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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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How to profit from death, taxes and stepping in dog poop

A couple of days ago, The Aussie Hermit wrote an email entitled…

“What your bank will tell you when you try to withdraw your money”

And in that email, I told a story about how the bank wouldn’t let me withdraw my money unless I had a good enough reason.

No that’s not a joke.

Go try and withdraw a large sum from your bank and see what happens.

But anyway - this email is not to rehash that story.

It’s to tell you something funny that happened right after this experience.
I walked out of the bank.

I had none of my money in hand.

And I had a big smile on my face.

The reason?

Because I knew what just happened - even though pretty shocking - would make a great email.

Every week I get a Coach say to me…

“Aussie Hermit. I like the idea of sending daily emails to attract high paying clients. But I just don’t think I could come up with an email every day.”

Well, the truth is, you can turn almost anything into an email.

Even bad experiences.

In fact, some of your most entertaining emails are those where bad stuff happens to you.

You had to go to funeral? Put it in an email.

The IRS has spring a surprise audit on you? Put it in an email.

You stepped in a gigantic steaming pile of dog sh%$?

Put. It. In. An. Email.

The reason people love these emails is because they’re full of drama.

People love drama (just look at the most popular shows on Netflix).

Also because people love hearing about bad stuff that happens to others (just look at any celebrity magazine).

And so if you have the confidence to put that terrible experience into an email, you can profit handsomely.

Point is…

Anything is an email. Even negative experiences.

Remember that next you’re cut off by some a-hole.

With that being said…

Turning negative experiences into profitable ones is just one way I show you how to come up with entertaining emails inside The 15 Minute Client program.

In total, you learn 21 different story types (or “ways”) you can leverage, allowing you to produce hundreds of ideas every week if you wanted.

What you’ll also love about these story types is that many can be used from the comfort of your computer.

And that means you can be a hermit - just like The Aussie Hermit - and still have entertaining emails to pump out every day.


If you’d like a consistent flow of clients sending one fun and entertaining email every day, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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