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42 conspiracy theories that’ll make your head spin
In celebration Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial starting this week, The Aussie Hermit has decided to share a list of some of the "conspiracy theories" I’ve come across over the last few years.
This should be for some fun reading.
However, just before I do, I have to add this context:
Just because I list them below, doesn’t mean I believe them.
As mentioned, it’s just some things floating around out there.
If you can’t handle a little fun reading through some of these (admittedly "very out there") conspiracy theories, then you should stop reading.
Some of these are pretty shocking.
With that being said, here is a list of 42 conspiracy theories that’ll make your head spin:
- The 2020 election was rigged by China, the Democrats and some Republicans to steal the election from Trump…
- Trump new the election was going to be rigged so he put in place a plan called "devolution." This is a military operation to expose the truth about the election, and put in a "continuity of government" plan (run by the military) for when the truth is exposed and the government becomes incapacitated…
- Trump caught them all and has all the information on who stole the election and how they did it (mainly through the Space Force). The reason Trump didn’t expose it right away was for many reasons. Civil war was one of the main one…
- Hillary Clinton is dead. What you’re watching is a clone/body double/actor…
- Joe Biden is dead. What you’re watching is a clone/body double/actor…
- Actor Hillary is going to become president once they kick Biden out…
- Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein served as child traffickers to the world’s elite (these include Obama, Royals, and many of those in Hollywood)…
- The world is not run by our politicians, but by those "behind the curtain" (AKA: the 13 bloodline families)…
- The global financial (fiat) system is being destroyed on purpose through inflation in order to usher us into "The Great Reset" (AKA: a complete central digital economy)…
- Many of those in government (around the world) worship Satan…
- Many of those in government who worship Satan are pedophiles and have sacrificed children…
- The cabal had a "16 year plan" to depopulate at least 80% of the world. Obama was the first 8 years. Hillary was the mop up. They were going to use some of the uranium they sold to Russia, put it in a nuclear bomb, and fire it off the coast of North Korea and blame it on Russia. This would have started a nuclear world war 3...
- 9/11 was an inside job by the CIA…
- John McCain was the head of ISIS…
- John McCain didn't die from cancer. He was put to death for treason/crimes against humanity…
- Michelle Obama is a man…
- Jeffrey Epstein is still alive…
- The elite always had the plan to release the virus and use that to get everyone to take their vaccines…
- The goal of the vaccines/boosters are 1. Make profit for big pharma 2. Make you sick by destroying your immune system so you have to take more drugs from big pharma 3. Inject nano technology to control/track you…
- Many Hollywood celebrities we look up to are part of the satanic cabal. These include Tom Hanks, Ellen, The Rock and more…
- Washington DC is not part of the US. It’s its own sovereign nation with its own laws…
- "City of London" is not part of the UK. It’s its own sovereign nation with its own laws…
- The Vatican is not part of the Italy. It’s its own sovereign nation with its own laws…
- "The United States of America" was a corporation formed to run America like a business superseding the real constitution (see the "Act of 1871"). Recently this was dissolved thanks to Trump and the original constitution has been put back in place...
- The world has been run by a Satanic Cabal for at least 1400 years…
- The mainstream media and all major institutions (health, finance etc) are part of this satanic cable. The top of each corporation was controlled/compromised…
- The satanists stripped some of the most important words from the bible…
- Over hundreds of years they have tortured millions of children in order to harvest adrenochrome. Adrenochrome is an adrenaline type drug the body produces when scared/in a high state of fear. The more you torture, the more potent the drug is…
- The elite have been using our tax money over the last century to build "DUMBS" (Deep Underground Military Bases). This is where they keep/torture a lot of the children. Trump and the US army are destroying (and have destroyed) a lot of these bases. There are thousands of them…
Now for some good news… - What we are watching is the systematic destruction of the satanic cabal…
- A plan has been put in place since the 1960’s to bring them down and it’s all coming to a head over the next couple of years…
- Trump was the face of this movement to expose the deep state/cabal and put certain executive orders in place to destroy them…
- The NSA/Space force have everything on the bad guys…
- John Durham is a big part of this plan to expose their corrupt ways…
- Part of the plan is to let the cabal destroy the economy then transition to a new system that is gold backed (as opposed to a central digital currency)…
- All major currencies will be reevaluated and will be equal to the US dollar…
- We are heading for a "near death civilisation event" to wake people up. Further, we need to let this play out and show people the totalitarian/communist path we were heading down so we never let it happen again…
- Many major countries will go through a reconstitution process. These countries will go back to "common law" (not "maritime law" which we’re on now), which is very similar to US Constitutional Law…
- When we reconstitute there will be no more income tax…
- The army seized 34 quintillion dollars worth of gold from The Vatican…
- The cabal has also been hiding amazing technologies from us. Some include Medbeds (3 types. They will eliminate disease, grow limbs and even make us young again), anti gravity, infinite energy…
- Although everything may feel like it’s heading in the wrong direction at the moment, the future is incredibly bright…
Plus many more.
Crazy, ey?
What’s crazier is that I could easily list off another 100 without much thought.
I haven’t even got to the stuff they do to the children, Aliens, or what’s down in the Arctic.
But that’s for another day in another email.
For now, The Aussie Hermit wants to talk about one more conspiracy theory we Coaches subscribe to that may be most shocking of all. And that is…
We Coaches believe that in order to get clients, we need a "funnel."
Here’s truth:
You don’t need any funnel at all to get clients.
You don’t need a low-ticket book…
You don’t need a webinar…
You don’t need a messenger sequence…
You don’t need a cheap product with up sells and down sells…
You don’t need a 5-day challenge…
You don’t need a Facebook group…
You don’t need any of those things.
Of course, you can have them if you want.
And they can work if you’ve got the time to get all the moving pieces working perfectly together.
But if you’re like The Aussie Hermit, and you just want a simple way to get clients fast, then this is all you really need:
Step 1) Build your list with quality leads, and…
Step 2) Email that list each day with content and an offer to work with you.
And that’s it.
Over the years we’ve come to believe (through guru hype and new tech) that attracting clients requires a complex system.
But those 2 steps are all you need.
Further, I know it can feel weird to let go of this conspiracy theory (especially if you’ve invested hundreds or maybe even thousands of hours trying to make some of these convoluted systems work), but it is possible to have a system that simple.
I’ve done it for years, and so have hundreds of my clients.
With that being said…
Inside my 15 Minute Client, I teach both those steps above in a lot more detail.
From crafting your lead magnet, to launching your list building ad, to emailing your list.
I give you everything you need to see tup a system that has you attracting clients sending one email per day.
To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
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