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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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Why I sold all my stocks

“When you’re getting stock advice from the cashier,
that’s when you know it’s time to get out of the

- Robert Kiyosaki

At the beginning of this year, The Aussie Hermit sold all of my stocks.

The reason?

Well, when you’ve got record-high corporate buy-backs…

Record low interest rates…

Out of control inflation…

Just 7 companies holding the value of the S&P 500…

The super-rich buying tons of gold…

Weird crypto tokens going up millions of percent overnight…

And random people on Facebook telling you their stock tips…

You know you’re in a bubble of epic proportions.

Further, when you’ve got the IMF and co. doing simulated financial attacks on the banking system, you know it’s going to burst pretty soon.

(They always warn you before they do something big. Ie. they did simulations of a SARS virus just before covid came out.)

Of course, this is not investment advice.

You do what you want with your money.

I’m just a hermit in a hole that reads conspiracy theory forums.

Probably best not listen to me.

But the reason I bring this up is because if you want to make money with stocks the game is very simple…

You buy low and you sell high.

However, as we all know - timing the market (or knowing when to buy low and sell high) is a lot more difficult.

You’ve got to do your research.

You’ve got to read company reports and minute meetings.

You’ve got to run their numbers.


And you do all this because you’re trying to find if the company you want to invest in is undervalued.

Of course, you don’t have to do any of that and you can totally speculate like 50% of the market right now.

But the point is…

There’s a lot more that goes into investing than simply buying low and selling high.

Or another way of saying that is…

There’s a lot more *below the surface* you have to get right before you make the decision to buy or sell.

And the same is true for any investment or money-making activity.

Let’s take email as an example.

Often I’ll get Coaches look at my daily email system and go…

Oh yeh, it’s pretty simple. You just send an email every day with a story and a lesson. I can do that.”

And then when they attempt to model my approach without investing in my program their campaigns capitulate.

The reason why this happens is because there’s more below the surface you have to get right if you want profitable emails.

Telling stories and lessons is just the surface-level system you see.

But that’s not what makes emails convert.

If it were, anyone could just sit down, write a story and a lesson and get clients instantly.

What makes your emails convert is knowing how to tell the right stories and right lessons so that it resonates with a market to the point where that market wants to buy your programs.

AKA: it requires a much deeper approach.

But what does that actually mean?

Well, it means you need to know your prospect inside-out to start with.

You have to research them.

You have to know their frustrations, challenges, wants and desires.

It also means you need to know your product inside-out.

You have to know the features, the benefits, what makes it different and most of all…

It means you need to know how those features, benefits and differences line up with your prospect’s wants and needs.

So just like there’s more to investing in stocks than simply “buying low and selling high,” there’s more to email than just telling stories and lessons.

The good news is, once you know the process of researching your product and your market, and learning how to link the two, it becomes second nature.

Personally, I don’t even think about it anymore.

I don’t go to my client avatar each day and say to myself…

“Ok Aussie Hermit, which frustration and benefit am I going to talk about today?”

It just comes to me automatically as I write because I’ve done the research.

The same will happen for you, too.

But you have to put in the work in the beginning.

Unfortunately, there’s no other way around it.

But once you’ve done that work you really can pump out high-converting emails in just minutes per day without much thought.

With that being said…

Inside The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program, I go into the 3 core areas you need to research before you’ve written one word.

Today I’ve mentioned your “prospect” and your “product.” But there’s one more that’s just as important - particularly if you’re wanting to sell a high-ticket program.

Along with that, I show you how to take that research and put it into a simple framework that produces emails that entertain, educate and of course - sell.

And as mentioned…

Once you know the process you can get these emails done quite quickly each day.


I also show you how to build your list with quality leads using paid ads (kind of important if you’re going to be emailing).

So all you have to do to get clients is keep the ads running on autopilot in the background, plus send out your daily email.

If that sounds like a system you need, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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