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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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How to get your email in the primary inbox more often

A question The Aussie Hermit gets asked by Coaches all the time is this…

“Luke, how do I stop my emails going into the promotions tab?”

And, I understand why they ask.

It’s frustrating when you spend all this time writing your email, only for it to go into the promotions tab where no one reads it.

And so, I want to help you with that in this email.

And the answer is surprisingly simple.

And, pretty boring.

Here we go…

First and foremost, you want to send emails your prospects actually want to read.

Sounds obvious.

But by sending them emails they actually enjoy reading, more of your prospects will open them.

And if more of your prospects open them, Gmail will see that, and they’ll send more of your emails to the primary inbox.


Second, you want to make your emails look like the ones you send to friends and family.

There’s a reason I don’t have images or tons of links in my emails.

I want these emails to look and feel as though they’re coming from a friend. Because in a way - they are.

So get rid of all the images, branding colours and all the crap that makes it obvious your email is from a business.

Yes, that’s even if you send emails to executives or other professionals.

Third, focus on the relationship.

This is another obvious one, but its effects can’t be understated.

When you focus on simply building the relationship with your email list, most of your issues with landing in the promotions tab fix themselves.

But what does that actually mean?

Well, an example would be to not lie or use “hypey” subject lines/copy in your emails.

By simply toning down the claims you will go a long way to being more believable.

For example…
I could have easily made the subject line of this email “how to get your email in the primary box every time.”

But I didn’t.

Instead I toned it down to…
“How to get your email in the primary inbox more often.”
Is the first subject line stronger?


But mine is more believable and achievable.

(On a side note: less hypey copy will also attract you a better quality client. You don’t want to work with clients that believe any hypey headline you throw out there. These are the type of prospect that are looking for magic bullet solutions - and they won’t do the work to get the result in your program)

There are other things you can do, of course. And I teach them in my program.
However, they’re the 3 big tips that will move the needle the most.

With that being said…

Of those 3 tips, the first is the one that’s most important, but also the one that’s hardest to accomplish.

The reason why is…

Writing emails your prospects actually want to read is more than just sending them content every day.

In fact, teaching too much is a great way to overwhelm your prospect and not get them to buy from you at all.

Instead, you want to send emails that entertain as well as educate.

Along with that, you to send emails that (gasp!) sell.

There’s a difference between teaching, entertaining and selling. And you need to do all three if you want your emails to be effective.

The good news is, I have a very simple way of writing emails that enables you to do this without thinking about it.

And, it’s the reason why my clients can literally start writing client-getting emails the same afternoon they learn it.

If you know email is a critical strategy for getting clients, and this sounds like something you’re interested in, then I recommend placing your name on my email program waitlist below.

It’s called “The 15 Minute Client.”

And along with sending winning emails, I also show you how to build a list of quality leads on autopilot.

To know when spots are open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Somewhere Near Byron Bay

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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