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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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Your Shawkshank redemption

If you’ve ever seen The Shawshank Redemption with Morgan Freeman, you’ll remember this scene vividly…

Andy, the main guy, escapes from jail.

And the way he gets out is by crawling through a sewerage pipe that’s full of… well… sh*t.

Even worse, this ain’t no short journey.

The pipe is over 500 yards long.

Talk about desperation.

And, the reason why The Aussie Hermit brings this up is because I was thinking about this scene today and how it’s so relevant to what’s going on in the world…


Everything feels like it’s going to sh*t.

There’s hyper inflation eroding our wealth…

Tyrannical governments taking away our freedoms…

Media platforms banning our speech…

Marxism being taught to our children…

Vaccine passports coming in…

Wars starting back up…

Presidents suffering from dementia…

Etc etc.

It’s scary.

But the truth is, we’re all just like Andy.


Even though we’re crawling through a lot of sh*t right now, there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

This might sound crazy looking at the situation the world is in…

But I firmly believe (based on a lot of research) that the light is coming, and things will turn for the better.

In other words…

Good (and God) will prevail.

But we do have to crawl through a lot of sh*t to get there.

There’s no other way of putting it.

And this is exactly what I tell Coaches who feel like they’ll never be successful.

And who can only see as far as the sh*t all over them.

The Aussie Hermit says…

“Look, becoming a successful Coach requires you to go through a lot of struggle.  

You’re going to implement a lot of things in the beginning that simply won’t work they way you intended.

There’s no other way around that.

That’s business.

But it’s my firm belief (based on helping thousands of Coaches attract clients), that if you stick at it - if you persevere - you will become successful.

There’s simply no way you can’t be - as long as you keep moving forward.

And that’s the truth.”

So if you’re struggling with what’s going in the world or your business, this email was simply to send a bit of hope.

There’s light at the end of your tunnel - it’s only a matter of when.
You just gotta keep moving forward.

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

P.S. If you want to make your way to the end of that sewerage pipe a little quicker, maybe The Aussie Hermit can help?

I have a program that gets high paying clients beating down your door sending just one email per day.

There’s no complicated funnel to create with this strategy, and many times you don’t even have to get on the phone to sign these clients because they already know they want to work with you.

To find out when spots are open next, make sure to put yourself on the waitlist here:

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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