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Leveraging the 1963 ad Avis cars used to skyrocket sales

The Aussie Hermit is on the move.

That’s right.

The hermit hole is being cleared out. Packed up. And ready to be shipped to another hole.

That location?

Somewhere near Byron Bay.

After living in Canberra most of our lives, we’ve decided a warmer climate with a more relaxed lifestyle is what we want.

And, unfortunately, because of covid many have come to the same realisation.

Tens of thousands have moved north since the pandemic started.

And that means it’s been very hard to find a place to rent.

Whenever something comes up I like, there’s always a ton of people going for it.

In fact, I just applied for a place and about 10 others did the same.

What’s more annoying is that these real estate agents up there are terrible at their jobs.

They just don’t reply.

I text. I call. I leave messages. I send emails.


You’d think they’d want to speak to people who literally want to give them money.

But they simply don’t care.

The reason?

Because there’s so much demand right now.

And what I’ve found over the years is that service professionals that are in high demand often become very complacent.

They become lazy.

They don’t put in the work because quite frankly - they don’t need to.

Another example of this is how is in the amount of pictures these real estate agents take of the properties they’re trying to rent.

It’s seriously mind boggling.

They’ll be advertising a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 2 garage place, and they’ll put up like 5 pictures. For the whole house!

A picture of the kitchen. One of the main bathroom. One of the loungeroom. One of the master. And one of the front yard.

Like what?

How hard is it to press your finger on the camera a few more times to get the rest of the house? It’s not like it costs more to take more *digital* photos.

Talk about lazy.

Also, what about a video?

This is not 1985.

It’s 2021.

Taking film is just as easy as taking a photo.

Again, it’s all complacency.

They don’t put in the work because they don’t need to.
They know they’ll get business whether they put in effort or not.

Another good example of this are trades people.

When they’re at your house they typically do a good job.

But to get them to come to come on time. Or pick up the phone. Or call you back.

Good luck.

And what about our industry?

It happens in our industry all the time, too.

Just look at some of the big gurus out there.

In the beginning when they started their business they got great results.

Then they scaled their business.

They became in high demand.

Then what typically happens?

Their coaching slides.

They don’t give the same attention to detail.

They don’t hand-hold you as much.

They may even hire others that aren’t real experts to coach for them.

Point is…

Their service is nowhere near as good as when they were in less demand.

And that means their clients results aren’t going to be anywhere near as good, either.

This is one of the big reasons I stay away from big names now.

I’ve invested in too many of these programs over the years to know it ain’t going to be that great.

Personally, I’d rather work with someone who’s really good at what they do, but maybe aren’t that well known.

I’ve got a mentor like that now.

He’s been coaching me for the last 5 years on scaling 7-figure ad campaigns.

But if I gave you his name, you probably wouldn’t know who he is.

And I like that because it means his service is still incredible.

He replies quickly.

He doesn’t palm me off to a newbie.

And he gives in-depth critiques.

It kind of reminds of that very famous ad by car hire company "Avis."

In 1962 they were 2nd in market share behind Hertz.

And so to get more customers they came out with an ad with this headline:

"When you’re only No. 2, you try harder. Or else."

The campaign was a huge success. So much so Hertz lost over 12% market share.

The reason?

People like better service.

And when you’re not as in higher demand, you’re forced to give better service.

Or else.

With that being said…

One of the things clients love about The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute program is that you get direct access to me.

The King of Konversion.

You don’t get an assistant (there is no assistant).

You don’t get shoved into a group with hundreds of people (I keep it limited).

And you don’t get replies every other week.

Instead, you get critiques from me directly (this comes via calls and even "loom" videos in our private community).

You get quick replies (almost always within 24 business hours).

And you get advice from someone who’s spent over 16 million on ads, generated over 500,000 coaching leads, and banked 50M+ in coaching sales for clients with my ad campaigns.

Also, you get advice from a someone who’s helped thousands of Coaches get more clients since 2013.

But wait, I haven’t mentioned the best part…

You get access to a program that shows you how to attract clients sending one, solitary email per day.

No trawling through Facebook groups.

No sleazy DM’s.

No begging for referrals.

And no endless blogging or content creation.

Just one email per day is all it takes to get high paying clients chasing you down.

If that sounds like a program you’re after, then make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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