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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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Getting clients from an email list of 0

This may come as a surprise if you’ve been on The Aussie Hermit’s list for a while.

But, from 2018 to 2021 I didn’t send out one email.

Not even an autoresponder email.

In fact, I let my list go totally dead.

Stone cold dead.

The reason?

In early 2018 my first daughter, Indiana, was born.

So I decided to take some time off

(I’d been working non-stop since 2013).

Then came Olive in 2020.

So I took more time off.

(Side note: I continued to run ads for Coaches during this time, spending hundreds of thousands per month. Also, I continued to help some of my FB ad clients with their clients. But in terms of my personal business, I took a break)

Then in mid-2021, The Ol’ Aussie Hermit decided to get back on the horse.

To send sending daily emails again.

And to re-launch my 15 Minute Client program.

Also, I decided to build my list from scratch.

Literally starting from 0.

Further, I didn’t even email my old list about my new list.

Instead, I simply started running an ad that built my list on autopilot then, as mentioned - I started sending daily emails to promote my program.

Now here’s the interesting thing…

Within 6 weeks I had a bunch of new clients in my program.

And, honestly, it could have been sooner but I delayed the launch a couple of weeks as I had to re-do some parts of my program.

But the point is…

The clients came pretty quick.

And the reason The Aussie Hermit tells you this is because it proves what I’ve been telling Coaches for years….

You don’t need a big list to get clients with email.

In fact, you don’t need any list at all.

All you need is…

A) Fresh subscribers (I use paid ads for this as it’s autopilot), and…

B) An offer people want.

If you have those two things, then those fresh prospects pouring onto your list will have the need to buy your program.

Some want that need addressed quickly, and so they’ll book right away.

Others will wait a little longer because they’re still getting to know you.

The point is, though…

Even if you start from a list with zero, you can get clients with email.

With that being said…

Whether you have an email list of 0, 500, or 50,000, The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program can help you take your results to the next level.


My email program shows you how to send daily emails your prospects love to read and buy from.

From crafting intriguing subject lines…

To coming up with lots (and lots) of content…

To getting them done in minutes.

It’s all in there.

Along with that, if your lead gen. is a bit slow, I show you how to grow your list using paid ads (and a starting budget of just $30/day).

The only thing you need?

The motivation to show up each day and send one, solitary email.

To jump on the waitlist, head on over to this link:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Somewhere Near Byron Bay

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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