Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free
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Eternal business lessons of the Bible
If you’re looking for a book that teaches proven, time-tested principles to market your business and become a wildly successful Coach, there’s probably none better than the Bible.
There are literally thousands of lessons inside.
And the cool part is, you don’t even have to be a follower of Jesus to benefit from them.
It’s true!
(Although, being a follower of Jesus certainly does have some other great benefits you might want to check out. Eternal life? Anyone?)
And what The Aussie Hermit particularly likes about a lot of these lessons is they’re not anything new.
Some are even a bit boring.
And the reason I like that is because it’s these boring “I’ve heard it before” lessons that are almost always the thing we need to do to succeed.
They are proven “truths.”
And I also like them because most people aren’t implementing these boring truths. And so if you can you’ll be far ahead of everyone else.
A good example of that is the lessons within “The Book of Proverbs.”
The lessons inside aren’t particularly new.
They’ve been around for thousands of years.
You’ve probably even heard many of them before in one form or another.
But are you implementing them?
That’s the question.
Let The Aussie Hermit show you one of these boring truths now.
In chapter 10, verse 4 of The Book of Proverbs there comes this quote:
“He who has a slack hand becomes poor, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.”
Now, this is a totally obvious message.
Don’t be a slacker. Instead, be consistent and you’ll reap the benefits - which is absolutely true.
If you’re consistent with your diet - you’ll lose weight.
If you’re consistent with your investing - you’ll gain wealth.
If you’re consistent with your church-going - you’ll gain more connection to Jesus etc.
We know this.
We’ve heard it before.
We know it to be true.
It’s boring.
But here’s the thing…
How many of us are actually implementing this truth on a day-to-day basis in our businesses?
I have to tell you…
Over the years The Aussie Hermit has dropped off the daily email bandwagon more than once.
I was slack.
I was inconsistent with my emailing.
Sometimes I (gasp!) even took months off at a time.
And you know what happened?
My income went wayyy down.
But you know what happened when I wrote my list an email every day?
My income went wayyy up (and continues to go up!).
So there has always been direct correlation between my consistency and my being a slack-arse.
The same will be true for you, too.
If you’re consistent in your marketing efforts, you’ll reap the benefits.
Now, that doesn’t mean you do the same thing every day even if it’s not working for you.
For example…
Maybe you’ve been trying every day for months to get a complicated guru funnel to work (i.e. a webinar funnel or tripwire funnel), but it’s just not converting.
If that’s the case, there’s no point continuing to bang your head against a wall.
It might be time to put your time and consistency in something else.
Personally, The Aussie Hermit likes email.
In order to reap the benefits of Proverb 10:4 I know I simply have to:
A) Consistently build my list each day with paid ads, and…
B) Consistently email that list each day with value and an offer to work with me.
I know if I do that, I’ll continue to fill my business with clients.
Sure, this isn’t the newest approach out there.
And it’s definitely not the sexiest.
But you know what?
When you have an offer people want, it works really (really) well.
With that being said…
If you’d like a simple approach you can stay consistent with then maybe The Aussie Hermit’s “15 Minute Client” program is what you’re after?
Inside, I show you how to build your list with quality leads using paid ads and a simple lead magnet.
Then, along with that, I show you how to send a client-getting email to that list each day in about 15-30 minutes.
That includes coming up with the email idea, putting it down on paper (AKA: your word processor), and getting it sent out.
To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free
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