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The Fed’s 29 trillion dollar lie
Here’s some news that should be plastered across every major media channel but isn’t…
This week (through a freedom of information request) we got some information about how much money the Fed *actually* gave to banks during the 2008 financial crisis.
And, it’s pretty shocking.
But, before we get there, some context…
Back in 2008, they told us they needed to spend about 787 billion to bail out the banks.
And I don’t know if you remember back then, but a lot of people were calling that totally insane.
Well, as we all know, it went ahead.
But it wasn’t 787 they created out of thin air.
It was, drum roll, please…
29 trillion.
The Aussie Hermit kids you not.
Level Economics Institute did the “freedom of information request” and they discovered between 2008 and 2010 the Fed gave…
Citigroup - 2.5 trillion.
Morgan Stanley - 2 trillion.
Meryl Lynch - 1.9 trillion.
Bank of America - 1.3 trillion.
And there’s more…
They gave billions to the Bank of Scotland, Switzerland, France, Belgium.
3.7 trillion to Japan.
1.4 trillion to the UK.
And 1.3 trillion to Germany.
In other words - they bailed out the whole world.
Now, this brings up many questions.
But for me, 2 of the big ones are…
- Where is the mainstream media on this? Why are they not reporting on it? Isn’t this their job? To keep the government in check? Who’s side are they really on?
- If that’s how much the Fed spent back then, do you think they’re spending more now, or less?
Let the Aussie Hermit give you an insight into that second question…
(And if you think 29 trillion is outrageous, wait until you read this)
Back in 2019 there was liquidity crisis.
The banks just didn’t have enough cash.
And so in order to solve this problem the Fed started loaning them money.
Initially, they could borrow up to 50 billion but it had to be paid back the next day.
Then, because of demand, that number quickly went up to 150 billion. And, again, it had to be paid back the next day.
Then they started extending how long the banks could pay it back.
First it was 3 days.
Then a week.
Then a couple of weeks.
Then 3 months.
And then it became open as to when they pay it back.
Read that last sentence again.
Then we came into the pandemic.
You want to know how much the Fed started loaning after that?
1 trillion dollars per week.
And again, that had a “pay us back when you like” agreement.
But wait - there’s more.
The pandemic started 95 weeks ago now.
And you know what?
They haven’t stopped loaning.
Now, The Aussie Hermit isn’t great at math, but by my tiny hermit brain calculations, that’s about 95 trillion dollars they’ve printed into existence.
And then you add the 29 trillion from the global financial crisis and we’ve got an extremely big problem.
Why am I telling you this?
One, it allows you to get prepared.
I don’t know when this is all going to implode, but when it does, it’s going to make the Great Depression look like a walk in the park.
So now is the time to buy extra food.
Buy protection.
And buy gold.
Of course, this is not financial advice. I’m just a hermit who lives in a hole that reads too many conspiracy theories.
I’m just telling you what I’m doing.
I feel like I can’t not.
Another thing you’ll want to do is create a solid foundation from which you can always get clients.
This seem obvious.
But many of us Coaches don’t have this.
Instead, our foundation is more like “quicksand”.
Our client attraction is haphazard.
We’re constantly chasing clients.
And we’re constantly flip flopping between strategies.
It’s completely unpredictable and uncertain, and not the type of business you want to be running when shit hits the fan.
A solid foundation means you have a big group of prospects you have a strong relationship with.
A group that knows you’re an expert.
And a group that’s interested in your offer.
This is why I build my email list.
And this is why I email every day.
By being consistent with my list building and emailing, I create a strong relationship with my list.
And if something catastrophic were to happen with my finances, I can always send out some more offers and I know I have people waiting to buy.
That’s safety.
That’s security.
That’s preparing well for what’s to come.
Of course, it takes time to build that type of relationship.
You can’t just wait til the economy crashes then start building and emailing your list.
You’ve got to start today.
As I said - I’m not sure when this will implode.
My guess is mid year.
But it *will* implode.
Question is…
Will you be ready?
With that being said…
Future protecting yourself is not the only reason to build and email your list.
Of course the main reason is that it allows you to get consistent, high paying clients today.
Even better…
These clients are much easier to close because, as mentioned, they already know you’re an expert (because they’ve been reading your emails), and they already have a relationship with you.
Completely different to all those guru funnels that have you talking to cold prospects that are super hard to close, and need a lot do those traditional (salesy) sales tricks to move over the line.
That’s not for me.
If you’re the same, and you want consistent clients, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
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