, if you’re struggling with low energy, I’ve got this free training that will help you boost your energy" etc.

That might work but problem is, because it’s such a broad problem/market it would be hard to stand out.

Instead, if you want to cut through the noise and get a better response, you could focus on a niche demographic that has low energy.

For example, you could choose to focus on people who have "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" or maybe even "Lyme Disease."

With these demographics you’re still solving the problem of "low energy," however you’re doing it in a way that allows you to cut through the noise.

For example, in your ad you could say…

"Do you suffer from Lime Disease?

If so, I have a great free training that will help you boost your energy… etc"

Notice how with this example it’s speaking to a smaller, more specific crowd?

This will get a much better response.

And this is how niche marketing works.

People feel like your offer is made just for them, and so they’ll respond more actively.

And as mentioned, this is the easier of the 2 ways to stand out.

The second way to stand out is a little more difficult because it requires you to be more sophisticated with your marketing.


You need to use what Gene Schwartz (one the greatest copywriters to have ever live) calls a "unique mechanise."

For us Coaches, a unique mechanise is our "system" or methodology to getting results.

This is why you see big name gurus on Facebook advertising their system, and it’ll have a weird name.


The Facebook Reverse Ad Selling Method
The Invisible Flytrap Funnel
The Content Creation Blueprint

This is done for a reason - to stand out.

By leading with a unique system/method in your messaging you give prospects a reason to choose you over other competitors.

This is why in my main ad campaign I advertise a training called "The 1-Sentence Offer."

This is unique and different to anything else out there.

I have to do this because I’m in a broader market.

But again, this path is more difficult if you’re not a seasoned marketer, and why I recommend that if you simply want high paying clients, to go with a niche in the first instance.

This is what I do with most of my clients and why, after years of struggle, they’re able to finally see results so quickly.

With that being said…

If you’re struggling to get clients, I can almost assure you the problem is that you haven’t found a way to clearly stand out in today’s market.

And as mentioned - this is the first thing I do with clients in my 15 Minute Client program.

First we pick your niche. Then we craft your high ticket offer for that niche.

And after working with thousands of Coaches over the years, The Ol’ Aussie Hermit has gotten pretty good at it.

Then from there was set up a simple ad campaign to attract your niche onto your list on autopilot.

Then, finally, we turn that list into high paying clients with one daily email.

And that’s it.

To find out when doors are open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

How to ethically plagiarise a winning marketing message from your competitor

Ear wax.

The Aussie Hermit’s ears are packed full of ear wax.

And, I know this is probably gross to you.

But if you just put up with that queasy feeling in your stomach for a few moments longer, I’ll show you why there’s an extremely valuable marketing lesson hidden deep within the dank ear wax of my ears.

Here we go…

For the last year or so, I’ve noticed the hearing in my left ear has been declining.

And, after doing some research - I realised it’s because of my ear eax.

(Apparently, you don’t want to clean your ears with cotton tips, which is what I’ve been doing basically since birth)

So ever since that realisation I’ve been looking for a way to clear out my canals.

And through my journey of research, I discovered there are many methods that can work - and some even involve fire (no thanks!).

However, of all the ways to get my cavities cleaned, I settled on trying “Wax RX”.

This is a product I found out about on Dan Bongino’s show.

But that’s not why I bought the product.

I bought it because of the reviews.

You see, when I’m trying to decide if a particular product is right for me, like most I Googled it to find the reviews.

And that’s exactly what I did with Wax RX.

This then lead me to Amazon where I read about many customers experiences.

And, one of them really stood it.

Paraphrased, it said this…

“10 years of bad hearing that was fixed in 10 minutes with this product.”

And the first thing I thought was…

“Wow, that’s a great result.”

Then being a marketer the second thing I thought was…

“Wow, that is a great headline for this product!”

And that’s the golden lesson of today’s email…

What I tell Coaches all the time is that you don’t have to be a great marketer or copywriter.

And the reason why is…

Your market will literally give you all of your headlines, copy and marketing material for free…

You just have to know where to look.

And one of the best places to look is on Amazon.

Specifically, the “reviews” section.

In just this little section you’ll learn your market’s biggest fears, challenges and frustrations.

And also what they really want from your coaching program. Their desires.

The key to doing this right is for you to look up your competitor's books on your topic and then go through the reviews.

There will be a crazy amount of gold in these reviews that you can use to make your campaigns convert.

And the best part is…

It’s not copyrighted!

Just look at the example above.

As mentioned, I could literally copy/paste this quote and use it as a headline for this product - and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop me. 

This strategy is so good it should be illegal.

But thank God it’s not!

Anyway, do what you will with this info.

My clients and I have used it very successfully in our online campaigns.

With that being said…

If you need more help crafting a marketing message that attracts your dream client, maybe The Aussie Hermit can help?

I have a program called “The 15 Minute Client” that shows you how to get A+ clients sending one daily email.

And the best part about this program is…

I show you a simple way to send these emails so they speak directly to your dream client’s deepest wants and needs even if you’re not a marketer or copywriter.

