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My guru is worse than your guru

True story:

For the first 2 years of my business (2013-2015), The Aussie Hermit invested in a guru.

I spent the better part of 35k with him.

And, unfortunately for me, he turned out not to be a guru.

He was totally fake.

He lied through his teeth.

And his coaching program had a 0% success rate.

(Something I didn’t find out until years later)

What was enjoyable for me, though, was seeing the exposure of his lies.

Things got so bad for him he had to shut down his business (and even go to China to get clients. Yes, China).


I started seeing some new videos of him popping up recently. And, it looks like he’s started coaching again.

So I Google’d his name to dig a bit deeper. Curious to see what else he’s up to.

And to The Aussie Hermit’s delight, I found an entire website (created by a past client) completely dedicated to how much of a scammer this guy is.

(Even better, it was quite high in the Google rankings, too.)

So I thought I’d share the copy from this website with you (sans his name), because it’s pretty hilarious (and all true).

And, also, because The Aussie Hermit likes to brag that my guru is worse than your guru.




[Guru Name’s] Coaching Program Scam

I’m sad to say I’ve had the distinct un-privilege of being a dupped member of [Guru Name’s] very expensive (FIVE FIGURE INVESTMENT) joke of a mastermind and business coaching program, called [Program Name], where I ended up losing and wasting a VERY LARGE amount of money, energy, and time – while getting ZERO results.

It was very expensive (costs FIVE FIGURES to join) – and it turned out to be a complete farce/sham.

And because I loathe scam artists like this and how they get away with doing this to well-meaning people over and over without consequence – I decided to post the inner details behind [Guru Name’s] programs and systems, so that hopefully, it saves others from being similarly dupped into wasting any time and money on any of [Guru Name’s] scam coaching programs, like all of us did in [Program Name] unfortunately.

So here’s the true, candid behind-the-scenes details about [Guru Name], his [Program Name] mastermind group, his coaching, and his (so-called) systems…

1) [Guru Name] and his coaching programs and "systems" are total smoke and mirrors BS.

Yes, he sounds and looks impressive upfront. Like he’s discovered the holy grail of selling high ticket programs and services.

But like the "Wizard of Oz" – [Guru Name] has managed to be impressive in the front, only to have nothing in the back when you pull the curtains open.

Once inside, you quickly realize – he has no true "system" behind the scenes. Just a lot of jumbled, cobbled together hodge-podge of business BS.

It turned out that his whole "strategy" for high ticket selling consisted of primarily using tricky/sneaky wordings and phrasings in your speech, text, emails, etc. to slyly posture yourself to others to look larger, more impressive, and more in-demand than you actually are.

(Read his mass emails with a discerning, skeptical eye!)

(ie. And if you ever hear his "I was even recognized by Adobe" story [they make the Photoshop software], it’s total BS, spun the "[Guru Name]" way.

Basically, his strategy was to write some crap proposal, mail it to them, and since they had to sign to receive his mailed package delivery, he can now *legitimately* (cough, cough) spin it to tell everyone he was "recognized" by Adobe.

That’s classic [Guru Name] strategy that we discovered only too late. AKA – total BS.

Are you even competent at what you do? [Guru Name] doesn’t care!

Are you even qualified to coach/teach/sell whatever you’re trying to sell? [Guru Name] doesn’t care!

[Guru Name] only cares about teaching you how to trick people into buying with his "slick" under-the-radar words and phrases!

In fact, he LOOOOOVES playing with words, words, words so so so much, that that is literally ALL we EVER did in his [Program Name] mastermind group.

Over and over and over and over and over and over (get my drift?).

Writing and re-writing and re-writing and re-writing our words/sales pitch into dreadfully wordy and long-winded sales pitch speeches (filled with "super sneaky" word patterns that he was so proud of "discovering") that no one in their right mind would or could ever rattle off to a prospect, and that no one would ever even have the patience to listen to.

(All the members got SOOOO sick and tired of doing his word manipulations over and over and over.)

All we did was play with words. Which is why….

2) [Guru Name’s] mastermind group has virtually a 0% (ZERO PERCENT) success rate.

[Guru Name’s] [Program Name] has been around about two years.

There were at least 20-25+ motivated entrepreneurs who went through it.

But there was virtually a ZERO PERCENT SUCCESS RATE from using [Guru Name’s] "proven systems".

ZERO success stories.

I think that speaks for itself.

3) [Program Name] is NOT a group of "the world’s highest paid coaches, consultants, and trainers", as [Guru Name] loves to proclaim and falsely advertise.

[Guru Name] loves to describe himself as a "Mentor to the world’s highest paid coaches, consultants, and trainers".

Total 100% BS.

It’s the total opposite, in fact.

