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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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How to get lots of clients with no credentials or testimonials

Olive, The Aussie Hermit’s 18 month old, is currently learning to talk.

And, like most her age, she constantly points and calls out things she knows the words to.

For example, she’ll say…

“Milk milk!”

“Chair chair!”

“Bike bike!”

“Poo poo!”


And this goes on all. day. long.

Further, like most 18 month olds she often “butchers” many words. So much so her poor old hermit father has no idea what the Frankenstein she’s saying.

And that’s when she gets upset.

Very upset.

She’ll start yelling the same mangled word louder and louder until she bursts into tears because she’s so frustrated I can’t understand what she’s saying.

But then when I finally figure it out?

She screams “yeh!” with great relief. And immediately after she’ll start smiling.

It’s sometimes funny the way kids act.

But when you look at it, Olive’s behaviour is no different to us adults.

Just like her, we all want to be heard.

We want to feel understood.

Because when we don’t, we feel frustrated.

But mostly, we feel alone.

This is exactly how your prospects feel when they enter your list.

They’ve got this problem they’re struggling to solve (and usually have been for a long time).

They feel alone, frustrated and unheard.

Now imagine you come along and start sending them emails that immediately speak to all these feelings…

That specifically speak to all of their biggest (and smallest) fears, frustrations and challenges

Imagine the relief they’ll feel when they finally feel like someone gets them!

It may not be as dramatic as Olive’s reaction on the outside, but I assure you the reaction will be that dramatic on the inside.

But then imagine this…

Imagine how much credibility you’ll gain in their eyes.

They won’t want to buy from anyone else!

Why would they?

You’re the the only one that truly gets them…

That knows what they’re going through.

And that, my young hermite, is the power of empathy - of writing a marketing message that resonates.

Many Coaches think that in order to get high paying clients you need to be some big name guru and have had 1000+ clients.

Not so.

None of that crap means anything to your prospect.

What’s most important is they find someone that *gets* them.

If they feel you understand what they’re going through, they’ll naturally feel like you have the correct solution for them.

And what do you think happens next?

They’ll sign up, of course.

Bottom line:

Create a marketing message that resonates and you’ll have more clients than you know what to do with regardless of our credentials or number of testimonials.

With that being said…

The good news about creating a marketing message that resonates is that it requires no special skills.

Just a bit of “elbow grease.”

Specifically, you’ve got to research your market so you know them better than they know themselves.

The process for this is pretty straightforward, and I detail it all inside the first module of my 15 Minute Client program.

You’ll use my “Ultimate Research Rolodex” to find all the places your dream client is hanging out online, and then gather intel on all their biggest fears, frustrations and challenges.

Then from there, I show you how to put that research together into a campaign that converts.

You’ll set up a simple ad that builds your list on autopilot.

Then, after that, you’ll use that research to send one email per day that resonates with your market and has them wanting to sign up to your program.

If that sounds like something you think you need, then sign up to the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Somewhere Near Byron Bay

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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