Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free
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The eye of the coaching tiger
Everyone knows Rocky.
But not many know the incredible story of how Rocky was made.
Back in the 70’s Stallone was a virtual unknown in Hollywood. He had $106 in his bank account. And had to sell his dog to pay for the bills.
He was that broke.
Then one night he went to see Muhammad Ali fight Chuck Wepner (a massive underdog).
And only did Wepner knock down Ali in the 9th round (only the 3rd time in his career at that stage), but he also went the distance with the greatest of all time.
"If this ain’t a metaphor for life," Stallone thought to himself.
3 days later the script for Rocky was written.
Not long after, he was speaking to some casting directors and mentioned the script.
"Bring it by," they told him.
And so he did.
Their thoughts?
They loved it.
So much so, they wanted to make it!
There was only one problem…
They didn’t want Stallone to star in the movie.
Instead, they wanted an actor that was more "bankable".
They were thinking of Ryan O’Neal or Burt Reynolds.
Yes, Burt Reynolds.
So they offered Stallone $360,000 for the film rights on the condition he wouldn’t be in the movie.
He rejected their offer.
A pretty incredible response considering how broke he was.
This is what he said about it in an interview…
"I thought, ‘You know what? You’ve got this poverty thing down. You really don’t need much to live on.’ I sort of figured it out. I was in no way used to the good life. So I knew in the back of my mind that if I sell this script and it does very very well, I’m going to jump off a building if I’m not in it. There’s no doubt in my mind. I’m going to be very, very upset *laughs*. So this is one of those things, when you just roll the dice and fly by the proverbial seat of your pants and you just say, ‘I’ve got to try it. I’ve just got to do it. I may be totally wrong, and I’m going to take a lot of people down with me, but I just believe in it.’"
The producers eventually let Stallone have his way and gave him 1 million to make the movie with him in it.
The rest, as they say, is history.
Pretty great story, right?
And the reason The Aussie Hermit brings this up is because this story is a perfect metaphor for us Coaches.
We are like Stallone back in the 70’s.
We’re unknown.
We’re struggling.
Some of us are dead broke.
However, we’ve got an idea for a winning script - our thriving coaching business.
And we know if we can sell it, our life and our clients' lives will completely transform.
The only problem?
Like Stallone, we’re presented with an offer to give up that dream for a far easier way to make money…
A steady paycheck in a 9-5.
But also like Stallone - we reject that offer.
Instead, we choose to "roll the dice" because we believe in what we do.
We may be totally wrong.
We may end up failing.
But we’ve just got to do it.
The Aussie Hermit doesn’t know about you, but I think that’s pretty inspiring.
So the purpose of this email is simply to remind you of that fact.
To remind you that you are a different breed of human.
You are the eye of the coaching tiger.
You are one that is actually chasing their dreams.
You are one that is taking risk.
And you are also one that will have massive success.
That I can guarantee.
You’ve just got to continue to take the hits.
You’ve got to keep getting up.
And you’ve got to keep moving forward.
Do that, and you’ll have a Rocky story of your own.
With that being said…
If you need a little help creating that Rocky story, then that’s exactly what The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client coaching program will do.
Inside, I teach you a system that gets you clients sending just one email per day.
And the pretty cool thing is, these emails are fun to write (just like this one).
That’s because they’re probably quite different to what you’re used to sending to your list (i.e. pure content).
They mix entertainment.
They add value.
And they pitch to your high-priced programs (or products) without being pushy.
And the best part is - any Coach (even those not great at writing) can start sending these types of emails the day they learn them.
There’s no training for months on end before you send your first email.
You can literally go through the email training part of the program in an afternoon and be sending your first email that same night if you’re so inclined.
Along with that, I also teach you how to build your list on autopilot with paid ads.
And when you combine those 2 pieces (list building and daily email) you have a simple strategy that gets you consistent clients with just a few minutes work each day.
If that sounds like something you’re after, make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free
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