Yes, we were all motivated entrepreneurs with big dreams. Very nice people. Each person was working hard to make things happen.

But once you get in, and have a look around at everyone else in the group – you’ll immediately realize…

You are most definitely NOT in the company of "the world’s highest paid coaches, consultants, and trainers".

[Guru Name] loves to tell people he has a very stringent "vetting process" (another subtle word phrase that [Guru Name] loves – "vetting process") to purposely set you up to feel like you’ll need to really prove yourself and pass a difficult qualification process to be admitted into his super elite group/coaching program.

He’s also setting you up to also feel super special and so lucky when he "accepts" you in.

But can you guess what his only REAL qualifier is for admission?

If you can pay.

Yup, that’s really all there is to getting into [Guru Name’s] "elite" coaching and mastermind.

How do we know?

Because he let in people that should obviously NEVER have been let in, if there was in fact a stringent vetting process like he claims.

"Mentor to the world’s highest paid coaches, consultants, and trainers"?

In his dreams.

4) Every previous member declined to re-pay/renew their [Program Name] membership.

That’s very telling.

Because when a business mastermind group and coaching program TRULY works, delivers real value, and helps people really succeed – who would ever want to leave? No one of course!

But with [Guru Name’s] group, it was the exact opposite – NO ONE wanted to stay and renew when their membership term expired.

One by one, members told [Guru Name] "No thanks", no matter how he tried to sweeten the pot.

They learned their lesson and split. Wise choice.

5) [Guru Name] will literally SCAM you by taking your money and disappearing.

Because that’s exactly what he did.

[Guru Name]recently shut down the [Program Name] completely *without any warning or notice or explanation* to existing PAID members, some of whom were relatively recent new members too.

[Program Name] is a significant FIVE FIGURE investment to join.

But then, out of the blue one day…

Private Facebook group – poof! Gone without warning.

Mastermind group/program – poof! Gone without notification.

No response from [Guru Name] to any member inquiries asking what happened.

No explanation to the group about why he decided to shut down the mastermind group.

[Guru Name] literally took people’s money and disappeared without fulfilling or delivering what people had paid him a significant FIVE FIGURES for. Took the money and split!


What else is there to say?


Joining [Guru]’s [Program Name] is one of the biggest regrets of my life.

I, along with everyone else in the group, literally flushed a LARGE sum of savings/money down the toilet with [Guru Name] for zero return.

I take personal responsibility for making my choice.

I didn’t know or have the whole story about [Guru Name] before I paid and joined. But now you do and YOU should now know better than we did.

Don’t let the same mistake happen to you.

If you hear "[Guru Name]" anywhere – run away FAST.

You’ve been warned.



And again, all true.

What’s also funny is that, unlike the person above, I don’t regret investing in the mastermind.

The reason why, is - I met some amazing people. And have made many life-long friends from that group.

One that became my business partner.

And one that I even lived with in Philadelphia.

Further, The Ol’ Aussie Hermit learned some very valuable business building lessons during that time.

(Most about what not to do)

But they helped send me down the path I’m on today which is the successful Coach I dreamed about becoming back then.

So if you’ve been in that situation where you’ve invested in a bad guru (or that’s where you currently are), I say don’t give up.

Keep pushing forward.

You will get to where you want to go - as long as you keep moving forward.

As long as you don’t give up.

Then one day, when you’re successful, you’ll look back and realise it all happened for a reason.

And that the struggles you’re going through now are exactly what you needed to get to where you want to go.

With that being said…

If you need help getting clients - and you’re tired of the complex guru funnels and confusing advice - then maybe The Ol’ Aussie Hermit can help?

I have a client-getting system.

And, that client-getting system is very simple.

The reason it’s simple is because (as mentioned above), I invested in some terrible guru advice when starting out.

And, most of that advice was confusing, convoluted and complex.

So after nearly going bankrupt I decided to figure out a simpler way to get clients.

And, I did.

Here’s how it works…

I send one email each day.

And that’s it.

That one email allows me to establish my credibility.

Demonstrate my expertise.

And invite prospects to work with me by placing an offer at the end.

Of course, there is a bit of set up involved (like picking your niche, crafting your offer, and setting up your ad campaign to build your list), but once that’s done, you only need to send an email each day to attract clients.

The rest is basically autopilot.

Now, before I invite you to join the waitlist if you’re interested, I will say one thing…

This is *not* an overnight success system.

You will have to put in work to get it all launched (which typically takes about 8 weeks).

Then from there, you have to actually show up and send your daily email.

(Of course, I show you how to do all of this step-by-step and with frameworks/formulas to make it straightforward)

The system won’t work if you don’t do the work.

Make sense?

So if getting clients sending one email per day sounds a lot better and simpler than what you’re currently doing, then make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Somewhere Near Byron Bay

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