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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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I dreamt about you again last night

This is going to sound a little weird.

But I’ll just go ahead and say it…

I dreamt about you again last night.

Here’s what happened…

I laid down in bed.

Closed my eyes.

And started fantasising about you.

I know!

Oh, you want specifics?

OK, here you go…

I laid down.

I closed my eyes.

And I started thinking about all the different types of emails I could send you.

Emails about scaling ad campaigns.

Emails about attracting quality clients.

Emails about dumb stuff gurus do.

Emails about selling $5,000, $10,000, $25,000 packages and more!

Then one thing lead to another and The Aussie Hermit fell asleep, which lead to more dreams about all different types of valuable email content I’m going to send you over the coming weeks.

OK, so that’s probably not the type of dream you were thinking about.

But it’s all true.

Yes I, The Aussie Hermit, thinks about my emails a little too much.

I even think about them before I go to sleep at night.

The reason?

Because I’m weird.

But also because what I’ve found is that when I’m lying down before bed, if I start thinking about what I want to say in my email the next day, the message flows a lot better.

I think it’s tied to changing of brainwaves when you relax. Alpha waves working maybe? I dunno.

I just know it works.

Whole emails will flow right out of me without much thought.

From there I simply make a mental note of the main points in that particular email, then I write it all out in the morning.

Of course, I could bullet it out on my phone or a notepad in the moment (that would be the smarter option), but bright lights kind of annoy the person sleeping next to me if you know what I mean.

Point is…

Thinking about your emails before you sleep (or a nap) is a great way to ensure that when you go to write it it comes out a lot faster - without any blocks


If we’re talking about writing emails that flow, then one thing you should definitely avoid is looking at your phone before you write (particularly if you write when you wake up like The Aussie Hermit).

This changes your brainwaves and will often block your flow.

I can’t say I’m always the best at this.

But I do notice if I look at social media before I write, the process is much more laborious.

Something to consider next time you pump out an email, a content post, or a podcast.

With that being said…

This is just one of many strategies I teach inside of The 15 Minute client program to help you get your emails done fast even if you’re not a writer.

But probably my favourite one shows you how to get your emails sent without writing a single word.

Even better, the tool you use to do that is free.

Along with that, I show you:

—> 30+ different subject line formulas that  gets prospects excitedly opening your emails…

—> 11 editing tools that transform even the most “hideous” email draft into a veritable winner…

—> 10+ ways to transition from your content to your close…

Plus much more including…

—> Where to get hundreds of emails ideas instantly from the comfort of your computer.

To get clients sending one quick email per day, put your name on the program waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

Click the purple button, enter your details, and get the 9 email offers delivered to your inbox instantly>>>