You’ve learned one method today. In the program I have tons more.

To jump on the waitlist to know when doors are open next, go here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Low-ticket funnel lies

If you want to fail as a Coach, create a low-ticket funnel.

Why do I say that?

(Especially when I’ve helped create multiple 7-figure low ticket funnels for clients over the years)

Here’s why…

First, when you create a low ticket funnel (whether a $7, $47 or $97 offer), you’re not really creating one product.

You have to create at least 4…

  1. The main product
  2. The order bump product
  3. The first up sell product
  4. The second up sell product

Why do you have to do that?

Because advertising is so expensive these days that you need all these products to raise the “Average Order Value” of each customer.

The higher the average order value, the more you can spend to acquire a customer.

Most gurus don’t tell you you need all these products to make their “wackydoo” low-ticket funnel system work.

But then you buy their program, they tell you what you really need to succeed, and then you get bogged down for months building even more products you never wanted to build.

This, of course, delays you to getting to your #1 goal which is just some frikken clients.

The other thing gurus don’t tell you is that these funnels won’t make you much money because that’s not their goal.

Their main goal is to pay for your ads and get you customers. And then if you make a bit of profit on top - that’s a bonus.

But really, these low-ticket funnels are just designed to get you customers.

And then once you have these customers, that’s when you (finally) get to sell them what you’ve always wanted to sell them…

Your coaching program.

My thoughts are - why not just sell them the coaching program without all that crap?

You can!


The other thing gurus don’t tell you about their “fan-dangled” low-ticket funnels is that there are so many variables for you to get right if you want to succeed.

First, you need to have a GREAT offer if you want cold traffic to hand over their credit card details without knowing you (yes, even for a low $7 or “free + shipping” offer)…

Just because it’s low priced doesn’t mean you can get away with an average offer or copy.

Then the other 3 offers (order bump + 2 up sells) have to be very good too…

Then your ads need to have great copy, images and headlines…

Then you need to have good email follow up to upgrade them to your coaching program…

And on it goes.

Can most Coaches earning under 6-figures achieve this?


And that’s why low-ticket funnels are an extremely bad strategy for Coaches that aren’t seasoned marketers.

I haven’t even mentioned that you need to spend at least $100/day on ads to get enough traffic to test the offer as your click cost for a low ticket funnel is typically 2x-3x more than a regular list building type campaign.

Again - these are all the things the “gurus” don’t tell you.

So as you can see…

Low ticket funnels are a huge waste of money and time for the Coach that just wants high ticket clients.

I’m telling you this as someone who has had a lot of success with them.

Stay far away!

I don’t even do them in my own business.

Why would I when I know there is an easier, shorter and less frustrating way to get to my revenue goals?

And that way is this…

Build your list with paid ads…

Email that list once per day with something valuable and an offer to work with you.

Then you simply let the power of consistent follow up bring you clients who want to sign up to your programs without you ever speaking to them once.


If you simply build your list and email it regularly, you will get “pre-sold” clients lining up to work with you.

Sure it’s not as sexy as a “ninja hack” low-ticket guru funnel - but who cares…

It’s actually a strategy any Coach can make work.

With that being said…

If after that rant you still want to do a low-ticket funnel, then I can’t help you.

(But maybe a psychiatrist can?)

However, if The Aussie Hermit has helped you see the light, then there may be hope for you after all…

I have a program call The 15 Minute Client.

And it will show you how to build your list with quality leads using paid ads…

Then show you how to send one daily email that converts those leads into premium clients.

Even better…

I show you how to pump out these profitable emails in 15 minutes even if you’re not great a copywriting, or a typically slow to create content.

To find out when doors are open next, add yourself to the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

11 signs you need help

Every week I Coach hundreds of Coaches…

With many of them having a goal to get to that consistent $20k/mo mark.

And, unfortunately, many are experiencing serious problems that stop their ability to reach that revenue level.

So what I’ve done is created a list of a few of these problems.

And that if you’re experiencing any of them, it’s a sign you may need the help of an expert to overcome them.

Here we go…

  1. You have a list but they don’t respond to your email offers…
  2. You spend time in Facebook groups adding a lot of value, but this rarely eventuates into a client…
  3. You get lots of “no shows”…
  4. You’re afraid to spend money on ads because when you have in the past, you haven’t made anything back…
  5. You constantly chase bright shiny funnel strategies to get clients…
  6. You spend far more time creating marketing content than you do coaching clients…
  7. You feel like an “imposter” or “fraud” when selling…
  8. When someone gives you an objection, you find it hard to overcome it…
  9. You charge by the hour instead of by value…
  10. You take more than 1-2 sentences to explain how you help a client…
  11. You can convert referrals, but can’t convert cold traffic online…

And, there are many more.

But if I’ve hit the head with any of these, than it’s something you’ll want to address as soon as possible, if your goal is to get to 10k, 20k, or 30kmo+.

With that being said…

As mentioned, I help Coaches overcome with these problems every day.

