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3 ways to be a content leader

“Deep down in my stomach, with every inch of me, I pure straight HATE you.

But God dammit, do I respect you.”

-Wes Mantooth, Anchorman

This is one of the scenes that ha stuck in the mind of The Aussie Hermit from the movie Anchorman.

Not just because it’s funny.

But because I think the biggest compliment you can get is from someone who hates or disagrees with you.

After all, it takes a very big person to admit you’re awesome when they dislike you.

Every now and then The Aussie Hermit receives emails like this.

I’ll get people writing in saying how great my content is, but because of our political differences, they just can’t be on my list anymore.

For example…

A few days ago, I sent out an email about how the Biden Administration is failing, and I got this reply…

“Your repeated political jabs have made me realize that while you may have valuable content, I am not interested. I'm unsubscibing.”

Gotta have respect for that (even though I think it’s not the wisest decision to give up advice that’s helpful simply because you don’t agree on politics).

And, it’s these types of comments we Coaches should aspire to accumulate.

Of course, I don’t mean to say you should go out of your way to get people to hate or disagree with you.

I mean that you should be so incredible at what you do, that even those who don’t like you can’t deny how incredible you are - and will write in telling you so.

How do you achieve this?

Well, let The Aussie Hermit rattle off a few ideas for you…

  1. Be different.

    It goes without saying - if you want to get massive respect, then your content should be new, unique, fresh and different.

    This requires that you’re continually learning and researching your topic.

    It requires that you’re constantly testing and tweaking your methods with clients.

    And it requires that you take those learnings and it explaining them to your audience in a way that’s different to your competitors.

    In a way that’s simpler than your competitors.

    I see a lot of Coaches just regurgitate stuff they’ve heard word-for-word from other experts in their industry.

    This is a great way to have your advice go unnoticed (and have lacklustre campaign results).

    Creating different content is a simple thing.

    Simple, but not easy.

    It takes time, effort and consistency.

    For years The Aussie Hermit toiled away learning my craft. Learning from mentors. Reading lots of books. And, of course, applying what I’d learned.

    And now when I speak it naturally comes out as new/unique/fresh/different because I’m pulling from thousands of hours of experience.

    Does that mean you need thousands of hours of experience before you publish great content?

    Of course, not.

    But you do need to put in the work over a long period of time.

    This leads me to…
  2. Be relentless.

    If you want to be a content leader you have to show up. Every day.

    No days off.

    Sure it’s great if you send 2-3 emails per week with great content. But what will your market think when you send them 365 emails every year, year after year with great content?

    They’ll have no choice but to see you as an industry leader.

    Even the haters.

    It’s just math.

  3. Be relevant.

    Every piece of content you create should be relevant to your market.

    Sounds obvious.

    But we Coaches often send content that doesn’t resonate with what our prospect is looking for.

    How do you know what they’re looking for?


    Just ask them.

    Do research.

    Get on the phone with them.

    Get in forums they frequent.

    Run surveys etc.

    Ask them things like:

    “What’s your #1 challenge right now?”

    “What are your top 3 daily frustrations?”

    “If you had a magic wand, what would you wish could be different?”

    “What are your biggest questions about INSERT YOUR TOPIC?”


    All their answers will tell you exactly what content they want to consume.

    From there you simply give it to them.

These are just a few ideas that if you implement will help you become a content leader in your industry.

Of course, it won’t happen overnight.

(No "big name" became huge from one piece of content)

But if you apply them diligently, over time it will happen.

With that being said…

The interesting thing about these 3 principles is that you automatically apply them when you implement The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client system:

  1. I show you how to come up with hundreds of unique and different email ideas based on your experience…
  2. You relentlessly send these emails every day (even Saturday and Sunday), and…
  3. My research methods ensure every email you send resonates with your target market so you get a consistent flow of clients.

If you want to be a content (and client-acquisition) leader in your industry, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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