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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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Email list booty calls

The Aussie Hermit doesn’t know about you, but this past Black Friday I got a ton of marketing messages.

I got direct mail promotions…

I got emails promotions…

And I got a crap ton of text promotions, too.

The funny thing is, almost all the companies I got a promotion from had never reached out to me before.

This was literally the first time they decided to pitch me.

And that makes The Aussie Hermit happy… but also sad 🙁

Happy because it allowed me to unsubscribe from a bunch of lists I didn’t know I was on.

But sad because - had they engaged me to consult them with their marketing follow up I would have told them…

"Sending promotions out of the blue is a good way to p$$$ off a lot of people.

Also, it’s a dumb way to grow your business."

The reason?

Well, if the only time you decide to send people a message is when you have a special promotion, your list is quickly going to tune you out.

(Either through unsubscribing or just ignoring your emails)

And that’s dumb because your email list is literally the most profitable business asset you have.

It’s not something you get sales from every now and then. It’s something you get sales from every week (if you know what you’re doing).

Coaches fall into this same problem all the time.

Very often when I talk to a Coach about their email follow up, their campaigns revolve around one thing…

Doing a special discount promotion.

They know urgency/scarcity works and so they use (abuse?) it as much as possible.
For example…

Each month they’ll come up with a special offer for their program/course/membership, they’ll pitch that offer for a few days (usually it doesn’t work too well), and then they stop emailing.

After that failed promotion they’ll sit around for another month (without sending many emails) brainstorming another special discount offer.

Then they’ll pitch that one for another 4 days to gin up more sales - and the cycle goes on.

This is not a good way to run your business.

If your list only hears from you once in a blue moon when you have a special deal going on, they’re quickly going to tune out.

Instead, what you want to do is the opposite of all the desperate "promote on Black Friday only" companies that are focused on "take take take" or "sell sell sell."

And that is…

You want to focus on the relationship in the first instance.

It sounds simple (and it is).

But if you simply focus on building (and giving to) a relationship before you go straight for the hard close, your business will do much (much) better.

It’s kind of like when you get DM’d by an old friend on Facebook that you haven’t heard from in ages, and the first thing they do is ask you for a favour.

They don’t connect.

They don’t ask how you’re doing.

They just pitch.

It’s annoying as (you know what).

However, when an old friend connects with you and they genuinely want to know how you’re doing (and maybe they even invite you for a drink), then we’re much more open to doing them a favour when they eventually ask.

It works the same with email.

You focus on the relationship first by sending regular communications. By giving value. By helping them with their current problem.

Then, when the time comes, they’ll not only be happy to hear your pitch - they will want to receive it.

We need to stop treating our email list like a "booty call" that we go to when we need something.

We’re talking about real people here.

And real people want connection. And they especially want a relationship with the Coach they’re going to be spending thousands of dollars with.

Focus on the building the relationship and watch your promotions soar.

With that being said…

The best way to build a strong relationship with your list is to show up each day.

You want to send consistent emails that entertain and add value.

This is exactly what I show you how to do in The 15 Minute Client program.

From coming up with tons of email ideas every week, to crafting subject lines, to editing your emails - it’s all in there and it’s all step-by-step.

Along with that, I show you how to sell in every email (without annoying your subscribers).

Further, I show you how to build your list with quality leads using paid ads.

That way, the only thing you have to do to attract clients is send one daily email.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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