If you’d like the help of The Aussie Hermit, then make sure to put your name on The 15 Minute Client Waitlist.

My system shows you how to build your list on autopilot and then convert that list into high paying clients with one simple email each day.

And that’s it.

It’s the simplest system in the world.

(Much simpler than any complex guru funnel)

Anyway, here’s the link to the waitlist:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Why your husband should always see it your way

Yesterday, I wrote an email about headlines.

And how, you want to work with (and not against) your dream client’s “identity,” otherwise your hook will fail.

If you haven’t read it the subject line is “SPAM email made profitable”.

It’s worth your time as I see a lot of Coaches make this mistake with their headlines.

Another mistake I see we’ll talk about in this email…

Only a few hours after I sent that email, I was asked by a client to critique their lead magnet title/name.

Which is basically just another version of a headline.

Here was the headline:

“10 rules for fighting fair...Learn to turn your arguments into productive conversations”

Now, in terms of lead magnet names, it’s OK.

It speaks to a problem a woman has in a relationship she’s struggling in (her main prospect is the woman in the relationship).

And also, I like that it’s a “list” style lead magnet (list style lead magnets typically get the lowest opt in costs).

The downside about this, like in yesterday’s email, is it goes against what the prospect really wants.  

Here’s what I mean…

If I was advertising to this woman, I wouldn’t have a lead magnet around “10 rules for fighting fair.”

Instead, I’d create a lead magnet called…

“10 Ways to Get Your Husband to Listen in an Argument”


“10 Ways to Get Your Husband to See it Your Way”

Notice the difference?

Notice how my examples are giving the prospect what she REALLY wants?

That’s the key to creating great marketing that attracts your dream client.

Now, I’m not saying the “10 rules” lead magnet wouldn’t work. It could.

But I know from generating over 500,000 leads, mine would work better (meaning a cheaper and better quality lead).

With that being said, let me ask you…

Do you need help attracting more clients?

Then maybe I can help.

I have a program that gets you only those “cream of the crop” A-students wanting to work with you.

(The ones that actually take action and have money to invest)

And the best part is, once the system is set up, you only have to send one daily email to get them.

To know when spots are open next, get on The 15 Minute Client waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

SPAM email made profitable

This morning I got an email from a list I swear I had already unsubscribed from about 3 times.

And, just as I was about to delete the email and unsubscribe (again), I read the title of the webinar they were pitching…

"How to Stop Being a Perfectionist About Your Videos"

And my first thought was… "Wow, that’s a terrible headline!"

Then my second thought was… "Wait a minute… Big Pappa C can turn this SPAM email into a lesson for today’s daily email!"

And so that’s why I’m writing to you today…

Let’s talk about why this headline is pretty average…

And how I’d make it better.

So this expert has a webinar that shows perfectionists how to create marketing videos.

And, if you read the headline again they’ve basically positioned the offer as…

"hey, you should stop being a perfectionist because that’s hurting your videos".

The problem with this angle is, they’re telling their prospect to go against their identity.

Or another way of saying that is..

They’re telling their prospect to stop doing or being something they don’t want to do/be.

This is like walking up an escalator that’s going the other way.

Instead, you want to do the opposite.

You go with the flow.

For example, a better headline would have been…

How Perfectionists Can Create Profitable Marketing Videos in One Take


How to Create Profitable Marketing Videos Fast Even If You’re a Perfectionist

Notice the difference?

Notice how I’m not telling my prospect to stop being who they are? And I’m not telling them they don’t have to do something they don’t want to do.

I’m telling them they can get the result even if that perceived flaw is part of their personality.

Let’s take another example…

Let’s pretend you’re a Coach who hates tech.

If that’s the case I’m not going to write a headline like…

"How to Really Love Tech and Get Great at Tech So You Can Put Together This Client-Getting Funnel"

Instead, I’m going to say…

"How to Build This Client-Getting Funnel Even if You Hate Tech or Have Never Put a Landing Page Together"

Or even better…

"How to Get New Clients Every Week with this Pre-Made Funnel - No Tech Setup Needed!"

Notice the difference?

Notice how I’m going with their identity and not against it?

So with your headlines, make sure you’re not asking them to be something they’re not, or do something they don’t want to do.

Instead, figure out how you can work with those perceived flaws to create a hook.

With that being said…

If you’ve been a Coach for even a little while you’re probably aware of how important headlines are.

After all, a lead magnet title (aka: headline) will get you subscribers…

An email subject line (aka: headline) will get you opens…

And an offer "promise" (aka: a headline) will get you buyers.

So getting your headlines right is critical to your online marketing campaigns converting.

Or another way of saying that is…

If you’re not getting clients it’s typically because your headlines aren’t resonating.

And this is why most of my coaching with clients revolves around critiquing their headlines…

When we make them clearer, stronger and more persuasive we see better results instantly.

If you need more clients and better headlines make sure to sign up for my 15 Minute Client program waitlist.
You’ll be first to know when spots are open:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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