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Trump’s secret persuasion technique I used on you
A few days ago, there was a segment on NBC where the host was interviewing 9 "ordinary" Americans.
And all 9 were on the screen in some type of Zoom chat.
One of the questions she asks them was…
"Ok, so we’ve been living under the Biden administration for 1 year.
Who thinks we’re better off now than what we were 12 months ago?"
"What, nobody?!" She exclaims in shock.
More silence and head shaking.
But also quite sad.
This is how disconnected the media are from real people.
But what I found most interesting about this interview is that you never got these reactions when Obama was President even though Obama had basically the same policies as Joe.
Or more accurate…
Joe has the same policies as Obama.
And let’s be honest…
We all know Obama is sitting in his basement talking to Biden through an earpiece.
(Even Jen Psaki had a bit of a Freudian slip the other day and said "I love working for President Oba… Biden. President Biden")
Point is…
It’s the same agenda all over again - with the same results.
So why are wayyy more people unhappy now, where they weren’t when Obama was President?
One word…
Or, more specifically, *contrast.*
Let the Aussie Hermit explain…
When Trump came in he kind of screwed the globalists' plans by taking an "America first" approach.
He closed the borders…
Helped America become energy independent…
Had strong foreign policies…
Got out of wars…
Created peace agreements…
Had record low employment…
And, of course, made the economy much stronger.
(The Aussie Hermit hasn’t even mentioned all the conspiracy theory stuff either - like securing the elections, taking down the Federal Reserve, and exposing the deep state. But that’s another email on another day)
In others words, he did everything the opposite of Obama.
This woke a lot of people up.
But most importantly…
It exposed Biden when he came in. Because as we know, he has done the opposite of Trump.
And this contrast makes it very obvious his policies (AKA: Obama’s policies) may not be best for America.
No more energy independence.
Russia/China wars on the horizon.
Record inflation.
Weak foreign leadership.
Open borders.
Failing economy.
Etc etc.
This makes for a very unhappy country.
And just through the simple power of contrast, Trump has managed to bring millions of more people onto his side.
In fact…
Multiple polls from the dodgy lame stream media say if there was an election now Trump would win.
(The Aussie Hermit should say win "again" as we all know he won the first time. But I digress)
Think about that.
One uber-simple persuasion technique has the power to influence millions.
And this is why "contrast" is my favourite way to persuade in emails, webinars, sales letters and any copy I create.
Just a few days ago I wrote an email called, "scriptwriting persuasion secrets."
And in that email, I used contrast to make my point.
Here’s what The Aussie Hermit said…
You want to use words that create a visual picture in your prospect’s mind because that will more readily persuade him or her.
Or another way of saying that is, you need to use more "verbs."
Let me show you how it works…
Imagine in an email you’re telling a story about how hungry you were one day.
Well, the first way you could tell that story is like so…
"I woke up that morning incredibly hungry. So I immediately went down stairs and made myself a bowl of cereal".
That’s one way.
Then the second way could be…
"The alarm clock rings at the side of my bed. From under the covers I reach out and start slapping around to turn off the annoying drone.
I open my eyes.
Immediately my stomach lets out a loud, contorted grumble.
"Oh my god. I need food." I say in an urgent, croaky voice.
I sling the covers back and roll out of bed. I slide on my slippers and race down stairs…"
Notice the difference?
Notice how the second example is more visual?
Notice how it uses more verbs?
Also notice how it’s more emotional?
This is exactly the type of language you want to use when persuading someone.
You *want* to drum up emotion because buying is mostly an emotional decision.
Using verbs is a great way to do this when story telling.
So you see what I did there?
I used 2 examples and compared them against each other.
The first example had no verbs in it.
The second example had a lot.
And so by *contrasting* I was able to make my point more powerfully.
It is such a simple technique but it is so incredibly powerful when used.
And the best part is - your prospects won’t even know you’re using it on them.
But what they will know is by the end of your comparison they’ll agree with your point of view.
And that’s exactly what you want when you’re selling your method of coaching.
You want your prospects to agree that your way is the best way to get results. Because it’s not until they agree will they invest.
With that being said…
There are many more simple persuasion techniques I teach inside The 15 Minute Client program.
These enable any Coach - even those new to copywriting - to create effective emails very quickly.
What you’ll like most about these techniques is that they’re not overwhelming.
I don’t give you hundreds to go through and put into your emails.
Instead, they’ll just come out naturally as you follow my email system.
They’re "inbuilt" into the framework if that makes sense.
If you’d like to get clients sending one email per day, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
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