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How to get a lot of clients SLOWLY
The Aussie Hermit is in the middle of writing my second book.
What, you didn’t know I had written another book?
Don’t worry, it’s not for sale.
It was based on a LinkedIn Strategy that worked great years ago but doesn’t anymore because they changed their platform. But that’s another story for another day.
Yes, it’s true.
I’m writing my next book.
And, unlike the LinkedIn strategy, this one will last for decades to come.
It’s based on my 15 Minute client system, of course.
The book will be called “The 15 Minute Client.”
And the subhead will be…
“How to Get High Paying Clients Sending Just One Email Per Day.”
Although, I’m second-guessing this title.
The reason?
I’ve come up with another option based on one of Gary Bencivenga’s (universally acknowledged as the world’s greatest living copywriter), winning sales letter headlines.
Here it is…
“How to Get a Lot of Clients SLOWLY”
(Gary’s headline was… “How to Get Rich Slowly,” as an FYI)
Now, if you look at these two titles…
“The 15 Minute Client” vs “How to Get a Lot of Clients SLOWLY,” you probably think I’m crazy for even contemplating this second option.
After all…
Getting clients in 15 minutes sounds way easier/faster than the second title.
And that’s the point…
I know the first is more attractive and so will pull in more leads for me.
But more leads ≠ more quality.
The Aussie Hermit is all about getting quality leads as well.
And I know the second may not sell as many books, but the quality will be far higher.
The reason?
Because the second speaks to a more skeptical Coach.
One that’s been around the block.
One that’s invested in many programs.
And one that, therefore, understands it takes time and money to build up a large client load.
In other words…
It’s a SLOW process.
Only the newbies think getting clients is quick/easy/cheap.
So by going with the second headline I’ll attract a Coach who gets better results plus is willing to invest more.
This is exactly why Gary used “How to Get Rich Slowly” with his sales letter.
(And why that sales letter crushed it)
He was speaking to the skeptical (or more educated) part of the market that knew getting rich takes time.
Too often we Coaches want to create headlines that make getting results with our system seem fast/simple/easy/cheap.
But often that very message attracts us the wrong crowd.
Those not looking to invest.
Those not looking to put in the work.
And those who complain when they don’t see results overnight.
Honestly, I’ll probably leave the title as The 15 Minute Client.
The reason being, I know it’s an offer that converts, and it lines up with the name of my program.
But The Aussie Hermit tells you…
I’m very very tempted to change it to the second.
With that being said…
If you want more and better quality clients, that’s exactly what I can help you with.
As you’ve just seen, a few small tweaks to the wording of your headlines and offers can greatly change the quality of clients you attract.
This is something I’ve had thousands of hours of experience doing with and for clients.
Whether that’s in my coaching programs, or the ad campaigns I run for some of them, I’ve spent a lot of time tweaking and adjusting their copy so that it converts online.
So much so, my personal copy has been responsible for 50M+ in coaching sales for clients (and that’s across many different markets, too).
If you’d like to get help attracting quality clients online, them make sure to put your name on The 15 Minute Client waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
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