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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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Piñata marketing

Back when The Aussie Hermit was but a child hermit, I actually used to get out a little more.

Of course, being a hermit I was playing Nintendo 64 and Playstation a lot of the time.

But there was the odd occasion I'd be invited to other kids’ birthday parties.

And every now and then, at these parties, there’d be a piñata.

(Not sure why as it’s not a tradition here. I guess the parents know that anything that involves whacking and an explosion of lollies is going to be a winner with kids)

And about halfway through the party, all the kids would get together.

We’d take turns putting on the blindfold.

And we’d do our best to hit the crap out of that flying donkey.

The only difference between the way we play the game compared to the way other parts of the world play, is that we Aussies typically use a cricket bat.

At least, I did at the parties I attended.

And that made for a lot of dangerous hitting because crickets bats aren’t the lightest pieces of wood out there.

I distinctly remember a few times where a bat went flying across the backyard into the head of an unsuspecting adult.

And the reason I bring this up is because, as a game, piñata is very forgiving.

You pick up the bat.

Put on the blindfold.

And swing the as many times as you want.

If you miss, it doesn’t matter.

You get another swing.

And another swing.

And another swing until you hit the donkey enough to the point where it explodes.

This means anyone - no matter how uncoordinated - can win at piñata.

This is exactly why The Aussie Hermit loves email compared to other forms of marketing (i.e. funnels).

Email is just like piñata. It’s very forgiving.

You send out an email and if the prospect doesn’t take your offer at the end of it - no problem.

You get to send them another the next day.

And then the next day after that.

And the next day after that etc.

Point is…

With email you get multiple shots at signing the client.

And that means any Coach - no matter how "uncoordinated" with marketing - can win at email.

This is very different from typical guru funnels.

The reason why is, with guru funnels you often only have one swing.

You only have one shot to get it right because there is no follow up mechanism.

If they don’t buy at the end of the webinar or the 5 day challenge or VSL or whatever funnel you’re using to convert them - that’s it. The game is over.

Point is - guru funnels aren’t forgiving at all.

And that means if you want to get results with these funnels - if you want to get clients with only one swing - you have to know how to market and sell.

Something to think about next time you’re gunning for that flying donkey.

With that being said…

If The Aussie Hermit were to compare his 15 Minute Minute Client program to piñata, I’d say it’s like playing the game only with the blindfold off.

That’s because you’re using a system that’s been proven to work for regular Coaches over the past 5 years.

You learn everything you need to send winning emails from day 1 even if you’ve never sent an email before.

Also, you get access to yours-hermity.

Me. Luke Charlton. The Sultan of Sales.

The King of Konversion.

The Grandpoobah of Print.

You get the point.

And that means I hand-hold you through the whole process.

I critique your subject lines.

I review your emails.

I pull apart your offers.

And I do all that *before* you send your emails so you have the best chancing of hitting that flying donkey the first time you swing.

And if you don’t?

No problem.

As mentioned, we get another swing the next day.

And as long as you keep swinging with me by your side, you will get a consistent flow of clients.

If you want a simple system that attracts clients sending just one email per day, make sure to put yourself on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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