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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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The Aussie Hermit pulls out a Christmas gift from his fat sack

It’s Christmas.

And that means it’s that time of year for The Aussie Hermit to put on my red stockings. Crawl out of the hermit hole. Reach into my fat sack. And bestow a business growth gift upon the hoard of Coaches congregating at the foot of my cave.

What shall I bless you with this year?

12 scripts for closing?

11 ads for scaling?

5 gol-den offersssss?

Ho ho ho no!

This year I’m going to pull out one simple tip to expand your business over the next 12 months.

And by “simple” I mean so simple you probably won’t think it’s a gift at all.

You may even think your time was better spent reading bon bon jokes to an empty room.

That’s OK.

The Hermit is not offended.

For I know that it is valuable for the Coach who takes time to think about, but more importantly *apply* this one tip.

For that Coach is going to have a business that soars faster than Santa’s blood alcohol level on Christmas night, after drinking all the beer left out for him by us Aussies.

Anyway, so what’s the one tip?


Just say “no.”

That’s right - say no.

If you want to get to your goals in the shortest time possible, you’ve got to get good at saying no.

Here’s why…

One of the biggest mistakes The Aussie Hermit has made over years is saying “yes” to too many things.

I said “yes” to achieving multiple goals in a year…

I said “yes” to adding a ton of “to-dos” on my list that didn’t need to be there…

I said “yes” to starting new ventures with partners…

I said “yes” to new marketing methods, content strategies, and interviews…

And all that got me was a lot of overwhelm but barely any results.

So what I learned is that one of the most powerful skills you can develop is the ability to say no.

Say “no” to all your goals this coming year except ONE…

Say “no” to all of your to-dos (except those you absolutely need for your #1 goal)…

Say “no” to new marketing strategies until you have at least one working…


The point is…

By saying no and only focusing on the very *few* things that will get you to your number one goal, you’ll get there much faster.

The funny thing is, it sounds easy. But it’s not.

It really is a skill you have to develop.


There are many things The Aussie Hermit would love to achieve next year.

I’d love to do a music program.

I’d love to launch an ecommerce product I’ve created.

I’d love to restore this car I want to buy.

But I know if I try to do all that next year I’m just going to get bogged down.

Instead, I have one goal next year.

It’s a specific revenue goal I want to hit with my 15 Minute Client program.

And everything I do has to move me toward that goal.

Nothing goes on my to-do list that isn’t absolutely necessary.

If it’s redundant or a “nice to have” to-do, it gets deleted.

Only this type of focus will help you achieve at the highest level.


The other great thing about deleting to-dos is that it feels amazing.

Go ahead.

Do it right now.

Go through each of your to-dos and ask yourself:

“Do I *really* need this to get me to my #1 goal?”

If you don’t absolutely need it - cross it out.

Delete it.

Get rid of it - and notice how good it feels.

A weight gets lifted off your shoulders instantly.

The other day I did this with a huge action-item on my to0do list.

I thought I needed to write this gigantic autoresponder sequence to get me to my #1 revenue goal. But I realised I could just keep sending my one email per day and that would get me to where I wanted to go.

So I put a pen through that to-do.

I scratched it out.


And you know what?

It felt amazing.

So go ahead. Try it.

See for yourself.

Erase those to-dos right now and see how good it feels.

Finally, I’ll end this Christmas email with a story about 2 billionaires.

One is named Warrant Buffet. The other, Bill Gates.

In early July 1991, Bill Gates’ father invited some guests over for dinner.

These guests included his son, Warren Buffet and other successful entrepreneurs.

During the dinner Bill Gates’ mother asked the group of successful men…

“What factor do you feel has been the most important in getting to where you’ve gotten in life?”

Buffett and Gates replied at the same time, “Focus.”

So there you have it.

The key to a high level of success is focus.

And the key to focus is your ability to say no.

With that being said…

I hope you have a Merry Christmas!

And if you're looking for one simple client attraction system to fill your sack next year, make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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