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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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High ticket sales without the sleaze (or even a script)

True story:

Back in the day when The Aussie Hermit was fresh out of year 12, I got a job in a sports store.

(“Rebel Sport” for all the Aussies reading)

And, often we’d get customers asking for a discount.

Now, as a general employee, I had the authority to give a 10% discount on the spot for basically any item.

However, my manager told me…

“Luke, whenever someone asks for a discount don’t give it to them right away. Instead, tell them you’re going to ask the manager for them. Then simply walk out the back of the shop, sit around for 10 minutes, then walk back out to the customer and tell them… ‘Look I had to twist my manager's arm for you, and he finally relented and said yes. He said I could you could have a 10% discount.’”

(Yes, he really said this to me lol)

This, of course, was to make the prospect feel like they got a really good deal.

Like I’ve gone in to ‘bat’ for them.

It was salesmanship.

And, it worked.

The problem was, it was fake. And I always felt weird doing it.

Now you might argue, “Luke, it’s OK, it made them feel good. There was nothing unethical about it.”

And you may be right.

However, it’s these types of sales tricks that never sat well with me.

And, it’s these types of sales tricks you see gurus teach all the time.

I remember one of my mentors telling me that whenever I got on a phone call with a prospect, the very first thing I should say is…

“Wow, I’m so glad I could make time for you today” lol.
And this, of course, was designed to position me as a “busy expert” (even though I had literally zero clients at the time).

So douchey.

And again - it was these 1980’s sleazy tricks I never felt comfortable implementing.

(Also because they never really worked. People are too educated these days and know exactly what you’re doing).

All that changed, however, when I started selling via email.

You see, when I started selling via email, all of a sudden the people I was speaking to already knew, liked and trusted me.

Also, they knew I was an expert (because they’d been reading my emails), and they even knew about my program (because I’d been talking about it in my emails, too).

In other words…

They were a very high quality prospect that wanted to invest.

And so, all of a sudden I didn’t need to do any of those weird sales tricks. Or even follow some sleazy sales script.

Instead, I just treated it like a conversation to find out how (or if) I could help.

And if I could?

I mapped out a step-by-step plan and explained how we’d implement it together.

And if we couldn’t’?

I pointed them to other resources I thought could help.

The result?

My conversions went through the roof.

The funny thing is - I notice this with pretty much all of my clients who get bookings from their email list.

They have far higher conversion rates (even when they’re not natural at sales) because:

A) Their prospects are much warmer, and…

B) They follow a much looser sales framework that doesn’t require them to remember a script.

Because of this, it’s a much more enjoyable experience all around.

(Not to mention, much more effective)


I’ll leave you to ponder that lesson.

If you’re looking for a system that gets you high-quality prospects booking in your calendar sending one email per day, that’s exactly what The Aussie Hermit teaches inside The 15 Minute Client program.

To see if it’s a good fit, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Somewhere Near Byron Bay

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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