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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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A divine email marketing lesson

A couple of days ago, The Aussie Hermit was reviewing some emails for a client’s webinar sequence.

Basically, she wanted to know if they did a good job at enticing people to register.

So I opened the google doc.

Read through the emails.

And noticed something was missing…

She hadn’t addressed a huge question the prospect would have about her program.

To give you some context, my client trains people to become yoga teachers for kids.

And what she was missing was an email that addressed the business growth side of things.


There was no email about the different places a kids' yoga teacher could work. Or all the places they could attract clients.

And so I told her (in so many words):

“You need an email that addresses this concern.

You need to tell people that you’re going to show them how to fill their class, or how they can immediately start earning money as a Kids Yoga Teacher the minute they get certified by you.

This is going to be a major question (AKA: objection) on their mind.

If you speak to it, you’ll get a lot more people interested in the webinar.”

This was her response to me a few hours later…

“You are going to laugh I have just got an email from someone on the email list, saying she is loving reading the emails, but where can she teach after the course !!!!!!!
How's that for universal divine timing (and confirmation that Luke knows his stuff :))”

Funny, hey?

And the reason I share this story is to show you:

A) The Aussie Hermit knows his stuff.

At least, when it comes to marketing.

For anything else?


(Just ask Alana. She’ll have a whole list of all the stuff I don’t know)


B) One of the powerful advantages of email is that you can address a different program objection, or question, or concern in a separate email.

In fact…

You can send multiple emails that address one objection from multiple different angles.

This is completely opposite to something like a sales letter or webinar or VSL or 5 day challenge.

In those, you only have time to address a few of your biggest objections. And you certainly can’t hit them from multiple angles.

This makes email powerful because, the more objections you can address, the more sales you’re going to make.

And finally…

C) You can plan your email campaigns around your prospect’s objections/questions.

For example…

One of the ways I teach clients to come up with email ideas in the 15 Minute Client program is to write down every single concern/objection a client might have about their program.

Then from there you simply turn those concerns/objections into emails.

Or better yet…

Turn each one into multiple emails.

That way, with every new daily email you’re addressing more objections and more concerns. And that means with every new email you’re moving closer and closer to the sale.

And once all your prospect’s questions are answered?

Well, then it’s usually not long after that do they buy.

Point is…

Email is a very effective way to move prospect’s over the line because you can hit many objections from many different angles.

With that being said…

In the 15 Minute Client program, I obviously go into a lot more depth on how to do this.

Specifically, I show you how to turn those concerns and objections into entertaining emails using a specific framework.

What you’ll also love about the emails you send is that they don’t come across as though you’re trying to “overcome an objection.”

In fact…
The prospect won’t even know what you’re doing.

They’ll just feel like you’re giving them valuable information.

But the key is… it’ll be information that leads them to purchase your program.

Finally, as mentioned, this is just one of the ways I show you how to send emails that sell.

It’s definitely one of the more powerful strategies.
But inside there are about 25 other ways for you to leverage.

If you want to get clients sending one email per day, then make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:2

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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