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How Coaches can thrive through inflation

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies...The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."      

Thomas Jefferson
About a month ago the fed said they are going to raise rates 3 times this year bringing it up to a total of .75%-1%.

Problem is, *real* inflation is at about 15% right now.

So that’s like throwing a bucket of water on a burning house.

(Which is a great analogy for the economy in more ways than one)

They’d need to hike them up to 10% at least for it to have any effect.

Could you imagine mortgage rates over?

It ain’t going to happen (at least not in the near future)

So what that means is, inflation is almost certainly going to get a whole lot worse.

And do you know what happens when inflation goes up?

People are forced to give up on non-essentials (ie Netflix, buying big screen TVs, getting new phones etc), so they can pay for their essentials (ie energy bills/mortgage/food etc).

(You can already see this with Netflix’s huge drop in new subscribers and why their share price tumbled 20% in one day).

So if inflation is only going to get worse, and people are focusing more on essentials, the question then becomes…

How do you ensure your service gets into the "essentials" category?

Well, you could do what most Coaches do when sales become harder to make. And that is they focus on their offer.


They discount.

They add extra coaching sessions.

They create new bonuses.

They build new modules etc.

The problem with that approach is, if your prospects deem your service "non-essential," giving them more of what they don’t want is not going to help.

That’s the bad news.

The good news is, there’s a much easier solution that doesn’t require you to change your service or touch your offer one bit.

What does The Aussie Hermit speaketh of?


Choose a better market.

Specifically, you want to choose a market that already considers your service to be essential.

Let The Aussie Hermit give you an example:

Let’s pretend you’re a golf coach.

Inflation has just hit 30% and you want to get new clients.

Well, you could go out and try to attract people who are interested in learning golf (AKA: beginners).

That’s one option.

Or another option is - you could go and coach golf professionals (AKA: people who’s career it is to play golf).

Which is better?

Well, let The Aussie Hermit ask you this way…

Which of those two markets is going to value a golf coaching service more?

The guy who’s just getting started?

Or the guy whose career it is to play golf?

The answer is the golf pro.

And the reason why is - he’s invested far more time and money into this game vs the newbie.

Also, he stands to gain more income from improvements where the newbie doesn’t.

Point is…

The professional will value coaching more than the newbie.

But here’s the bigger point I wanted to share…

Notice how the exact same service can be super valuable to one market, but not so much to another?

Therefore, becoming an "essential" service during inflation is as simple as finding a market that *already* considers your service essential/valuable.


Within every market (whether weight loss or parenting or relationships or business etc), there are segments of people that will value your service more than the next segment.

So if you want to thrive during inflation, your job is to work with one of those segments.

I call these "high ticket markets."  

And the other great thing about these markets is they invest way more than other markets.

(After all, they value your service more)

So not only will you be able to attract clients during inflation (and the crash that follows), but you’ll be able to continue to charge high prices.

Pretty cool, ey?

With that being said…

In the very first module of The 15 Minute Client program The Aussie Hermit shows you how to find your hight ticket market.

This is a process I’ve refined after taking well over a thousand Coaches through it.

And something that really differentiates this program from others (not many gurus know the importance of market selection, let alone know how to do it).

Along with that, the program will help you…

—> Craft a high ticket offer for your high ticket market…

—> Attract that high ticket market onto your list with paid ads…

—> And turn that high ticket market into high ticket clients send one email per day.

If that sounds like a system you’d like to have implemented in your business this year, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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